Edible Gardening

How I Prepare My Garden For Spring! No Lawn, Composting, and Native Plant Seed Starting!

In this video I’ll show you how I prepare my garden for Spring! I’ll be seed starting, propagating ground cover, and decorating the yard!

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Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls I am preparing for spring today it is your host with the most Paul plant 2 reminding you that Earth is my planet Earth is my planet and once again I am back in my Suburban Oasis on my nice

One4 of an acre lot and I have a ton of things to do to prepare for the spring it is February in Texas and spring always sprungs early if you will and it does arrive sooner than lot of other climates I am in zone 9 and my mission

Has been to rid myself of a backyard lawn and to add in a native no lawn that does benefit the pollinators Wildlife species and of course me visually with a bunch of flowers now I’ve tried this multiple times and thus far I do have a nice patch of ground cover that has

Established in the form of frog fruit but I need to seed this area with some low growing wild flowers and and one of which is growing and thriving and it is the evening primrose which I have a nice patch of right here it does self seed relatively easily but I have a nice

Packet of the pink evening primrose that I got from Native American Seed so this is relatively low growing so I’m going to throw this all throughout the yard that way I can still mow over it and it’d be fine we can play on this area

And it will be fine and it will still pop off with amazing pink flowers so let’s go ahead and distribute this seed number one so these seeds are so tiny I almost have to like chef’s kiss blow them out which is nuts but I just want them to

Establish all over and once they do have a foothold they do Reed easily easily now another seed mixture that I throw down are just old pumpkins and I just let the pumpkins self seed and they’ll grow and just Traverse throughout the landscape as well so so another project

That I knocked out for the spring was throwing up these bird feeders so I’ll roll some of that footage right now so I bought a couple of cheap bird feeder poles on Amazon and now it’s time to throw them in the yard so I’m going to

Put one by my pond where I can easily view it from my windows and where I can see all the birds fly in and Munch on seeds and it conveniently is close enough to the dog door so if any squirrel approaches I think my two hounds can definitely keep them off in a

Way from the bir food so I’m going to put one right there and then the other one I probably just going to put in the middle of my yard just so that way I can see all the birds flock in once again from the visibility of my window so yeah

Let’s get some bird feeders in especially during the winter time when you have all these migrational Birds going across the Gulf of Mexico into Central and South America from North America it’s the perfect time but also you guys can see throughout the landscape are these trash bags full of

Leaves now these are how I created a nice warm climate around my my fruit trees that were susceptible to the freeze as you guys saw in a previous video I told y’all man so I’m going to move all these mulch some of the beds mulch the fence line and add the leaves

To the compost bin so let’s knock that out clean up the area and then get to seating a little bit more now before I get to seating this area I got to take down my banana plant God it was so big the freeze really got it

Man we have this area nice and cleared up I took out the banana plant took out a couple of stems that were still standing from last season and now I’m going to throw in the butterfly Retreat mix that I also got off Native American Seed so there already is a nice seed

Bank The Perennial wine cups are starting to come up all but I want to reed every single year just to make sure I do continue to bring in different species of flowers and over time everything will establish and eventually I won’t need a seed at all and for good

Measure I’m going to hit this side a little bit bit too hit the pond with it nice so now on my side Garden I have this area where it’s really hard for me to throw in any plugs due to the Pine Roots it’s kind of a dry area so I want

This to be a wildflower bed so I’m going to move all the pine straw to the side and also throw in the butterfly Retreat mix over here and see how this develops all right y’all so it is the next day and I still am obviously prepping for

Spring because there are too many things to do in the garden and one of which is to transplant a ton of these frog fruit cuting which all have rooted now where I got these guys from is not the yard with all the Frog fruit growing behind me the Frog fruit is creeping

Over this brick wall and into my beds as you guys can see right here so it will eventually put roots in the ground and that is what I took cuting of and you guys can see there are tons of roots so theoretically this should transfer easily easily and I’m going to go ahead

And place these guys on this part of the yard and in this part of the space and I venture to say that these four cuttings are going to envelop this entire dirt Leaf area by the end of the year all right so this looks like a decent spot so there’s

One there’s another one so another way I prepare for the spring is by going to garage sales and estate sales and trying to find Planters Andor any other outside outdoor equipment and things that would be relevant in addition to the Garden I already have on hand so I’m recently

Hdden a stay sale and let me show you guys what I got so I got all of these pots that I am going to utilize to help create that lost jungle aesthetic in the yard and these are all steals of deals so y’all can see all of these have

Hollow bottoms which will be fine because I can submerge them at Angles plant native plants and have the roots go through and in the ground I also have these rocks which I’m going to put around my ponds which all types of Critters can hide in which is cool and

Then some that do have bottoms that are a little bit older and the patina is nice an Agave always crucial this trash can with pre-drilled holes is going to be a compost bin for my dogs crap and then I need 5 gallon buckets because I’m not going to spend actual money on these

Full price so right now I’m going to utilize the trash can that has a bunch of holes drilled into it as a sequestration station for all my dogs excrement and I want to start growing more edible food crops and I need to make sure their poop has a place

To go and to break down so I’m going to get that trash can submerge it in some soil and then drop their crap in there with Leaf litter and hopefully that works as a way to break down all their dog feces and I’m going to put that in

The corner by this oak tree that way it’s not leeching into the soil of anything that’s edible so now the yard is definitely a bit safer for my son to play in and for food to grow in I’m not eating today my guys so now that the cylindrical catching

Mechanism is in the ground it is time to add in the pots now you guys can already see my landscape is riddled with broken pods that I find that people throw out so I’m going to just utilize all the pots from the estate sale to submerge in

The soil and I’m going to probably throw in either native plants or edible plants in there I think it’ll be a little bit harder for my dogs to sneak defecate in those canisters of future produce and all righty guys we have the pots in place and thus concludes this

Video of things I’m doing to prepare faux the spring now stay tuned I got to fill all those with soil I need to prune all of my fruit trees in my food Forest system and also I’m going to plant a ton of annual crops and really try and hone in on my produce

Producing capabilities man but if you guys enjoyed smash that like button it is the best way to help me out any advice or comments down below is more than welcome and until next time always remember Earth is my planet Earth is my plan peace y’all I’ll catch y’all next time blood

Ro and I’m in it to win so I’m somebody that you should get us


  1. Wait are you like composting dog shit like for manure? I was checking out the EPA/USDA Fact Sheet on composting dog waste, it seems pretty interesting but it seems like they don't have that much data yet on minimum compost times for the pathogens of concern from dog waste. The publication says " It should not be used on crops grown for human consumption" so I wouldn't use it on veggies.

  2. 6:27 Cool rocks! That's the thing about plants and creating these spaces, they only get better with time. I look forward to seeing your progress. Very cool! It's going to be so cool in two to three years. Just imagine five years from now! Just imagine a decade!

  3. Dawg try Japanese Fiber Banana or Musa Basjoo. It can handle freezes. Leaves might get crispy but comes back each spring. Brah idk if dogshit breaks down into useable compost but let us kno! "Urth es ma plont!"

  4. Does your municipality offer rebates for ripping out turf and replacing it with native plants? I'm getting close to $9k from mine for ripping out 1,700 square feet of grass.

  5. Oenothera speciosa can be a bit of a brute because it is stoloniferous and also a good reseeder. So once it really gets going on you, it might be a bit much. You need to get into yarrow (achilea) and asters, my dude.

    You may have more success seeding in the fall with some of your wildflowers. Some need cold stratification or are cool growers. Many wildflowers native to our region can handle temps down into the 20s when they are young — like bluebonnets or violas.

    Our pollinators seem to go bananas for anything in lamiaceae. Our native Texas salvias are beasts.

  6. I'm not sure if you have tried this already but the pine needles will promote a more acidic soil and this is great for things like blueberries. This could be a fun multipurposed understory. Excited for spring your space will look amazing!

  7. Here in Central Texas my yard gets taken over by bluebonnets every spring. Crazy to me how many ppl will mow them to help their grass.

  8. I’ve got a big shepherd that likes to trample and stomp over and through everything on top of targeting my delicate plants (of course not my salt tolerant ones). How well do your wild flower seeds and plants hold up against yours? I’m in San Antonio and want to mix in wild flowers with my perennials.

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