@Roots and Refuge Farm

Roots and Refuge Farm: Making My Own Seed Bank (A world with GMO Tomatoes) | CHAT

Saving seeds of all sorts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ipi14eLVfc&t=241s

Seed saving mesh party bags: https://amzn.to/3P1GylN

Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.


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  1. Awesome video Jess! I started saving seeds here and there over the last couple of years. I feel like I have accomplished something when they actually grow into something when I plant them. Unfortunately I didn't save them like you are showing here. I didn't know but now I do! I currently have bok choy, lettuce and collards going to seed.

  2. I can’t tell you the number of YouTube channels I have stopped following because of fear-mongering. Thank you for being the voice of encouragement, not fear❤

  3. I'm gonna buy the mesh bags. If you show us how to save seeds, I'm 100% on board! Going to watch your old video on seed saving now.

  4. Very wise, Jessica. You are right, seeds are so important. When the Cherokee were removed from their homes in the eastern states on the trail of tears to Oklahoma, the women sowed seed into the hems of their garments. Their livelihood depended on those seed.

  5. But, Jess, even today's Heirlooms have been 'modified' to reach their present state. The natural native plants have been crossed with other plants countless times over the millenniums in order to reach their breed's 'standards that we plant today.

  6. 😂😂😂 You're cracking me up! Gosh…

    OK, so I hadn't heard about the GMO situation. I'm apparently pretty behind on the times. Oddly enough, my mom was quizzing me this evening about gmo seeds and I was comforting her by telling her gmo seeds are a mute point. 😅 Well, oops.

  7. 'Grandma, when the world was burning what did you do' 'I fed the people' 'But grandma that doesn't sound important!' 'My child its the most important, with out food there are no revolutions' .

  8. Brilliant! I wondered how you were going to isolate the pollen! I must have missed this idea before. Thank you!

  9. Rutendo Matinyarare from Africa did an interview. Many of the newer monsanto based GMO seeds will cross polinate and are esentially engineered to produce less and less seeds with each generation of the plant. Polination ranges can range up to 30 miles with insect flow means that entire seed growth across Africa is going to begin to be decimated as of this past year. Im personally storing and freezing seeds from old home grown stock to hopefully last for years to come. Hopefully no one around me ever uses these GMO seeds. And I just put a few hundred of those bags in my amazon cart. 🙂 TY for the info.

  10. Three years ago I started Tansy , it reseeds every year now, and should it ever be needed its there, just a pretty little insurance policy, no panic, but its there just in case.

  11. Party planners will see little bags fly off their shelfs! 😉 I haven't gotten to a level of self sufficient gardening. I practice each year. I also could be paralyzed with nuclear war worries. You are so spot on, today. What can I do right now. I could go on and on… Developing our skills and doing something is where it's at! Thanks Jess. Such authenticity wisdom and love! 🐸💚🐸💜🐸💙🐸💛😎

  12. Girl I’m with y’a!!! I started vegetable gardening in 2020. The next year I started saving my own seeds. I’ve been doing that with flowers long ago. It’s so simple to save most seeds. I even save seeds from grocery store food and from herbs. Some take and some don’t but it’s fun trying. This year I’m seed starting tomatoes, 3 kinds of peppers, spaghetti squash. The tomato plants are looking beautiful and I planted the spaghetti squash in my garden today. However not one of the peppers germinated. Oh well there’s next year!!!

  13. I wonder if the seeds inside are viable to save in the gmo tomatoes.
    I’ve been noticing more and more fruits in the stores being seedless. Seedless oranges?
    Seeds also being modified to be drought resistant?

    I just learned that they have doomsday vaults for seeds strategically placed across the globe.
    Your imagination could run wild w that bit of information.

    When they show us what they’re doing, we should do the same

  14. I love that you are mature enough to not post your rant. ❤️ (Even though a small/messy part of me wants to see it so bad) 😂

  15. I grow my own tomatoes, but, I was gifted a patio Roma tomato plant. It produces an abundance of fruit, but, inside the fruits had black/moldy looking seeds. The rest of the fruits were fine

  16. Sweety, what happened to your pour lip? And as far as the GMO tomato plant destruction coming…….
    "Johnny Reb, the Yanks are coming. Hide Your Seeds!"

    But on a more serious note, If you are truly worried about your heirloom varieties and want to try to save seeds. I'd suggest saving seeds from a variety that grows great in your area. Here in the south (NW Georgia), not every heirloom variety is great to grow because there's a lot of things that can happen to say a tomato plant. That's why for the most part I tend to grow Hybrid varieties. They are higher in disease resistant that most heirlooms. But I can still save seeds from them. Sure, it won't be the same plant next year, but it'll be a plant regardless that produces say a Tomato.
    If Heirlooms grow perfect fine in your region, then I'd suggest growing those. But even if you can't, it's not going to hurt to grow your hybrids, and save the seeds from them as well. After all, Food is Food. And that's why we Garden, at least I hope it is.

  17. Hope for the best but always plan for the worst!!! There is a reason that this phrase has been said for so many years! The prepared person never has an emergency. My husband thinks i am crazy for storing food but if/when something happens, i can feed my family. If nothing happens, i can still feed my family. LOVE YOU JESS! I believe that you and I have the same outlook on our current situation. HOPE FOR THE BEST BUT ALWAYS PLAN FOR THE WORST!

  18. I'm curious if you've read Joseph Lofthouse's book on Landrace gardening. You have a very good setup for something like that.

  19. A good way to send a message is to stop shopping with the company selling these and tell them why. A “Look, I love the seeds I’ve gotten from you in the past and I would love to buy from you again, but I cannot support this practice, so I will be buying my seeds from x, y & z companies instead of yours.” And then spending your money with someone else who isn’t selling these may not take them off the market, but it can give a clear message to a company about why their bottom line took a hit and why they lost customers. Sure, you may be replaced by someone else, but you also may not. And maybe write to the companies you do buy from and let them know why they are seeing more of your business. These things do end up influencing business decisions if it’s loud enough and of directly related to profit margins.

  20. This is fascinating! I love this content, and I love the history.
    "The biggest threat to any corrupt system is people who are full of hope." 🙌 You are such a gem, Jess.
    This will be my third season. I have a small space (two 4'x8' raised beds with an arched cattle panel trellis connecting them, plus some containers). I've only grown one variety on the trellis previously. This year, my plan (which I have already meticulously mapped out and I'm sticking to it, dangit! haha) is to grow four different varieties on the one trellis. The varieties are: a slicer, a pickle, a mini melon, and tall trailing Nasturtiums. I'm so excited!! But I'm aware saving those specific trellis seeds could get a little wonky.
    I also plan to grow peppers for the first time- four different varieties will be in one bed. Most of everything I plan to grow is Heirloom and OP.

    All of that to say, I'm really looking forward to your future content on this topic. I will definitely reference the older video. This classroom has me engaged and eager! Whoo! 💚

  21. 😮😮It is so much worse than GMOs 😢 look up Tenn. HB1894…… they are already putting vaccines in lettuce tomatoes and tobacco.

  22. I do save seeds when I can. I started watching your channel because you grow food to feed your family and I as well. I love gardening and I am 100% inspired by how you grow real food. That being said, I am acutely becoming aware of how cross-contamination is possible. One of my seed suppliers recently pulled one of their tomatoes (purple) because they could not authenicate the non-gmo source of that seed. 100% respect the company for continuing their quality control and sticking to their values. What I grow matters to me. I am so glad for your honesty, and you continue to inspire me on many different levels: greenstalks, soil, journaling, planting tips, and much more (I wish I had space for a high tunnel). Wish I could be a homesteader but living the surburbia life. I Bless you until next time!

  23. I'll do it, Jess. I'll buy the bags and save the seeds. I'm in middle TN, about 2 weeks behind you in growing season so please remind me when it's time to do things. Also, my neighbor will probably think gmos are cool, so tips on protection for close neighbors will be much appreciated also. I am so thankful for you❤

  24. never eat gmo food bec our bodys dont understand it after 3 generations your over grand childeren wil not be able too get kids anymore after the third generation your famlyline would not go any further its an dead street so yeah gmos are real dangerous also the insects dont understand it in australia they tryed for the first time gmos in 1 year time more than 3 milion bees did die all dead so its an danger for anyone for humans and animals and insects its good that you mention it

  25. 0:32: 🌱 Encouraging viewers to plan for the gardening season and consider important aspects for planting.
    3:47: 💬 Struggling with authenticity and truthfulness while considering audience reactions.
    6:47: 🌱 Passionate about growing food, teaching others, and advocating for food freedom while addressing concerns about GMO seeds.
    10:32: 🌱 Preserving heirloom seeds empowers individuals and ensures genetic diversity, fostering hope and empowerment.
    13:49: 🍅 Challenges of saving seeds from non-GMO tomatoes and ensuring seed purity in a world with GMO crops.
    17:43: 🌱 Preservation of heirloom seeds during conflict empowers communities to secure food sources.
    20:35: 🌱 Seed saving tips for self-pollinating plants like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants.
    23:54: 🌱 Maintaining seed purity through manual pollination and barriers in home gardening.
    27:17: ⚔️ Creating a seed bank as protection against potential threats to seed varieties.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  26. Look at you shine with your leadership skills! We must maintain hope to survive a corrupted government.

  27. I actually dont mind when people sound the alarm. It reminds me im not the only one concerned about where we are headed. I tend to find my motivation in the fear/anxiety and then that motivation leads to gardening to be prepared which then eases the fear/anxiety because i know i can take care of my friends and family. I get that not everyone works thats way so its definitely good to have someone approach the topic in ways that wont shut people down.

  28. Thanks for the words of wisdom, Jess. I have tiny gardens & grow seeds from plants from my Mom’s garden (poppies & calendula) & I still continue to save seeds from them plus vegetable seeds. It’s all an act of hope for future generations that help me keep growing & going into my 7th decade. Blessings to all 🤗🇨🇦

  29. Can someone enlighten me as to what we are “prepping” for? I know Jess is preaching hope over fear but it still points to the need for making preparations due to a potential something. Is it a fear of war on US soil? Is it the 2nd coming of Christ? I’m honestly not sure what to think of this….

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