
houseplantjournal: Too many stories of houseplant deaths go untold or get covered up with “I killed…

Too many stories of houseplant deaths go untold or get covered up with “I killed it.” How can we ever improve the overall plant parenting experience if we don’t examine these situations?

If you have a story of plant death, I’d love to hear it! Have you ever felt very connected to a plant that died? Has one ever died while in your care, with funny or tragic results? Comment or DM me! I might be in touch to learn more.

#tbt an old photo of my Peperomia puteolata catching the sun. My main plant died after I moved and didn’t realize the sun was hitting the plant for longer than it had been in its old space. It dried out – all I have left is a rooted cutting.
#houseplantjournal #houseplants #indoorplants #indoorgarden #peperomia #peperomiaputeolata #chasinglight #leaf #leaflove #leafpattern #plantlife #plantlove #plantlady #plantdaddy #plantobsession #plantparenthood #greenthumb #foliage

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