Backyard Garden

Backyard Homestead Garden 2024 DIY Project Part 1

All right Julie what are we what are you up to so this year we’re going to have our first Garden together so we’re clearing out all of this this property I think goes back at least an acre um yeah so we have an acre back there and then another

Acre going that way so we’re going to clear as much as we can out and we’re going to start a really nice Garden full of vegetables fruits and all sorts of different flowers and um the first step is to clean out all this brush and get a nice clean

Slate and then after that we’re going to really sit down and think and map out our whole so you’re going to have a good chunk of land like this that’s whole going to be that’s all going to be the garden that’s cool so this is year one

Spring first season for our garden and we’re burning a lot of this and then some we’re going to uh save for like later we’re going to try to burn a lot of this brush but this is the current Garden just so you have an idea what it

Looks like this worked for us we got cucumbers out of it my mom was in charge of all this yeah his mom was in charge of the garden and now I’m kind of taking over yeah we’re going to we had this little grave looking site are you going to keep the those

Posts the gray posts no definitely not we’re going to make it look really cute really nice I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube and researching and we’re going to make garden beds out of chopped wood cool so we’re going to try to really reuse our resources from clearing out

This area it’s going to look great we’re walking the property and Gathering logs of wood to make uh beds for the PLS and stuff like that yeah it’s our first Garden so we’re gonna basically save money by making our own staks to fence off the garden and uh we might have to

Buy some metal staks and then make like a little gate and things like that the reason why Steve is out of breath is cuz he’s been chopping trees he’s been no cuz he’s been he’s been chopping some big trees yeah okay these are huge this one’s big so where’s the other

One that you got out so there was one in these holes and that hole back there I got him out oh these right here this one’s the biggest yet so it’s basically some pretty decent sized Roots here so we should have all that cleared by today this I would like to get cleared

By today we’ll See all Julie how’s the area looking I think I made a dent in it today yeah I cleared out a lot I weeded a lot have all these weeds out so you’re getting rid of that fence part there yeah I’m so this is open space got that to

Get rid of and then some other stuff over there and it might even fall on my head no it’ll fall the opposite direction you got to see you might want to stand further back it’s not that tall I’m going to move it stand further back okay I’ll move over

Here but take a look I just cleared out all that that stuff over there watch out stand for it’s not going to fall on me it’s not going to fall on me Ste if anything it’ll fall on you but yeah we cleaned out a bunch there’s a bunch of rocks here too

I have to move out lot of work oh oh it’s going that’s a lot of good firewood right there or for our posts for our fence Posts Yeah maybe I should have done a time lapse he asked me to do a time lapse and I said no I shouldn’t take that long to be able to do a time lapse but you got it Steve you got It [Laughter] oh all right guys so it’s getting dark out here it’s kind of cool we found this Foundation here um there’s all these Stones we found a bunch of foundation pieces like that and old foundation so we’re in the town of Long Grove and uh this town is from the

1840s and German settlers used to live here with a lot of farms and farmland so Julie what are you uncovering right right now look at this if we uncover this this could be a really pretty patio to put like potted plants on yeah or like a nice table to

Sit in the garden right there and then look what is that like a foundation for a house or a barn it looks like the border of whatever this is yeah so I don’t know how far it goes I’m going to walk back so you guys can see how much we’ve work

We’ve done what have you done Julie you want to talk about it okay so this is our first weekend doing the garden so we cleaned out this old garden bed we put all the stuff over there um this is like we’re going to use this to decorate the sides this was all

Covered in leaves so I had to carry all the leaves over there to that leaf you carried this and I got rid of all these sticks this log was here all these sticks were here so is that is that where your Garden’s going to start that

One green pole yes I kind of St out where my garden might start I put green how far will it go can you walk it okay so here to here yeah I might move this back a little um maybe it should go back a little I

Don’t know yeah I would move it back a little more yeah cuz you have all that space be like right here yeah so for the fence post we’re going to use like what are we going to use like trees like this we’re going to look for trees like about logs and stuff this

Size logs we’re going to make the post logs and then get net uh the wire netting and then chicken um cage netting for the bottom and then um but with so like I don’t know how much concrete that is but maybe we could put potted plants in a patio

Over there yeah and then where we actually have dirt is where I’m going to build the raised garden beds okay yeah so it’s going to be like like I don’t know and then we’re going to have like a gate a nice rustic gate here this will

Be the entrance and then you have these great Stones so in front of the fence I’m going to put these around flower beds to like be in the front of the fence entrance yeah and fill it with beautiful flowers maybe some flower bushes and stuff but that’s the vision

All right yeah it’s looking good my favorite piece so far is this like little tree we’ve giving it more light I’ve had this here for a long time and this one is like only a little taller than me and these we planted at about the same time so those are like taller

As tall as the house and this little guy I don’t know if he’s got like a concrete slab around him or something but he’s kind of dwarf dwarf size but uh she’s going to have a patio and then basically a garden all around we’re going to do a

Bunch of different episodes of that all right anything else you want to say Julie oh um I don’t know just happy gardening all right hope you all are enjoying the early spring that we’re going to be getting yeah like comment subscribe like comment subscribe bye all

Right all right so that kind of changes our plan for the garden so I’m going to have to have my beds like right here one bed right here and more beds over over there cuz the concrete um the concrete foundation it starts like if you can see right

There um I think it’s like right in here and then it comes over here so I cannot put beds here um I’ll have to do container gardening there so but then I can have beds if you can see where I put that green post right here I can have beds along there

Beds like right here but then as from here and back is all concrete so maybe like a picnic table garden table or something um yeah I want to uncover it and see what it looks like it’s a little uneven so yeah we’ll have to see but it’s all slabs underneath that look like

This so yeah we’ll have to figure figure it out all slabs this is basically what’s underneath there so I’m trying to uncover it it’s going to take a while it might be kind of timec consuming so um but at least it’s only to right here we’re only

Going back as far as there it shouldn’t take that long we’ll figure it out right Steve what it shouldn’t take you think this will be too time consuming it won’t be that bad right I mean what are your thoughts probably a couple weeks yeah all right

Well I got to go inside and call people for work um that’s the end of week one gardening Homestead DIY 2024 lots of work but I think it’ll be worth it bye make sure to put the tools put the tools back where they go


  1. the flat stone looks to me is Flag Stone. its good for land scaping for sure. if you was closer id bring the small compact tractor with the front loader and let you use it.

  2. Good for you. A garden can be a nice source of fresh veggies. If your soil is acidic, the wood ashes can be added to the soil to make it sweeter. Start a compost pile somewhere out of the way. A wood chipper and an old rear tine rototiller can help a lot. To first clear for my garden, I had to use a shovel dozer and then dig up and screen the soil because it was so rocky. I use a small trailer behind my van to get composted horse manure to add to my soil each year. I'm planning to do some container gardening this year because of pests. I use rain barrels to save on well water. Good Luck, Rick

  3. Wow! What a great project! Looks like y'all are off to a great start. I'm looking forward to seeing the progress.

  4. Good job you all. These projects can be so rewarding. The only tip I would offer is not to let this False Spring lure you into a sense of security. Anxiously planting too early only to lose your tender plants to freezes is quite devastating and deflating.

  5. The concrete slab can be used to secure a green house to the ground. They are fairly cheap from Amazon. I have six raised beds in the area of an old 27 foot round pool location. I can grow everything I want. Remember the bigger the area the more work it is to manage. Also what grows good one year, might not grow great the next year.

  6. Congratulations on starting so early! You definitely got a lot accomplished on the first day. The best results I have gotten with my gardens, more than any other factor, is making sure the garden gets a lot of direct sunlight. Looking forward to watching your progress!

  7. Hi Hope you're doing well

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