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My First Planting [Gardening Allotment UK] [Grow Vegetables At Home ]

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Music by
Ivans Garden UK

Well we’re back bright and early on a Monday  morning with a couple of plans in mind for today   as well it’s a little bit warmer than it has been  once again we’re starting to see double figures   on temperatures which is what we definitely need  after the last few months that wind has finally  

Stopped although I have heard that in a week’s  time there’s a chance that it might come back   so we’ll make sure we’re ready for that when it  does occur what I’ve been doing is cleaning out   one of these green houses obviously all green  houses at the moment have got nothing planted  

In them apart from in here where we’ve got things  in containers but I’ve got a spare Greenhouse I’ve   dug ground over a little bit getting a bit  of weed because we’re going to put the first   plants at year in today and that’s broad beans  they’re very cold outy so you could plant those  

Outside but to offer them a little bit for Extra  Protection I’m going to put them along back on   one of those little green houses and at least that  way if that wind does return they’re not going to  

Sustain any damage and while there’s nothing  in there at the moment we might as well take   advantage of that so that’s my plan for today I’ll  just quickly show you those beans there’s a couple   in particular that caught the attention for a good  reason that’s these two look how big they are now

Really big elfy little plants but look at those  roots again we did say we might BT them on into a   bigger container but because the roots are growing  so quickly it’s probably not going to be too long  

Before they out grow that as well even if I pop  them in a 2 liter or something so while we’ve   got that space out there we might as well take  advantage on it save the cells a bit of compost  

At the same time so they’re all going in ground  today apart from doing that did a little bit of   shopping over weekend as well I picked up a few  seeds in preparation for new season I’ve actually  

Got a container with potato peelings there I’ll  go and shook them in compost so I popped out to   Chesterfield because they had a farmers market  on and we’ve all been discussing the fact that   because wios has now closed down it’s a place  that most people would get the onion sets from  

And the Sea potato so now we’re having to Branch  out a little bit farer than as local shops and   try and find somewhere that we can get still  from and there is places out there depending   on area that you live in usually places that  Supply animal feed and things like that will  

Keep a stock of things like compost and a few  seeds as well which include seed potatoes and   onion sets so best thing to do is find out a  few names and give them a ring before you go  

There but I heard about this little market and  we went to it last year as well and we got quite   a few bits and Bobs it’s well we actually  got the seeds from for those Florence red   onions that we did that turned out really well  unfortunately this year they didn’t have any or  

They’ already all sold out but I did pick up a  few of B and mainly it was seat potatoes we’re   not ready to plant potatoes just yet but we  got some nice potatoes there as you can see  

There’s no chips on them at the moment it’s far  too early for that these are called carus if I   pronounce that correctly and there is main crops  once again we did go there to get some saos but  

They didn’t have any so just get whatever you can  get at the moment last year we didn’t do any first is this year I’ve decided I am we’re going to be  doing all those potatoes in containers there’s   none going in ground for me personally  in this area it’s not worth it they get  

Battered by winds they get devastated by slugs  so everything is going into containers and as   you might be aware we’re doing a double size  container garden this year as well so we’re   going to try and cram in as much as we possibly  can so I’ve only actually bought a few potatoes  

For the entire season and these ones are  first earlies and they’re rocket usually   ready to harvest in around 12 weeks after  planting because you’re only going to get   little what they call new potatoes about the  size of an egg and then they’re good to go so  

We’ve got enough of those to probably do three  containers and those main crops it’s probably   four or five containers worth there so even  though it don’t look a lot there’s going to be plenty and I’ve also got some called Casa Blanka  got a few of them anyway just to try Mark soz  

I’ve never had those before and then we’ve  got the Old Reliable second earlies which is Charlotte these grow more oval than a regular  potato but they can grow to a good size and   these are usually ready to harvest in about 17  weeks although second earlies you can let those  

Grow on for a bit longer if you want until tops  up plants have died down then you’ll get potatoes   that are slightly bigger don’t do that we your  first earlies though because they only grow to  

Size of eggs anyway and the longer you leave them  in ground or in a container the more chance that   they have got a rotten or SLS get into them so  normally I ever dig in a container and if I can  

Pull out a potato that’s an half decent size  that’s when I harvest them because they don’t   store either so as soon as you harvest them  you need to use them your charlott will last   a little bit longer and they can get a little  bit bigger and then of course you’ve got your  

Main crops which you planted last usually for  me around me time end of April Start of May and   they need the longest growing season so they  can be left in ground growing right up until   end of year and with those particular ones you  just leave them until all the tops completely  

Die back the potatoes in the ground will still  be fine and then what you want to be doing when   we get to that stage not that I’m jumping on at  the moment is cut the tops of all those plants  

Off on your main crops soon as they’ve all died  back and then leave them for a couple of more   weeks because what’ll happen then is they’ll  develop and add of skin on that potato and   that’s why your main CFT potatoes will store for  so much long longer but we’re not there yet we’re  

Not even planting these I just had to get some  while I can and then of course we got a couple   of onion sets again I’m not doing loads and  loads of onion sets cuz we’re doing them in

Containers and we got quite a mixture of sizes  with these they’re store on see we’ve got some   nice little onion inserts and I’m going to be  starting those off probably this weekend we’re  

Not going to be putting them outside what I do  is I put them in trays and I just push them down   until that little top bit is the only bit that’s  sticking out and we just leave them in these trays  

And they’ll quite happily put down roots and then  they’ll start to grow green Tops on them and that   gets you a jump on it and it’s especially useful  if you are planting them outside cuz if you just  

Put those in ground outside the birds think them  tops they’re little worms and they’ll go along   and they’ll pull all your sets up and then just  leave them cuz it’s not quite what they thought  

But then you have to go around and replant them  all and the way we combat that is by putting them   in cells something like that just big enough to  push that little onion setting or something a bit  

Bigger entirely up to you if it’s bigger you can  let the tops grow for a little bit longer just in   case that weather does turn but you don’t want to  put your onion sets out those just yet you want to  

Just encourage a bit of growth by doing what we’re  going to be doing and then when you do take them   out and you push them into your ground they’ve  already got a root wall established so those  

Birds won’t be able to pull them up and that’s  why we do that so we’ve got those and I think   we’ve got a couple bags yeah we got two bags of  those and there’s probably not a lot but there’s  

Still somewhere at Region or around 50 onions  sets there and we’re doing some in containers   this year for a change rather than planting in  raised beds and see what we can get cuz I want   to maximize produce from that container garden  area we’ll cover every little thing that we do  

As it comes time and then I’ve got a few French  bean seeds cut these are called Blue Lake normally   would plant something like Cobra but saw the  Blue Lakes and thought as we always doing this   channel let’s get some different for a change so  that’s what we’ve bought in preparation for new  

Growing season and that will go back in house  cuz we don’t want to leave it outside cuz then   potatoes will get damp and then we’re going to  have to chip those potatoes before we plant them  

And we’ll cover that in a video when that time  comes and there is a particular way that you want   to be doing that to get best results that’s for  another video what we’re concentrating on at the  

Moment is sorting these broad beans out and it’s  also worth mentioning that all of last year every   single month we did a video at the beginning of  every month and there was what to sew and grow for  

That particular month so we’ve now got a playlist  with 12 of those on to cover every month through   the entire year so what I’m going to do rather  than go through it all over again is I’m going  

To leave a link to the video for that particular  month in description and I’ll put that on every   video all the way through that month and then  that will take you straight to that video and you  

Can see for example what you need to be sewing and  growing in February and any little things that you   might want to do or keep an eye out for so we’ll  list those continuously all through February and  

Then we’ll do the same for March and so on so it’s  definitely a really good reference to have because   I know there’s a few people that have mentioned  that this is going to be their first year growing  

That’s going to help keep you on right path and  get the best results that you can for your first   year growing so having said all that I’m going  to pop into that Greenhouse next door and I’m  

Going to get as first planting a 2024 underway  and that’s the broad beans so this is part at   Greenhouse I’m going to be putting those plants  I’ve just dug across that bite bit cuz for the  

Moment we only need that just to what needs doing  as it needs doing is your best way so first mcky   these at here going to keep them a little bit  away from back of that green I’m not going to  

Put them miles apart just enough so they’ve got a  little bit of room and I think that will do it so   basically all we need to do is make us all we’ll  give this a weed as we go through I’m sure there’s  

Quite a bit of weed buried below but if we take  one of these out and that’s another reason why we   need to get these sorted cuz if you leave them too  long you’ll not get those roots out without really  

Damaging them but that’s what you’re looking  at quite a lot of roots for a small plant and   all we’re going to do is pop that straight in  press it in nice and firm and that’s his first planting and then just repeat and weed if they  are angled to that degree you’re probably going  

To have to really rough them up to get them out  without damaging your plant too much as you see   that came out a lot easier so in that I’ll press  it down nice and firm little bit of glass there  

We don’t want that your biggest battle is going  to be keeping slugs away but we’ll do what we can and another one in job done that one’s probably smallest out a  lot but it’ll soon pick up now it’s got  

Somewhere to put its roots down so just  a few more and we’ve got that first row in you’re going to have issues with black  fly as well with these at some point but   there’s ways that we can combat that to  some degree we’ll sort that out as we need

To it just feels really good to be getting  something planted after such a long cold few   months we’re finally getting a start on it so  there we go seven nice elf broad bean plants in   there and now we’re going to have to think of  ways to keep them protected normally I’d water  

Those in but the ground is quite damp so for now  I’m just going to leave those and let those roots   start growing so a really good start at week  as first plants ink ground of 2024 and now we  

Need to look after him and there’s a couple of  ways we can do that with broad beans if you’ve   got any quite good sized clear plastic bottles  you can cut the bottoms off and then put them  

Over the tops of those plants and that way  it slugs can’t get to them just until those   plants get established which is what I did last  year and it work really well if I still got any   of those bottles left if not I’ll start and  collect some other than that I was thinking  

About getting some of those string bags that you  can get with a pull Ties on them so you can just   cover the old plant up pull that string at  the bottom right up to that stem and again  

That should stop slows getting to those leaves  but we’ll see how they go for today I’ll have   a look in shed and see what we’ve got so for a  Monday morning that’s about it but thank you so  

Much for being on board for this new season of  growing and best of luck to any new gardeners   that are just starting out this year will go  step by step through every month and try and  

Get as much fresh on grown vegetables as we can  and if you’ve not already done it please hit that   subscribe button and press that notifications  spell and I’ll see you on next update take care


  1. I've just started chitting my potatoes. I grow them in potato bags, making life so much easier. Very informative video

  2. Hi Ivan. I'm skipping potatoes this year. I would be happier using those containers for more cabbage, broccoli, and onions. Happy growing. Enjoy your Feb. coffee.

  3. Sown some aqudulcia broad beans 29 Dec and left the pots in the poly tunnel, nothing showing , do you think they have failed

  4. Thanks for the update Ivan, my jazzy seed potatoes arrived on Saturday, will be growing desiree for main crop. Looking forward to growing along with you again this year. Thanks for sharing.

  5. how deep does a container have to be to grow potatoes, ive heard so many say different sizes .looking forward to watching your videos ,i like your no nonsense way of doing stuff and no faffing about .

  6. Beans look nice & healthy Ivan. I bought some Dessiree ready for later, & I'm going to get another type for earlier, i did one big tub last year & did well with my harvest. I'm so looking forward to actually sowing seeds again…

  7. I was in The Range on the weekend and they are selling Wilko seeds and there was other products labelled up Wilko too. Fab video Ivor we’ve recently moved and have the garden to sort out still not sure about doing potatoes but watching your video it’s got me thinking😁😁😁

  8. How considerate of you, Ivan, to put those links for us.
    I started a container garden on chairs on our porch and in wall pockets for peas that germinated 2 days ago. I saved a couple of pockets for cilantro. No bending, yay!

  9. Hi Ivan great video. I've bought some seed potatoes, 2nd earlies and main crop. How do I store them up to the time that they need chitting? Do I keep them in a dark place in paper bags?

  10. Also grew Cara and Casablanca last year in containers and had some good harvests. Had the last of them a couple of weeks ago so they lasted a fair while.
    Good luck with this year 🙂

  11. Thanks for the video Ivan. I like the idea of Broad beans in the greenhouse as they are prone to blackfly, will be interesting to see how they do later in the year; I saved the beans and they were great in soups. Also I bought my seed potateos from a local garden centre this time and they were reasonbly priced. I also , for the first time saved my own potatoe seeds, hope they will be ok as we had blight last year. I think it should be ok as past years i have pioneer potatoes growing on old areas where i have grown in previous years.

  12. Got some Maris piper and had already started chitting in the packaging – am I ok to carry on with this or do I need to take that off? They will be going in containers

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