Gardening Trends

Lowes Big Box Plant Shopping Huge Clearance Section Houseplant Haul

In this video, I take you along with me to shop house plants at Lowe’s garden center. Tons of great clearance plants!

*As an Amazon Associate, I may profit from some purchases using the links below.
MARPHYL Organic Liquid Fertilizer – Outdoor & Indoor Plant Food:
Pest Control:
Organic insecticidal spray
Insecticidal refills:
SBonide Systemic Houseplant Insect Control, 8 oz:

MARPHYL Organic Liquid Fertilizer – Outdoor & Indoor Plant Food:
Soil Moisture Meter:
Metal shelves in plant room :
8″ Self Watering Pots with Meter
4″ Self Watering Pots
Self watering pots with wicks:
Plant pole:
Heat Mat:
Mars Hydro Grow Tent:
Vivosun Dimmable Grow Light:
Mars Hydro Grow Light:
14X24 Wire Rack:
Clip on grow light
Black Nursery Pot Trays:
Square Nursery Pots:
Seedling Starter Kit:
Coco Peat Disks:

Sphagnum Moss
Thin Moss Sticks
Miracle Gro Fertilizer
Zerowater Pitcher
Heat Mat:
Lazy Susan

Mini Garden Tools.
White 7″ self watering pots
For Fungus Gnats & Other Pests:
Vermis Terra Worm Castings:
Coconut Coir Mounting Poles:
Soil Moisture Meter:
#houseplants #peggysplants #blackyoutube

Hello and welcome to Peggy’s plants coming to you from Central Florida today I’d like to take you along with me to Lowe’s to check out the Garden Center and see what there is to see I hear there’s lots of clearance so you know that’s my favorite thing so here we are

First thing I noticed was this LED grow house for $75 never seen that before in here and look at this nice pot of alocasia very nice and Light in the pot as well and it is from live Trends uh let’s see how much it is

$25 very nice nice full pot it used to be that um you kind of had to follow Costa Farms trending Tropicals to find all the so-called hard-to find plants and things like that but now as you can see a lot of the other companies are in on the action look at this

Amazonica absolutely beautiful and let’s see who this is this is um put out by Urban Jungle is the grower all of the pots which I’m loving oh my goodness look at this D from bakia and again in a cute little pot from live Trends and $25 very nice I’m really loving the pots

That are Urban Jungle is um putting these plants in of course if you don’t need the pot I would definitely recommend you know going and finding these plants in a nursery pot it would be a lot cheaper but $14 for a nice gift for someone or to

Put on your office desk or at home very nice and I think it’s a great deal because you would easily expect to spend $10 for these pots Alone look at this crocodile Fern very nice again Urban Jungle for $23 very nice so um some syoni let’s see if there’s anything else interesting

Over here that we don’t always see look at this hanging pot of mangula poos um this plant is becoming more common in the big box stores um but you don’t find it all the time $17 for a nice hanging pot of manula poos very nice I would grab this if I didn’t

Already have one and over here this is a nice looking D and bakia how much is this this one is $13 see not in the outer cash po the decorative pot much cheaper but very nice very nice is there anything else here that is not something that’s

Typically here we got some syoni draina little bit of everything these are the smaller plants that you can use in terrariums and things like that and then some that are just a little larger here is is a hoya babata and um don’t find Hoya all the

Time they’re here every now and then um you see a nice pot of Hoya that one is $20 and oh look at this F of dendr Brazil this is a nice looking little plant very nice and you don’t see it all the time again becoming more common and

Looking up here there’s several pots of well Lots many many pots of um very nice monstera add andoni and $15 these are from Nature’s Way moving on um yeah just a lot of a little of everything um today not a lot of things we don’t see I’m loving this display with the

Fountain though okay moving on I digress again more of the pots from um Urban Jungle this Trio star over here nice size let’s see these are all $23 nice clay pots um which brings us to my favorite part of Lowe’s is the clearance section look at these fiddly figs nice and

Big oh wow I would love to take this home but I have no place for it normally $99 so $100 so this one would be 50% off so that big FD fiddly fig would be $50 lots of um outdoor flowering plants this is normally where I get mine most

Of my plants from my landscaping and stuff come from the clearance section look at these colus I love these ready to fill pots you just drop them into a pot and you’ve got a nice seasonal display mind you all of these um that we’re looking at now are 50% off so

Excellent deals on some plants lots of outdoor stuff and look at this even some vegetables for people who have their vegetable gardens going um my son is actually doing a vegetable garden I have friends who are doing vegetable gardens so oh my goodness look at the bromes you know I love

Broads yeah I’m feeling like some of these need to go home with me today and they are 50% off as well wow lots of flowering plants I don’t um do a lot of plants outside in terms of flowering plants and stuff but you know I love my broads I

Count on them for color in my garden I lost a lot of them when I left um mooved from my house in the keys so at 50% off and look at these Costa Farm trending Tropicals plants these are all 50% off so you get the ceramic pot and the hardto find plant for

$10 more vegetables lots and lots and lots of flowering outdoor plants don’t know the name of cuz you know that’s just not really my thing some roses lots of knockout roses and these are 50% % off as well over here we have some monstera deliciosas nice

Size wow 50% off excellent nice finra on these very nice and again lots and lots of vegetables the tag says this is Pigeon red kale never even heard of it but it’s actually a very attractive plant I love the red and the green but um be a great time to start a garden

Some antheriums a big pot of antherium usually $35 including the pot nice arrangement, 1750 it’s 50% off there’s several of those as well look at these airplants with the little squirrels this is really cute um if you had a friend that is really into airplants or something or

You want a little something on your desk this would be really cute I don’t know that I’d $8 for it but for $4 yeah I’d go for it and let’s see what we have over here more antherium um more Brads out of the clearance section the

Cyclan are so pretty I love the foliage on these they’re only $648 and the flowers are so pretty I’ve done these before and yeah it was I didn’t do well with these for for some reason I could not keep this plant alive so I won’t get these I see them on

Clearance a lot I don’t pick them up because they’re just pretty and I don’t want to kill them so I’ll leave them for the people who know what to do with them moving on some birds of paradise let’s see here’s some snake plants the price of snake plants like a lot of plants

Have just been all over the map let’s see these are $17 not bad they’re a nice size but I think you could probably be it lots of hanging pots of posos these marble Queens are beautiful look back here this is a jungle Cactus I love

These I have a few of them uh different varieties I just leave them outside year round they bloom and everything very easy growing plant and definitely not something you see every day in the big box stores um very nice lots of hanging pots here we go um several hanging pots of

Skin dapsis love a good skin dapsis these look like our Gras I believe and um Lots in the pot I’m loving my skin dapsis lately and um I had a little learning curve with them but now we’re on the same page and I absolutely love these believe it or not I managed to

Maintain some self-control but I did buy some things this is what I bought of course I picked up some Brom milads if you’ve been following me for any time you know I love my Brom milads and these are usually $15 a piece and I was able

To get them for $7 each I don’t think I’ve ever purchased you know really nice Brom milads on clearance before I mean these are in perfect condition there’s nothing wrong with them at all so I have these for right now they’re just sitting in this pot

But what my intention is is to add them to the Brom milads that I mounted on a tree in my front yard I don’t know if I’ll add them to this same tree or if I will Mount them on another but I’m really loving the look of this they

Attached nicely and I want to add some more varieties to you know add some different colors so I was very happy to pick up those brooms so that’s it thanks for watching watching hope to see you next time bye-bye


  1. I enjoyed this video very much. I would love to know how you were able to get your bromeliads around the tree. I’m also in central Florida and would love to be able to do that. Thanks again for the video.

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