
houseplantjournal: Did you hear about the person who watered and cared for a plant for 2 years, whi…

Did you hear about the person who watered and cared for a plant for 2 years, which turned out to be fake?

That story went viral but if the plant had been real, here’s what would have happened:

She waters the plant everyday and in three weeks, all the leaves turned to brown mush. Dead.

She gets a new plant and this time learns to wait until the soil dries out completely before watering. After 6 months the succulent gets leggy. She’s told it’s etiolated and needs more sun even though it’s on her sunniest windowsill. Not cute anymore.

Here’s the thing – what if she knew exactly how the plant would grow in her environmental conditions instead of blaming herself for not doing “proper care”? What if she accepted leaf loss and propagation as part of the life cycle of owning a succulent? Would it even make sense to be sad about loss of cuteness? That’s like being sad your dog isn’t a puppy anymore…look for value in the journey, not the fleeting perfection.
#houseplantjournal #houseplants #plants #succulents #echeveria #plantobsession #plantparenthood #greenthumb #plantwisdom #wisewords #wisewordsoftheday #houseplantcare #balance #perfectionism #growing

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