Garden Plans

The Benefits of the Garden Guardians – Ladybugs




Too often you hear me talking about folks how to look after your garden and make some home brew recipes whether it’s a fungicide or an insecticide to combat Pest and diseases in your garden well if you’re one of those who practices natural gardening and allows nature to

Take a stronghold of your garden in a good way you’ll find that you will literally not have to make any insecticides or fungicides be it all natural to control any pest or diseases that occur in your garden and if they do they’ll be very minimal to the point

Where even if you had to spray something you’d be thinking why why am I wasting my time doing that and that’s because we’re practicing a natural biodiversity style of gardening which is basically regenerative gardening and that means to look after the soil and everything from there on will look after itself now I’ve

Been around this Garden for a long time and we’ve had some crazy weather and the only thing that really knocks my garden out is the climatic changes or dramatic changes we’re having like now we’ve gone back down to I don’t know might be 14° or something but with a real chill wind

Coming through as well but what I noticed the other days when I came out here cuz I don’t do any spraying by the way and a lot of you ask me whether I do or don’t I basically don’t I don’t spray anything I prune remove discard compost

Mulch and feed that’s it and in the case of my lettuce plants these ones here have bolted thankfully what they’ve done instead is survived extremely and tremendously well on their own with a little bit of water and I I haven’t fed them since I planted them so they’

Really relied on whatever nutrients we had in the planting mix get some of that into your garden trust me you’ll thank me for it but what I also noticed and I was really excited about this and I found this out in the kitchen is ladybugs ladyb birds have you got ladyb

Birds in your garden or ladybugs there’s a little orange red shell uh bugs that walk around and they’ve got black spots on the back as well so they’re very distinctive easy to spot uh and they’re very very beneficial now ladybugs there’s over 5,000 species of them and

It’s hard to say exactly where they originated from but they have been very adaptive in the climatizing to different environments temperatures especially where we are in the colder region but they do kick into gear and do a wonderful job in looking after your garden and they’re very important Little

Creatures because that shows diversity in your garden biodiversity in your garden not diversity just biodiversity which means you’ve got a very eco-friendly sustainable and balanced Garden environment going on in your garden that’s because we practice natural which is the way nature intended and I’m standing over my cos letters

Because when I harvested the cosl letters the other day cut it to the ground took it inside and it took me at least 5 to 10 minutes I think to pick out all the ladybugs in the one plan I thought maybe one or two now if you

Don’t know what they love to eat their diet is aphids scale mites and some soft shell other little grubs as well like Lara from other insects that lay their eggs on your plants and they can eat or consume up to 5,000 aphids in their life cycle how

Long do they live 4 to 8 weeks on average depending on how much food there is there as well and let’s see what’s going on in here that that’s probably telling me there’s a lot of Aid in here but the plants are clean a few bite

Marks and look on the first go I found one already there’s another one just there on the same leaf and as we unpeel it’s like it’s like G the surprise have a look at this can you see them in there I’ve got 1 2 3 4 in there five six folks

Ladybirds are vital for a garden it shows you there’s a balance of an ecosystem going on there because they’re predators of all the pest that affect our Gardens our plants and what they do is they consume them so it helps so it’s important not only in home gardening but

Also in agriculture it’s it shows that the the plants are healthy look at this I’m seriously gone there’s one 2 three four five six s over here just the one plane eight another one in there and every leaf that I pull back you almost guaranteed to find a ladybug maybe not

So deep into the middle of it cuz it’s still fresh they haven’t gone all the way in so in this plane here I reckon we’ve got at least 15 to 20 let me just take one out so you can see her so that’s what they look like

Here’s another one here just coming up to surface and they love to hunt if you got these in your garden well you know that Nature’s taking care of all the pests in your garden that will do a wonderful job in controlling those apids especially on your broccolis and cauliflowers and the important thing

About these is that you do not use insecticides cuz if you use insecticides all you’re going to do is knock them out as well as the pest so keep away from the insecticides folks I can’t stress that enough and that way you’re not destroying the life in your soil or the

Life above ground which are little creatures like this these little critters do a fantastic ftic job in looking after your garden and if you find them in your garden well leave them alone don’t kill them don’t destroy them and if you find them in your kitchen

Take them back out into your garden so they can do what they do best 5,000 apids in 4 weeks see the size of the insect the apids are much smaller than that they’re big eaters aren’t they so no spraying gives you a b biodiversity to the nth degree where your plans will

Have a few bite marks from maybe a caterpillar or a snail but they’re far and few in between whereas the white are the the white flies the scales the aphids do a lot of damage and they start to dehydrate the plant really quickly and disease starts to kick in thereafter

So look after your G and keep it clean keep it real and keep it natural CU that’s what it’s all about real people real Gardens and real food that’s what we’re about check out our website viles for everything you need every day and yes Mona’s back with part three

With her family in the garden enjoying some wonderful produce that they grow now don’t forget we’re giving away the fruit and press on the 29th of February so stay tuned because you might be the lucky winner and South Australians well we’re coming to you with a click and

Collect that is so if you can get some of our products which we can’t ship out our planting mix and most popular well you can place an order now and select click and collect fean South Australia cuz we’ll be there from the 18th to the 24th of March meeting and greeting and

Sharing our wonderful products that we have otherwise check out our website vilg for me vasil Mesi


  1. Yassas Vasili Just in time for my morning coffee tell you what the lady bugs have come to the rescue they’re all over the place I got the red and the yellow but heaps of reds , they had disappeared for years on my eggplants I counted at least 7-10 on each and I saw them on top of each other hopefully making babies, yep they’re having a feast, means I have a very eco friendly garden we’re living the dream Vasili, also not many butterflies I was using a tennis racquet best weapon against the white butterflies and I liked around 40 so easy with a tennis racquet…What I like about lady bugs is they let you work around them they don’t get scared…What’s the difference between yellow and reds as I have both…Grazie my friend

  2. Yeah the problem with killing everything the baddies have to come back first before the goodies can re-establish, by that stage kaos has set in

  3. When removing spent plants from garden, what could take as little as 5 mins turns into an hour or so as I go through one leaf after another to rescue my lady bugs and move them to other plants. I just cannot let them suffer a horrid death in the compost. 'Long live the lady bug, defender of plants and killer of plant vermin.'😂😂😂

  4. My lettuce usually has earwigs in them. Doesn't matter how much I wash it outside before I bring it in but there is always an earwig or two running around my kitchen😂😂

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