Garden Plans

summer garden plans & raised bed clean up ๐ŸŒฑ gardening vlog

Join me as I spend a beautiful day walking through garden plans and clearing my potato and asparagus raised beds for the spring and summer garden!

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Hello sweet friends and welcome back to silverhawk farm if you don’t know me my name is Bri and together with my husband and two sons I’m working to turn our 4 acres into a thriving regenerative Farm I am so excited to be in the Garden today it is like 68ยฐ it is unseasonably

Warm for February and I decided to take advantage of the wonderful weather and get some Garden cleaning done which we have an excessive amount to do I tend to be so tired at the end of the season that I don’t get my old plants out before it gets cold so this is usually

An early spring thing for me so I still need to pull out my tomatoes my Peppers all the things that lasted until our last frost are still hanging out on the trellises back here so I’m going to be pulling a lot of plants I’m going to be

Pulling any of the weeds that have started to come come up as as we’ve had some warmer weather the last few weeks and I’m going to be probably removing some of these green tie-ups that I use on the trellises though that’s such an easy and obvious thing to do that I’m

Thinking about saving that for my oldest son to do for a chore cuz I think he might actually enjoy that we are in my rais bed garden today which is one of three Garden spaces that I’m attempting this year I might look back on that statement later this year and

Laugh maniacally they all failed or because I gave up on two of them that tends to happen but my plan right now is to maintain the raised bed garden so basically I have eight beds that are just behind me and I’ll walk around and show those a little bit there’s a bee

Hello my friend you need to go back to sleep baby it’s going to be cold again go back to sleep it’s not time yet sorry honeybee distraction so the front beds here right next to me are 8T X 4T and then between each of those we have this

Arched cattle panel trellis which is just TST and cattle panel stretched over it and then we have the other TST cattle panels in the back that are just straight which is where I grow my tomatoes and I I guess I’ve grown a couple other things on them that like to

Go up but primarily that’s my tomato spot the back beds are 16 ft I believe on the longer beds and then 12 on the shorter middle beds the reason that those are shorter is I’m planning on building a little Pavilion in between them so that’ll give a little bit more

Space for the middle and I’m hoping to have like a a nice little sitting area as well as like that’s going to be where I keep my potted plants and anything that I’m attempting to grow in pots just so I have everything that I’m watering all in one place so today I’m only

Working here in the rais bed garden but my plan for the next two areas is to clean up this absolute disaster that I never show on camera but we got to clean it up so so this monstrosity was my plan for a perennial garden that got away

From me and basically I wasn’t able to maintain keeping it weeded all of the things that I tried to use for like Mulch and keeping weeds down failed miserably and then eventually it just I just gave it over to the weeds so what I’m going to be doing is I’m actually

Going to be using a silage tarp that I got to cover this whole area over the summer and that’ll help basically bake the seeds that are underneath it because I have a lot of weed seeds in here that I don’t want spreading to my garden I

Don’t want to have to fight with them in the same space this is a nice space that’s adjacent to my garden so I don’t want to mess with that so I’m going to be silage tarping that here soon once I have the silage tarp on this area I’m

Actually going to keep it there probably for most of the summer to enable all of these seeds to be very taken care of cuz we don’t want a lot of weed seeds and then I think that’ll probably end up being our fall Garden space and then I’m

Still kind of deciding where I want to put my secondary summer garden so we’re going to walk out and figure it out together so this is just behind my garden here um if you look my Garden’s here I am in the field just next to it

We have this whole field all the way back to kind of the shelter belt area there and a lot of this is mostly un utilized we have been mowing it the last season or two but I’m thinking either adjacent to the monstrosity over here which will be its own

Garden either right here in the field or putting it way back here which would be a little bit more in line with the raised bed garden which could be nice aesthetically it’s got a little it’s got fairly good privacy but I also think I want to do a fair amount of corn and

Sunflowers this year so part of me wants to just see how much work I can get out of that silage tarp and just like get as much of this field planted as possible and see how it goes at least with those tall things that you maybe don’t necessarily have to keep weeded really

Well in order to have those plants survive so there are a few perennials still along this area my grape Vines are doing well we have some raspberries along there we’re unfortunately going to be sacrificing some second or third-year strawberries in this mess because honestly they’re too far gone it would

Be entire ly too much work to hand weed in order to reserve those few plants so that makes me sad but I’m hoping a little bit will maybe survive we’ll see and then I think I have some blueberry bushes over here truth be told they haven’t produced yet and I need to wait

For the leaves to come on cuz my husband did hit one of them with a lawn mower and I don’t know if the thing that grew back is the blueberry bush or a tree um because it hasn’t leaved yet leafed yet so I’m waiting for that to produce some

Leaves so I can figure out what it is and if I need to cut it down all right so I’ve got some gloves I’ve got some tools I have my sort of regular sort of sharp garden hoe I have this claw guy that’s the technical name and then just

Some fairly Rusty should probably be cleaned things but I’m mostly working with dead stuff today so I’m forgiving myself for not cleaning that first and basically I’m just going to be pulling as much as I can and making as much progress as I can until I get hungry and

Need to go make dinner right so like I mentioned we do have a ton of work to do all across the garden I’ve decided I’m going to go ahead and start with this bed because I very last moment just decided that I’m going to fill this bed with potatoes it’s across from where

I’ve had the potatoes in the past I think that might help with some crop rotation type of things it’s a bed that hasn’t always done super well for me and I wonder if that might be due to compact soil which will lead to smaller potatoes but might help decompact the soil a

Little bit so I’m going to try that so I’m going to be clearing this 4T X 8T bed first I’ll see if I can get anything else done today but if I get that accomplished today I’ll be happy with it all right I ran inside to get a hat

And a drink and when I came back out to get to work I noticed this little spot here which is volunteer garlic I had this as my garlic bed I think the first year maybe the first two years we were here and every once in a while we get

Some pop up that somehow manage to live through whatever so I can tell that this is volunteer garlic because it looks familiar to me as like a an early garlic plant it smells like garlic once it smells like garlic I feel comfortable tasting it tastes like

Garlic and so this is what happens one entire bulb or bulbs get missed because that’s a lot of different garlic plants so it’s going to be too compact to too much but honestly gives me hope I I had some garlic that I didn’t get around to planting and I

Think I might try throwing it in the ground because honestly these guys look pretty happy and worst case scenario I end up with garlic that’s smaller than what I would like so I’m going to leave this guy alone but if you grew garlic last year and you don’t know what it

Looks like when it volunteers this is it so I’m going to get back to work but I thought that that was a fun little tip for y’all so we’re going to keep the garlic guy here and the rest of this will be potatoes which will work out really well because they

Both are things that disturb the roots when you’re digging them up and so having them in the same bed won’t Conflict at all so the potato bed is completely ready which is very exciting I’m going to be planting it next month in March because my mom told me to plant potatoes on St

Patrick’s Day because her mom told her to plant potatoes on St Patrick’s Day so we plant potatoes on St Patrick’s Day so I’m very happy to have that prepped the next thing after the potatoes that’s a little bit more time urgent is clearing the this asparagus bed there’s actually

Some weeds that cropped up but there’s quite a few like of the dried asparagus tops they actually have ridiculously Deep Roots so you can be a little bit less careful with this than other perennials so the next thing that’s a little bit time sensitive is this asparagus bed it’s going to be cropping

Up here soon and I want to be able to differentiate what is asparagus and what is weed because I definitely don’t want to disturb the asparagus Roots by pulling it out I learned that because I accidentally pulled all of my strawberry plants out of this bed last year cuz I

Forgot there were strawberries here and uh yeah that didn’t work out asparagus thankfully has very deep roots so I am mostly going to be grabbing things out in the same way but I’m going to be a little bit more gentle so I’m not pulling out the roots of my asparagus

Plants that will probably be cropping up here in the next few weeks and then hopefully as it’s springing up I can keep up with the weeds before they get away from me like these guys did all right friends it is many minutes of parenting later and I am losing light

I’m using these kitchen shears because they are very clean they are literally out of my kitchen unlike my other shears I am going to be cutting them basically just at the soil point so that any of the roots of the asparagus aren’t bothered and also just to cut away any

Dead growth that like has accumulated and could prevent the very small brouts from getting Sun so it’s not super obvious but these right here are actually just little roots from the asparagus I’m only going to be cutting them at the surface so that any asparagus that comes up is not competing

With them for daylight and unlike the weeds that I’m cutting away that have seeds in them I’m actually not going to do anything at all about getting them out of the bed actually I love that they’re in the bed and providing the nutrients back to the garden bed all right all right friends

I’m losing light but we got so much work done today we have this asparagus bed completely prepped for the asparagus to come up and the exciting thing that I have not mentioned up until this point is that this is going to be my first year harvesting asparagus for eating

Because I’ve been letting it grow every year since the first spring we moved here so look forward to that I’m definitely going to be making a whole video about asparagus and how much I love it it takes a long time to seed so if you are early on your gardening journey and

Even if you aren’t going to be staying if there’s any place you can put asparagus do it cuz it grows easy but it takes a long time to harvest so it’s my hope that in about a month I’m going to be able to harvest some asparagus

Directly from my garden and cook it for the very first time so I’m really looking forward to that be sure to subscribe so you can see the moment cuz I’m definitely going to be recording it and recording what sorts of wonderful things I make with this food that I

Started around really long time ago but it’s been really easy to grow and also asparagus is beautiful when it’s fully branched out so it’s kind of ornamental in the years before it’s productive if you’re wondering about asparagus and you don’t know if you have space for it

Throw it somewhere you think that like a giant Fern would be pretty and like it’ll impress you and like maybe eventually you’ll get asparagus but I’ve been hanging out in my garden all day and there’s a lot of other stuff I need to do so I’m going to call it on these

Two beautifully cleaned raised beds I’ll see you really soon and in the meantime I hope that you treat yourself to something delicious okay bye we have this asparagus why can’t I say asparagus bed asparagus bed aspar asparagus bed asparagus bed asparagus bed asparagus bed asparagus bed okay we’re good

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