Garden Plans

Amazing fall gardens, Dodging frosts, and garden plans

This is what is going on in our gardens this month and some thoughts about the state of gardening. 

Learn to Grow. Grow for Change.


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I truly from the deepest bottom of my heart and I’m going to goad and speak for miss bavia her heart too we hope that you have not had your first Frost we have not had ours yet and we’re holding on strong and that’s why we are

Here today to give you all a garden update for November what is going on in our Gardens this month right here on the backyard gardens podcast to have a good harvest one must plant good seeds and must also use the right kind of fertilizer the carrots have grown large and

Firm how good they will taste welcome to the backyard gardens podcast where we talk about all things gardening and give the information out for you to be successful in your garden whether it’s your first or your last we are your host Ben the backyard Gardener and bavia the front yard Gardener one in

The country one in the city City now get ready as we dig deep into this wonderful world of gardening as we learn to grow and grow for change um yes so I was a little dramatic and I’m not going to have a frost I’m not even going to be

Close but I know that I speak for you and that you are in any day type situation so yeah by the time this airs my first average frost should have already passed October the 29th but my 14-day forecast says that’s a lie you know 14 days is a long time to

Forecast it is but I’ve been watching this 14-day forecast and it’s been I’ve been watching it for like 14 days right and it’s it’s um yeah yeah I’m feeling good man well I mean hell you remember the TV Guide back in the day yeah of course they couldn’t even forecast the

TV shows 14 days out so and that’s supposed to be a schedule yeah so we’re um we’ve we have uh 30 so a lot of 50s as a low some 40s and once you get down to the 30s even in like 38 39 you and I both know that it

Could especially with a 14-day forecast that thing can shift downward and there we are with some uh some Frost so and it also depends on the microclimate around your garden M oh my gosh there it is so I was um I’m getting my weekends mixed up yeah this like maybe within the last

Week let’s just call it that so I was pulling up some plants in a container in a grow bag and you know I was fluffing up the soil or whatever and it was like freezing like so much so where my fingertips were cold now this is also

The same person that is basically doing laps around the garden to try to keep warm because once that cold catches me you know it’s done are you wearing socks yet no I’m not and I’m not happy about it but you know I’m dedic it so you were

Pretty late in the year last year so we’re it’s official everybody the bavia sock watches on we’re all watching batavia’s feet to see what’s going on that’s how we know it’s weird but we do it that’s what we do here yeah I mean this is this is life right everything

Doesn’t make sense yeah all right so let’s go to our question of the day and this is a very special question from a very special person they listen to the podcast and watch us on YouTube so look that was a resounding Bell I like it I’m sure some people’s ears are bleeding

Right now but that’s okay I can’t even hear out of my left ear now but that’s okay so this was on a short that I did and basically I just came on and I was like hey what do you guys plan in your garden next year you know I’m planning

To do X Y and Z let me know and they wrote so I never grew kabi and I have no idea how it tastes I think from listening to your podcast I can plant in the spring I’m also looking to bump up on medicinal plants and in my video I

Was like look I did corn didn’t do so well I’m going to do it again next year give it a shot and this individual says my corn did okay but I know I can do better for next year so wait hold on read that last part again oh really

Yeah you’re just that much of a sucker huh my didn’t do so well did okay but I know what I can do better for next year so this individual has like the wherewithal to just they they want to grow some corn and you know what I support you in that I’m writing this

Down I know I can do better I don’t know what the person wrote but I’m hearing it as I know I can do better next year and that is like putting on a t-shirt right and such an awesome Spirit to have I actually need that um to be one of my

Post-It mantras for these next couple of weeks as I try to power through yeah is it that bad well I mean you know well hold on wait wait wait let’s not gloss over the question oh oh yeah yeah yeah we got to get we’re already into the

Update okay yeah yeah we’re already we we’ve glossed over and just talking about the corn a even about the corn hey we know you can do better next year too all right we’re with you we can all do better but col Robie have you had col Robie I have

Not okay so first of all that’s an issue because it’s not because you didn’t grow it yet but it’s because you can’t get in the grocery store really which is a shame mhm which is one of my favorite thing one of my many favorite things about having a garden I have col Robie

In my garden right now I’ve just not gotten into the kitchen well col Robi so the question was what does kabi taste like it’s very simple and complex all in the same time it tastes like a turnup with a slight cabbage flavor I’m G let that sit for a minute yeah

It’s kind of confusing right yeah it’s a turnup with a slight cabbage flavor so basically I want to do oh you should grow this for K Robie in the near future because it’s become one of my favorite and I fought for two years to grow it there’s a lot of trial and error

For me but finally I’m getting it I harvested I I ate it last night which if you stay tuned to the end there will be a recipe that includes kabi just happen to be that way I guess the stars are aligned so it does grow

Well in the fall and the spring um it w doesn’t do well in the heat so remember that and I think I think that if it gets hot and it grows that it won’t produce the ball ball bulb whatever I don’t know what we call it I mean it’s like a weird like

Hybrid thing like yeah it’s like a root that’s on top of the soil yeah without roots coming out of it though mhhm so I consider it a root crop what do you consider it as Ah that’s wild so um so I was just I just

Did a video and I was doing um talking about I plan on harvesting Roots right like I have some radishes some carrots uh some per Snips right and I actually was showing the col RI plant that I have that’s long past the point of I should

Have har harvested it weeks ago but I literally said I’m just going to pretend like this is a root and harvest it when I harvest all of my roots um so somehow some way your like your brain combined with my brain and we had the same thought on two different days that’s

Okay it’s a beautiful thing Man it happens a lot actually so just a quick note and we’re not going to give all the you should grow this away for a kabby but I have at this point two wildly different Siz col Robie plants and I’m very interested to see one’s like the

Size of a a baseball which is more ideal for harvesting and one’s like the size of a softball uh which is a bit overgrown but I’m curious to see how different The Taste will be so I’m going to prepare them in the same way maybe

Using the that h on the same night yeah same night or morning depending on how I feel so maybe I’ll use your recipe that you share later on we’ll see I doubt she will for that but that’s okay okay all yeah it’s it’s not you know yeah yeah no

So it wouldn’t be good for a taste test comparison why you got to roll your eyes and shake your head at me for that’s not fair I was very intentional on you seeing that I was rolling my eyes I wanted you to know I know you were cuz

You opened your eyes even bigger and tilted oh there you did it again I have a baseball cap on so I wanted to make sure that that there wasn’t a glare or something that was preventing you from seeing that so I know you’re probably right cuz clearly you know what the

Recipe is but there’s a part of that’s just like how you going to tell me what I’m not going to do for a taste test it wouldn’t be good but you never know okay but yeah so it’s it’s really easy um you know grow it and enjoy it just remember

That when you cook it it’s going to be a little bit more watery than a turnup so turnips are watery than potatoes more watery than potatoes and kabi more watery than turnips so just kind of keep that in mind yeah and I guess that’s where that cabbage flavor comes in at

You’re dropping some some nuggets here man I’m di it hey look I grow to cook I grow to eat too so I know when I’m growing how to cook it but and I learned when we ate we made it mashed one time and it was like squirting through our

Teeth and I was like yeah this is kind of gross that was the turnips that you you guys mashed no well both times we did it and I’m like it’s good but the consistency is not happening like this is not going to work so yeah but

That being said we’re going to go take this break this easy question today and we’re going to come back with a garden update and who the hell knows what’s going on in our garden hey everybody thanks for checking out the backyard gardens podcast if you like what we’re doing and you want to

Continue to support the podcast head over to our patreon page to sign up you can also make a onetime donation using PayPal both of these links are in the description with your support we can continue growing and helping others in their Gardens see you One of the most common questions we get asked is what do we use in our Gardens as far as products well we have an Amazon list below that if you go to you can see all the products that we use and like and recommend and you can buy them

And if you do you support the podcast at no extra cost to you so check out the link below for our Amazon store and help support the podcast and enjoy your Gardens tell me that everything good is going on in your garden I everything’s good in my garden

Everything’s good that’s the truth of the matter harvesting daily hundreds of pounds of food no I’m using um my garden is like outdoor food storage at this point no that’s you know what oh wait so first of all that’s awesome because I like that I like that idea and second of

All I forgot to make two announcements earlier one is the T-shirt code jolly BG 10% off and two I added two T-shirts a his and a hers and they’re handdrawn handdrawn mandalas By Me on t-shirts so so I get to a point in my garden where I store it but it takes a

While to get there and I’m surprised with as long as you have before your Frost that you’re already there yeah you must be staying cool in the daytime mhh SP I haven’t been creeping on your weather too much so just just say that I haven’t been creeping on you so I don’t

Really have any idea what your weather is like I know you just had a bunch of rain but that’s it yeah it’s okay if you’ve been monitoring my weather because a good friend and a good Garden pal probably would because I’m starting to get Reckless out here um are you yeah man

Like so um so yeah so WEA for us um kind of October normally is you know it could go either way like we really get cooler temps but I told you September has been unseasonably warm October had been as well um we’re now officially in Fall our

Highs are in the 50s our lows are consistently overnight and in the 40s we’ve had maybe one or two days that have dipped into like 39 or something um but what that’s done for me in my garden because clearly I have a bunch of things that are like true fall vegetables a lot

Of leafy greens brascas and things and they’re unfazed right they’re doing just fine but some of my remaining summer crops yep I still got summer out there right so tomatoes and peppers they’re basically kind of stalled right so they’re too it’s too cool for them to really produce new fruit and there it’s

So cool where you know once we get to 50s especially for tomatoes those things really stop ripening right so I looked back into and I was actually monitoring it in my head and there’s a lot of stuff you know buzzing around up there October

1 I looked and I had a bunch of green paste tomato and it took until like October 20th and they had been green for a good minute so it took until like October 20th for those to actually get to the point where they were showing color um and so I know

That’s a whole big question at the beginning of the Season like when are my tomatoes going to turn red this ain’t that this was like cooler temps basically had stalled these things out we got a couple of warmer days and here we are um so that’s what’s allowing me

To kind of be lazy and leave things on the plant but it’s already backfired that’s why I said I’m being Reckless And let me take a breath cuz that was a lot there so I want to say that every year I pull everything out except for my Peppers you know I usually leave a Pepper or two and they continue to produce up until about now and then they

Just stall but my jalapenos I probably have 30 or 40 jalapenos that have just been sitting on there for about a month now and all summer they were really slow but every single year at the end of summer they take off and it’s extremely frustrating because I’m like I’m out at

This point I’m out of my preservation mode and all that stuff and now I’ve got all these Peppers I’m like damn so I’m kind of leaving them out there as long as I can and then I’m going to pull them in but every year it’s the same story

With them it’s crazy yeah peppers have um I’ve even actually even actually I’ve actually had um like oh we got a frost last night and still had some peppers in the garden and they like they were okay but I didn’t chance it much further you

Know so I end up pulling those up I think what I ended up doing actually was cutting the entire plant putting it into like an um empty container that big container I had cuz I still wasn’t ready to manage them and ultimately that was last year I think I ultimately brought

The it was like a 20 gallon container brought it inside and harvested that um the peppers off of it but I said that um I was being Reckless because like you said we had 24 hours of Non-Stop brain we got at least 5 in so that’s as high

As my little rain gauge goes so it could have been more and I had red tomatoes the same Tomatoes I’m talking about that took all that time to to start to get to color and I don’t know if I had like a dozen maybe three or four of them split that’s itep

Yep do yeah I need a first of all I need to get a rain gauge but I need a rain gauge bad actually but I also need the rain that you got we haven’t had rain here in like almost 2 months not anything measurable I paused because we

Have one more like couple of days in a row of rain and I’m not sure what that’s going to look like um but there I mean the saturation you know yeah yeah it’s crazy it’s um I was definitely having issues in my garden with my chard

Because I was watering a lot and as I watered like I was watering a lot because I had stuff like was getting established and I would seeds and my was just getting overwatered and it’s just it’s been like the struggle bu for a minute and it’s been like flopping over and I’m like

What the hell and then I started reading into it’s a number one sign of overwatering that so I was like well what do I do I have these chard that are really struggling but everything else is taking off like screw the chard you know what I

Mean so I just keep trimming it back and hoping that like one day it’ll come back but it’s been um you know fall Garden for me has always been a challenge because of the Heat and then you know in the Heartbreak Zone we’ll go from Summer

To sometimes we can even almost skip a fall technically skip a fall you know I think we consider it fall but temperature- wise it can be it can go real fast so it’s always me managing that situation I don’t know if I change this

Every time I say it but this is like I going to say 18 19 20 so this is like maybe the fourth year I’ve tried a fall Garden and um for the most part this is the first year outside of like some lettuce I did do some lettuce and a couple of

Like leafy greens last year so maybe this is the second year that I’ve actually planted things for fall that are doing well in the garden previous years it’s been I’ve had things that have been planted earlier in the season that also like the fall attempts and probably more so like the fall attempts

That continue to do well cuz that’s a difference right you know something that I planted in the summer that’s still living CH is a great example of that for me it’s very different than something that I Tred to get the timing right for for The Fall season um so this year I

Actually have both which is super duper cool that is cool so your garden is it safe to say that your fall Garden is bigger than previous years or yes cuz you’re one that holds on to summer crops as long as possible right [Laughter] like oh yeah literally got I just got

Scared instantly like I was like what ially see it but I saw it in your face there was a star down that I was giving you like I was like oh you know it’s um I’m okay with being called on my and I know that’s not what you were

Doing but it felt like that because let me tell you it felt like that because I had been walking around the garden over the last week and really and this is a part of observation it’s a part of continued learning right and really looking and saying um some of the spaces

That I still have filled with summer crops and that whole balance of how much more am I going to get you know we won’t you could probably hear this same bit of conversation in previous episodes um but I look and say like this is the difference there are things that I

Planted where I had some pretty good open space and then some of my summer plants overshadowed I have planted for fall right right and so it’s like these summer plants that are going on their way out basically have bogarted their way and then they’ve stunted the growth

For my true fall vegetables so if they hadn’t been there at all you know great example I have um a one let’s see it’s about maybe 6 feet long and about a foot and a half um wide so a super duper narrow bed it’s in the front yard garden

And I had two squat sash plants there and then I seed some seeds for mustards and I’ve gotten two squash off of those two plants period to squash and then powdery mildew affected it and I ended up ultimately pulling it but I pulled it so late where it’s been hard to get

Something else sewed there you know to feel that space right so that’s a great example and I mean it’s the continued squash trouble too but that’s a great example of I’m still working through that timing you know this is only what oh I’m on year I’m past year three

I’m supposed to have this figured out by now yeah you are you’re delayed no no no it takes me three years to try it so I’m just generally I’m you got another three years to Let’s air quote Master it how’s that we’re going to give you a six-year

Leeway okay cuz I was going to say that perhaps I’m just well I was thinking that maybe I’m just in year three of failing at this so it could be that no we’re going to give you a six-year leeway from inception in the mind all the way to ma beginning the mastering

Phase of it so that’s that’s plenty of leeway I think yeah but that still makes this year six because I started it at least three years ago but okay let’s hey I’ll take the win I still have more years to be successful at this well look

If you’re not successful at it in it’s your sixth year then just you up and that’s all there is to it yeah that’s that’s kind of how I was feeling and I was hoping that maybe you’d correct me but thanks for we give seventh year if you want I mean you know

Yeah I like seven Seven’s actually my lucky number seven’s a good number okay seven years you have seven years hold on wait oh wait I I can’t find the note where’s the note that I just wrote from the question of the day there it is that’s why you have a

Notebook look it’s I dropped the whole note oh sorry I dropped the notepad on the floor I Know I Can Do Better hash there you go you can do better clearly when you don’t have my back and I can’t count on you there’s a listener out

There that feels in the Gap I always got your back vavia you know that I’m the bell rang all over what you just said we’re moving on it doesn’t matter so no I you know there’s some summer crops that I I hold on to as well I had um I

Had a failure of a Watermelon Crop this year and then I’d say about a month ago I was walking around I was like look at there I got a little watermelon so I like kept trying to hold it hold it but it’s just not enough Sun now until the

Leaves fall off my trees I know I’ve said it on YouTu about a thousand times but I’m literally like okay the leaves need to fall the leaves need to fall for multiple reasons one I want to beef up my compost pile but two I want the sun

To come in yeah and um you know the other day I was like cutting the grass and I just mowed right over I was like whatever I’m over it it’s not going to grow it’s just a waste of time so and I’ve I’ve identified some other issues

Inside of my wild garden and I’m going to if I can pull the money together I’m going to make that change so so I’m going to uh I’m going to it’s going to stay a wild garden but I’m going to make it a raised bed and bring in some good

Soil and just put it in there because I have compaction issues I have drainage issues I have nutrient issues and I have temperament issues that I just can’t I can’t deal with it anymore it’s pissing me off so I’m just like you know what I know what to do I

Know how to fix it and I’m going to move on so my plan is to fill it and use it like it’s like a raised bed what is that oh the note that I know I can yeah I know I Can Do Better Man apply it again um

So remind me to talk sweet potatoes okay well why don’t you talk sweet potatoes oh thanks for reminding me okay you’re welcome so great news I’m not going to bury the lead I harvested my sweet potatoes and I’m very very pleased with the Harvest um and I’m

Absolutely going to year three next year right so they’re making the cut what was the poundage that doesn’t matter let’s let’s rephrase I’m G to tell you the poundage but let’s rephrase the way that we evaluate success all right so um I studied young Ben’s video for sweet

Potatoes so check it out in the backyard gardens YouTube channel and I was like you know an archaeologist or something is that the one that you know that studies the bones and so I was brushing away the soil and that lasted what for what seems like hours and then when I

Finally got down to I’m just like damn it and I pulled and broke a couple but anyway so I have about n lbs of sweet potatoes and this is the key it is in a 36 inch round raised bed and that’s the raised bed that I had that huge sunflower in So

Within that 36 inch round raised bed I’d say about 2/3 of it was where I planted sweet potatoes and the other piece of it was that sunflower and so what it allowed me to do is one see okay absolutely there is more growth here than there was in only the raised b or

The grow bags last year my grow back I had one single grow back this year and it it produced you know well I mean it produced starting to see a pattern with grow bags no no no I’ll come back to that at somewhere later but anywh who

It allowed me to see um based on this size This Is What It produced right and so I could either either be really really happy with that kind of production next year or I could dedicate more space to it but I have more of the formula now and I know it seems like

It’s pretty logical but I mean it absolutely is slips equal potatoes equal space I like when you did that I have more of the formula and you were like waving your tell to speaked the story up right no no no no no no uh yeah I am

Being very animated for those that can’t see me well I guess you’re the only one that can see me so any who um I when you mentioned compacted so that soil was actually as I was pulling it up we had had a lot of rain remember

I was trying to wait so I waited about a week after our last battle of rain and the soil wasn’t super duper um wet which is a good thing but I did observe that it was a bit more compacted than probably those sweet potatoes wanted um

So I had some that about half of them were nice size they weren’t like your date night sweet potatoes and some of them were smaller um and so I was thinking about as I was you know brushing soil away I was thinking about ways to make sure that I have a bit more

Loose soil when I plant them next year um so super duper pleased sweet potatoes make the cut white potatoes are still to be determined actually they made the cut too cuz I made some executive decision I’m glad you brought up loose soil because last year I planted in the wild

Garden the sweet potatoes like I wanted to like it was designed for and I I didn’t have a Great Harvest and I’ve not every time I go out there the soil is very hard to get my hands in and so I’ve I’ve noticed that every single time I go

Out there and I’m like what the hell you know what I mean so it just leads me to believe that there’s that and you when you said that it kind of triggered in my mind which I had been thinking about as well but I was like maybe that’s really

Been an issue because I plant him in this damn bed and you saw what I got this year I mean I’m thrilled to death you could can’t tell me nothing like I’m a sweet potato farmer son like I’m proud what was your poundage I really don’t

Care but it seems the fair to ask I think uh we got 35 lbs a that’s out of it so um we were very happy with that but you know the the soil like I can stick my hand all the way down to the bottom and scoop it up with that with no

Issue my other one I’m like you know and I’ve I’ve turned it and turned it and added to it and I just you know I it comes to a point where I’m like all right I’m throwing in the towel like I think it’s just time for me to

Do to make the step but at the same time you know I have to do a cost analysis as well because it might be cheaper for me just to get a damn tiller and go in there and till the hell out of it and I

Know I have a tiller available to me I can borrow but I really don’t want to do that yeah so I I haven’t figured out the the how I really believe that this is the combination of um there are a couple of other spots that were potential spots for sweet potatoes this year

Right and so I’m going to take a look at what that soil looks like compared to the soil that I’m actually planting in I have spots in my garden where the soil is heavier if you will than others like I I know what those are um and if I

Don’t know I’m reminded once I get to like you know amending the beds um but you just don’t know like how heavy is too heavy um so this is the I’m sorry go ahead I’m sorry to totally cut you off rude as hell no that’s okay I was

Talking to um some folks that at work and I commented about how sometimes my sometimes I’m talking like straight off the top of my head and my thoughts trell off and it’s hard to tell that it’s the end of my sentence yeah well I guess if you were

Doing that then I’ll go ahead yeah so this is the third year for the wild garden and I knew the first year was going to be rough the second year was tough and the third year and now this year I’m kind of like you know what everything that I’m getting out of my

Garden my main four or now five beds are really supporting me like I haven’t even untap the potential inside of those beds and it’s frustrated me this year because I’m like I keep having stuff grow and I’m like it’s growing it’s growing but it’s just not doing it and you know I

Got really sandy soil and I just feel like I’m just I’m I’m it’s a constant but this is so it’s a really big deal for me to say that I’m thinking very serious ly about making it raised bed and I can’t do so what I’ll end up

Losing space if I make it a raised bed yeah cuz I can’t have it so big in a raised bed yeah cuz I can’t get in it to work so but when I say I’m now I’m thinking out my problem on air for everybody to hear so be beware of that

But if I take away that space I’m still not losing anything because I’m not really getting as good of a harvest out of my big space mhm so if I have a quality smaller space then I will actually be getting more right yep does that make sense it does because I

Um I was looking at recently the front yard Garden so you look at the front yard Garden every time we talk yeah but yeah I see a profile of you like I don’t even know what the front of your face looks like I just know what the side of

Your face looks like I know I’m trying to soak it all up for all all the way up until the point where it doesn’t doesn’t look like that anymore and then they’re just dreams of what will be you know um but you know it’s very um it’s very

Designed if you will right and so I don’t think I thought about this people have asked me about it but I really didn’t like think much of it um no no no no one’s asked me about it that I can remember I’ve seen people comment on why

Would you like build a structure why do you why are you guys putting wood around dirt right we may have even talked about this before here um and I would have needed to bring in some soil based on ES especially if I wanted to have success

In the first year or two when I dug up the front yard Garden so soil would have needed to be brought in but I didn’t need to build anything out really right right and so there are a couple of reasons there was aesthetically I wanted

To it to to look nice based on it being the front yard Garden um not that you have to have something super pretty in the front yard but I wanted something that you know my neighbors couldn’t like contest it’s beautiful you love it um but but and it also is higher right so

While animals can get to it it’s a little bit more challenging but my point when bringing it up all the way around is I was thinking about how much more space I could have gotten if I didn’t build these structures how much more planting space right um and it was maybe

More than even just a moment I was thinking about it right like I’m not changing it in the near future but there is that moment of this could be a more um efficient space if I would have planned it differently all in all I’m super duper happy with it

But I I that’s the reason why I hear exactly what you’re saying because I have had these thoughts recently I’m on the other side of it though you’re thinking about doing it I’ve done it now I’m thinking about what if I didn’t do it yeah and I think you know me doing

Because this is the first time I’ve ever done an inground Garden myself um and then you know in our in my area where it’s so Sandy I mean the water like I have my crops out there and they’re just they’re wilting constantly because the water is just it just goes

Right through yeah so but you know if I build the ra and this is a really in my mind an argument for having a raised bed is you can do the raised bed add your soil in and you’re good you know you basically you know what you’re working

With you know what it is so um and I think you know for me it it it’ll break down into like an efficiency of like my compost usage and knowing what to use and stuff like that so and I know that if I build that bed like I know what it

Will produce like I know it will produce next year and it will be my wife will probably kill me because we already get so much out of five beds and then if I add another four beds in that are going to produce like that she’s going to be

Like what the hell are you doing like we don’t have time for this so yeah yeah yeah well okay I’m doing it um anything to make the wife mad she doesn’t listen to every episode so she won’t hear that I was on the other side of this she’s not allowed to listen to

Any episode cuz I want her to be your friend okay yeah cuz I don’t want to be associated with that decision but it’s it’s super interesting because um a part of the reason why I said I’m using the garden as kind of like outdoor storage is because I’ve been struggling

With time now right so I could have clearly have gotten so much food off of the especially the summer crops and pull those plants if I wanted to leave them if I didn’t want to pull them or whatever have you um and it really kind of again and I’m

Gonna talk about it every time I want to talk about it right that’s not to you that’s kind of to myself um as I’m trying to self-edit um I keep on thinking about that’s weird that you did that but that’s okay I support it yeah that that actually said it out loud

That’s that’s one more of my thoughts that really probably should have stayed in my head um but I am like going through and thinking about what’s most useful to me in my garden you know the food that I’m growing what’s most use useful what’s most manageable right you

Know so again a part of this is for now eating and a part of this is for eating later what’s easier for storage right um storage and preservation I didn’t pull my roots up I planned on doing it on Saturday before the rain and I didn’t do

It because I wasn’t prepared to store all of the roots and I mean I don’t have like 50 pounds of roots or anything um but I have enough to be able to figure out all right what are you going to eat fresh this week what are you going to

Put in the bin and I didn’t have time between Saturday afternoon and the end of Saturday to be able to figure that piece out um so what it led me to was really as I consider again because we’re always revising right my next year plan

Maybe it isn’t the end of the world that I got like 20 some pounds of potatoes R potatoes maybe it isn’t the end of the world that I got 10 pounds of sweet potatoes if I would have had 10 more pounds we’d have had sweet potato pies

Now I’m not going to use those are sweet potato pies cuz I want to enjoy the Harvest a little bit longer yeah oh you know what before we get off the subject of sweet potatoes um I do want to say that mine are as of the recording of This the day’s date is

10:26 uh if you go back and you look at my YouTube channel at the YouTube channel where I said that hey I was curing potatoes I’m just now stopping today curing them so today is the last so that’s how long that I cured them so if anybody has any questions about that

That’s how you can find out because I left them out there as long as I could cuz I really wanted to get them nice and sweet and creamy so when I cook them they just bubble over and my son we we we cooked one the other

Day and it was effing delicious and he was like Daddy I was like yes son he was like eat the sweet potato like demand the Kung Fu movie and I was like okay cuz that’s how I eat them I just eat him like pick him up and bite them ho it

Doesn’t B you know and he was like that’s what I’m talking about that’s that’s what did he just say say that’s the toad style and I was like whatever you know he’s seven so he says whatever comes to his mind he’s got zero filter yeah yeah I am sometimes I’m

Uncomfortable about how you make comparisons to David and I either directly or indirectly because what you just described with him saying what comes to his mind is exactly what I’ve been saying for the last 30 minutes about me well I can’t really say anything to that but

Yeah I actually have been trying to channel my childhood a little bit more so there we are um but in all seriousness um I do sweet potato pies will be made this month in November right and I know it’s sounds like wait a minute you’re going to buy sweet

Potatoes to make sweet potato pies um if you make sweet potato pies you know you add a lot of things to it sugar milk butter you know other seasonings and I really want to be able to enjoy the pureness of the sweet potatoes for my garden and I don’t have enough to be

Able to do both does that make sense yes it does yes it does if you’re going to add all that to it you might as well use the stuff from the store that was a quick way of saying it but your way was very poetic and I likeed it I

Know I felt like I’m a special kind of special and then you start about the that I’m adding to it which I mean at the end of the day that’s what I’m trying to say too like if I’m not going to be able to taste the sweet

Potatoes and the sweet potato buy then you’re done yeah yeah I wanted to be from the store in that case yeah I’ve um you know and when I do the white potatoes this year so I have to plant my white potatoes in February so if I take

And I make those raised beds beforehand it’s going to be super easy to plant them and grow them and just pile the dirt back on so I’m kind of now now I’m really excited about doing it wait so are you thinking about getting um soil delivered dirt delivered this year are

You thinking about getting it delivered early next year no the uh before February I’ll do I usually do that kind of stuff in January um just because it’s it you know it fills my time and it’s gives me everything is usually cleared out at that point so I got like a clean slate

And I can look at it so it’s really worth it for me to just go ahead and and do it then and your soil the existing soil isn’t Frozen at that point right no our soil doesn’t I mean it it freezes and thaws but it doesn’t stay frozen

Yeah that was just one more opportunity for me to highlight the difference of our Gardens and more so oh wo is me the struggle of my you know frozen solid dirt by January but okay yeah I mean I remember when I lived in New England it

Was like there was no dirt you were just it was gone you know come December and that was it you didn’t see and if you did see it it that was Hard Solid Sol as a rock did you not pick up on the song let me finish good night look we can’t do

That we don’t have the uh the IP for that so oh maybe good point but wait there’s no one that would really hear that version and connected to know they might they might be like that is a Dead Ringer no I do want to give an update on

My kale so I called bavia a couple days ago and I said look I’ve been growing curly kale for I think this my it was my fifth year this spring growing curly kale mhm and I said I’m done and I think I even said it on here and you talked me

In to Tuscana Dinosaur Kale tus whatever Tuscan kale Dinosaur Kale andado kale all of that St if you see any of those names get it it’s all the same it’s all the same right so anyways I harvested it I’m back in I’m back in the kale game

Like I’m good like that Curly kale I do not ever want to see that again I’m all set but this stuff yes I’m in and I’m just now like it’s crazy as soon as the temperatures broke like it’s been in my garden for a while and I hadn’t

Harvested it as soon as the temperatures broke they quadrupled in size in like a week it was crazy like they just’re like I’m happy this is what I want and they just exploded so yeah if I can only get the ones in the greenhouse to do the

Same thing will be good I have this saying um and I’ve said this before because I remember you telling me what it was and I still can’t remember what it was but imitation crap meat and then actual crap meat they’re so different that even be called imitation crap meat

And so these kale varieties are just so different where I struggle with that they’re both called kale there a bunch of other varieties out there too um but they are wholly different so I’m glad that you like um the lado tusin and whatever the other name

Is that Dinosaur Kale yeah yeah I told David it was dinosaur cuz it madees it cooler and he’ll eat it yeah so yeah I’m I was I was impressed and I was happy with it and it now has a place in my garden you know one that La this is the

Year of of um comeback kids M mhm there’s been a number of vegetables that I’m like you’re on that on the cutting block yeah and then they come back bang you know so I was just out there earlier and I noticed that my radish is another Comeback Kid are just they’re filling up

They’re getting good um I do have one variety of radish that I was not overly impressed with but that’s for a different day yeah that was the uh red meat radishes I was tell you about remember we talked about that watermelon yeah watermelon yeah it was boo boo so

Yeah I um I may have let my radishes go a little it’s such a bad habit of mine like I harvest a lot of um overgrown food but it goes back to my previous comments right like um I have harvested some radishes right at 25 days and I

Mean let’s just be realistic there’s only so much flavor in a radish but the um the plant itself is very different at 25 days than it is at you know 50 days um and so but it’s a part of the learning experience I know now in my

Head it’s it’s filed away when I prefer to harvest insert that vegetable and that part like that excites me I love being able to you know recognize that for myself um what I prefer in the garden cuz it’s sometimes we say like when someone asks when to harvest a

Thing you know we kind of reference all right what does it look like the size in the store right and in some cases that’s spot on but in other cases like we know the whole chain and how things are are harvested before their time um so you

Really want to be able to determine for yourself like when do you like that vegetable well and the thing is too that’s so important is like well I mean you basically said it is it’s you’re growing it to your flavor profile MH so there’s some stuff that

You grow that you’re supposed to grow immature maybe when you get this col robab that’s the size of a softball you might be like yeah this is way better I like this more then you’ll know you know and it’s so I think that’s one of the cool things about it is you’re deciding

When your food is ready and it meets your fla flavor profile yep you know like if you want a spicy radish let it get spicy and you’ll have a spicy radish I am speaking of like wholly different kale Russian kale which I comment around about because it’s um I comment a lot

About it because it’s very prolific and I realized this year I know I’ve grown in a bunch of years I realized this year I really prefer it younger and that’s not my story I generally like kind of those kind of heartier greens I like them once they’ve gotten a bigger size

And all of that but Russian kale I’m convinced now I’ve had it you know when it’s much younger and I’ve had it when the leaves are much larger so younger would be you know I don’t know whatever you would see like baby spinach J maybe a little bit bigger than that and then

Full size for me is probably the size of anyone’s hand right besides a kid right so the size of any adult’s hand or larger right and I’m pretty comfortable with saying I don’t like it once it’s that well I won’t say I like I prefer it

Let’s say it that way when it’s a bit younger um so I mean it’s but you kind of have to have it both ways to know that right now the last thing I wanted to say about that CU I keep on forgetting is one of the Joys and now

Committing to a fall Garden committing to a spring garden committing recommitting to a summer garden is some of these vegetables I’m able to taste at different times and specifically when there’s different weather impacts yeah right um so that it brings me joy because it just reminds you of of Nature

And and how you know this whole thing is bigger than us right let me let me go there for a minute um and like it’s hard to get tired of things when quite literally they will taste different same vegetable can taste different now I ain’t talking about those sweet collards

That folks be talking about I ain’t talking about that you know but what sweet collards never seen them yeah I don’t I’m not buying that we have to figure out a way to test it I need to test it I got collards I start eating them now but then I won’t

Remember the flavor you know what I mean yeah man and then even even if if you were to like freeze them it’s still like that’s wholly changed you know what I’m saying yeah it’s not the same yeah yeah I don’t know how to do it I need to

Figure it out because the whole sweet Collard thing bothers me now I do want to go back to the curly kale for a second real quick I heard a breakdown like a scientific break down down on the why which seemed logical but I can’t remember it exactly so we’ll come back

To that one day later yeah one day we’ll have a whole episode about cold and sweet greens or something stupid it sounds like something that would be fun no it’d be fun to get on there and just talk crap about it the whole time nope

Not fun not signing on to it I mean cuz we do give Leonard a vote so I mean I could be outvoted here you could be we’ll see Leonard’s yeah right yeah cly kale so I’ve know um you know for years when I grew it I was like man my Kale’s

Always small my Kale’s always small and um it turns out I was growing dwarf curly kale all these years and then I grew this kale and my garden is looks fuller and it it has the visual appeal that I want this year like visually the all the radishes which you

Know I’ve got basically a radish Farm going on and all of the you know the lettuce is in a group and the Ks are all lined up in the back and it’s got all the textures and they’re all full and it just it’s like the first year in 10

Years that I’ve like actually had like one of my beds looks like like it’s supposed to you know what I mean like in my head when I think of a healthy garden I actually have that look so it makes me very uh pleased now on the other token the other

Hand are you tearing up keep on talking go ahead I’m fine so on the other hand on one of my other beds my broccoli it’s it grew weird and got tortured looking but it’s all it’s again it’s one of those things where like everything is just really

Filling in very nicely and I don’t know what happened to make it well I do know what happened I kind of gave it a lot of fertilizer and redid the soil add compost and Mulch and everything else but you as I go through and I look at it

I’m just like wow it really impresses me I I mean honestly I impressed myself this year because I’m like I did exactly what I wanted to do in the Heat and everything is looking if it doesn’t taste good damn it at least it looks good m and that makes me happy because

It’s been you know that Curly kale like I always see everybody else’s kale and I’m like why hasn’t mine looked like that you know cuz it really fills in your garden and it gets so big and so now that I have it I’m like all right I’m good you know it’s I’m

Happy write it down everybody Ben’s happy can’t be quiet you got to talk no man first off you want like them to hear the frog in my throat right second um you absolutely know when you push the buttons and um third there sometimes there things so I’m very

Comfortable with you know the way that I’m able to express myself and there not many times where I don’t have the words sometimes I have many more words um but then there are moments like just now when you describe something that’s been in my head and either I haven’t been

Able to figure out how to articulate it or maybe I’ve just not been comfortable because it it it sounds a certain way but the fullness that you were talking about of the garden and kind of you have this in your mind of what you want this

To look like because we are first and foremost growing food period right yeah and we are also um trying to achieve a certain thing and that fluctuates it can be you know a certain look a certain feel and you hit the nail on the head

When it came to my fall Garden it’s been funny because at this time of year things have are so died out normally in my garden and there’s a part of like literally darkness that comes with that right it washes over me I fight it and

This year and every year I want to plant flowers because I believe that will like refresh me in my garden and I just never get around to it right and so basically at this time I’m looking at most times you know kind of dead Vines and then

It’s like let’s make the whole trip to clear the space because that’s what I choose to do at the end of the season but this year it’s been so different um and so that fullness you know that life right cuz there’s still energy I talked about tomatoes kind of being stalled but

Those are tomatoes right I’m talk think about all the other things my collards you know the spinach and the radishes like there’s still such an opportunity to see new life and then there’s that opportunity especially for these fall vegetables to go from it’s curly kale I

Know how you feel about that but it’s the same idea of that full started with these transplants and like in 30 days you kind of see this thing kind of bustling you know and it just it brings me great joy I am happy too uh so

Write it down yeah and I mean it’s just something that I’ve been striving for for years and I just I feel like I always missed the mark somehow and it’s like it all fell into place yeah yeah and it was like everything was planted at the right times you know the research

Kind of paid off talking on here for 100 58,000 hours this year paid off you know it’s just like all of it kind of all came together yeah and when I stood back and looked at it I was like wow yeah you know who cares about Pathways it’s all

About this yeah yeah man I’m happy for you too so it’s um you know and it’s it’s funny too because it’s just trying new varieties you know I’ve tried a lot more varieties this year and stepped out of my bounds or you the past couple years I’ve tried different varieties of

Different things and some things did well some things did and you know some things are going away and some things aren’t and you know the kale was a good thing cuz I was like I’m not ready to cut off like one of the major producers for winter you know

Especially for me like I can grow kale all winter almost like mostly so to cut it out completely would kind of hurt the production and you know the value of the garden for the winter and so to find something that has a different variety that has a different texture a different

Growth pattern a different height a different color and honestly a different flavor is amazing you know even though it’s still a kale yeah this is normally so I’ll let you guys in on something this is normally a subject matter that I would um discuss with young Ben like offline

Right and I already know I already hear you in my head and so because I already know how the conversation is going to go I’m just going to share it on on air here there was um I was thinking about the sweet potatoes and then I was thinking about some of the other

Vegetables and I kind of felt this is me in my own head I was starting to feel kind of wishy-washy and I was thinking about like you know I’m going to go back because I feel like like I don’t want to continue to give like a contradicting

Message right but then I would say to myself sometimes these episodes are almost like a diary a garden diary right you know and they’re capturing the feeling in the moment right and so as I was sitting and saying i’ already said depending on what happened with my sweet

Potatoes right but then immediately I thought you know a part of this is Adventure so to speak for me and maybe that’s not the right word that I want to use right now um Discovery maybe that’s a bit better more descriptive and so a

Part of that you have to be able to try new things try things in different places try things in different times and I at that time gave myself a pass with saying all right yeah you’re absolutely going to give year three for sweet potatoes I’d already decided it before I

Dug them up for sweet potatoes and when I dug up the sweet potatoes I decided we’re going to give white potatoes one more year right we’re going to give them year three and the voice in my head which was yours was it’s your garden do what the you want you know don’t

Worry about signing wishy-washy or being wishy-washy um so I appreciate that conversation that we just had thank you yeah well and I mean I you’re welcome and I I I I want you to hear this and I want actually I want every single person listening to hear this this isn’t

Politics you’re allowed to change your mind and yeah you might be flip-flopping but that’s okay because you’re it’s a thought process and we’re all going through it and as we see things we are allowed to be indecisive because it’s a big decision to tie up a a bed for a 100

Plus days yeah for something that you don’t know like it is okay to flip-flop and it is okay for you and I to come on here for all these people to hear us flipflop back and forth like I am not apologizing for it at all because it’s my garden

And I don’t know half the time what I want to put in like I make a plan but I flip-flop out of that plan constantly like nobody sees how many times I have my plan made and I go back and I change it or I delete it and start over or you

Know I’m like oh wait let me add this other bed in here that I’m going to build and you know it just everything gets kind of crazy so you know it’s it drives me crazy when people like well that person flip flops I’m like well no they’re just kind of educating

Themselves and you’re allowed to change your mind like in 10 years from now it’s a possibility it’s not saying it’s going to happen but T So don’t freak out and don’t yell at me when I say this we might sit on this show cuz you know in

10 years we’re going to have 58,000 episodes and I’m you might say you know what I’m not growing tomatoes anymore I’m done and just total flip-flop and that’s okay I knew I knew you were going to do that yeah I knew I’m sorry I didn’t I couldn’t make out those words you heard

Me but I mean and that’s okay you know what I mean so yeah I mean I think um so um just one more comment around that for me and it was the moment of balance so there actually two more comments one is um the garden can absolutely elicit

Emotions right right well even taking a step back further food absolutely does that right so the garden elicits emotions and so you can actually probably plot out the timing of things right feeling a certain way about a certain thing at a certain time in the growing season and then there’s this you

Know much more thankfulness much more gratefulness as this thing winds down mhm I don’t even know if I want to go to my second point because I don’t know if I can hold it together enough do it do it you told everybody you have to so

Then so and that’s fair and it’s I’m so thankful because without spending this time actually talking about hearing about your garden hearing about other people’s Gardens talking about my own um sometimes we’re slower to come to the realization right yes so there’s there’s that but then there’s also this balance

Of as we came out of the August challenge like feeling the need to be as productive as possible and as diverse as possible and there still is that that’s still a overarching theme and and focus point for me but it also is really valuing the thing that you’re getting

From that Garden so I can look at I still have white potatoes in my cabinet right now now when I harvest those in August right so we’re closing out of October and so it’s not like I’m eating 10 lbs of white potatoes a week or something you know so I still have white

Potatoes to last me and while I am going to change some things when I grow there it really is like especially for a small grower like I am take the win right like what if I only grew in that 36 in space for sweet potatoes like that’s a nice

Harvest to be able to eat a couple of sweet potatoes you know a night a week for the next several weeks you know next couple of months even and look at how little that I gave up if you will for my garden space and my garden design right

Now I’m going to go much bigger next year because that’s how I roll but but there’s always an option and it’s good to think that way and you might change your mind by then too absolutely you might go back and forth and be like you know what I’m going to

Stick it back in a grow bag or I’m going to have it climb up my trellis or you know who knows but there’s all kinds of options so and for the record I don’t eat sweet potato leaves so everybody please stop telling me to eat my sweet

Potato leaves like I don’t like it and I don’t want to do it so just stop suggesting it to me please like I love you guys and I appreciate your input but like I got so many people saying like eat a sweet potato leaves I don’t want

To okay thank you I do too and please continue to tell me so this is when you have to realize who’s bavia so if you’re typing to the backyard gardens TV on Instagram just put my name there yeah I need to be reminded to eat the sweet potato leaves

I forget until they’re at the point where they’re really not edible they’ve turned um I did just quickly want to say I’m actually um going further with growbags I think it’s absolutely all about the thing you grow in them um so stay tuned for that next year I mentioned I’ll come back around

To that so that’s all I’ll say about that so we have an option I’m going to give you an option live on the air we can continue this conversation because I’m thoroughly into it and make this to two-part series or I go straight to the uh recipe of the day your

Choice tick talk tick go to the recipe of the day um but we’re gonna come back to this conversation I’m just I I just I need I feel like I’m dehydrated I feel like I really need to do a big blow of my nose and like we need to do that okay

So we’ll be right back everybody with the recipe of the day featuring me the recipe of the day A lot of y’all asked how can you help support the backyard gardens podcast well we have been busy and we have created a t-shirt line just for the gardener to visit our shop go to the link in the show notes and check out the t-shirts and other goodies we have now

These are super special t-shirts designed just for the gardener so enjoy thank you for supporting the backyard gardens podcast and we’ll see you guys after the Harvest okay so I actually um just kind of started cooking some stuff last night and it turned out really good and I

Started off saying this is going to be a cowboy burrito so we took and I chopped up an onion I water sauted it and then I saw um mushrooms with that give it a little bit of salt and pepper bada bing bada boom then I took my kabi and I sliced it

Into about I I sliced it pretty thin because it was going to give a crunchy flavor and so then I added that in as well once everything was softening up I added that in added a little bit of water to it just to kind of give it a

Quick steam then I added my oil let the oil heat up in the pan and I added I used um fake chicken strips you can use chicken whatever you want to use um my goal I thought that I had some um plant-based beef chunks that I was going

To put in but I did not so I used chicken strips but do note that I would have used beef chunks and I cooked those in there I brown them I put a little bit of uh smoked paprika in it if you don’t have smoked I just use regular paprika

And then a little bit of garlic I I really was thinking in my mind when I made this that I was a cowboy so was super simple um I put salt and pepper on it cooked it and then I added a couple uh probably like a/4 teaspoon of liquid

Smoke because I’m not cooking on an open fire but I wanted that flavor and I put in there and then um at this point you can do a number of things okay you can add any kind of vegetable you want I could not physically put my hands on my Peas I

Harvested from my garden so I could not get them in but I was able to put about five handfuls of spinach in cook it down I would have used my kale if I would have gone out and gotten it but I did not um cooked that down then I put

Barbecue sauce in it and to be specific um well they don’t pay me so you can use whatever barbecue sauce you want but um I use a sugar-free barbecue sauce and then I took a cheddar cheese and put that on top and let that you know melt

Once it melted put it into a warm to to Tortilla bam you got a cowboy burrito made by yours truly I can taste it you can I can it was good it was pretty good yeah mhm yeah the problem was the uh the spinach came out hot as fire

So but you know the whole family ate it and with the chicken it was good but I would have liked to really used uh beef chunks plant-based beef chunks that is don’t confuse yourselves people yeah nicely done I’m absolutely going to use both of my col Robie and and taste

Tested with with that recipe are you I don’t feel like it would be a good one yeah and so the cold Robbie definitely gave a little crunch so you want to cut it thin be very aware and since we’re on the subject of kabi you cut it cut the

Leaves off and then what I did is I just kind of cut it into a square so I cut all of the outside skin off of it I was trying to be real quick and then I cut it in half half slice slice slice and

Then cut the slices in half and put that in and it gave it a good little um a Rudy flavor I would say earthy flavor so yeah but that crisp crispness also puts me in the mind of like uh potatoes like how you that was the idea

Yeah you didn’t deep fry it which you know I wouldn’t expect you to have with this recipe but there is some you know I’m going to anytime you’re going to wrap a shell around something I’m about a taco or a burrito with everything and it just reminded me to use some of my

Potato Harvest for that purpose um well if I was on the Range I would have potatoes in my bag but I’m not on the Range and you know what I’m a different kind of cowboy I’m Wanted Dead or Alive and I got a C Robi on my saddle so

Holler back H is that is this the feeling you have when I go super corny like when I just makes you it’s cringy yeah okay okay yeah yeah yeah okay it makes you like almost throw up in your mouth a little bit yeah that’s yeah uncomfortable like you want to just

Basically edit that part out because you’re embarrassed that other people will hear your friends speaking that way yep y yeah you’re like embarrassed for me yeah yeah uhhuh uhhuh you just you got to own it you got to own you got to be weird like [Laughter]

That yeah you got to be weird like that so um what was your judgment call on this are we ending it or are we continuing it no we we I feel like I need to like uh Hy yeah there’s a lot there there yeah

So as so let’s just do this as you guys can see there’s a lot going on in the garden but this conversation never ever ends everybody it just keeps going and going because there’s so much that we can uncover and really I mean we’re trying to crack the coat of gardening

And damn if it ain’t difficult so I’m just so if you made it this far be prepared for me to have gone to get another cup of coffee and then for Ben and I to pick this conversation up because that could very well happen and you may hear this on another episode so

You may you may yeah but um everybody you know I want to know what’s going on in your Gardens especially now like we’ve seen your summer Gardens but um share them with the crew so DM us a picture at backyard gardens TV we would love to see that uh

Use #b podcast if you just want us to share something in our stories but um we would really like to actually post it so everybody can see it and you guys can communicate back and forth um a special shout out to all of our patrons without

You we cannot keep the show going thank you very much and anything else that we need to tell everybody make sure you’re growing all the things we talked about in this last minisode series like do it like stop stop playing around do it or plan to do

It next year we’re depending on you yep and and also everybody I haven’t even cleared this with bavius I’m going out on a limb there is some serious talk with us about um bringing the show back onto YouTube at some portions so let us know if you would like to see our

Shining faces on YouTube at some point um we did it before and we didn’t it was a little early in the game I believe and we want to know like if you’re going to if you want to see it let us know and we will definitely take it into

Consideration we’re debating back and forth It’s been a verocious debate but we won’t air that one right now so yeah the amount of like tissue and reapplication well I don’t wear makeup much but re application of I don’t know what but like I wear makeup so yeah to

The levels of adjustments I’d have to make to pull myself together cuz I mean I’m a wreck right now but I don’t sound that way because I’m cool like that um but I’d be okay with being vulnerable and for you all to see you know my water marks on my

Face might me dry even you know cuz there’s the ugly cry like we’re we’re teetering on to that like with this last we haven’t had that yet we haven’t had the ugly cry yet it was close I’m I’m deba I’m I’m trying not to have that happen so everybody thank you so much

For being a part of the crew thank you so much for being a gardener uh stay safe be strong check out our minod series what you would grow and U until next time see you thanks for hanging out with us today if you want to see what

We’re up to or just stay up to date on all the announcements regarding the show or anything gardening then you can follow us on Instagram at backyard gardens TV we love seeing what you guys are doing so use hbyg podcast in your post and we’ll be sharing your Gardens with the backyard

Gardens community and check us out on YouTube at backyard gardens where we will post this show all of our other shows clips and then also some gardening tips and just gardening entertainment and you can see us at our website at backyardgarden but that’s it for

Today’s show so help us as we learn to grow and grow from change and until next time we’ll catch you guys later we’ll call this on a wrap now you know why people feel like celebrating at Harvest Time all over the world people have feasting and good times when the crops

Have been gathered in

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