Edible Gardening


What edible plants are we growing right now in our brand-new container garden?
We have a range of herbs, leafy greens, Tomatoes, Chili and semi-aquatic plants.
These will grow just great on our front steps that receive the afternoon sun.
They are also very close to the kitchen so we have easy access to harvest them daily!

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So what are we growing right here right now in my garden in Northern New South Wales Australia well Shirley and I are setting up a container garden and we’re doing that to show you that you don’t have to have a big Garden to grow lots and lots of fresh food we’ve just got

This little space right here at the front of my doorstep where we’re starting a lovely little container garden to add to our homestad SL lifestyle where we’re getting more more self-sufficient and we we’re building what we might call a Filipina Homestead here in some ways cuz I love my wife and

I wanted to feel at home but a lot of these foods that we’re growing here is a mixture of both for her and I to eat and I love my wife and so I’m able to grow all this amazing food in this place and I want to share with you what I’m

Growing right here and now so you can follow along too remember if you’re in coming up in the spring a lot of these plants are going to be awesome for you too so why and what are we growing here right at Marty’s Garden on The Veranda

Well it’s not really a veranda it’s step SL porch that you could imitate to now we get afternoon sun coming here it gets quite hot at this time of year we’re right at the end of Summer and the stairs they warm up because they’re concrete so in the winter time it’s

Going to hold a lot of heat and radiate it back through the night and keep the plants warm so we can grow pretty much all year round right here on these steps so what’s the first plant that I’m going to show you and it’s a famous one of all that I believe every

Garden should have sweet Basel geneves geneves Sweet Basil now there’s a lot of hybrids now and they grow like a larger Leaf of these and we’ve got a punet here of smaller ones and a larger pot now this lot is pretty much ready to be harvested we’re going to make a pesto

Straight out of this now it goes to show that you can start them like this grow them in a bigger pot like this you can gr two big pots from this into this and create maybe three or four pesto and what I like to call my Aussie pad kapal

Which is a Australian SL tie dish instead of using the thae Basel I just use sweet Basel if you’d like to see that video and how I cook that let me know in the comments box down below or give me a thumbs up for it if I get lots

Of thumbs ups for it I will cook and show you how to make a super easy yeah Asian meal cuz we’re doing a lot of Asian stuff here lately cuz I said it’s like a it’s like a Filipina SL Homestead said just go on mental here at this place but oh I love

It now Rosemary’s going to play a big role on this part and if you know Filipinas they love to eat meat and I think a lot of us like to eat meat right I’m not we’re not vegetarian here here in this house but I have been a

Vegetarian once cuz I I I was I nearly married uh a vegan at one stage and you tell you what I was pretty hungry but there we go look one of the awesome ones for flavoring your food and this grows really well and there’s a few different

Ones that you can get around the place now they grow more prostrate I think they got I can’t remember what they call now the ones that grow out sideways ones to grow tall lanky we got both of those but this will go down quite well and as

You can see it’s just growing in a pot here and yeah great addition for the Vera SL step garden and we’ll use this a lot you can even take cuting from it and keep growing on so even though we bought this pot we’ll be able to grow on and on

And on it’ll last for ages long as I take care of it and definitely worth uh every cent spent Perpetual spinach now this is a great little plant because you can just keep harvesting from it quite regularly and I just use the young leaves like in

Salads and the bigger leaves I can throw right in at the end of some type of stir fry or if I want to make a little pie like I love my lentil pies throw this in right at the end just when it’s nearly finish cooking cuz it’s going to get

Reheated in the oven and then I’ve got some nice juicy greens and this is going onto the steps as well as I mentioned and this is our leafy greens and we’ve got some lettuce as well for salads and tomatoes and I’ll show you them up because they’re pretty cool

Varieties so this tomato that we’ve got in the pot here it’s called a tomato Health kick and yeah it’s got a couple of little fruits on it already if you can see them are just there I’ll spin that around a little bit for you give

You a better look here we go there it is look yum yum yummies great companion with the basil and with parsley now this guy is going to be just growing in a container it’s going to grow to to about 70 CM so it’s already around about 50 cm we’ll put it

Into a bigger pot now it doesn’t say whether it’s indeterminate or determinant so determinant tomatoes are short and stockier you generally don’t prune them they just fill right out sometimes you need one or two little steaks so we just put some tiny steaks in here some bamboo steaks to hold it

All together keep it flowering we give it some good liquid fertilizer with some pot as to keep it flowering and productive get as much fruit off it as possible now this pot did cost me what was it $14 I don’t know if I’m going to

Get $14 worth of tomatoes off here but I know I will get $14 worth of enjoyment actually we might get just close to around about what we would call $14 worth of tomatoes for organic homegrown stuff cuz it’s a bit more expensive right but the joy and the flavor and the

Taste that you get from it unbeatable it’s going on there it’ll get at least 4 hours sunlight there but I will move it around the garden into a couple other spots to keep getting more light onto it uh because they need at least 6 hour sunlight to really fruit up

Well and I’m really looking forward to harvesting from this little girl now this tomato here is called the Tomato lemon drop now it’s a determinant tomato 100% sure that says it on the label I think this is a diggers Club yeah diggers club and it’s really good for late season and early season

Planting and I found that the yellow cherry tomatoes here so I’ve ordered some more seed a different one A little bit different than this it’s got a little tomato here as well or fruit right through and these Sprout really easy so I just get a

Tomato chop it in half and throw it in the ground and these things come up again right through the whole winter so we’ll have tomatoes right through the whole season which is really really exciting and the other one that I’ve got the yellow one I’m pretty sure is a

Determinant so we’ll be able to grow it long and Over The Vines and over the chsas and things where this will sit Below in the pot just in my front garden and provide us more tomatoes so we’re going to have red and yellow tomatoes to mix with our Basel salads and lettuces

And things like that so yeah got to love that right so this is a cool little one tomato lemon drop from diggers Club if you want to grow late season Tomatoes the yellow ones look at those really good for the cool Seasons so this is a very interesting

Plant it’s called Vietnamese mint and it’s semi aquatic it needs a lot of water it loves a good drink and if you can sit it in sort of like a semi-shady spot in some water in a bowl and a dish it grows really great and you can just

Grow it from cutting and it just frows a root so easy like K Kong and you can just keep growing it so it’s one those ones you can give away to friends and it’s really really awesome in wraps and stuff like that so you just grab a

Couple of leaves put it in your rice paper wraps and boom man I’m telling you this plant it’s Sensational I killed one a while ago cuz I just didn’t keep the water up to it and bought another one and stoked that it’s back in the family

Just love this and I’m going to be growing this alongside My Water Crest this winter so we’ve got a little Water Crest plant here now this was pretty good value it was only about $250 I think and I’ll get a lot of food off this and there’s heaps of little plants in here

If I wanted to pull it all out and start a whole new little garden with this guy now you can grow this like alongside your Vietnamese Min as I just mentioned cuz it loves a lot of water it’s sort of semi aquatic as well it grows along the

Side of river banks uh in Shady sort of areas where the sun sort of spatts through doesn’t like a lot of heat it dies back here it gets too hot uh in the summer but full of vitamin C and awesome minerals and it’s a great little one to

Just throw in with your salad so like your lettuce and your Perpetual spinach just to sort of spice things up really great little plant and spring and summer grows really really and winter grows really really great here so very welcome the Water Crest so another one that I’m growing right

Now so we got some th here now this one’s a Creeping Time I really like the creeping time and it grows along and just throws little tiny Roots off the bottom and you can take little cuting and things like that and grow more of it and sell them on and give them waiters

Presents and all that type of stuff and combined with other herbs it’s really awesome for flavoring meat and stoked to have this one in here on our little Vera and this will stay in this pot for quite some time yet how’s how’s that that’s it my first joke for for quite some time

Yet that was actually sporadic guys all right let’s keep rolling I’ve got another plant that I believe everyone needs to have in their herb garden and Shirley said I need one more extra other than this one so here it is yep we just got a little tiny punet of Afro they call this

Afro now there’s lots of different names for this type of parsley uh flat leaf parsley is another one have you got another name for it let me know in the comments box down below love to hear anyway just it’s great sharing what I’m growing now cuz people

Can then go oh maybe I’ll start some of these plants too for these reasons so it’s great to bring them out now I only bought a little pun of this the other plants you see they’re quite big pots but this guy these guys they grow so

Fast and you can also pick it out as little micro greens as you’re planning it out can go straight into salads and things along with the other greens I’ve been showing you the the fresh leaves and you can make a really cool Italian meal out of this you can actually just

Chop it up when it’s big really fine and cook it with some garlic throw in some olive oil at the end on your pasta and just mix it through if you want to go a bit further a bit of chili or something like that and a bit of garlic powder but

That’s how you do it it’s just My Italian Friend show me you just chop up the parley really fine you just chop up your garlic really fine stir it in a bit of olive oil and then put it onto your pasta and then a bit more olive oil salt

And pepper and boom you’ve got a meal just straight from something like this and a bit of garlic really cool if you want to see that one let me know in the comments box down below if I get more than 10 people say they want to see it I

Will cook up that meal for you and show you yeah here party’s Garden like our Filipino SL um what else do we call it it’s not the Filipino Homestead cuz we got lots of food like this they can’t grow this in the Philippines I don’t think now every Garden isn’t complete

With out some chili plants right and we’ve been grinding some chilies here this season let me tell you I’ve been really getting into traling them and testing I’m scared of some of them they’re so hot like when I was hitting in the morot and pesle the juices from

Just the steam the aroma burnt my arms so I don’t know about this one this one’s called the firecracker I’m not a huge hugely experienced in growing chilies I have grown them but I’m learning more as I go there a nice little chili here as we speak just

Started out now it’s a bit late in the season to start chilies but but this Veranda gets really steps gets really hot and it’ll let back the warmth through the night through the stairs and who knows we might build a little Greenhouse or something like that to put

It in I just I just love this one H yeah it’s called the chili fire cracker 14 bucks it cost me now it’s probably a fair bit of money for something like this but being that they grow for quite a few years and if I take good care of it it’s

Going to produce over and over and over and I’ll collect the seed and grow more plants and give some away maybe even sell a few and so yeah I’ll get my money back and the value back and a flavor back in the house with the firecracker

Good L cool cool name for this plant right so we’ll carry on with a theme of what we’re growing here at Marty’s Garden going into the autumn and winter period and you know you can do this s of these most of these plants that are all year around and depending on what sort

Of climate that you live in now garlic chives you can’t go past garlic chives my friends like these this garlic chives is one of my favorite food and it’s probably one of the ones that I use most of the time in the garden we’ve got a

Big flat leaf uh garlic CH out the back but this is the thin long almost like a grassy sort of hair one which I really like cuz it’s awesome like when you’re making pizza you just chop it up really fine or you’re just grilling some cheese

On toast with a little bit of ham oh man you can throw it in stir fries um it’s it’s just so versatile and I just absolutely love this stuff and I put it in nearly everything I’m a bit of a garlic ches fiend to tell you the truth but

Look this is a must have this is in the probably in the top five of ones that you need to have in my opinion in your container garden


  1. Hello Marty, we had a Rosemary Bush for over 30 years.
    Now you said you nearly married a Vegan, but you got hungry😊
    Did you eat her😊, I know what you ment.😊
    Packet of tomato seeds would have been cheaper, but I’d say it’s too late to grow seeds now.

  2. Good morning Marty, a phillipina garden ? Well say goodbye to seeing your house. I have a Malaysian friend up north, her house and yard is just like a forest/ jungle absolutely full of every edible plant you could think of. Never a shortage of food to eat.

  3. Heck yeah more cooking content from your garden. The parsley and garlic pasta sounds simple and delicious.

    But no need to rush, all in good thyme.

  4. Health Kick (Health Kick VFAA Hybrid Tomato) Is a Hybrid Determinate. 74 days mid season Tomato
    Seeds Qty 20 $4-5 100mm plant $$5-6 bigger plant more expensive
    Roma are Determinate Tomatoes Marty
    Yes over-winter the Chilli (Fire Cracker) just bring inside over winter.😊

  5. Hey, if you can grow all those awesome Asian ingredients – why wouldn't you. My garden I guess would be a bit of a Shanghai, Thai, and Mediterranean garden.
    Right now, it looks like a desert but gimme a month or 2 and we'll have lots of food again.
    You have so many nice herbs growing and they seriously make a huge difference when you're cooking.
    So expensive if you buy them fresh instead of growing them yourself. Great video Marty.

  6. Quite a few years ago I ended up taking a leaf out of the far northern hemisphere's growing calendar… they can't grow through the cold months so during their short warm season they grkw all they need for the year and 'put up' food for the winter. So I thought, what if I flip it, I can grow throigh the winter, and it's sobhard through the summer here, what if I do what they do but for the flip seasons? And so I've ditched trying to grow through the wet season with it's rain deluges & insect swarms, and stsrt about now to grow through to November/early December 😊 I much prefer to not be fighting nature and the heat, and work with it instead.

  7. OMG marty what happened to growing tomatoes growing them by seed?…. I am doing this love watching the seeds grow and then thinning them out…

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