Front Yard Garden

50 Backyard Remodel Ideas

Are you thinking about remodeling your back yard? Here are 50 different patios covering a wide range of materials and costs. These videos were shot in San Diego, California. This video has;
13 – Concrete Patios
14 – Paver Patios
7 – Flagstone Patios
3 – Wood or Synthetic Decks
9 – Tile Patios and
4 – Decomposed Granite Patios

Looking for more patio ideas? Check out these books;

Here are some links to the products in this video;


Concrete Colors


Video by Doug Kalal, Great Gardens Landscape Design

2 Minute Gardener #480

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Hello again this is Doug The 2minute Gardener are you thinking about remodeling your backyard and you’re looking for some ideas about different patios and what things cost this is the video for you so I’m going to show you 50 different patios that I’ve done over the years and talk about the different

Options and things that they cost so does your backyard look like this where you have kind of a blank Spate some dirt you kind of a house you just moved into and you’re looking for different ideas well let’s get cracken first up is concrete so concrete costs about $8 to

$15 a square foot to install now all the prices you’re going to see in this video do not include the demolishing of whatever might be there this is just if you have scraped bare dirt what’s it cost to install it so concrete basic plain gray conrete no interesting

Finishes or anything like that it’s going to be about $8 or $99 a square foot depending on where you live live in America um the differences result from how complex are the forms like for example this one is a perfect circle this one has some interesting color into

The concrete this one we actually did a tile trim so that kind of bumped it up to that $15 a square foot but in general of the four different types of Hardscape you can use for a patio concrete’s going to be the least expensive now the other

Thing that kind of kicks the cost up a little bit is do you have intricate Expansion Joints on it so those little joints that you have to have in concrete they can drive the cost up as well and is in this case that’s a Davis Color called Palamino really beautiful when

You start getting into colored concrete again that’s where you edge up closer to the $15 a square foot next let’s jump to the most expensive which is Flagstone so there’s two different kinds of Flagstone there’s thin flagstone the stuff that’s less than an inch thick and then there’s

The thicker stuff the stuff that’s 1 to 2 in this is a 1 to 2 in patio set with a compacted and stabilized decomposed Granite it’s very nice and hard what makes flagstone so expensive is that it is very labor intensive these are heavy heavy pieces this one we did set on

Concrete with mortar joints now you can also do flagstone set with pebbles you have to use an epoxy sealer to keep those Pebbles really rock solid in place but it’s a really cool look as well you can even do flagstone with daia or creeping th other types of fun products

As well but in general most people use the thicker flagstone set on a base or the thinner flagstone set on concrete and what makes it expensive is Flagstone is inherently an uneven product so it’s going to kind of wobble a little bit if you don’t take the time

And allow lot of Labor to get it perfectly flat and do a little bit of sanding as well so again so it looks great especially when you have kind of a rustic setting and yes this was a wedding um that they set up on their btio that we hurriedly did to get it

Done in time for the wedding but it’s a really beautiful product notice all the different color variations there are a lot of different colors of Flagstone and that’s one of the reasons it’s really in in uh attractive to people all right so would or synthetic now usually these are

For decks um most of the time you just have a deck that’s say under 2 feet tall you just want to raise it up either to see the patio um and play area a little better like we did in this backyard or you’re trying to raise it up even higher

To wrap it around a Jacuzzi for example and the nice thing about having a synthetic and this is a synthetic deck for the jacuzzi uh this is a TimberTech is that it because it’s synthetic it won’t get get damaged by all that water all right moving on to my personal favorite

Material for patios which are pavers now the reason that I love pavers is as you saw with that price it’s only a little bit more expensive with concrete about $10 to $20 a square foot but the real reason I love pavers is you get so much variety with the colors and the textures

And it’s just a gorgeous material it’s also a permeable material as you’ve seen in other videos that I’ve done recently on how PS get installed it gets installed on top of a crushed base and then has polymeric sand compacted in all those cracks so they’re nice and stable

But water can still percolate through all those cracks again so many great colors it’s especially great if you’re going to do some kind of stone facade on pillars or barbecues or walls um that really G adds a lot of Pop to it because then you can tie the color of the pavers

Into the color color of those facades this is a beautiful belluard pver um bellu guards are beautiful they’re a little bit more expensive than say RCP or some of the other uh vendors out there by the way make sure to check out the links in the comment section and to

Get more information on all the different vendors there are too many different P vendors to mention them all in this video but I again I love favers because you can still have some curviness to the patios it just requires a little bit more cut which again drives

The price up gets it closer to that $20 a square foot when you’re doing this many Cuts but you can still do a really curvy cool patio like that another thing that I like to do with pavers is that you can also mix the colors of different papers for example

This one this was a brownstone mixed with a grey Stone and it creates a really unique kind of color and it’s the color of the pavers that makes it kind of neat here we tied it into the color of the retaining wall that created that patio and again here’s another example

Of a patio that has a couple of mixed colors so again really beautiful stuff I love doing pavers um for that particular reason here’s another example of a patio we mixed a couple colors in nice raised patio and uh by the way that brings up one more thing when you’re thinking

About doing your padle patio remodel also think about doing the lighting so you want to kind of make sure to add if you can some of those up lights some wall lights some step lights and even those Cafe lights those are always fun to throw a couple of those in as well to

Light up the patio a lot of light for not a lot of cost all right so those are all the pavers lots of great colors so many wonderful wonderful colors next up is probably the least expensive of all the materials that’s decomposed Granite so decompose Granite is basically just a

Crushed rock and it comes in different thickness you can get it really fine like you you see in this one where you have to add the stabilizer but it creates a nice organic looking type of patio or you can also get it crushed where it’s a little bit looser it’s

Going to kind of crunch under your feet not quite as stable for for chairs and uh tables but you can compact it and get that nice look several different colors available again check out the vendors to see what’s out there one of the more beautiful materials to do a patio on is

Tile and there’s lot lots of different tiles there’s porcelain tile there’s Quartzsite tile there’s travertine tile the advantage of tile is for the most part you put it right on top of the concrete so if say you have a concrete patio that’s just ugly looking but not

Cracked but nice and flat you could just cover that with tile so that price I showed you with the 20 to $40 that’s assuming you have to do a brand new concrete pad like we did with this patio this is a front yard patio entry patio

We did a brand new pad for this property and then put these beautiful porcelain pavers right on top same thing with this brand new concrete pad and then we did these quart side papers which had come in so many great colors and they really really pop and you can even do little

Arcs and bends in the patio itself like we did with this one with this really beautiful little Arc in the tile really came out great but there’s also different kinds of patio uh paper um patio tiles you can use to kind of look like the extensions of the inside the

Same tile they use on the inside there’s outdoor versions to make the inside flow with the outside which is what we’re doing in these California rooms so tile is really great it can be pricey bit only because you have to still work in the cost of that $10 a square foot to

Put the concrete down this is some travertine tile really beautiful stuff travertine comes in lots of different colors as well really beautiful nice and hard um both uh with some slip resistance or just really s lick and beautiful you can even do like you see in this one this is travertine tile with

Artificial turf in the seams a really kind of do cool combination this worked out great for around the pool deck um because you wanted a little area where the water could kind of go through the artificial turf so it doesn’t pull up on the tile itself so uh one last thing

About tile I wanted to show you this is taliva tile this is especially popular here in Southern California because it has that Old Mexico look to it um so this is called taliver tile and you can even do little accents ever so often with this special tala tile well that’s

It there’s 50 patio remodel ideas I hope you enjoyed all of that if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit the like button and subscribe to get more of my garden videos until next time this is Doug the two-minute Gardener saying thanks for watching
