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Pepper Plant Problems Leaf Roll [Edema] [[Gardening Allotment UK] [Grow Vegetables At Home ]

Pepper Plant Problems Leaf Roll [Edema] [Gardening Allotment UK] Please Like & Subscribe and join us doing Allotment Gardening Container Gardening plus more
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If you’re growing your peppers indoors which a  lot of people do in the UK cuz it’s too cold to   grow them outside you’re probably going to come  across one or two problems during that process   or you might not know that there is a problem if  you’re a new grower but there’s certain things  

That you need to keep Al out for so what I’m  going to do is go over a few things that may   affect your peppers indoors and ways that you can  prevent that from happening in the first place or  

Solve any problems that are already occurring you  might notice on this one that the top leaves are   starting to curl a little bit and that’s also  another problem with pepper plants if you see   Leaf curl you need to check underneath just to  make sure you haven’t got a disease or anything  

And it was mentioned quite recently on channel  that some somebody said they had a bit of a   problem you need to check under all your leaves  as always because 9 times out of 10 that’s where   your problem lies you might notice that because  you could only plants indoors the leaves start to  

Roll up on top if you look there you can see  that leaf is rolling up and there could be a   few reasons for that so since we’ve got a lot of  people that are probably growing peppers indoors  

At the moment will’ll go over those and then maybe  find uh a long way while yours are doing that if   that’s what they’re doing one thing that can cause  your leaves to roll up to that extent is that they  

Might be too close to grow lights the light is  too intense it’s too close so that leaf will   start to roll up to protect itself so it stops  photosynthesis it’s just a natural reaction for   that plant to try and cover its surface up because  it’s getting too much light too constantly so if  

You got your lights only a few inches away from  tops of your plants and you notice that the leaves   on the tops of your plants are starting to curl  up that’s probably why don’t reduce the amount  

Of light your plants has getting because they do  need a set amount of hours per day but move them   slightly away from those lights a good few inches  especially if you’ve got plants of that size  

People do that because they don’t want the plants  to be come leggy but your plants get leggy when   they’re very young seedlings that’s when they’ll  stretch as they get more established they’ll stop   doing that so you don’t need your lights as close  so that’s one reason why you could see Leaf curl  

I’ve brought out a few plants today so I can show  you different examples this is one example as well   that’s definitely worth looking at this plant  has got plant edema and the way you can tell   that is by looking under your leaves as always  through year if you’ve got a problem nine times  

Out of 10 you’ll find it underneath your leaves  much like you do aphids a little later in season   if I just turn that leaf up and put it close to  camera I’m open it’s going to actually focus on

It you might notice that this Leaf has got a bumpy  appearance underneath and it also looks like it’s   slightly crystallized as well I’m hoping you  can see this I’ll try another Leaf just in case I’m hoping you can see this what’s happening  with this plant to cause edema is that it’s taking  

Up too much water all at once and because it’s  been grown indoors it can’t expel that excess   moisture through its leaves so it causes it  to crystallize on unders sides of your leaves   they come a little bit mtled looking and you get  that very distinctive crystallization it’s not  

The end of your pepper if it does that but at the  same time you also notice there’s a little bit of   leaf roll as well which could be a result of the  same thing and the problem you’ve got there is  

Your plant’s telling you it’s not got good enough  air flow it’s too stuffy indoors for your plants   so they’re not transpiring adequately there to  get rid of moisture so it’s causing that on your  

Leaves and the trouble with that is if you haven’t  got a fan to keep running 247 on your plants which   is something I won’t do anyway you can bring them  outside and give them a bit better air flow cut  

Right back on your watering let that plant dry out  to some extent but you can’t just bring them out   as I have done today and leave them out because  those plants haven’t been hardened off you need  

To bring them out for a few minutes 30 minutes off  or so a day don’t put them in direct sunlight but   just put them outside so they’re in a natural  environment so they’re getting that airf flow   there is natural sunlight there but you don’t  want to bombard them with full sun constantly  

For half an hour or an hour because that’s going  to cause Sun scold and that’s going to cause your   leaves to start rolling up again because they’re  trying to protect thems from that intense light   because even though the Lights I’ve got indoors  that they produce light brightness it’s nothing  

Compared to sunlight so you have to harden your  plants off bring them out for a week or so half an   hour a day just stick them somewhere so they can  get that natural air flow and they can get a bit  

Of dappling sun but not full sun and then they’ll  be fine but never leave them outside all day long   cuz that’s not going to help so you can see that  that plant has definitely got edema you can see  

The little bumps on it you can see see a bit of  crystallization underneath those leaves so this   plant needs drying out and it needs some air flow  so I’ll just bring it out I’ll put it away from  

Sun let it get some air let it start to dry out  and fix that plant if that doesn’t work for you   it’s also caused by a lack of calcium so you need  to give it a calcium boost as well and I’ve got  

Something called calmag which is about6 pound to  buy off eBay and that gives your plants a really   good calcium boost and you get a little bottle but  you only need a tiny bit so it lasts a long time  

So for me it’s well worth investment and it also  prevents Blossom en rot and you’ll get Blossom   en rot later in season on your peppers and your  tomatoes so that will fix a couple of problems   and this plant that I’ve got is basically the  same it’s got a bit of crystallization under it  

Leaves a few bumps to it so once again it needs  that air flow and I’ll make a a little bitter   mixture of this Cal my go and probably give them  a tiny bit of a calcium boost so I’ve covered all  

Angles by doing that as a whole as Peppers don’t  look too bad when you’re growing them indoors   you’re going to come across all these sorts of  problems once we get to a point where we can   leave them outside and with adding them off then  they’re going to get that proper sunlight proper  

Air flow and then you’re just going to have a bit  of a battle with things like aphids and slugs to   compete with there’s always going to be something  but at the early stages are growing your peppers  

Ino it’s a few things that you’re going to have  to look into and 9 times out of 10 just a quick   inspection of your leaves is going to pretty much  tell you all you need to know just be aware that  

If your leaves do roll up really tightly then the  chances are no matter what you do those leaves   will not unroll again they’ve gone too far to go  back into the original shape and as we discussed  

At the beginning that’s probably due to him being  too close to a light so they’re trying to stop   photosynthesis by curling up as tight as they can  so even though these problems can be quite da and  

Especially to a new grower it’s not the end if  your pepper plants some plants however will start   to go really yellow like this one you can see  that’s not as green this leaf on the end doesn’t   look very elfy at all and that could be caused  by overwatering overwatering will also cause your  

Leaves to go misshaping start UR or they’ll have  again a bumpy appearance where the leaves looks   like it’s swelling it’s because it’s taking up too  much water basically what’s happening with that   plant is you’re drowned in your roots it’s got  too much water this one has been left to dry out  

Because it add that appearance of going yellow so  what we’ve done is we’ve stopped watering it just   to dry it out but what we do is we put a little  bit of water around that stem and it goes straight  

Down to main part of your plant while the rest of  this is drying out and eventually this plant will   recover because that leaf to me is too far gone  to recover and there’s nothing wrong with just   pinching that leaf off and also those bottom  leaves that we don’t need anymore we can take  

Those off and it doesn’t make that plant look  great but it makes it look a little bit better   and by doing that you can then monitor that plant  and see if any more leaves start to yellow or any  

More leaves start to curl in this case that leaf  was the only problem and we’re now drying it out   so that should fix that problem overwatering is  the most common mistake that new gardeners make   especially when you’re growing indoors because  they’re in a stuffy environment it’s warm but it’s  

Not overwarm so it’s quite easy to overwater your  plants and if you get leaves above those first   said leaves that are starting to turn yellow then  you’re definitely overwatering it but majority of   these plants look all right so I’m going to  put them in here I’ll keep them out at light  

They’re going to get a bit of air flow I’ll leave  Greenhouse door open so we’re getting air flow   all time but your main thing is do not put them in  direct sunlight so just start killing more leaves  

And burning leaves as well but that’s all for  this video hopefully it’s helped a few people out   that might be scratching their heads at the moment  thinking why my leaves curling why ises this plant   not look healthy and there’s quite a few reasons  that could be causing that and we’ve gone over  

Pretty much much all of them so hopefully you’re  going to have strong established Elfie Peppers By   the time it gets to move them outside and you’re  going to get a really good harvest all through  

Season and if you want to see what we’re going  to be doing over next few weeks on that lead up   to Spring please hit that subscribe button press  that notifications Bell and I’ll see you on next one


  1. Thanks! It is the first year I am using growlight for my peppers and first time I got leaves rolling. I was wondering why and now I know. Thanks again

  2. your channel is growing nicely, and righly so.. ive been watching you from near when you started and knew you were only going to get bigger..well done

  3. You’re not the most entertaining but you are by far the most helpful. I like how much knowledge you share with each plant. You make me feel so much more confident with growing after watching these

  4. Such a good explanation of problems, I imagine any warm weather plant started indoors could have similar problems ie, chillies and tomatoes? I find you so easy to understand. Also I love the new opening of your videos very professional. Thanks Ivan I’m following your advice closely this year as I really need some re motivation ❤️

  5. Great video Ivan. I started some Turkish sweet peppers last September and brought them indoors over the winter. They;re quite tall (about 8 inches) Some of the leaves curled and others eaten by something but I’ve sprayed them with a bug spray and vegetable oil/washing up detergent so I’m hoping that helps. Moved them out to the greenhouse now. It’s polycarbonate so warm and defuse light so less prone to scorching than glass. Got some California wonder pepper seeds started also

  6. How did your over wintered peppers do? Repotted fed and watered mine, moved into warm with grow lights and new growth doing well 😊 🫑 very satisfying 😊 I don't top as season too short in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🌱

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