Garden Plans

Exciting plans – planning, taking and retail therapy for my little kitchen garden & allotment

We are having so much rain again. I am taking the chance to make some plans.

It’s exciting to make some important purchases and look at projects in my home garden, front and the little kitchen garden for the next couple of weeks.

Catch the follow up video tomorrow where I’ll go into the @veggieplot record book I bought for my birthday. Having seen Chris explaining the book on @TheGrowUpChannelon the grapevine Thursday night chats, it seems a great tool to look back on. It’s the first time I have actually planned a garden. I managed to get one of the last with heirloom tomato seeds. To grab a copy (if there are any left) checkout

Do you plan? I have seen Clare from @TheVegPlotThickens and others discuss their planning methods.

As always, thank you for watching and support. I’ll pop up another video tomorrow of my record book.

I hope you have a fab weekend, and manage to spend it in the garden.

Take care, Jane

Check me out on Instagram under,
Garden myself happy.

Today is definitely a day for planning the garden not actually doing the Garden it is absolutely ticken down I hit being cute and look I have wood this is for my kitchen Garden at home exciting hi um it’s a bit dryer in here um okay I had my birthday recently you

Can see cards I must set them down now um yes so I as a present I had a um record record book from um Chris at veggie plot um thank you Chris it’s absolutely brilliant I love it so if you haven’t got one yet and if he’s got any

Left then grab one while you can um yeah so I got the um one of the last ones with the um with the tomato seeds in So yeah so Growing Seeds is a little bit daunting at the moment I don’t have any um grow lights or um things like that so I don’t

Even really have a south facing window I’ve got one tray of onions on there and they’re looking a bit weedy and weak so um I need to work on that but in the Realms of um birthdays came a little bit money and I’ve spent it on the garden

Yay um so yeah so long awaited mulching of um our hornbeam hedge so that’s one job if it ever stops raining so I got compost to do my roses my standard roses to get into their pots and I need to um level those off cuz they on the hillside

Yes so other than that I’ve used the um record book which I’ll put in some footage of um some of the plans I’ve made in there I need to get drawing I’m really no good at drawing but there’s a planner in there for drawing um yeah so I’ll put in some footage of

That and uh I’m getting moving and it’s a really nearly forgot to tell you I have ordered a really EX exciting really exciting um way of making a bed I’m going to say that I don’t want to give it away I’m going to give a total teaser

Sorry guys um so yes so I’ve got the wood that you see is for a bed in my back garden and um there is a way of Growing Seeds coming so it’s all exciting I’m going to go cuz Catherine’s Coming I got soaked on school so I’m a bit messy but um yeah so thanks for oh I got my reading glasses on look two different pairs of glasses um thanks for watching and uh keeping up to date I shall bring you some more soon take care byebye


  1. Plans are always exciting! I need a plan but then I also get a little bit rebellious and have to just stray off piste (usually to my detriment) 😂😅

    Happy birthday. Looks like birthday pennies were well spent.

    You don’t need a south facing window, in fact they can get too warm for seedlings. Any window for some light will do x

  2. Happy belated birthday! The best presents are the ones for the garden! The planner is such a great idea. I have started keeping a record of everything I am planting and how they are growing etc… something to look back on as I do forget! Hurray! Wood and compost! It means future progress in the garden! Looking forward to see what you do next, when it finally stops raining! 😘💕🌸

  3. happy b'day! I enjoy your clips, as someone who has always wanted a garden but have not yet had the opportunity. Lurking, as they say. 😉

  4. Hi Jane, there no rush to sow seeds.
    You have a juggling act coming up in the next couple of months, creating the garden and having the plants and veg to go in it but it's a very long season so don't put
    any pressure on yourself and do each bit in small stages.

  5. Happy belated Jane. He has amazing seeds doesn’t he and such a nice man 🥰. Me either I’m waiting a bit longer no south windows and no huge grow lights etc. Garden shopping is the best Gerald always gets me gift cards 💪💪. Have an amazing weekend I hope it warms up a tad, Ali 🥶🇨🇦

  6. Happy birthday Jane.🎉 Ive only sown onions so far and am chitting some potatoes, most things will get sown in late February early March. 👌👍

  7. Belated birthday wishes Jane, a fellow Aquarian here 😊. I got compost for my birthday, love practical garden gifts 🎁 😊

  8. Alles Liebe und Gute nachträglich zum Geburtstag dir, Jane!😊 Grüße aus Bayern🇩🇪 und wünsche dir und deinen Lieben das Beste!💙

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