Edible Gardening

Florida Organic Edible / Tropical Garden Food Forest Tour | February Zone 10a

Florida Organic Edible / Tropical Garden Food Forest Tour | February Zone 10a coastal central Florida. Enjoy!
Plant Pirates playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC517sAs_ruQjRCWpkleHwVpjFMXKSnkI

Music: Dubakupado by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


Welcome back y’all today we’re going to give you a little tour of our garden here in Central Florida um we are in zone 10A on a Barrier Island in Central Florida I would say what do we focus on the most um Edibles um you know fruit

Trees uh and then free plants that we find on the side of the road fill in all the that’s usually ornamentals that we fill in like uh brilon and te all hold on hold on I got to stop her there most people are like what are you talking about free plants

On the side of the rad so my my son and I do another series of videos called the plant Pirates where we we go around our community on landscape debris pickup day looking for free plants and people’s landscape debris piles basically plants that we can plant from cuting like this

Tea plant here or plants that already have roots on them that someone dug up and threw away and we can replant so we’ve almost all of the tropical ornamentals that we’re about to show you here we got for free on the side of the road um but I would say our main focus

Is like tropical edible stuff yeah like food Forest type trying to you know blend it all together and fruit trees bananas we have coconuts papayas guavas uh we have mangoes I don’t know we have a lot of stuff so I really like bananas because they’re like so rich in

Water and um I feel like a lot of stuff does well around them so it almost helps not having to water stuff as much all right well let’s get started right here we have um we have a little collection of verm milads we’ popped in here but

Back here is like our leafy green food Forest Area you want to give everybody a rundown of what’s back back there sure we’re walking under our uh this is a this is a pinkava tree tree that we’ve had um in the ground for probably three and a half years yeah so only three

Years and you can see if I step back and show you it’s already as tall as the garage here um and this is one that’ll give you fruit like literally the year you you can buy a little plant uh from Home Depot or you know any other Nursery

It will give you fruit like the first year we definitely get like meie bugs a lot on it and I think it’s because it’s between these two buildings um so there’s not a lot of air flow and now there’s a big building there so it’s

Just yeah you can see even my um Sops here get kind of um they get some mildewy and they get some algae I have to uh uh power wash off every so often cuz there’s just not a lot of air flow in here but we do have a lot of good

Leafy greens back in here you want to go back there and show everybody Teddy’s climbing up the moringa trees Y which need to be basically cut right where his feet are and to make it kind of MinGa tree it already has seed pods on it and

It’s way up there we should probably cut that down today when we’re done with this video definitely we have milion down here these were all that we’ve collected off the side of the road um all right leafy greens leafy greens here is um what we use a lot of

This is the okan spinach oh no this is the longevity spinach um we don’t have okan Alan spinach back here right now I want to get some back here we have some in another spot this is a salad tree it’s dead sweetie saw I don’t know

I saw leaves on it the other day so I’m going to leave it and see it’s dead I found yeah it’s as dead as can be okay I found Moringa seed podt okay um this is what they look like they’re this long and then on the inside

They have seats those seats you can see these seats go ahead and take a couple outs and the seeds you can eat too you can eat any part of the MinGa tree um even the bark and uh these work really well this is probably the best way to

Plant Moringa is just by seed because it um seems to grow pretty quick we don’t eat a lot of MinGa just straight up we put it in smoothies and stuff but um it tastes like horseradish all right what we got back there and back this thing this needs to

Be pruned Big Time Yep this needs to be pruned we need to work back in this looks pretty bad usually we have berries and flowers and stuff on tastes real good this time because the house went in we lost a lot of our sun like we didn’t have a lot of

Sun because it was Woods there and now and then he opened it all up made tons of sun everything got happy and then he put the house so all right do we have anything else we have like um some ornamentals over there like some tea plant and um garden bouquet plumia and

Some more longevity spinach we have um we had some we had some uh yeah this is an everbearing has fruit on it it’s not my favorite uh we had some logo spinach in here um it pops up it just recedes itself but I don’t see it yeah I feel

Like it just died back from the cold cuz I had some even growing over there this is um we need to get this growing everywhere um What’s this called no um that’s a Mexican Mexican sunflower y so this is a good Cho and drop um nitrogen fixer um what banana is this

One I don’t know so we have a collection of bananas we’ll be showing you lots of different bananas today um we probably have like 30 different varieties I think these are blue Javas right here this might be a candin or a I don’t know these are some pray hands cocao right

There Co we have some pray hands along the fence here in the back oh they’re doing good yeah but uh let’s go this way um let’s walk through this way and this is kind of like our main Garden here this is our garden right by the front

Door so we have like a lot of stuff popped in here we have a lot of ornamentals a lot of bmad um we let we let the milked pop through we also let pentas and um vinas pop through they kind of just self-seed themselves we’re in the

Winter right now so there’s I mean we have a Penta right here I see uh and here’s a um butter cup Cuban butter cup but I don’t see a lot of the miracle fruit trees here um we have a miracle so the miracle fruit is almost everbearing

U we got our last fruit on it about a month go after Christmas maybe you don’t get a lot of fruit it’s just like one here and there but I could use more sun I suppose uh this lemongrass here just started blooming um sometimes you can get little

Plants attached to those blooms see the seeds right here replant more um this is this was sold to us as a grand name banana but I think Grand name bananas are taller so um gotten bananas all it all right I’ll just do the run through real quick cuz she’s going to

Mention all the bananas so we’ll just go real quick we have the myour this is a patch of myour right here um I think these are the these are more blue JV ice cream banana I think the same thing um these are Mona Lisas we actually have

This is a great variety um these give us bananas these from like from like pup from like pup to fruit are probably like 10 months or PP to flour 10 months this is a really quick variety um the first one we got bananas on we have some this

Giant one right here the praying hands um we have some dwarf Cavendish right there and some dwarf oronoko right there and then we have a whole bunch of stuff popped in under all this um you know we have the ornamentals like the tea plants and stuff we have a couple

This is a uh I forget which kind of Arin AR right there it would probably like a little more Sun than it’s getting same with these pineapples this is the low variety of gangle uh Ginger um this is blooming this pretty um the coral Bush Pearl tree and you can

See we have pineapples popped in everywhere we just pop them in the landscape everywhere basically um so we have I mean there’s just pineapples everywhere we have them all over the the yard and stuff last year was our pineapple year I guess we’re getting a year off we only have one that we’ve

Seen um here’s a white guava right behind her there it’s it could probably be pruned um but it’s starting to it’s we’re we’re almost in Spring here so it’ll start putting off new leaves um same with like these uh our African blue basil here it’s kind of slow in the

Winter um I just pruned it some and we just planted a couple new ones this is one you have to plant from cuting it’s a sterile plant but uh it is one of the best things we have have to attract pollinators to the Garden yeah for sure

Let’s see we have um this Meer lemon the improvem I think we have some fruit on it over some fruit right down here this is everbearing this has fruit all the time I made flowers and fruits all year long seems like it we might have like

Three months off yeah um we have more pineapples here we do like to companion plant the pineapples and bananas um it seems to help the pineapples a lot it probably detracts from the bananas growth a little bit but it helps the pineapples a lot uh cuz the bananas

Roots are real watery and uh you know they hold a lot of mhm uh fluid so yeah definitely and then right here we have the um this is another star Shri huran y Shri K kangan yeah uh it’s another Carambola this is our most fruiting carola well so far it’s our biggest one

This is a dwarf mahoi banana that we’ve had in the ground for several years not really much look at this Vermilion right here I know it’s and we have a pop off of it we yeah we got to remove that for sure definitely happy right there all

Right what do we have back here we have our Cuban oregano finally came back um this this is probably our most cold sensitive plant um if it gets down to like 40 or even like 3 37 to 40 this like almost all dies um all the bananas

Will last all the bananas are Will Survive down to freezing almost all this tropical stuff will but this one uh is definitely spots on their leaves yeah but it it’s looking good last night it got down to 47 and it didn’t you can see it I mean it would die instantly if it

Was going to have a problem and we have some Florida spinach mixed in here too um here and there which one oh yep right in here which is another um you know leafy green that you can eat you can just eat it right off the plant and this

Is our sugar apple yeah it’s not looking dant but it’s starting to come back again probably needs to be trimmed a little bit starting to put off new leaves everywhere I just pruned all the dead stuff off of it and then we have our cranberry hibiscus um yeah do we have any good

Flowers on them I see a lot of flowers saw these were blooming like um the other day do you or do you have any open flowers in there does look like it okay I trimmed it back some the other day but we have a variegated cassava here yeah

This one is really cool in the summer it was way long overdue for pulling out um but then we can replant all the stock yeah so this one’s a real easy one to root from cutting so you can just snip it right here and stick it back in the

Ground and it’ll go for us you can cut it all into pieces and stick the whole thing in the ground here’s a nice milkweed flour right there pretty yeah and this is a pretty flow right now the fire Spike y oh yeah it does look pretty right now does one the little buttercups

We got tiny little flowers butter cup yeah all right cool what’s this guava called the Ruby Ruby Red I think yeah I had it propped it was it was uh leaning down into the pathway for a while but it’s now it’s looking good and it’s starting to put off New Growth um cuz

Like I said we’re getting close to Spring here so yeah um and then we got this little bed this is the last little bed in here with the or noos here’s some vas right here and then this is um uh Beauty berry bush where um we use these

Leaves to make a really nice insector palent look at the the uh berries on it are just gorgeous right now yeah yeah they are and then you can see we just pop in bmad and other stuff in the under story of these plants just to kind of

You know add some since we moved cro spin here yep it’s going downhill it is I know I feel like they’re like shortlived for us they just get Sy and stuff but they’re so pretty all right well let’s um go find another area of the garden and um see what else we have

Going on all right so we’re kind of entering the front yard here so you can see we we wanted to do like a bed here you know kind of flanking both sides of the driveway um so let’s start with maybe this one sure this is doing better

This um you know there’s not a whole lot of sun here but as this um cabbage P Palm gets taller this will probably start doing better we have a a way we have a huge one we’ll show you guys in just a minute over in the front yard but

Um I think this one does need more sun uh you do have some cool uh airplants and stuff in here yeah we got one here and then I’m kind of they’re migrating over this way cuz it is getting sunnier over here yeah we we can’t keep them

Really on this side of the tree over here um cuz they the sun in the middle of the summer just like Cooks them right here I lost several of them they just got cooked so my favorite is probably the ball yeah the flow yeah yep but we got some cool airplants

Tucked in here and then this bed here I don’t think we have a lot of edible stuff here we have some sprouted coconuts we use the Coconuts as uh you know like garden bed edging and a lot of them Sprout you’ll see um in just a minute here we probably have like what

25 sprouted coconuts around here we’ll give them to some of the neighbors and we’ll probably plant some so but we just we pop in all sorts of stuff that we find everywhere yeah this was a prize this one we found on the side so is this very corn plant I’ve never

Seen another one of those yeah that is a unique one you can see back here this is kind of like our potting area um you know just different stuff that we haven’t put in the ground yet or experimental stuff um then a bunch of

Junk I got to clean that stuff up but we have a whole bunch of different varieties of dragon fruit in here that need to be separated out and move they’re starting to run up these trees and I didn’t even mean to do that um here’s a little guava

Yeah it’s doing really well yeah that’s a pink wava P wava yeah so all right let’s go over to this bed over here um we got some more Killer Free plants in this bed I mean I got to start with this this big Agave I guess I know it’s so

Amazing we I mean Teddy and I found this on the side of the road it was crazy and it was almost this height size it was all like bent in like bad looking and when we planted it it like got filled up with air and perfected see you can still

See stars from it it shoots off these little pups like constantly I’ve gotten so many of them I have some in pots over there that have gotten bigger we’ve transplanted I mean I’ve probably gotten like 40 pups off of that plant it’s crazy really cool Plant FL yeah there’s

A bmad flower here watch out let me show the whole plant watch out yeah so here’s the flower and it’s not on this showy one here it’s coming off of this green uh one it’s actually coming off of this back one and shooting that one we find

That we get prettier flowers from not as pretty Vermilion but the pretty verm milads don’t give quite a showy flowers but they’re pretty year round so we have like you know we layer stuff we have the lower um the lower plants like these perm milads here and then we’ve popped

In some tea plants and and then back here it gets taller this this Ginger will get to be like 7ot tall in this area tall but we’ll have to really work on keeping that tight and small yeah um and then we have some other stuff behind

It there yeah so we’ll walk through here we have um an aunt T tea plant here we have this other little special tea plant in here I I forget the name of it ant Carol or something I don’t know but it’s a it’s a little rare one we only have we

Have that planted in two places um we have this purple spiky um Vermilion here it probably needs to be moved cuz it’s being it was awesome when really should go behind it and it should be in the front here this thing really likes to take over too it’s so showy the

ATI this was a finger lime and it died and all that growth shut back up but we’re not sure if that growth is from we think we think this was a grafted plant and we think this growth is from the root stock yeah uh we’re not sure definitely is because the finger lime

Had really small need like leaves on it it it had like the oak tree leaves almost elongated uh live oak leaves yeah but but we have a whole bunch of um these are my sore bananas on this side that we replanted um what’s this A

Candin I think so yeah is the cand yeah this is the candin this is some pretty um all right Teddy watch out kiddo we have some pretty yellow um milk weed Porter weed and this is the zigzag plant right here I think where is Devil’s Backbone yes Devil’s backb good one K

And this is another area that needs to be cleaned up back behind Teddy there we just have a bunch of we got oyster cages we have some more pots and plants I mean plants and pots uh dyslexic a plant in a pot is a plant on life support got to

Get them into the ground yeah we got variegated Ginger here it’s kind of filling out and then uh this is an edible uh Nal plums all right watch out let me get around here so this we kind of broke the rule here you can see these

Nal plums have real spiky uh real sharp spikes on them and we usually walk around Barefoot everywhere so we’ve gotten rid of almost all plants in our yard that have spikes on them all the Bogan vilia and everything Elia is the worst it’ll go through I I had to have

This one because the fruit is so good on these they get real round red fruit there’s just they’re so good I can’t believe more people don’t they are so delicious really the only thing that’s um that maybe can turn some people off is it’s a little

Sticky yeah it has a latex uh substance in it that some people might even be allergic to but so some of our some of our coconuts here are um the king coconuts and the green coconuts that’s kind of exciting yeah you can see we we have 1 2 3

4 uh we have a lot of sprouted coconuts here um 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I mean we have tons of them they they need to be moved we don’t want the Coconuts here we don’t want them to grow here we

Were just using these coconuts as garden bed edging um but they’ve all started to sprout and then behind the Coconuts we planted a whole bunch of these giant Kum lies yeah these are supposed to be these are supposed to be the Showcase plants here that’s why the Coconuts got to go

Uh-huh we got these from a neighbor that shared some plants with we did all right well here is our this is our most magnificent Monera right here look at how high it is yeah and I think it has I think it has four fruits on it right now let’s see let’s go in

Here and look this one’s even covered I don’t know if I should keep it cover the newest one I should it doesn’t look good that’s the newest one that she just pulled the thing off of and then this is probably the oldest one right here none of them these scales will start to

Separate and you’ll be able to peel them a little bit peel the fruit apart a little bit when it’s ready and I mean apparently it can take a year yeah we’ve already had these on here for 6 months easy 6 months right yeah easy but you

Can see this plant that top Leaf up there is probably uh 8T yeah yeah it just keeps going up that cabbage Palm there super cool we have time off from this right now our um strawberry tree is in transition has like a thre Monon transition I’d say this one usually has

Tons of little red fruits all over it um maybe like 10 months out of the year but it doesn’t have them right now no so we have two kinds of uh bananas here we have a Saba this is like a giant variety um and we have the Thai Black

Right here this one’s super cool super super cool see it’s got like black skin on it look happy it does look happy all right okay we have we got another bed right here of just ornamental stuff I don’t think there’s anything edible right here is there um had sweet Poes in

There ginger might be edible and the spiral Ginger you can eat the little yellow Parts on the flowers so that’s not really edible that’s just like we need to do a little bit of weeding in here probably REM mulch this area here’s a pretty flow right there yeah those are

Like the original pilad oh we have a pineapple oh we should put more pineapples in here I guess it’s a little shady it is a little shady isn’t it yeah yeah the vermilia do really well the ginger the spiral Ginger look happy all right we have a little bed over here too

Um of just some more ornamentals uh we have one banana in here and I think we put some dragon fruit back there yes we did we have some dragon fruit here yeah it’s doing all right it’s basically become an airplane it has almost no attachment to the ground well

It goes far up does it look at that tiny little stock going for y it’s right in there can see it so and then here sour trees just now starting to come back from Winter yeah this is the sour sock we lost Leaves last year too and kind of

Freaked out thought it died but oh here’s our red spineless pineapple right here yeah we only have two of those so this will shoot up a teeny little Pine Apple um it’s not edible um it’s just an ornamental we have some these are real pineapple plants right

Here and then even more bmad and cry banana over there the Thousand fingers isn’t doing great I’ve been putting Cho and drop and everything I feel like maybe it was planted too shallow maybe is it it’s like yeah not look oh we can come back through with some more dirt

Yeah oh look at the spotted vermilia right here that is pretty yeah does it have any oh it’s got one little pup there I like this one we need to move this one around I got some more spiral Ginger popping out here and some shell Ginger

This is our tunnel of uh white bird of paradise right here on both sides of the entrance to the driveway Gumbo Limbo and sea graes yeah all right well we’ll walk around through here we haven’t really done a lot up here we have this BM that kind of separates the neighborhood Road

From our front yard and we’ve we’ve left it wild I popped in a couple things right here Teddy and I found this um this beautiful plant on the side of the road that size too yep as along with all the vermilia and stuff so we have a

Walkway that we take here to go to the beach uh so we’ve lined it with some plants here but we haven’t really done much else we’ve got some um Passion vine that’s coming along but it needs more sun so I think it’ll start really growing once it gets up at the top

Here all right this area we have some we’re working on that house over there have to excuse the noise we have some stuff in here I have a lot of oras um in pots that I need to up pot and we have some stuff here that needs to be potted

Or that needs to be planted these are um desert roses we have a lot more desert roses yeah I want to put these in nice decorative pots and pop them in All Over the Garden cuz they’re really spe spectacular yeah they look like bobob trees yeah and it takes a long time to

Get them to this size so you can see here we I’ve just gone through and po bads in like at the base of like all these cabbage Palms um just cuz we find lots of verm milads on the side of the road here’s another one needs to be

Replanted we find lots of them though so I we just pop them in everywhere I mean they’re just popped in pretty much everywhere just like we do with pineapples and then we even have them up in trees all right over here I got uh I know I have this this mango

Tree this this little mango tree right here we found this on the side of the road um it had roots and it actually gave us fruit last year it gave us uh it was a late season mango and the mangoes had like kind of a gelatinous texture to

Yeah they were like jelly but they were delicious super sweet really good good but it did get fruit so that was exciting yeah it was exciting um we have these filad dendrum right here we have more of them up here in the woods uh um

This used to all be from this Live Oak right here all of this was filad endrum we this all used to be Woods right here this lot used to be woods and the woods came to about where they’re standing right here and we cleared it all we put

In the um the hedge of AA for privacy and then and you can see now our grass is just starting to grow in through here it’s nice mhm yeah it looks a lot more um there’s more walking we have a collection of plumeria we found um in people’s landscape piles

I have them in pots right now cuz I’m not sure what color they are and where to put them yeah or where to put them yeah I know so all right I think that’s it for the front yard here uh we still have a couple more garden areas in the

Backyard so let’s uh let’s go walk over and find something else all right so we’re over here like kind of on the side of our property um where you can see we have a collection of Driftwood back here it’s a mess I need to move it it’s kind

Of blocking that door right there but we’ve lined this pathway with just a bunch of random things random tropical ornamental stuff we got tea plants got some Drina here mag here’s a black magic tea plant um we have some shell Ginger it looks like some vermilia uh you have bayonet yucka here

Which is an edible bayet yucka yep we can grow that up in the m Mountain y we can um and then we have some parrot heliconia right here they don’t have any flowers on them they did recently though see these are spent flour right there um

And then this is a tall namoa banana we have a tall namoa we have the Raja purri right here this one actually has some fruit on it right now those are almost ready yeah these are almost ready they’re still a little square but they’re they’re getting there for sure

Um and I think I popped in a little citrus tree around here somewhere yeah right here yeah little little lemon um you can see like even at this size it will give you fruit they’re ridiculous you’ll have a giant lemon hanging off of this tiny little plant it’s we’ve got a

Dragon fruit hanging out right here y probably need to probably need to take this dragon fruit and train it up this tree better maybe we’ll tie it up there or something but um this is kind of the dogs area and where I store the boat and the ladders it’s not the prettiest part

Of our yard we do have one thing that’s real exciting here though yes we do um this is the it’s the Orange um so we planted this like years ago years four years ago it was probably it wasn’t teeny when we planted it I want to say it probably was

Like came up to about right there I it wasn’t the small it wasn’t like that teeny may even bigger because it was like I think we spent 200 on it I know there’s no way we spent I bet we spent 89 we got a pretty good size one I think

We just big I think we just got it from Home Depot right yeah it was just Home Depot but it was a mandar excited about but anyways it’s been in the ground all this time and it’s never flowered or done anything for us until like literally last week it started shooting

Off its first buds yeah there’s more over here yeah they’re everywhere yeah oh man look these are open they smell so good too oh man so we are going to get fruit on this this year I am stoked about that that’s real exciting I can’t even imagine uh forget orange juice the

Orange I mean with the ones that fall yeah so when we bought the property we had this this bare um uh brick fence I love it I think it’s beautiful but it there was just nothing planted against it so we’ve we’ve left it open here so

We can get the mowers and stuff through here but I started adding I started just popping in Plants here so we have a whole bunch of you know a mixture of tropical ornamentals oh look at the berries on yeah I would say that this brick wall like really makes the plants

Happy yeah nice and warm um this probably prolongs the season slightly oh yeah for sure um this is a black serum Cherry I think we had another one of those planted up in the front garden that we didn’t show we have a smaller one by the door the stairs uh going up

To into the garage and oh oh yeah we do I forgot we’ve had red ones the red ones are good but I’ve heard the black ones get big and really good yeah the red ones are all right I can see how I can see how some people wouldn’t like them

And Alisa tried to make a pie out of them on it was real bad this is a super red plantain um we haven’t gotten food off of it yet looks happy there soon I love that this uh song of India is wrapping around it it looks super cool

Super I love the song I’m inia I feel like that adds so much color and text we have more tea plants we we have like 15 to 20 different varieties of tea plants choose their own way to grow like this one’s just going sideways there’s more

Tea plants in here we actually had some uh we had some variegated Hawaiian uh shampoo Ginger it’s just dead right now cuz middle right now got this uh red sister tea plant corn PL corn plant little bit of plumia in there too and this is the lacan banana lacan I think there’s

Bananas up there isn’t there is really funky looking bananas they look like knives lacan and these we got on plant Pirates Yep this is just an ornamental yeah blood banana I think is what it’s one of the nicknames for it they say it’s an ornamental banana but I mean I

Bet it gives us bananas they just might not be might not be me I think that the bananas are real fibrous maybe oh maybe yeah all right well let’s let’s walk on through here we’re entering the backyard uh you can see we back up to the Indian

River Lagoon here and we don’t have a lot planted down there because it gets real windy and also the river Rises and floods our yard a lot so it gets kind of salty down there but uh we’ll still we do have some stuff down there coconuts do awesome yeah speaking of coconuts

They’re standing right in front of this beautiful coconut which gave us fruit for the first time this year and it’s doing great now it’s got a lot of coconuts up there it’s a lot of smoothies oh yeah these we could cut out right now for water um these are getting

There and then there’s some there’s a smaller Bunch back here that we’ll have to wait on but this is um I’m stoked about this one cuz it’s right here we can just walk right outside and grab the Coconuts real quick so really close to the kitchen yeah it’s great we got a

Giant Lily here green cry yep is this also is this the it’s another star fruit I forget which variety that is do St the K uh I don’t know it’s it would obviously it would like more Sun than what it has right now um here’s a tag so what does it say it

Says Carambola car so it’s a carry okay and then we here’s a here’s an example of we have so many bermad here’s a pile of unplanted burm milads right here we actually just went through and ripped out this entire bed and ripped out a whole bunch of vermilia and then took

Some bmad from other areas uh and took some other plants and spread them around took some of these and put them in a we’re constantly moving stuff around basically so especially the ban they get jumbly this bed has I would say this is a good example of a of one of our beds

That has a lot of ornamentals and a lot of edible stuff in here I mean we have a lot of um you know uh vermilia and tea plants and stuff I just planted these two big tea or verm milads on the base of these uh cabbage pumps here but then

We also have this is yellow dragon fruit which is the best yes dragon fruit dragon is this yellow with yellow skin with yellow yellow with white inside with white inside okay that’s the best yeah what is this one up here in this cabbage this one is red with red okay

And those are that’s good too but not quite as good as the yellow that’s better than the good thing is is that um we’ll probably have to because we’re beach side and pollination is an issue but we will have to cross-pollinate the these flowers with the yellow flowers to

Get the fruit um cuz beev the lady that I um do the plant um trading with that’s what she does she has like a long pole with like and then she cuts a piece of the inside of one flower and then tickles the inside of of the next flow

Interesting so we planted this we have it running up these cabbage palms and we planted this like 3 years ago and I think this is the first year you can see how it’s getting terminal ends it’s coming out here and reaching you know into the sky it’s it’s not growing

Anymore that’s what’s going to flower right here and I think pinched ends I think this year we will finally get fruit on on on this one at least um um so this is also uh this bed was a mess when we ripped when we started we ripped

Everything out we’ve kind of made it like a pineapple patch now I mean we have a whole bunch of pineapples in here all over the place we had passion fruit Vine up these trees but it died after 3 years which I think it does naturally um and that was a mess getting

Them all out of the trees but now the dragon fruit we had that climbing and now it has its chance so we got a pink guava right in front of her right there that we just propped up this will do so much better with the added Sun from all

The stuff it was it was literally laying on the ground reaching for the sun this way cuz this this when we had the passion vine up here it prevented all of the Cabbage palm fronds from falling so this was like just a giant jum like jumbly mess of dead stuff up there that

We just cut out basically um and it opened up all the sunlight now I’m so stoked you see the flower the iris in the back here we have some Oak out let me see if I can hop back here we have Oak andow and spinach back

Here right there and this is a pretty plant this is an edible uh leafy green but it’s just a pretty plant on its own it’s got purple purple and green leaves and it’s it kind of reminds me of the crom almost yeah it’s a really good one

I like eating that one Basel back here where we just planted this basil right back there so this will help everything we have some K back here also where where way back here back here this Koke actually looks a little better than the stuff we Hades look better I think that

Maybe it was the Lac of sun that’s making the K on the side of the house all right I’m going to climb out here I got to be careful I just planted this this was a air layer of our um sugar apple doing pretty good yeah it’s doing

Pretty good all right so we have this little bed along the pool here um the trampoline I know is ugly but this is a must we had the trampoline way down there um under uh we’ll show you under that mberry tree in the back but the

Kids it was messy yeah it would drop leaves all the time and the kids mberry a Strangler fig also yeah the kids didn’t ever want to clean it off to jump on it so now we moved it up here and it’s blocking this bed a little bit but

We still have some cool stuff going on in here this Got The Lobster Claw in here um we have a couple varieties of bananas we have the sweetheart yes right here yeah this is one of our favorites it’s really good um we also have the tea

Plants uh the tea plants and BM milads we have them everywhere uh I think there’s another variety there’s a lacan or Hina there and then it’s tiny te a water sucker too yeah I think we might have lost that variety I know I mean the roots are

Still in there might be surprised a shell ginger lacan on the end this is a shell Ginger right here and then oh no there’s my good knife let me pick that up let’s just squeeze right through here I’m going to grab my knife and we’ll um we’ll continue this bed right here we

Probably I’m the most excited in this corner about this low quat right here so happy it is so happy oh my gosh we’re probably going to get fruit on this this year I mean this thing is look at all this growth it’s put off just in the

Past like month right there look at this lizard oh he’s melting oh he is yeah everything’s going in transition and then we have more burm milads um there’s some blooms right here oh look at those those are cool yeah those are really pretty I like those

Nice um let’s see before we go this way I guess we’ll just oh yeah we have a whole bed over here that we didn’t even yeah we didn’t show the bananas um let’s see we have let’s step back real quick we have the which banana is this that’s

The dwarf n n dwarf n like so fat and stout it’s a really good one it is and then we have the apple banana with the fruit on it up here I never cut the flower off of this looks pretty like that it looks happy though man that’s a

Huge variety of banana look at it it’s like 20 ft tall move that like the praying hands hand and then uh Rhino horn banana right here yeah and then next to it we have uh this chili pepper tea plant this is one of my favorite tea plants needs to be pruned starting to

Reach out here a little bit but we we I kind of I like to group the tea plants and the dras together um because they just have different colors and textures and the the way they reach out like that is super cool yeah they can like do like

Spiral and let’s see we have this is such a nice oh our green tea plant yeah watch out let me here ones you don’t really see very often yeah so I guess in Hawaii this is like one of the most popular varieties but here in Florida uh

You usually see the red sister here this is what almost everybody has uh and I can see why this is a beautiful one I like it adds a lot of color in the garden and this is such a nice thick banana all right and then we have our

This is the um this CH the CH and you can see starting to flower up here it gets like white flowers right yep and U the swallow tail butterflies are always on it and um you have you do have the boil this Leaf before you can eat it so

It’ be more of a cooked spinach yeah but you can see look at all the leaves on it and it’s real prolific I’m actually surprised I guess it found it found a little spot of full sun here I mean this is a full sun plant that’s we have

Planted kind of in the shade here but I mean look at it it’s doing literally planted like a sprig of it in there a year ago and look it’s like a tree now all right I’m going to step back here Teddy is up in one of our gumbo limos

Here um um and these are such a cool native tree look I mean the bark on them so cool they called tourist yeah they’re called the nickname form is the Tourist tree because they have this peeling skin like um tourists and sunburns um but they’re beautiful I think they have

Berries on them right now they do and the wildlife just love these berries the birds the squirrels oh my gosh a lot of um I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them in raccoon um dragon flies hang out in it they um they help the mangoes they they help the

Mangoes the squirrels go after these instead of the mangoes I don’t know about that I think they there they could either it it it could be either that we’re feeding the squirrels enough berries from the gumbo limos that they’re not eating my mangoes or we’re just attracting them to the mango tree

I’m not sure we ver out year with our mangoes not getting too badly eaten all right we have this giant stagghorn fern here awesome yeah attached to the tree yeah you could just like pluck these off and give them to people you can see how it’s attached right

Here it goes all the way around this thing is huge so happy it is so happy we’ve never done a thing to it no super cool so yeah you can pull this off if you get a little bit of roots with it and baby it and have a new

Plant some people cut out sections like a piece of pie even and cut out like a hole I did that here and it definitely like hurt it it does seem little like it did yeah so okay cool coming back well now that we’re under here we’ll look at

Our two mango trees cuz they’re starting to flower um we’re getting to the SE we’ll get fruit this year but yeah the these are kind of alternating uh they they they alternate years they fruit on on Alternate years but there’s flowers all over it I mean we get flowers every

Year don’t necessarily get a big load of fruit every year you think it’s because of the size of them they’re so big but there’s two of them here um I don’t know what the variety what the varieties are we we they were here when we bought the property and they are loaded with

Flowers this is a Hayden and this is a Tommy could be yes Hayden and Tommy yeah you can see they’re huge they could probably stand to be pruned um but we get on a good year we get tons and tons of mangoes off of them

Probably 200 T and tons of them so all right well here we are down by the river we have any coconuts down here like I said yeah we don’t have a lot planted down here but we this is where our Coconut Grove is oh we got some big

Bunches up here oh I was like I don’t really look up here yeah so some of these some of these haven’t fruited yet I’m not sure we’ve gotten fruit from any of these yet in this corner here but we’ve gotten some you can see there’s

Some up there oh there’s a ton up there and then look at this one don’t walk under we got to come down here and cut some of these out so some of these bigger ones in the back are brown and we’ll be able to get the meat out of

Them um but these are water coconuts up here they might be on the verge they’re a little yellow right up here yeah when they start turning yellow that means that they’re not as good for water yeah you want green ones most the fresh new ones yep and then that’s it we’re down

At the water’s edge so um sometimes the river will get so high that it will flood to the three board fence here or even up uh further so a lot of the stuff down here has to be salt tolerant in fact right here behind Teddy this is a

Mangrove growing in the middle of our lawn and and mangroves are usually a plant that grow like at the waters like half in the water half out of the water so uh that just goes to show you how high the water table is our property yes

Yeah it’s spongy right now cuz it just rained so all right well let’s um we have another uh what are you pointing at over there the dwarf coconut over here yeah we have another yeah so this Coconut Tree on the corner of our property the last owner said has been

There for 25 years and that’s it’s as big as it is I mean like you can see these right here are huge um we planted these right here this row right here they’re already 20 ft tall we planted those like 3 years ago and uh but this one right here is is a

Great variety because it’s easy to harvest the coconuts and it gives you you know it gives you the leaf the the mass like privacy or whatever lower so you can mix it with tall ones and then you have leaves going all the way up but

I’m trying to get more of them I’ve been putting those at the base at the base um just like what we have up front in hopes that they’ll uh with the wet ground um give us some Sprouts all right cool we have I think we have uh we have maybe one more area

We’ll walk up there and I I know there’s a couple more things I want to show so we we’ll walk over there all right so we’re over here by the kids play area we have a couple coconut palms that we’ve planted in this corner here uh that are

Being shaded out by this giant Strangler fig but um Anna Lisa is walking under our giant mulberry tree which just came to life in the last two weeks this was a dead treee yeah and now it’s full of leaves and you can see it has all over

It yeah it’s got little green mulberries all over it which are their flowers yeah they are these are their flowers oh so see they have little stamet and you can just see they’re like they’re they’re literally all over here and every year we get loads and loads of

Mulberries off of this probably a month or two probably six weeks and this is one of the few things we have growing in our yard here in Central Florida that we can also grow on top of our Mountain Y in North Georgia so actually just planted

One oh my gosh it is just loaded with them look at them all yeah and there’s I’ve seen some rip ones on the ground you have yeah the other day they must be coming from here they must be coming from the top of the tree way up there

It’s real Sunny yeah yeah I can’t really see there a pink one you see one close oh yeah there’s a pink one yep right there yep all right cool so we probably got another two weeks on this and then it it will be we probably have three or

Four weeks of picking right this is an interesting Gumbo Limbo too it’s totally different than the other ones we have just like multiple multiple trunks doesn’t look great it doesn’t but I’m hoping with the extra Sun we have now that it’ll start filling out more all

Right um we have a giant avocado tree right here this is uh the kind of avocado they’re the large kind I think it might be a choke cat huge tree I guess could probably stand to be pruned too but it does pretty good for us yeah gives us fruit every year actually looks

Really good this year it’s um really uh full of leaves yeah all right uh oh we skipped over our African blue basil oh yes we did stopped at the low so this is this is our best example of an African blue basil this is one of the only ones

We have that we haven’t had to replant it just keeps going and going and you can see all the bees on it this is why we have this this planted in yeah and it has like double the amount in the mornings oh yeah I mean there’s just the bees just love this

Plant I will say that like it is starting to get a little Woody yeah wood I mean I prune it some oh man the bees just love it there’s bees everywhere on this thing it’s huge it’s a huge it’s amazing that it started with just like one little

Sprig in the ground plant that was eaten yeah there’s plants yeah we had some plants in here this is our orange bird of paradise it’s kind of done flowering now but it was beautiful for a couple months summer and usually all summer long we get blooms on it which is nice

All right well I know we have a couple things over here um we have one banana right here this is a mystery variety um we don’t know what what it is but it has fruit on it right now I think it is a Raja Perri okay comment down

Below if you know what it is it’s a little it’s a it’s a little uh shorter than our are a little taller than our other Raja purries it is but but it could be that it just has more sun here in the afternoon we have a Goldfinger banana back there that we’re still

Waiting on Yep this one right in here um we have a papaya back in there too I’ll get to it we had more papayas but aloe couple different varieties of aloe um more of our Ora hedge here we did the Hedge down the whole property to

Block this house out here the oras will eventually block it out look at this song of India it’s got huge yeah that’s just the regular yeah most people most people plant the uh variegated variety uh we rarely find this variety um but I like it same with this I love this uh

Button Ginger here yeah Happ so this these flowers usually shoot out smaller flowers that you can eat oh there’s one starting right there you can eat them they taste like lemon drops oh they’re so good they are so good nothing that can fill you up but then we have all

These tall oroka bananas yep all the bananas here I think oh I was going to say I think we have one that was ready to harvest and there it is laying on the ground so this was a small little rack of bananas but these are definitely

Ready to yeah to take they look they’re square but that’s just how this variety yeah we eat these as plantains we eat them as green bananas we cut them up 24 of them though nice they’re still 24 and I still think they taste good as regular bananas too they’re a little more mild

Than regular they’re not as sweet all right we got a couple here’s here’s the entrance to our pool area here so I’ll just sweep through here real quick um you know with just the ornamental plants that we have planted again more more tea plants and bmas and the corn popped in

Some pineapples here um we do have a big tall corn plant goes way up there there’s the papaya back there here’s the papaya it has flowers on it I think it would like a little more sun yeah it’s a red lady red red lady papaya mhm and it’s already bending and they’re

Susceptible to breakage we have this beautiful bmad here I I need to plant more stuff to kind of block out the pool equipment here I’ll just plant that other one right there yeah but yes this one has a pup right here we could move

It it is a little spicy it is spicy it’s taking over our walkway here then some more bmad in here pineapple all right but we’re getting to our favorite banana oh yeah which one is this this is the dwarf Brazilian yeah look at I would say it is

Just about ready to pick it is and look at that rack it’s huge there’s a ton of banana there’s got to be I mean 90 bananas on there 100 100 yeah the hands are so big they have bananas shooting off in either direction yeah like that’s our favorite banana it always is Big

Always big bunches it’s always putting off big nice healthy offshoots um uh it’s just it’s uh just like the one I pointed out in the front from like from like pup to flow is like 9 months or 10 months it’s just like such a great variety of banana I don’t feel like we

Really do a lot of extra stuff for it like we do some Cho and drop I mean there’s some in there but it’s all basically dissolved at this point so it’s just kind of holding its own it’s a good size too it’s not too tall not too

Small yeah just great so all right let’s I think this is one of the last areas is in our garden this used to be kind of still is um our little bmad Nursery we just pop plants in here when we don’t know what to do with them and then we’ll

Come back and move them later but this area is actually turning out to be real pretty um I love the gumbo limos here just keep walking through here I want to show like the and we just have a whole bunch of different oh yeah whole bunch of different te plants and verm

Milads what are you guys pointing at this big giant elf was such a Showp piece um last summer we need to like chop it back and get it to rejuvenate good it’s flowering yeah yeah is which teap plant is this that is I forget the variety of this that’s not the chpp W

This a bushy tea plant it is this is red sister oh you know what though Teddy our favorite tea plant’s right up here where is it it’s right here pink diamonds right yes pink diamonds whoa what’s going on with this um green saw that tea plant doesn’t look happy all right this

Is what we’re coming to look at though yeah this is our favorite one the whole collection a better place I had one planted up front along the driveway but I ran it over so we have it in a pot you put it in a pot it’s still alive are you

Sure y I saw it the other day sweet oh man so and then oh here’s another rack of bananas that just fell over right here some more so we got to cut this plant out we got to cut this banana and that other banana out and chop and drop them um and

Probably cut this one that’s leaning too towards that house cuz it’s just going to crush the bananas on it though does so may let it sit I’m going to cut that out I think all right well we’re coming around we come through this little tunnel here and we are back in our front

Garden and I think that’s everything yeah we are back so we don’t have a lot of stuff that’s fruiting right now because we’re kind of in the winter still um we did have the coconuts and of course we always have our leafy greens back here but we don’t

Have a lot of stuff with fruit on it right now here’s our other black cam Cherry that you were talking about earlier still looks good but yeah we don’t have just bananas basically all right all right y’all I hope you enjoyed the tour if you have any questions or comments about any the

Plants we showed you here today just post down below uh if if you think we’re missing some plants we might we might have skipped over some but I think we showed I mean I can’t think of any edible stuff we didn’t show there could be I don’t know anyways if if you can

Think of stuff that that we should plant that we didn’t show um post down below we’re in zone 10A uh we’re pretty tropical here so all organic we can grow uh yes we do everything organic um but we’re pretty tropical here so we can grow pretty much like any jack fruit you

Know I mean we can grow most of the tropical stuff um we don’t have jack fruit we don’t have um sprouted some from seed up front yeah they yeah expired but anyways if you can think of something we don’t have uh just post it down below till next

Time everybody out there take care bye


  1. I can't recall seeing you harvest any Dragon Fruit in your videos…..have they been fruiting and producing yet for you? How would you rate home grown Dragon fruit compared to others like your Bananas, Pineapple,etc, is it as good and as desirable to eat as those? I've never had Dragon fruit before, but I'm growing 4 varieties that will fruit later this year so excited to try them. I'm curious how you would rank them compared to other Tropical fruit.

  2. I absolutely love these garden tours!!! It kills me not being able to grow in my Canadian climate for most of the year. Thank you for sharing all the beautiful things you guys grow.

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