Garden Design

Enchanted Portal: ‘Moongate’ Landscape Sculpture Uncovered | Copper Garden Design Art Feature]

Discover ‘Moongate’, a sculpture that transcends being a mere garden gateway, infusing space with deeper meaning. This video explores how ‘Moongate’ not only enhances garden enjoyment by framing vistas and directing focus but also magically draws the night sky into the garden, creating an enchanting experience.

‘Moongate’ is more than a sculpture; it’s a poetic addition to any garden, acting as a gateway that deepens and divides the living space. Like punctuation in poetry, it enhances the garden’s beauty, creating layers of depth and framing discrete vistas to captivate the eye and mind.

This piece builds anticipation, leading viewers on a journey beyond the ordinary. It’s not just a path from one part of the garden to another; it’s a portal that invites exploration and reflection. The design of ‘Moongate’ is such that it seems to draw the night sky down into the garden, blending the celestial with the terrestrial, and creating a space where the boundaries between sky and earth blur.

‘Moongate’ is perfect for garden enthusiasts, landescape designers and art collectors who appreciate the symbolic and functional aspects of garden design. It serves as a focal point that enhances the garden experience, inviting contemplation and wonder. The sculpture symbolizes a gateway not only to different parts of the garden but to different states of perception, encouraging a deeper appreciation of nature’s beauty and the universe’s mysteries.

In conclusion, ‘Moongate’ is a sculptural embodiment of enchantment and wonder, transforming garden spaces into areas of deep reflection and beauty. How does this sculpture inspire you to see and appreciate the magic and mystery in the natural world?

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Moongate by main archery studio every garden is an invitation and garden gates guide us to a deeper intimacy like punctuation in poetry gateways enhance our enjoyment of a garden for they divide the green garden space into deepening layers They also frame discrete vistas to focus and direct the eye and the mind in this way they build anticipation they lead us beyond ourselves moongate also draws the night sky down into the garden If you’d like to make an enquiry on this sculpture or the possibilities as to a custom variant on its size style material or finish then click on the link that follows or below you

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