Garden Plans


My plans for 2024 and more. enjoy πŸ™‚

Hello and welcome back to my channel I’m Aaron and this is my veg batch right today is my first video of this year it’s February it’s miserable outside very cold very wet and I just wanted to sort of do a quick Garden Tour show you where I’m at at the moment talk about

Some of the jobs that I need to do and what the plan is for this year got some exciting stuff going so it should be brilliant got a new camera so hopefully better video quality a new microphone so hopefully better sound quality and hopefully better content quality since

This is my second season right I’ll start by just giving you a quick Garden Tour and then I’ll talk about some of the plans I’ve got so the greenhouse that I built last year well it’s a bit of a mess I um sort of packed up in a bit of a hurry last

Year around October around the time that I uploaded my last video and as you can see everything’s just sort of got chucked in here so the first job that I’ve got to do this year is clean this up because it’s a mess um so one of my

Last videos that I did I was planting these spring cabbages and uh cavalo Nero the cavalo Nero seems to have gone to flower so they’re going to need to come out they’re looking really good actually they um they’re spring cabbages they’ve started to hot up now so come spring should have some spring

Cabbages uh over here I chucked in a load of garlic and I did have some spinach there that I was growing and some beetroots I just need to pull them up they just yeah didn’t Harvest anything from him I mean the spinach might might perk up come spring but one

Of my plans involves moving this bed so probably not um I did plant some onion sets over here we just kind of sat in there all winter and I’m hoping come spring again they will uh finish doing what they’re doing and give me some onions if not spring

Onions uh over here I’ve got some more garlic that I chucked in and um well unfortunately this uh whole area here used to be sort of a natury area that we had and my partner partner a load of bulbs and stuff in there and I didn’t

Realize that I put this bed on top of some bulbs so I have all sorts growing up through here I think that’s daffodils and don’t know what that is but not ideal over here I chucked in some leaks and I mean they’ve not done amazingly but

They’re starting to thicken up a bit uh as the weather’s got a bit warmer so might get a few leaks out of those uh over here I had some more cavero again started flower so probably get rid of those then I’ve got I don’t know if you can even see it because

Because it’s so wet there is some purple spr and broccoli in there they seem to have grown quite a lot over the last few weeks so if I’m lucky I’ll get some purple Sprat and broccoli out of there and I think that’s about it for the uh for the vegetables that are in

There at the moment I haven’t really gotten awful lot in the little um my bus shelter as my partner calls it it does look like a bus shelter to be fair um I’ve got some peas that I chucked in I’m going to Chuck a few more in there and

So it more densely but just for some early peas yeah that’s pretty much it that’s all that’s really going on currently but now the plans So the plan is to clear this out and turn it into a potting shed so I’m going to put some shelving along

Here and that’s where I’m going to do all my seedlings and then again along here and then I’ve got the bench behind there to put up on and I can grow my seedlings in here now why would I be giving up my Greenhouse space because because I have purchased a

Poly tunnel so where am I going to fit a poly tunnel well that’s the next issue So the plan for the poly tunnel is it will go here which means I’m going to have to move these beds but then where are these beds going to go well I was uh lucky

Enough to be able to steal a little bit more of the garden so the first job that I’ve got to do out here will be to move this fence over by about a meter and then I’m going to have to move this bed over to the edge of the fence these two

Beds will go along the edge of that fence as well so I’ll have one two three beds there two beds there and the the tall one over there I might even stick another bed because I’ll uh because this will be moving forward I might even stick another bed there

So I’m going to have more than enough growing space plus inside the poly tunnel I’m going to build a long bed either side and all the way around like on a horseshoe and what am I going to plant in there well I’ve got quite a lot going

On in the house at the moment let’s have a look could cause arguments later on when they’re all quite big plants but uh for now I’m all right and they’re in there and uh got heat mats and lights and all that exciting stuff so should be getting

Plenty of things going I’ve even got like my partners wants to grow loads of flowers we’ve got lots of flower seeds on the go so yeah that’s the plan lots to do got currently loads of boxes sitting in the hallway so got to move those soon so I’m hoping once the

Weather gets a little bit better I can start by moving that fence the pathways I’ve put I put cardboard box down and wood chip and the grass has just gone straight through it so I am going to um I’m going to we control control membrane those uh the plastic stuff I’m going to

Have that on all the paths and then I might would chip it again but I’m happy just to have plastic paths I don’t care really as long as I can get between the beds I don’t mind too much but yeah that’s it I’ve got lots of exciting jobs

To do and just got to wait for the weather to get a bit better I’m getting a bit a bit antsy waiting I had this week off had this week off that’s why this paint in my hair by the way I haven’t got weird highlights that’s paint I was

Painting the bathroom but I decided to come out here and just make a video and see how it gets on so apologies if it’s not the most coherent or perfect video it’s my first video this year and really like you to follow along this year because it’s going to be you know come

Sort of June July height of the growing season it’s going to be good it’s there’s going to be a lot going on in here and I’ll make videos obviously following along doing all the different things I do moving the fence building the poly tunnel it’s a it’s a blowa away

It is a Blow Away Pony subtle but I have got things in place to uh support it plus down the bottom of the garden here we’ve got the Hedge behind it’s not too bad for wind uh up the top it gets gets hammered but down here I mean I’ve got

I’ve got that little poly tunnel thing down here and for all these storms that’s been absolutely fine so I might build it to get blown away but you’ll have to come back and watch and find out anyway have a great growing season and see you soon


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