Garden Plans

DALLAS INTERIOR DESIGN | Maximalist Decor, Gorgeous Gardens & More

Fall in love with this maximalist apartment inspired by European design in Dallas, tour a Georgian-style home with vibrant bursts of color and step inside an eccentric home with the most incredible sculptural gardens – it’s all on today’s episode of Homeworthy. Enjoy!

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Fall in love with this maximalist department inspired by European design in Dallas Texas plus tour a Georgian style home with vibrant bursts of color and then step inside an eccentric home with the most incredible sculptural Gardens it’s all on today’s episode of homeworthy Enjoy Hi I’m Alison Kenworthy the founder of homeworthy and we’re now offering a membership plan that gives our supporters early and exclusive access to new videos hi homeworthy I’m Ros you’re here at my home in Los Angeles come on in I can’t wait to show you around with this membership we invite you to

Open more doors discovering new homes rooms and personalities available only to those with the keys to Our Guest House you’ll be part of a community of people who are just as passionate as you are about interior design to access all of this exclusive content simply click

The join button below to become a member today you’re watching homeworthy where we believe every home has a story hi homeworthy I’m Teddy welcome to my Dallas Home you’re watching homeworthy where we believe every home has a story like And subscribe for more hi I’m Teddy garrian and we are in my home in Dallas Texas first and foremost I am a family person I’m uh my husband and I have been married a long long time and uh we’re uh

47 years and uh my daughter and my son were were a close family and we’re a tiny family we’re very small but so I would say I’m a family person first but I’m also a businesswoman and Courtney and I own a store together that was her

Idea and we’ve had the store for 10 years Coco and dash in Dallas and it is a luxury retail decorating store uh we work with designers all over the country because of the way I was raised and and the way I was brought up I’m drawn to a

Mix of really a a mix of European and very Southern aesthetic where it’s all based on hospitality and family and actually living in your home I’m not a minimalist but um there are times that I’ll put something on a table and then decide you know what that’s too much I’m

Going to take something off for a while and I do rotate my things out but I would say definitely I am traditionalist but I do like little bumps of quirky uh um contemporary pieces when it fits my mood and that’s when I changed things out loved it my childhood to me

Is very Technicolor we moved to Europe when I was six for the first time and uh we lived there and we were exposed to a lot of wonderful architecture and design from you know past centuries and I just absorbed all of that and I was uh interested mostly in the architecture I

Loved we lived in an old building and I can remember the stairs were marble and they were were rubbed from hundreds of years of people going up and down the stairs but it was always very um enticing to me and my aunt who who I’m my namesake aunt was also very

Interested in design and she had a beautiful home in East Texas and so when I would go to her house I absorbed what she did and uh she was very much handson I mean she did her own upholstery sometime she was she was very involved so between her her impression on me and

The uh exposure my parents gave us to uh the way the rest of the world lives was really instrumental in my love of home I’m named after my aunt Teddy and after my aunt Susie those were nicknames for them but those are my given names I’m

Ted Teddy Sue and that is my birth certificate name my aunt Teddy’s real name was Elma Dolores and my aunt Susie’s real name was Hazel Marie so I could have been Thelma Hazel thank God they went for the nicknames okay so this is our entry way

Okay so many times in a highrise you have to balance the small size of an entryway with either having this bigger space which we don’t have be and the reason is behind this door is a full uh Pantry which is I call the store because it is everything in there that you know

All the extra little stuff that if I want to change something out it’s all in there but so this entryway follows the original footprint of the uh the space layout here and what I did is I I love this ixel wallpaper it’s the Bosphorus romantic Bosphorus I think

It’s called and so I covered the entryway in this because we are in a high-rise and we don’t have access to any green spaces and and I love the outdoors so this sort of gave me that uh option and I hung this wonderful uh 1960s uh Starburst mirror that I’m just

Very fond of and it has this leather Braiding on here and it’s it’s just such a great ju to position this is a a 1950s uh uh stone sculpture and then it sits on this antique Italian console and I do want to point out over here that

This is this is really fun this is part of a set that is very special to us this was given to us by a friend it’s part of a set a child’s set from the 18th century when our first grandchild was born so we have had it now that

Grandchild is 25 so I just can’t not have it in the room so so when we entertain we do have this console set up with uh either some kind of a a drink or or an or derve uh offering for guests as they come in before they enter into the living

Room all right so let’s head into the living room now which is is our primary uh entertaining and living space and this is a rather large room and what we did is my husband is a voracious reader so what people notice when they first walk in here is that we have two large

Walls this room is 30 feet long and we have two uh large walls of bookcases and God love him he lets me hang my art over his bookcases because he collects books and I collect art so that’s how we come together with it and let me point out

That uh in talking about the art I love to collect decommissioned pieces from museums and I’m looking in these two are not this was the first piece that I ever bought I was 18 years old I paid $100 for it and uh it was painted in the

1870s and um I still love it today and then it hangs above a piece that was painted by the late Harry Lewis who was a very dear friend of ours and this was painted in the 1950s so again I love that ju toos and it it sort of speaks to

How I decorate a space and Courtney and I my daughter and I love to mix different periods and styles these are Engravings that belong to my mother and I love these they’re different Italian cities and they hang over these great chairs that again we

Mix uh all of our Fabrics we love to mix patterns the um sort of the the primary piece I would say in this room is this cabinet this is from Nick Brock here in Dallas Nick Brock antiques who I think is one of the best antique stores in the

Country and if you haven’t been to Nick Brock you really should should go it but so this is a cabinet that was custom made that we found at NYX and I love the detail in this and it is a Workhorse of a piece I keep all of my most of my

China and uh serving pieces in there that we use on a regular basis uh on top of that we found these Courtney and I found these wonderful antique wooden monkeys with overlay of Copp ER and then these Shades the reason I want to mention these is they are from

A Dallas shop also the Lamp Shop which is she does beautiful work and so these are all hand rolled Shades that were created for these lamps that uh she made for us also on top of this console are these wonderful cream wear ears that were a gift from my husband and a number

Of years ago and then this of course is just some beautiful coral and we have it all tied together with that great contemporary piece that was a gift from our daughter so what we might do is move here this is our dining area and because

I gave up our dining room when we uh changed the apartment around what we’ve done is we uh have this table and it really has served great because we have people who will come we can see e for people really comfortably I also use this when I work at home and it works

Well but if we have more people like for Thanksgiving or a holiday we will we have a leaf and we’ll open it up and do a buffet so that works really well for our purposes so over here more books and paintings that um this is a painting

That is uh by an artist named his last name is Austin and he he paint it in the 1940s and uh I think he I think he may have died like in the 50s but uh he was very popular and you could see him a lot

On the the west coast and I can’t remember I think I found that in a gallery somewhere it’s not a decommissioned piece and this this piece is not this real contemporary but again you can see how I’ve mixed them together and that’s just part of what we uh love to do

Um I have I didn’t realize this was lying here this is how this is how crazy I am Allison this is fabric that I’m already considering redoing these chairs in I don’t isn’t that a sickness I know I don’t know because I love this fabric

I might have I think what I do sometimes as I will have slip covers made to go over something so I can change them out but um yes I just I just realized that was there it is beautiful fabric I truly believe that a space tells you what it

Wants to be I think homes do that architecturally but I think any space even a brand new highrise this is not this building was built in 63 but I think any space you go into when you spend some time there it tells you what

It wants to be and so for us the way we decide where to place Furniture is we spend some time in the room we first of all we want to know how people live you know are they formal are they casual this may look like we’re formal but we

Are very casual people and your your feet have to be able to go up on anything and you have to be able to sit on anything there’s nothing that’s off limits to anyone our grandchildren or adults and so we we love to mix Fabrics we may decide on a color

Scheme and then we just come up with Fabrics I don’t like anything to match perfectly I always like things to be a little off for instance if you look at these Fabrics this is a a great a wonderful fmo fabric that is on these Baker chairs but and these are old

Chairs but then this is uh a fabric that really has no relationship as far as anything except it has a different shade of blue in it and the patterns a a little bit different scale but I love the way those two Fabrics relate to each other and

Then for instance this is another good example of how we might decorate this chair I paid $10 for each of these chairs a mill million years ago but each these are de these are holstered with this little very 19 uh 80s and 90s and so I had these uh

Matt La slips made for them and it totally Chang the chairs and they’re great to move around for extra seating when we have parties or or that we just need an extra seat somewhere uh this is a the fabric on here we like to to decide where we might use uh performance

Fabrics and because we are a very tactile family and feet go up on things not on these dining chairs but so if if I want to change something like this I just did this little slip on the back so that it adds a little just a little extra something but these are

Performance fabrics and serve uh the purpose of having some a beautiful design but also something that is very usable and uh you just you really can’t do anything to hurt it I love club chairs they’re always to me universally comfortable and they fit anyone you know I’m someone who doesn’t have very long

Legs and and so I like things that are a little bit lower but I also love to have an arm these are our uh beautiful club chairs that we had made and upholstered in this uh wonderful fabric that tells a story and we use these blues and greens and I

Threw in this little bit of Ober jeene mohir to to pull out some of that color in the fabric but they’re just they’re people are always drawn to these chairs and I think it is because of the design but it works so well with what goes on

In this whole area this is a an Italian I actually think it’s Venetian now that that I’m thinking about this uh secretary that is painted and I love it and this came from an estate in New York City from Christy’s uh and um it’s just a piece that I love it’s filled again

With my um Blanc dasen and cream wear that I collect in here there are pieces of my mother’s and of mine that and gifts from from my best friend who just also passed away this last year and so when I look at these things it evokes a

Lot of wonderful feelings and I know that I’m in my space so the green table the green it’s a tray table and I bought it it’s one of those things because I believe like most designers do that if you see something and you just fall in

Love with it and and you can afford it you should buy it and you will find a place for it it is here literally because I had no other spot for it it is a different shade of green than you see but again that goes back to what uh we

Love in the way that we decorate at cocoa and dash is that things we don’t want everything to match I don’t like much of anything to match and so that sits there and it just keeps your eye refreshed is is the way I I think of it

Because it’s it’s your eye picks up the nuances between this green and the malachite green on the secretary and then in front of it is uh one of the little chairs the little 18th century chairs that uh was a gift uh from our friend and uh our grandchildren have all

Used these this is a a custom couch that uh we had made uh through Coco and dash and every well everything the the Lampshades the pillows the the upholstered pieces we are are for the most part new uh the side accent chairs and stuff are not but the other pieces I

Did go ahead and I decided I wanted a whole new uh look and I just wanted to do something fun so this is covered and you cannot go wrong in a green velvet green is my favorite color and to me green velvet in a room or any kind

Whether it’s linen or mohir whatever it just adds such a wonderful uh uplifting feeling to a space and we did these uh custom pillows and the of course the ubiquitous uh tiger pillows and then we have more art behind this is one of I paint this is one of my paintings

Uh this is a painting that my husband bought that I also love it’s very calming and and relaxing this is a painting that I bought in New York City in the 1980s I don’t even like clowns I do not know what happened but this felt

So French to me I had it framed but the little painting I bought it at a gallery and it just there was something they weren’t creepy clowns and I loved the colors the Ober jeans and the lilacs and blues and I just noticed there’s a little blue and

White cheick in there too when we do an area like this where there is a chair we always always put a drinks table next to it some kind of table where someone of course can put a drink or a cup of coffee and in our case it’s usually a

Cup of coffee or an iced tea but we always make sure that that’s within easy reach and this we had this wonderful uh fun camel table and so we put that next to an English chair which is not something that you might think of doing but it works well and then this is

Covered in this wonderful uh uh linen from Ralph Lauren that is a a very muted animal print so when we go over this way this is probably to me the most important piece in my room is this little table this was one of the first pieces of furniture

That my husband and I bought with in our first home when we were first married in our 20s and it’s the only surviving piece from our original living room for some reason I think I just switched stuff out but I had Barry Martin here in Dallas do this beautiful tortoise shell

Finish on it and it just is it really is um a very special piece and so I would encourage you if you have something that you think this is beat up or the legs are scratched or whatever find a wonderful painter if you’re in Dallas Barry Martin painting does these

Beautiful uh faux finishes and you will have a little Jewel of a piece that still has that wonderful uh emotional connection but it also is updated and and brought into a uh to be a wonderful design piece the coffee table is an old Gracie table and uh it is also a Workhorse my

Grandsons have grown up with their sitting on a sofa with their feet on this table and the only thing I ever asked them was to take their shoes off but their feet were all always on this table and it has has held up so beautifully and I like a coffee table

That is pretty robustly uh decorated I think it’s you know we don’t really use a coffee table to set coffee cups on uh in our home we don’t but I do love it as a place to show very special things and to me I love to have a large something large in

The center to ground the coffee table and then of course we’re book people so I always have books that need to be somewhere and I like to balance a coffee table with books usually on either end uh you’ll see a couple other tables that I’ve done uh a little bit differently

But uh and then I just add in these pieces that are you know these are all old pieces that were you know gifts that uh or sentimental pieces from family that we’ve had uh forever and ever and I have a over here on this Gracie table I have this

Mexican uh Pottery or terracotta plate from I have a set of those from my friend W but I love to put those out and uh Courtney gave me this beautiful um uh incense burner and I love being able to look at it so you know it just gives you

Then I always add a candle but it gives you when you’re in a space by yourself and I sit in this room often and drink coffee in the morning and answer emails and and I love to have that that beautiful setting in front of me and

Also my feet are usually on this coffee table and it’s just a it’s it’s pretty and it it gives you a good feeling of home and reminds you of special people and and special feelings this is a pair of paintings you heard me say a while ago that that uh I love decommissioned

Paintings and what that means is that museums uh periodically will go through their inventory and determine that a piece is not necessarily something that that they want in the museum anymore it doesn’t mean the piece isn’t good it just means that you know whether it’s for budgetary reasons or whatever

Generally these are not expensive paintings you’re not talking about tens of thousands of dollars this is a pair of paintings by an artist uh from um Maryland and I loved them I love anything with snow in it so this was a winter scene and here’s a a uh a harbor

Scene and I love those paintings these are the original frames that they came in and it’s just a way if you uh keep your eye out and you research that you can find museums that decommission these paintings and there’s always something very interesting that’s available and

And I it’s one of my favorite things to look for and a lot of galleries will carry them and we see them of course at different antique shows and uh usually they have some kind of of paper that goes with them that tells you this is

Where they were from and you know this is the artist so uh they just make a great addition I’m a fan of paintings that are more vintage looking uh even even though they may be uh like a modern uh subject matter I still I love that vintage look with you know the Antiques

And the the new upholstery in a room sitting on this table it’s another Tom Brett table that is a bleached uh Rosewood weighs a ton but he was known for bleaching this wood and I loved this table it’s got all of the carvings of deer and elephants and and I’m an animal

Lover so you’ve probably noticed I have elephants monkeys horses dogs everything in this room and then these monkeys are one of my favorite things and Courtney and I kind of uh we didn’t even flip a coin I think I just sort of said I get

Them I’ll be gone first so uh these are vintage n from the 1950s or 60s they’re Italian uh terracotta and they’re glazed and and I truly love them and then I just use this French toll piece in the center with them but they’re very they’re just happy nobody ever comes in

This room that they aren’t taken with these monkey musicians and they remind me of the old misis pieces now we’re going to go into my husband’s study which was formerly the guest bedroom and um in this room again I have bookcases with some of his books the he

Still has room I always try and leave room for him to add books because he has you’ll see there are books on chairs and he just he he loves that so uh another green velvet sofa because you can’t go wrong with them and uh we did these uh

Chairs that are replicas of the chairs that were on FDR’s uh yacht the Sequoia when he was president and I covered them in these uh this fabric with the ferns because I’m again I love ferns and then this room to me is really special it’s very masculine I love

Coming in here there are pieces in here uh my father was career military I think I may have mentioned that and and um he was uh he was an amazing man and uh so I have a lot of his pieces like this one that were uh these were awards that were

Given to him and uh presentations from different countries and uh we have them spread kind of around the room and those are matchbooks that he picked up from different places all over the world and uh so it just I really love that that the two men that are the most important

Men in my life are kind of combined in this room because this building faces our apartment faces the west side of the building we use these uh wonderful natural fiber uh Shades that block the Heat and the light when it’s real bright in here so uh

Those with the we did just the I left these curtains they were curtains that were in here before and I think they look great with this they’re pretty muted and then back here I have this beautiful Chinese chest that uh is topped with uh uh green wear that you’ll

See in the morning room that I have a big collection of but uh and then one of my friend wi Morton’s uh uh lanterns and then you know the I Love The Columns we did the columns and I put the big gazing balls on top of those

Just because I thought it added a little light and you know it gives the illusion of more height in this room these ceilings are 8 and 1/2 ft tall so they’re not uh vast ceiling and um then the rest of this is you know all uh this was wi Morton’s this was his

Wing back chair and I had it recovered and my husband you should have seen his face when he saw this trim but I love it and we call it mopsy and um then I have a a pair of these uh antique leather foot stools one’s an elephant and one’s a donkey over here

And then some this I guess this is the only new piece of art these other pieces are all pieces that we’ve had forever those are Jay ghou pieces a TV is just a normal part of life anymore it’s almost like a cell phone and most people want a large television I would

Rather just have something beautiful like we did here to set the TV on and is what it is it’s you’re going to have a television you want it to have comfortable seating and my husband loves to sit in here and watch a game and this piece is one of my favorite pieces again

I did not have a place for this when I bought it it is from the 1970s and it’s a tesselated horn console and it has these uh little drawers in it that uh are uh trimmed in brass and it also has a matching mirror that I don’t have hung

But uh it’s the perfect size for this television set the only place I would not want a television I would not we don’t do televisions in bedrooms we discourage that uh for a number of health reasons and just sort of General sense of of calm but uh you know I think

If you’ve got a room that you prefer to to sit in that’s the best place to put a television we don’t have to have a television in every single room uh it’s especially if they’re these big monsters like these one of the things that I love to do is I have this

Big basket and I keep it on a lower shelf under this table and they’re loose photos I took most of these out of albums my son as a baby Courtney as a teenager family friends our uh friends at the farm the all of these things me as a child in Germany

The my grand kids love digging through this box and it’s so much fun to see them switching photos around and sharing them and it’s a great place to to compile your photos so to speak but you’re not having to put them in those books that you’re generally not going to

Pull out anyway and this allows people we have friends who who will come in and go through these photos you know they’ll just start poking through and seeing uh what they can find but but I think if you have a really pretty basket like this and or container of some kind it’s

A great way to Corral all those photos and uh have them where they’re accessible and you get to enjoy them this is the morning room and this really is generally people’s favorite room it is a small room it’s I think 15 by 13 something like that so it’s not a big

Room but this was originally my dining room and I changed it because I wanted a place for uh uh us to have uh more seating for entertaining and we were finding that we actually were doing more kind of buffet type dinners even though I love to set a table which is why I

Want my dining room back but so we we converted this room there used to be a door here we closed that up and um this space is really we call it the The Green Room which is interesting because there’s so much blue and white but I love I love malachite green and I

Collect a lot of uh green w and so this cabinet this is a an English and weri cabinet that’s an antique it’s not a very big cabinet but in this I have all this is my little docon Henry is in this little uh Egyptian box and there’s his picture and I have

Everything I have this was part of a set presented to my father this was uh from wi Morton uh our family friend from my uh parents when we lived in Europe and um I traveled a lot on my former career I traveled a lot in the Middle East and

So there are things from that and so everything in there also has a memory or uh a reason for being there so these prints that you see here are the same prins that Lee radwell had in her these are Museum prints they’re they’re these are new that she had in her Paris

Apartment and then ultimately gave to Tory bur but we love these and I have a set of 12 of them and um I just I think they bring so much life and color to the space that I knew that was what I wanted to go on that wall we spend most of our

Time in here the uh it’s full of things that are especially important to me that that I love that um this is a painting that was done by uh W’s partner and and our dear friend Harry Lewis and this was uh painted in the 1950s and these were

Uh part of their melica collection that hung in their home and then as you come over here this is just a wonderful little uh camel table that I loved it’s cockamamy and kind of quirky looking and then more vintage paintings and then this is one of a pair of these Grotto consoles that

Courtney and I loved and we had these faux tortoise shell uh Tops made for them so that they’re painted I generally prefer painted uh Woods to to a a natural marble or uh uh Stone of any kind I just I love the fact that it has a human hand

To to it and it’s just a little more relaxed and quirky to me then all of the the seaing in here is very comfortable it’s everything’s meant to relax and and just kind of ease out of your day and then these are some of my design books that I keep another gigantic

TV uh you know the these can close the truth is I never close them but they could could if I if I needed to it is a cheetah carpet yes it’s Stark by Stark and it uh is a cheetah wool carpet and this is my favorite rug in that I

Use either in projects or for myself I it is it’s just almost indestructible it never looks messy and it’s reads like a neutral so I really do love it and yet it has a little bit of a a wink to it to me okay so this is the principal

Bedroom and what we did if you’ve noticed all of the walls in this apartment are done in a soft white and the reason that we did that is because right before we moved back in there was a flood in the building so I drew the line at putting

Uh wallpaper up and we didn’t even paint but also in our design projects a lot of times we have used and and I prefer a soft white wall because I think it it uh shows the fabrics and the the Furnishing so beautifully but we um uh had we did

This uh beautiful headboard and it has the matching base to it and the bed hangings and then of course these uh you have to have your reading lamps and um we this this is our this is all we use this is we use a sheet and this it looks

Heavy but it’s very light and uh I always do white bedding and it’s it’s my favorite and um not lots of pillows I’m not a pillow a person that wants a ton of pillows stacked up on the bed because then you just have to drag them off at

The end of the day but uh so we just have have a minimal number of pillows so these are prints that are also from the the gallery that made the prints in the morning room and these are Japanese birds and I always found these very soothing so I have those in the bedroom

And then these were my mother’s lamps and my mother uh bought these in uh Italy when I was a little girl and it was our first or second I can’t remember when we were living there I guess our first time and um so they’re now at my

Home and then I had these beautiful shades that Melissa Woody made for me from uh the Lamp Shop and they’re just perfection and they’re trimmed in this little tiny blue and white check and uh it’s it’s just a a really Pleasant fun thing to look at at in the evening when

We’re lying in bed reading then I have all of these things are these are gifts from my daughter my husband um they’re just little tiny things I I love Littles and that can be um kind of a problem so this was my mother’s chair and ultimately I will have it

Reupholstered I just right now I just want it to be it was in her bedroom and and I just enjoy seeing it and again this is a lamp from wi Morton and I love having those there the two of them were very very dear friends um I have this

Little desk in here I do not ever sit at this desk I don’t think your bedroom should be used for anything other than sleeping and relaxing and uh so I don’t really use it as as a workspace so this is my dressing room and bathroom and uh

It’s it’s very simple lots of white because I like very clean bathrooms and kitchens I keep it pretty simple I like it simple I like you know I don’t keep a lot of stuff sitting around and I find that it’s more soothing and I’ve got so much going on in a

Day-to-day routine that I love to to come in here and it it just all feels pretty calm I think one of the secrets to a happy Union with your husband or spouse or partnership is definitely separate bathrooms um we have a rule in the garan household that this bathroom

Is off limits to any boys that includes husband grandsons guests all the males use the mail bathroom only girls can come in here and to this day my grandsons will not step foot in this bathroom they know to go over to their Papas so it’s you know what I just I

Like knowing that this is a tiny little space where I know where everything is and uh it’s it’s just it feels very private it’s very private so this is truly a working kitchen this is the original footprint to this kitchen and uh we really made very few changes

To it and again considered uh we were getting ready to redo the kitchen truthfully and there was an incident on the top three floors that they have spent two and a half years uh having to rebuild some apartments up there so we just kind of put a halt on it because

There’s so much construction going on in the building but I love this kitchen it is is it works perfectly for entertaining it works perfectly for just the two of us most of the the time we dine out or we’ll do something simple at home and um so it serves those purposes

But it also it really does work great for entertaining and this piece slides to that end of the kitchen and opens up and then it becomes like a little Beverage Station when we need it and then I brought in this uh piece I’ve had this for years

It’s actually it’s an old baker piece that is four pieces it was it’s called a bachelor’s set and so you could have like these could be used as nightstands and as a dresser and the components all change spaces uh places but I use it you

Can see how healthy my food is I use it to store uh food and and as a pantry and then um I keep U the silver that I use every day in here and then I’ll show you my actual china cabinet these were open shelves when we we uh were here before

Or open areas they were all mirrored and so I had these cabinets built to hold um some of my China and I have a lot I that’s another thing that I tend to collect you know what my favorite piece of china this was the China that when

Dan and I got married this is human and they don’t even make it anymore and uh I love it because it I mean talk about Grand Millennial the it’s just it’s happy it’s fun flowers and uh and my mother gave me a lot of the pieces to it

And I use it I use it a lot and then I use it with these little I have a whole dessert set of these this is probably right up there with that one because these these were a gift from my mother’s I think for my I want to say my 30th

Birthday and um so and I use those every chance I get so I am anxious to have a dining room again because I do love to set a table and um I continue to purchase those kinds of things I love cocktail napkins I love uh all the things that anybody who entertains loves

To to use and I’d rather use those things on a table really the decorative items almost more than uh a lot of flowers because they have such good memories my favorite thing about my home is my family uh when we are here everybody is always relaxed my home and

I think this goes back again to uh growing up as uh a military kid your home is the most important investment that you’ll ever make and and I know that when I moved so often Allison my mother would I don’t know how she did it but she could transform wherever we were

Into our home where things felt familiar and even though she added new things in from different cultures it always felt like home so to me that I still have that aesthetic and I have things of my mothers I have uh things of dear friends

That are no longer uh with us and uh to me the the most I guess the most important things would be family and feeling super secure and relaxed when I walk in here at the end of the day and for my husband my husband is an

Attorney and he is uh uh he really works a lot and nothing makes me happier than when he comes home and says I love walking in our House hi homeworthy I’m har come on in Welcome to our home here in Dallas you’re watching homeworthy where we believe every home has a story like And subscribe for more Hi Gary Henderson we’re in our home it’s a Georgian right in the Heart of Dallas in a little neighborhood of East Dallas called Lakewood so my husband and I have four kids we love having people over our kids are aged 14 to n three girls one boy

And we have a rotating door policy I mean any day it it feels like the 9s where there’s just bikes strewn in the yard kids coming in and out unannounced grabbing snacks running into the pool or getting you know out front climbing a tree it’s been really idilic we love

This street we love our neighbors and and our kids have really thrived in this neighborhood we we’re thrilled to be here so when we saw when I saw the house the the first day it went on the market I notic noticed that the the modern look

Of it had a perfectly centered door and it just it had these beautifully symmetrical trees right next to the the front door and I just thought okay this can be a Georgian which I I love Georgian architecture and I’ve always wanted one but to be honest our old

House was on such a big hill that my architect said you wouldn’t see the roof it would be it would look like a hotel it was the roof would be too flat so um I I immediately thought oh my goodness maybe I’ll get my Geor in and it was

About 2,800 sare ft great house the pool alone was what sold us we just with the four kids being so active and we love to host we just thought okay this this could be really special for our family um we were able to really use all the

Square footage and only bump out the front about 6 feet and the back about 6 feet to kind of give it that perfect rectangle for a Georgian Look so welcome to to our foyer this is such a fun space I think because as the home builder I got to design this floor with my amazing Tile Guys um they were Geniuses I asked them to cut it in half and make wonderful things happen and

They did it beautifully I loved a checker board as a Georgian house I feel like it needed a checker board floor and this was for sure the fun way to do it with modern and traditional so another piece in here that I love this is I think my first piece of furniture to

Make which is kind of wonky in some places but I found this beautiful tall Burl wardrobe the other half of it is actually up in my room I lopped it off at the sides lopped it off at the front put the top back on and then I had my

Welder weld a base for it I just had always loved these modern credenzas and quite frankly I couldn’t afford one and so I found this beautiful piece that looked like it needed a second life and I was able to revive it I did put this

Like boat lacquer on it so it is super super super shiny which I I love arguably not the best job ever but I think it’s beautiful it’s my favorite piece to just walk into and welcome us home when we come in the front door this piece right here I found at a

Garage sale for $5 and I loved it I immediately thought oh my goodness that’s going in our Foy it’s just your traditional brass and it’s got that pagota look and it just I thought was lovely so that was kind of a fun find leaving our foyer we come into

The sitting room which is one of my favorite spaces this is my Miami Palm Beach room this room is just a nod to my childhood we just love the colors in it it’s it’s more like a parlor we do sit in here and read some cool features of this room

This was the slab taken from one of the bits and pieces from our bar I love utilizing every piece of anything so this was kind of a resourceful thing we were able to just Lop it off make a table and then I’d already had these

Benches so this is kind of a fun way to utilize all the pieces of slab that we had I love this chandelier this is one of the more versatile chandeliers in my opinion you can see it in a kind of dark and boy dining room and it just looks

Like intimate and masculine and then in here with all these bright colors I think it looks feminine and Poppy and light like a little Cloud so this is a Julie Neil I I’m obsessed with this I I kind of had to have it I I joke that it

Was a statement piece and my husband jokes that the statement you know the cost of the statements can can get a little high but this piece is worth it I love it um a few other things around the house I I love collections this is just a collection of

Random glass vases that I’ve accumulated over the years I think putting them all together in one little vignette is a fun way to to to display sort of all these little meaningful pieces I’ve gathered over the years and I love rocks you’ll find out throughout the house any sort

Anytime I can throw a geodin in something or display it or put a SL of marble I I I tend to do it this room has been sort of my statement room for layering I would say in the sense that it’s had pieces added to it over time

I’ve always loved a beautiful cwh hide on another rug I think it’s such a cool way to add texture and appeal while also still having kind of the the spatial visual aspect of a big rug I love little things like adding a tape trim to even an off-the-shelf curtain or putting a

Lumbar in front of a a pillow it’s just a fun way to add a dimension that your eyes can go to and I think that if you do it in similar color patterns and in s similar um textures it can be very cohesive so for instance this this these

These pillows are actually different patterns these greens but they’re so similarly colored and I could only find two of each set that I just went with it and the way that I tied it all together was to put four matching lumbars in front so that you still I think visually

See cohesion even though when you look this way you have these and when you look this way you have a completely different pillow and then I think benches and tables are such a practical and functional way to live so in this room while we’re doing homework or

Reading we slide these puppies out prop our legs up and and can very easily have a more comfortable sitting area while also not cluttering in kind of tiny room so they I love how they fit right underneath this and again I think it’s pretty but it’s also very very very

Functional and then I’m a big fan of plants any time you can put a plant in a room it adds a layer that I think just helps you feel like you’re outside which I think we all do better when we’re getting outside occasionally so anytime you can add

Either a column with a kind of cascading Fern or again I’m a huge fan of these birds of paradise I would put them in every room if I could um I do it because again it it helps fill the space but also make it feel really cozy and like

You’re just sitting outside having a glass of coffee or a glass of wine so when we leave the sitting room we immediately come into the dining room which is another one of my favorite spaces this space is actually pretty large but I love how especially when we

Host people we pull the chairs out and people are kind of pulling from a buffet this has a mix of fun and new um and old so these chairs for instance are brand new I love the white and clean and then this table is an antique that I found

For a steel and I just couldn’t get enough of big 9 foot it’s I think putting the two together works really well same with this chandelier I love sort of the fun green and purple com combo which I think is a little more modern but then you throw in this

Antique Chandelier and it adds a nice little Dynamic um this painting I painted it’s probably my favorite piece that I’ve painted um I it’s very reminiscent of our time in California and there’s just little aspects I am by no means an artist but I love this little drip going on here I

Love the sky and I think that it’s been really fun to see how the pink pinks go with the green and purple a fun way to not do shenis paper throughout the whole room was to frame these big panels so and it also gave me the mix that I wanted I loved grass

Cloth um but I love panels so this is kind of a combo getting the grass cloth in the exact same getting the paint in the exact same color as the grass cloth helps give that beautiful long monochromatic look and then these panels um are hand painted silk and are just a

Fun nod to a traditional dining room without the cost of having to paper the whole room so we we tore the house down to the foundation and so when we rebuilt my goal was to make the room look as old make the house look as old as possible

Because it’s a Georgian I wanted it to have that 100-year-old house feel so when we went through and did all the molding I really looked online did my research and tried to find the molding that matched the era and so every single one of these panels we we added to have

The the look of a 100-year-old house even down to the height of of the chair rails chairs tended to be a little bit shorter um back then and so we made this just a hair shorter than sometimes you’re seeing a little bit taller so this bar card is fun because it’s got a

Total mix of old and new I inherited a lot of these crystal decanters from my grandparents who used to host I’m sure lavish parties in New York City um same with this fun ice box but also new this was this was an opener somebody gave me for Christmas it’s a

Little jingle but I just think it’s it’s so fun um and then I love our plate wall anytime I go anywhere my favorite souvenir to grab is hand painted Medallion um so Rose fil Rose Medallion I’ll typically pop into an teque store at any place we go to around the world

And so each one has a kind of a story behind it and I love getting to look at those when I walk into this room we love meat we are Texans at heart so we love steak we love fish sometimes we’ll do a surf and turf but usually steak medium

Rare medium at the worst um but I’ll still love you if you take it rare or or take it medium or medium well or well um and then we typically do a root vegetable or a vegetable like broccoli and then a yummy salad sometimes with fruit goat

Cheese um and then for dessert I love anything that can be paired with vanilla ice cream so we sort of cycle through we’ll do maybe salads first Sometimes other times we’ll just kind of pile it on and then maybe have bread at the table to to be to be passed and then

We’ll sort of grab the plates we don’t wash them we’ll just set them right by the sink and then grab dessert and another glass of wine or a cocktail and linger sometimes into the we hours of the night so this is a true china cabinet even

Though it’s very low I do have a set I have 25 of these Rose Medallion which is really fun for a bigger party um we’ve done a number of birthday parties and baby showers and then I have silver lots of silver I inherited from my grandmother this needs to be polished

For sure but I have about 15 of these pieces and a number of other pieces and then my other my my wedding China is white with silver around the edge and then my other larger set is of course the Blue Willow and these are some fun Jade candlesticks that one of Brian’s

Mentors gave us years ago and we’ve just G to shove that back in there but we have about 20 pieces of this blue willow as well when I host bigger parties I have matching Chargers I have about 80 matching Chargers and so I’ll frequently mix together different

Plates and having them all on the same charger and then a same place mat and then um we have a lot of Linens that are embroidered that have been gifts from people that we are able to put out and we just we just love I love the

Flow for hosting our home has the downstairs that just flows together you through the sitting room behind me you go into the dining room which opens to the bar and the living room and then it all goes to you know four big French doors across

The back and um I would say that hosting is a very big part of our family’s life and so I love the flow I love the space that is conducive to to hosting a lot of people from kids to cocktail parties at Christmas attached to our dining room

And connected to the main foyet is our bar this space is fun because it’s where we typically have somebody serving drinks when we have a party it’s also where people can come gather drinks when they’re at the table we’re having a dinner party um it has also some fun

Displays of some of the silver I’ve inherited and every single one of these glasses has has a story some of them have been very thoughtful Gifts of friends who love know I love to host some have been fun finds and some have been just passed down but we love having

Various glasses for different occasions this for instance this little kind of Martini Coupe was given by our Neighbor Next Door in our old house and it was just a piece that was special to her and she had six of these and she knew we love to host and she thoughtfully came

Over over one day and gave them a Di and it has meant so much to us we use them often and think of them then we also have some fun knock around items so these are actually acrylic and we use them by the pool so I think it’s fun to

By the pool not always only have styrofoam you can still have a fun fancy glass rim with taheen and throw in some tequila and some other fun items like limes and make it either a ranch water or Margarita and not have it be quite so as a styrofoam class and

Then this piece is kind of fun because it’s hung on this beautiful slab of marble I told you I loved her Stone and this piece was just a nod to kind of one of those old Speak Easy bars in New York I feel like they all have either really cool

Mirrored antiqued mirrored backs or a really cool Stone and then this beastro shelving which I I think displays but also is lovely in itself and kind of industrial but not too not too much I love this hanging it was kind of a a thing but my guys were awesome and they

They you know cut through this lab beautifully and and it’s just fun to look at I love this space I love this space namely for all the memories that it has of of conversations where you know we’ll sit in here pour a glass of wine and

Then sort of get to be authentic and and hear somebody’s heart in this tiny little St my style is very compiled I would say so my mom one of the best things she ever taught us was to yard sale and estate sale and so we frequently just would kind of Veer

Off the road and and grab some wonderful items for like $5 when I was young and that thrill was just deeply ingrained in me so my house has a lot of pieces that were straight from a garage sale buried at the bottom for $5 that I was able to

Either polish or touch up or that was just perfect and nobody else wanted some items um were sort of found um like at Market or otherwise on sale and then I was able to jij it up I do a lot of sewing so I’ve I’ve done a lot of the pillows and

Curtains in the house myself and then on some of the furniture pieces a number throughout the house I actually built my dad was a um a Furniture maker and a mechanic and he always had the best woodworking tools and and was very generous with them so I would find a big

Burl piece for instance chop it in half and make a Credence out of it and you’ll see a number of those throughout the house but it’s kind of compiled it’s it’s old and new and stuff I’ve made and stuff that a lot of things have been passed down and different rooms have

Different styles of of my character and of our our Collective family’s character so it’s been Fun leaving the bar you come into our living room that’s where the service window opens as well this great room we designed extra large to have a more intimate sitting space here these chairs are rocker gliders and we frequently will have cocktails with friends sit here even with the kids debrief at the

End of the day and then over here is where we can watch TV on Monday nights we have friends come over we do a Bible study and we have 12 people sitting in here comfortably this is kind of where we can have a a bigger space at times

When we’re watching TV we turn all of these and we can all enjoy but this this this we found that kind of breaking up the larger space into various sections helps keep it not quite so stale if there was only a small part party of about four but then when we have our

Whole family together we can all be in the same space again Marble Slab this is the last of the of the bar piece um we had this cut into this coffee table hilariously when we had it put down I thought oh you know what maybe I’ll

Tweak the location of it and I went to grab it and there’s no chance it is it is there permanently very heavy um and then fun fact about these chairs so our next door neighbor had on their bulk trash these chairs they had this beautiful dark wood um caning at the

Back that unfortunately our movers broke when we moved them in but they fixed it and I kind of like the the newer caning but I reupholstered these myself I actually made pillows for them which I have in the breakfast nook but these were kind of a fun trash you know to

Treasure item we we just saw them and thought okay we can make something out of these um I painted this painting as well fun fact about this is that it hides our TV behind it so I love the frame TV I’m a huge fan um but I love

Art and um we’ve been able to have all of our TVs hidden by canvases that we just sort of prop up and hide the hide the TV for when we need it we’re big football fans huge football fans so we watch a lot of TV and that puppy just

Comes comes right off so I started painting probably about 10 years ago when we moved into our old house I had beautiful walls that just really were artw worthy but we didn’t have the means and so I found I think that actually was my first painting I found it at an

Estate sale and if you look it has this texture underneath it because it was this like I think it was like actually a dolphin print um but I went and I primed it and I added white over it and I I kind of like this look

Of whatever it had going on before for coming out and then I gold leafed the frame which was just black bamboo needs to be touched up a little bit um and then just tried my hand at some fun strokes and I think I’ve always gravitated toward art and in school I

Loved art class and trying out painting but really for our home about 10 years ago was when I first started trying my hand at it and we got some fun pieces out of it I love anytime I can add ratton wicker I do it’s I think again the Miami

And me but this little 1960s elephant just makes me so happy I feel like I saw these all over Palm Beach growing up and I had to hunt to find one I found one on Facebook Marketplace I’m on the hunt for another one um just a reminder that

We’re constantly you know adding little pieces but on the other side I’ll have another one so maybe next time we talk you’ll see it there so again I love Collections and all of my coffee tables kind of have little Curiosities um I think these paper weights from the you know

Mid-century are just so cool this is a little bird I think I’m so curious how they’re done I mean glass blowing has always blown my mind and I just love the way that they’re able to create something so beautiful in this dense piece of glass it’s truly truly a

Masterpiece um so I love coffee table Books A lot of them have to do with design sometimes there’s a fun book about football or cooking um this is a deck of cards we love playing Ry with our friends so I love having a space there we’ll clear everything off this

Table and we’ll sit here Slide the chairs in and play on this table um the kids hilariously play with this tic-tac-toe all the time and adults as well sometimes they you know put it in their eyes and make fun things out of it besides just tic tac toe um and then

Again some old pieces so these are some candlesticks that I inherited and I just thought you know what I don’t want to only pull them out every you know couple of weeks or every month when I have a party or something maybe maybe they should be out more often so

Have those out um and then I love flowers and plants this is a this is a faux a faux um Orchid that I’m was able to put together myself and I love because it looks so real but is absolutely 100% low maintenance of course and then each one of my kids is

Assigned a plant that they take care of I think this is anel’s plant and she comes in and I think we her regimen is once a week but some some got lucky and there’s this once every every other week so this fireplace we when we built it I basically asked them for the

Tallest biggest fireplace you could do that wasn’t a Mason fireplace so this is actually an insert um but that has that beautiful stone Herring bone in the back it’s fully functional we can pop this puppy up really really roaring fire and I’m being from Miami when it gets below

70 I feel like I need a fire in the morning so we’re about to have to start using this in Texas um but I love a tall mantle big tall fireplace and I love gas if at all possible it’s my favorite zero maintenance and easy if Brian’s on a

Work trip I can come in light it up with the kids and don’t feel like I have to go chop wood gather wood Etc I’m an English major from Texas ANM University whoop and I did not clearly have this in mind um after school went to work for

The Bush Administration in DC loved my job there we got married my darling husband got accepted to law school so we had to move to California so I obviously couldn’t keep doing that worked for a medical device company called Striker which I loved and then um kind of

Finally ended up back in Dallas when I got to quote retire to to be a mom and I I did minor in Spanish so I do speak Spanish as do all my kids all our kids fluently and obviously with my time at the White House I had a lot of project

Management I was working for the Secretary of Education as her right-hand person kind of managing her schedule in her life and I think adding the management piece with my just love for people and it worked out to where I on our first home was able to do a lot of

The work and and kind of found myself really loving the building design aspect so I designed that house myself and was able to take that one also from a a ranch to sort of a nice lovely two-story and I felt like hm this is kind of fun

Maybe I could just do this for people and people started asking so fast forward I started my business was able to do it for a number of clients and then we bu built built this house and that’s when start to finish you know all the nuts and bolts I was able to manage

And then all the design pieces were all my touches too and and ever since have been able to do a number of clients homes that are way more beautiful than my own but it’s been really fun so so no all that to say I have I do not have a

Training in this but fortunately now with platforms like you guys social media is fabulous for teaching people and and I kind of pick up on people’s Styles as I talk to them and and can kind of be creative in in imagining their spaces with Them leaving the living room you go through these double doors into my husband’s study this is I gave him the best view when building the house I wanted him to be able to look out on the pool but we also wanted him to have this space where

He could come in hang with guys have a glass of bourbon sit here in this in this sitting area over here a lot of the art in here is um I’ve painted myself this I painted for his 40th birthday it’s of our family home in Creed Colorado the

Rio Grand runs right in the backyard and um that was kind of a fun nod to his one of his favorite places of his childhood one thing I love in design is when you can have monochromatic curtains matching Sheen so in this room for instance my paneling is more of a

Satin has a little more of a gloss to it and the exact same color um flat on the walls and then the exact same color are very very similar um linen curtains it adds texture while not being too busy you kind of in your mind think oh great

It’s all the same color so it’s not too distracting but in reality it just adds these cool layers I wanted his room to be masculine but I did again and want the curtains and want to have um some fun texture and that was kind of a good

Way to do it without having it be a little too light and bright same with these pillows so they’re a hair different color blue um but they kind of all cohesively go together I think on that palette and I love the Velvet here as well again this is just kind of in my

Opinion a fun way to jge up an otherwise basic Herring bone chair adding a cool texture and pattern via a pillow is an easy way to do that and then I love in an office to have a nice mix of books ones that he’ll read for fun others that

He needs professionally um and then I like to have a little bar platter sometimes we’ll have um other glasses in in here but we usually have mule and bourbon glasses and then I would say having space on the inside we have a lot of blankets and things that we’ll

Typically store in our hidden consoles that way when the kids are in here while he’s working they can cozy up do their homework feel nestled in without having the Clutter of the blankets out all the time this room directly behind me for instance being born and raised in Miami

Is is pops of color and is definitely a nod to that um so that’s a little more Grand Millennial I would say but I love and appreciate modern pieces I love lacquer and and Burl and and things that are very sleek and I love Stone there’s

A lot of marble throughout my house um so I love that modern and clean look but I also I also really enjoy a traditional palette so I I really love beautiful coffee table books flowers are throughout the house I think every room has a plant so hopefully we’ll breathe

Better as a result of it but I I do I I think it’s kind of a a a again a compilation but I’d say probably traditional modern meets Grand Millennial with those pops of of color so actually the chandelier in my breakfast nook it is when we had just

Moved into our old house I didn’t I couldn’t really afford the big beautiful Serena and Lily Beat It piece with hemp um but I wanted it so I found a piece that was very similar from World Market it was brown and had black Iron trim which was

Not our style at all so I I actually hung it from a rope from our tree in the backyard lacquered it white and then hand hand wrapped it with him which sounds a lot easier but you kind of have to hold the ball and twist it through it

It was it was kind of a beat down but um anyway that piece hilariously when my friend bought our old house got to keep that piece so not only did I get to do it one time I got to do it twice so now we have matching pieces I’ve recreated

It I just felt like it was a nod to that original hard work I had to have it in this house and um anyway that’s one of my favorite pieces just cuz the the kind of the elbow grease that went into it I Think and off of the other side of the living room this is I would say the heartbeat of the home this is our kitchen and we asked our designer to our architect to to build kind of as big of an island as possible because we do use

This for hosting as well as in the morning I I I wish you could see the kind of lunches being packed and then mangoes being chopped and then over there there’s usually syrup on the counter from some sort of waffle mess and so anyway this is kind of if if this

If the kitchen is the heartbeat of the home this is like the main award um the island and he he basically said you can get a slab up to kind of 130 in um and so we did that we said let’s let’s see what we can what we can get

Out of it lengthwise when I went to the slab store I saw this beautiful slab with a book Matched slab right next to it and I thought oh my goodness that I really really like that so we were able to get both and you’ll see that that’s

Throughout our kitchen as well as on the fireplace that you guys just saw in the living room um these lanterns are fun I I I wanted the ones from Urban electric that are so fabulous um but quite frankly we had spent a lot of money on the house and I

Thought okay you know what I this may be an area that I have to go a little more um meager so I found these through Sam’s um I think they’re Chama and they were black and so I used a chalk paint painted them kind of that beautiful Robin side blue

And put the glass back on and I love them I just I think it’s kind of an unexpected pop in here to have blue lanterns hilariously our kids lately we both really do love to cook I’d say if it’s inside so if we’re baking or doing

Something on the stove I do that and honestly the kids have been doing most of the baking lately they just love it and my husband is the Grill Master you’ll see he’s got the egg and the other Grill and he loves getting out there with some meat with some root

Vegetables he um we love bacon wrapped jalapenos so we do those often and so we kind of all I think we all have our our lanes which is which is nice so this is a hilariously this is this is Fae or fake if you will these are from Amazon

These panies I wish you could see them up close and touch them they they feel feel and look 100% real I had essentially been doing Arrangements every week from December of 2021 and I thought you know what it’s not very economic and it’s kind of exhausting um

So I just hunted down real touch hydranges these again have that latexy touch to them and then these peanes from Amazon again I can’t tell you how many compliments I get um and then I think if you Nestle in just kind of some fun Oddities like this is just some random

Drift wood that we had um I I was asked to do a wreath for this charity and I had some leftover faux eucalyptus so I just shoved that in there and it it kind of came together oh and these little lines I’ll go ahead and take one out so

I can show you but they’re just kind of you know fake limes on a stick that very very formal and then you know put lime on stick and stick in in styrofoam and that’s kind of how it goes I’ll have have to Nestle that in there a little

Bit but I get so many compliments on this hilariously it’s one of those pieces that you would never think that just you know throwing together would would be such a statement but it really actually helps us not have to overhaul this space very often and I use it for a

Lot of parties too I don’t I don’t really have to change it out um except for I think at Christmas I love doing like Pine and deep greens and Magnolia hilariously when we finished the house we we moved in the week before Christmas I was sort of adamant about that and so

There were areas that weren’t wallpapered yet and I just said you know what they can wait so our first Christmas party we hosted the day after we moved in the first Christmas party in this house and this space was not wallpapered and there was nothing hung

And so we had kind of a guessing game of of people asking us what this space was and the number one was a timeout closet um but no it’s not it’s it’s it’s our wine sort of seller display um I had always loved the idea of having having

Wine on hand for parties Etc but I didn’t want it nestled away necessarily I think wine is beautiful I think The Vineyards actually spend a lot of time thinking through labels and the colors for instance lamara V everyone knows those colors they’re so iconic and I think they’re some of my favorite colors

I mean and so I think that it’s art in a way and so it’s kind of a fun way to to give them their ode and also like I said have ample wine on hand for when we go to parties and we want to bring a

Hostess gift or if we spur of the moment want to celebrate something throw it on ice and we’re ready to go so this is what I affectionately call Our Lady my ladies bar um I actually wallpapered this myself because it was kind of a an after Thea i’ had that wallpapered in

The breakfast nook and I had some leftover and I thought you know what I really want this to display some of the special things for me I feel like Brian gets his bar and it’s a little more masculine and so this was where I can display a lot of my pink plates some

Sweet gifts I’ve gotten over the years I think this Morano glass is just stunning and then these are teacups from Brian’s great-grandmother that we inherited and I just thought they were worthy to be displayed so this is my little ladyes bar that I just makes me happy and again

It’s it’s practical we grab wine glasses there from often we can set up you know a bucket of wine here to create a different space right off of the kitchen is our breakfast nook that we made a little bit larger because to be honest we eat here nine times out of 10 it’s

Very practical the B the cushion is a is a faux leather that just magic erases you can spill spaghetti sauce and not worry about it um I’ve made all these pillows except for two and again they can kind of get dinged up but this is

This is I think our our where we eat nine times out of 10 it’s it’s casual but we love that it feels like we’re outside so we have a view of the pool a little bit of the outside coming in through the windows and then here’s here’s that chandelier that I slaved

Over now twice um that was kind of khaki with black Iron Metal that I painted gold and then you know probably blistered my fingers winding winding hemp through and then these panels are fun I I love anytime you can bring in like a shin noiser look these panels it was a it was

A string of panels so they were all connected and they had sort of like a black trim to them which was a little too dark for my liking so I actually hand framed these myself which is why they’re probably a little bit wonky but I wrapped the edges sort of matted it

With this beautiful green satin and then framed them in these shadow box frames to beef them up and also have them feel a little bit lighter cuz I think sometimes that old panel can be a little dark and I I wanted this room to be a

Little more light and Coastal this rug I love what they’re doing with textures with J lately I mean the scalloped and then the circles I think make what would otherwise be a basic jute rug so fabulous and they have them in all different sizes you can get ones that AR

Don’t have the circles in them per se but have a different colored piping or trim around them and I think it’s such a fun way to make the ground Whimsical too I I think sometimes we when we put a rug down we think okay functional it it must

Kind of inp function and I think here especially in this room I needed it to be able to be dinged up needed to be able to spill spaghetti sauce and hose it off but I still wanted it to have that Airy light look um so this is actually a really reasonable rug I’m

Trying to even remember where I got it I’m sure Amazon or overstock or something but very very practical reasonably priced and um functional I think you can also put the sticky edges and and hold it down but the table does a great job holding it down and we have no issues in Here off the kitchen on the other side we have kind of the pantry mudroom combo we we have double ovens in here which I highly recommend if you have this space Also the fridge for drinks you can come in from the pool kids are grabbing Cokes

Club soda and then our pantry which I love is right off of the stove and and the neat method actually did our pantry and made it so functional for our family they came in saw how we use our pantry and put things in really practical ways

For instance dinner prep I have this bin easy to grab in the evenings breakfast lots of oatmeals and other goodies and then snacks which is what my kids Thrive off at the end of the day so they’ll come in quickly grab something be taken care of and then I think these risers I

Know people have been using these for years I never had them but I think they’re so functional because you can easily see what you have grab what you need for cooking be on your way with four kids and all the schedules efficiency is key and then the last

Little fun funny piece so I did a I designed a salon for a friend and they have what is called the IAC and all salons have this and they sort of sweep up the hair and then it magically sucks it up anyway I found one on Poshmark and

I’m obsessed with it so we’ll sweep and then for instance there’s this little piece here I’m going to dust it over and when it gets in front it sucks it up so kind of a funny nice to have not need to have but it definitely helps my kids

Be incentivized to clean I hear them sometimes sweeping the house with the dust mop and and then I hear the IAC come on so anything to help them want to clean I highly recommend and then we wanted to have our pantry and mudroom connected we can shut this door

Kind of keep this area closed off but this is sort of where the landing is when we come in from the garage each one of our kids has two lockers um the down is usually holds their school supplies and then shoes and then the top is sports sports helmets cleats Etc this is

A fun wallpaper that’s just that chartreuse color is I think so fun um and maybe not one that you would want to have in a in a like a bedroom or anything but I think this is just such a fun way to enter the house from the

Garage you walk in and you’re like H I’m home it’s happy and I think mixing it with this moodier blue is just kind of a is a fun dichotomy it’s not it’s not it’s a very busy wallpaper so I think having a more Stout um kind of homey deep color

Balances out pretty well off of the Breezeway after leaving the powder bath you come into the main backyard which is one of our favorite spaces I realize they say that about a lot of spaces but we spend the most time out here especially in the Summer with the kids the pool um I’ll

Frequently come out with work I’ll bring some clients um wallpaper and fabrics and all sit right here have a Diet Coke and judge their diving contest um this this pool I joke that in the fall at a lot of pools it becomes like a 30,000 gallon Fountain but we do use our pool

My crazy kids are in it even even into the winter but for the most part we are about to transition to Hot Tub Time um one thing we were able to do when we built the house which I was really grateful being someone who cares about the resourcefulness we pulled up all of

The old Traver tee tile there was about like 2,000 square ft of it and and it was everywhere and it just made the whole backyard feel like one big Stone backyard and we ripped it all up stacked it cleaned it came back in laid it in these cool rectangular pavers and had

Turf put in between it so it’s kind of a fun way to have right off of these main doors that come off of the living room to feel like you’re truly in the outddors even though with the patio we really would have never been able to

Have grass grow so it’s kind of one those things that I think helps bring the indoors and the outdoors a little more more easily together when you don’t have irrigation or you don’t have the sunlight you need to grow grass and in this backyard space we kept real grass um we

Purposefully did these giant Riser stairs so that when we have kids over they can sit here eat pizza dry their towels off hang out um so it’s it’s at its seating when we’re watching football games it’s kind of stadium seating and then out here this is where the kids run wild at any

Given time we usually have about six Nets we have a volleyball net soccer goal a soccer rebounder a football um thrower thing I don’t really know and then we have this little putting green that’s kind of fun our our kids can chip over the driveway between this one little hole that’s on

The main lawn over to the to the other side so we try we’ve tried to utilize every inch of the yard really being outside and having the space for the kids to run and host is is really important to us so we tried to maximize all the the spaces to do

That one one thing we did which maybe people have differing opinions but by the pool we really wanted it to be clean so when the kids jump in the pool they weren’t getting grass all over the place and also it’s just a little bit Cozier

We put Turf right by the pool so on the on the levels that are down below It’s All Turf and then all of this up at the top is zoa grass so this does turn brown in the winter while this stays green but it really doesn’t bother

Us and it does create a nice space for us to always have a clean spot for the kids to jump in the pool up here we have the fire pit which is so fun for some Wars when we host parties we have it going so people and we prop up a bunch

Of ader on Duck chairs and let people sit and have a cocktail enjoy the fire pit and over on this space it was really underutilized when we bought the house there was probably about 5T of Hardscape and that was it and then all of this was

Just sort of mud and Bush um and so what we did was we extended the slab over enough to have these pavers carry all the way to this outdoor kitchen hilariously our fence was put on the wrong line so we actually had two feet of an alley between my our fence and our

Neighbors so we were able to gain that back put this outdoor kitchen right here and I highly recommend if you have a spot where you could Nestle something like this in think about how your family can use it for us we love having the option of doing the charcoal doing like

The hickory smoke and then here I love personally the option of just coming out and lightning up not not feeling like I have to smell like charcoal um but can easily get some steaks on the on the grill for us and then for us having some counter space was important this is

Typically full of drinks for the kids for the pool when it’s blazing hot in the summer I fill it up even if I have folks working on the yard all of my all of my Subs know at any given time feel free to grab a water from here and then

We’ve got trash and then just odds and ends we’ve got some some of our little burners and some lighters in there and this goes out to the front of the house if if you have a chance to have a space that can allow people to come and go

Especially if you have a pool I love having the option of just saying hey come jump in the pool come the side gates open that way nobody has to come through the house if unless they need to and um then also when we have when we’re

Out of town we can say hey bring your family over use our pool come in the side gate the pool Bath’s available and that happens a lot we love letting people use our space when we’re not around too our family for instance we truly love caring for people and so I

Think that’s where our home has that aspect of being inviting where kids know they can show up where if somebody needs to host a lot of the parties that we do host friends husbands will reach out and say hey my wife’s turning 40 would you be able to help me absolutely I’d love

To host I’d love to take care of it for you and um so I think that’s kind of been the heartbeat of our house and I think you can see that in other people’s houses too you can you can see some families it’s it’s like family time and

The dinner table you can just tell that’s the heartbeat and so I love going into homes and learning about people just by how their homes are set up and by how they you can you can learn a lot about how they operate and now we can go

Upstairs and take a look at some of the bedrooms so at the top of the stairs we have family room TV easy kids landing and then we come into the bedrooms Straight Ahead this is my son’s room we call his room The Treehouse he is nestled up here

In this beautiful Oak and we’ve made his room fun I think with the differing trim the sort of contrast darker trim I love having a rug on rug I know some people have differing opinions about that I think especially with a young boy of 9 years old they’re up here playing Nerf I

Mean they literally go from catching frogs to coming up here and I can only imagine the kind of dirt that you would have ground in your actual carpet I’d rather have it ground down into a rug so that we can just kind of get rid of it

As it gets all dinged up I love putting a fun shade this has been great these are blackout so easy just cordless open clothes and also can kind of add a fun pattern also I love how they carry your eyes up so these are already pretty tall

Windows but when you put the shade it masks kind of the two feet that are behind it and makes this window look extremely tall so and he has a really fun bathroom after having three girls having one boy was really fun I let him choose his wallpaper he chose this I

Think fun geometric that can grow with him not too kid um but I I I would have this in my bathroom and then even down to the design on his backsplash we kept it simple with the subway tiles very economic reasonable traditional carries through kind of

Timeless and then I think it was fun to do this little pattern with the black charcoal tiles and the Herring bone and then this ground makes me happy as well it’s just your simple D Tile with gray um it’s they’re not at the you know hexagon and instead of Penny rounds

You’ve got those square tiles I love something like this anytime you can do gray grout especially in a bathroom where a boy is going to be running in with Muddy feet it’s so nice so forgivable then you don’t have to be cleaning your grout all the time which

I’m a fan of off of the other side of the family room is our laundry room and my studio office so our architect helped design this extra large so that we could have ample space for crafting this is where I do a lot of Art this is where we

Do a lot of clothes folding a lot of clothes folding and um actually hilariously we were able to pull out the island from the old kitchen and reuse it so this is actually just a repurposed Island we put a new slab on it and have been able to use it for

This utility space I love the bright love the bright light over on this side I can be doing my laundry easy uppers down here I’ve got my Dust Buster kind of more practical and then on this side you can actually see here these are two pieces of art that I I just finished

And I they go together and I need to figure out a place to um hang them but you can see that this is sort of my studio half of the of the space so this is where I do a lot of my design work I will in instead of having an easel I’ll

Prop up a canvas here and and do painting and and um so this is where we can do a lot of creation cabinets in the laundry room highly recommend these hold everything from Craft bins I have hot glue guns I have little loose sight rods

To put in orchids and then I have a lot of bins for towels and other Linens but storage in here has has been really really helpful and right across from the laundry this is the primary bedroom when we designed it we specifically D designed this sort of buffer zone

Enclave between the family room and the main bedroom it’s really just a a kind of a pretty hallway and it also buffers the sound quite a bit which is helpful in the main bedroom some fun features I actually built these two I built all three pieces in this room that

Piece over there is is the top half of the burlwood piece in the entry um I just did it a little differently obviously I I built an outside frame and made it more like an inset cabinet and then these two nightstands I had hunted for night bedside tables for so long and

I couldn’t quite find what I wanted so I found this one taller sort of High boy loped in half was able to put legs on each you’ll see the other one has slightly longer legs and then again you’re shocked I have a marble top but I

Love how it turned out it’s a it’s it’s old and it’s it’s new with the white pops but it’s exactly what we wanted and it was like $200 for the piece itself and then a lot of Sweat Equity I love creating cozy spaces with rugs this is a wool

Really really thick wool rug if you look at it it’s woven almost like a yarn and it’s so cozy underfoot it’s really I love to put this in client spaces um from bedrooms to living rooms because it it the the color variation is actually very forgiving and hides dirt well but

It also when you wake up in the morning it’s just cozy and it’s really reasonable I want to say it was from Overstock um and then one thing I enjoy doing that I recommend if you can I love layering curtains and shades so for instance having these nightstands be a a

Little bit deeper it would have been very hard to shut the curtains every night so we have this shade that’s a blackout very easy cordless we shut them open them in the morning I know some people are have differ opinions on Shades and curtains and combining them

But I love whenever you can do it I think it’s really practical and it adds a lovely touch to any room right off of the master bedroom we have the master bathroom which flows right into the closet the bathroom is fun we love this blush pink wallpaper it’s so muted that

I don’t think it looks Pepto-Bismol pink it’s it’s it’s really subtle I did hang a number of papers let my husband choose and he was like oh I love it I so we went with it I really enjoy it it makes me happy every time we come in in the

Morning and a lot of times the kids are in here nine times out of 10 all four of them are getting ready with me um Brian likes to sh in the pool bath that’s his place of choice but we’ll have any number of us all in here at once and

It’s kind of a fun space to be getting ready all together in the morning and then our architect was great gave us this big closet right off of the primary bath this has been a fun dressing room closet combo we love I love dresses um I have a

Number of purses I’ve gathered from estate Sal and it’s kind of a fun clean way to get dressed I love that this bench fits in here perfectly I actually bought it after we finished building the house but it’s kind of a fun space I it’s not

Uncommon for me to come in here with my coffee and just have a sip of coffee alone after the kids go to school um this chandelier is actually from our old house that our friends bought we had it over the dining room it was mimicked out after the Hall winery chandelier she has

A Beau Katherine Hall has a beautiful um Austrian swarovsky crystal chandelier that’s supposed to look like the roots of of a of a Vine and we just loved it in our days out in paloalto and so we said okay we want one of those anyway when our friends bought our old house

They said yep you can keep that Chandelier and this was the perfect spot for it and then you’ll see the slab is the same as the slab from the kitchen we were able to utilize every inch of it when we were sort of piecing together all the spaces between the laundry room

And the fireplace and the kitchen we were able to utilize all the pieces and I love how this vein again just got to be centered right here I think anytime that works out I just think it’s God’s creation is really cool how he did that okay one of my fun

Bag finds was from an estate sale close by I was with the kids and we walked in and it was an otherwise unassuming estate seal but I walked into the first bedroom and I found this beautiful little satchel and it’s wicker and lacquered and I didn’t really notice any

Markings on it I just fell in love with it and then I looked closer and I noticed it’s a famo and it was a lesson for my kids I pulled them into one of the back rooms and I was like let’s Google this let’s

Just see because it was $80 and I had it on my arm I was buying it either way it was listed at the exact time on fama’s website for 3,800 so my kids were just like they felt like we’d stolen it you know they that they got that first you

Know like just experience of like oh my goodness we can save so much if we just pop into these random Estate Sales Plus it’s just fun I love thinking about the places it got to go in its earlier life I’m sure she was fabulous and I I would

Love to have gotten to be a part of her parties that she got to go to and now they get to go with me to parties I do love shoes a lot um i’ I’ve become more a fan of wedges because I just think heels are so lovely but they’re just not

Practicable I think it was my days in DC that sort of solidified this in my brain but I love finding I mean a good esper drill is always great these Stewart whitesman are my absolute favorite they I think are a $500 pair of shoe from

Neeman I got for 15 I I really don’t think they’d been worn if I’m honest they were in perfect condition when I found them and um again I can dress them up um they’re that pretty nude patent ore dress them down wear them with a sundress and the

Wedge makes it where I can wear them all day long without feeling uncomfortable I really think home is where you can collectively breathe and I think in a world where our kids are strapped with sports and school and friends and came with us my husband’s an attorney works

Very very hard and we both are just busy in a lot of ways we love to travel our home is where we can just exhale just allow all the things to be aired out we’re very authentic in our family and just recharge to go out and

Pour out some more so I I’d say that’s what home is does hi home worthy I’m Sarah welcome to my home in Dallas Texas you’re watching homeworthy where we believe every home has a story like And subscribe for more hi I’m Sarah Johnson with Sarah Johnson Interiors in Dallas Texas so I live in my home with my husband who’s my college sweetheart and are three boys I have a senior in high school a sophomore in

High school and a fifth grader my male dog and my male cat I live with all boys a lot of masculine energy so I try to design my house beautifully how I would want to see it but durability is very important in a house with all boys so my

Home was built in 1930s all of the Living Spaces are on the first floor so we have you know our open concept kitchen and living area we have a formal dining room um the original formal dining room I actually converted to a home office and then all the bedrooms

Are on the second floor um so we all live on the second floor um and I think that’s pretty typical of architecture in Dallas I don’t think I directly knew that I wanted to do interior design all my life but there were always little episodes that I now look back on and I

Think oh I should have always done this from the get-go I was always rearranging the floor plan of my of my bedroom I actually had an antique bed and it would fall apart every time I moved it the slats underneath would fall down but it

I always had to be changing my space um and seeing it in a new light and then I had the opportunity to purchase some real state in Dallas and I renovated them and it was time to sell them and I decided to get into real estate so that

I could capture all the profit on that and from there I sold real estate for a long time mostly because I just loved interiors and finally um about 5 years ago I’m like you know what this is as good a time as any I’m going to do what

I’m passionate about and um I started doing it professionally welcome to my foyer when you enter into my house it’s got to step down right here and so it was a little bit tricky with what to do on these two different levels so we decided to put

This awesome beautiful um kind of hand stenciled pattern on the on the landing so that people could see the step essentially when they walked in my house without tripping um so that was a fun little accent that we did um on my stairs I actually used an

Indoor outdoor rug on my stairs because I have three boys and a dog and a cat so I don’t have any worry about people using the stairs up and down throwing things on the stairs it’s extremely adorable um this part of the banister was actually original to the house

Unfortunately we could not keep the original banister it kind of just fell apart in the renovation but um I held on to this little guy and and popped it on so I think that’s kind of fun that it’s original to this to the home we added

The panel to the wall um I love wallpapers and I love any kind of treatment on a wall I think it’s a really important part of design and so instead of wallpapering the foyer um I chose to add some paneling so coming off the foyer this is

My office I actually work from home so I have baskets full of textiles um but I try to keep it as organized as possible I have lots of storage and on this side um is my bookshelf of all my treasures I mean my child did a portrait of me and I am not

Blonde but that’s supposed to be me and I just have just little trinkets from travel Family Photos my kids art um so this space just brings me a lot of Happiness to be surrounded in here um with all that we um this was originally a dining room in the home and I

Converted into my office all of the bookshelves and Cabinetry was added to be completely surrounding the room and we added a very large round window I love a round window um what I also love about this window is behind this fabric is actually corkboard so on a normal

Work day everything is pinned up on my corkboard and it’s just a fun um a fun way to use this space as basically my pin board and inspiration board I don’t know who that man is in that portrait I was at my cousin’s wedding in a small town outside of

Atlanta and I found that at an antique store and I loved it and uh it’s actually plexiglass and it’s been painted on top of Plex plexiglass I thought maybe I would purchase it for a client but I kept it for myself so I collect antique boxes this was actually

A wedding gift um from a family friend I collected this one on my own I love collections um I think it gives me a little bit of purpose when I’m out and about at an antique store or I’m traveling it’s always fun to hunt for certain things so I’m always on the hunt

For an antique box and um another collection I have are baby cups and that’s in the other room so it’s just it’s fun to have a collection and also to display it um I’ve just put old photos in that box it’s just it’s just a prettier way to to store things I think

Also in my office I just love to have a window bench another great place to sit it’s actually the perfect perch for my little kitty he keeps me company during the day and um I love the um inside mount full length drapery as opposed to

Like a Roman shade I just I think it looks pretty from the outside also what we did here is we did the liner in a pinstripe so from the window outside you see a pretty pinstripe instead of just a regular white drapery liner so um and then the wallmounted lights are

Beautiful um with the exposed wire I think just gives it a little bit um more interest for this room we actually wallpapered the ceiling um there was no opportunity to wallpaper a wall in here so we wallpapered the ceiling I chose um kind of the smaller pattern Geo and I

Love it because it brings all of my colors together it has the greens and it has some blues and it has some taupe and so um it was just a great way to pull all the different colors together in one in one area so now I’m taking you into my

Dining room when we purchased the house this was in a original formal sitting area and since I had taken over the original dining room for my office I wanted to allocate this as my formal dining um it’s a little unexpected it’s not off the kitchen but it’s still super

Easy to entertain in here and serf food um it’s in close proximity to the kitchen also we have the original fireplace in here which was so important to me to keep and um preserve I think it’s just beautiful to have in a dining room the mirror it is my great-grandmother’s so that’s really

Special to me but I think the most special thing in the room is my grandmother’s bakot chandelier that came out of her home in Connecticut um so my mom had it created and shipped to me it is originally I think probably three times the size but I was able to find

Someone in Dallas who essentially took the whole chandelier apart and built it to the right scale for this room so it’s every crystal is original um it looks exactly like it did in my grandmother’s room it’s just now the perfect scale for this room um this is also her dining

Room table and chairs um so those mean a lot to me I did reupholster these chairs and because this room is so traditional I think that an unexpected kind of contemporary Geo um made it really fun to put in here and also the the neutral

Brown just I think makes it work so I did re uphold these but everything else um is original and in this room I also did a little bit of high low I the wallpaper the Gracie wallpaper was really important for me to have in here

And so for the rug I just chose a cotton jewelry essentially um and so I think it’s a Good Ju to position of high and low and even formal and Casual so it’s just a little bit more approachable to come in here and even just eat a casual

Dinner it doesn’t have to be so formal oh we don’t use it a lot unfortunately but the area we do use we don’t sit at the dining room table as often as I would like but what we do use is this area just off the dining room I believe

This was probably an old porch at some point um when we purchased the home it had just some kind of faux columns in here and again they were using it as a sitting area so my husband and I thought it would be fun to make it into like a

Bar and so when we entertain we like to just kind of hang out in here um so I feel like this area is used a little bit more than actually sitting down at the formal dining table um what I also love about this room is again going back to

My grandmother’s house she had these leaded windows in her house and my mom has copied the pattern and now I have copied the pattern and so I had these Leed glass um cabinets made with her pattern on it so these are really special to me and then the hardware

Actually has my husband’s monogram so that’s a fun little touch I cannot take credit for these so my friend Emily Miller um her company’s Emily Miller Decor she helps me with all my styling um and she creates the most phenomenal tablescape so she came over yesterday and thought these would be

Really pretty to have in my bar for this shoot um I think she told me these are from her husband’s family um um and they’re very old and beautiful I wish I had more of a story for you but I don’t everything Emily does or touches is

Beautiful I would describe the style of my home as a traditional home it’s an original 1930s home brick facad um beautiful fireplace chimney out front um so we definitely kept the traditional aesthetic when we did our renovation I am a home body I would call myself an

Extroverted introvert so I do spend a lot of time at home um I need that time to kind of refresh I think the favorite part of my home is my dining room um I love the Gracie wallpaper it has a lot of sentimental pieces in there from my

Grandmother’s home in Connecticut and so when I’m in there I’m surrounded by Beauty but it also brings um a lot of beautiful memories back so it’s definitely my favorite room of the house open to the dining room room is our family area and I think because our

Home is such an open concept where the kitchen flows into the family room and then into the dining room it makes it really easy to get food and everything into the dining room when I do entertain so that’s why I wasn’t so concerned with the dining room not being in a proper

Location um this family room basically stopped about here so we added on probably about 12 more linear feet that way um the fireplace unfortunately didn’t survive so we had to purchase a new castone fireplace the original had awesome carving but when uh we started the demo it literally just

Crumbled so that is a new fireplace um but in here I’ve just mixed old and new and you know artwork that we’ve collected and just tried to make it a very casual easy spot um for my kids and my husband to enjoy this desk I secretary desk I found locally at a um

Place called lots of furniture it’s this huge Warehouse that you literally have to dig through but I have found quite a few Treasures there um I purchased it for actual for my last house it fit perfectly in between a set of two French doors and I like it over here because

This wall just kind of needed something so it brings a little bit of height and some Dimension to it and I’ve just had some glass shelves made so I could display a few things um this is a picture of a home that we used to own in

T New Mexico so that always brings us a lot of Joy um and next to it we actually bought this from a local artist in tus New Mexico so it’s uh got a lot of memories mixed in in this area as well in Texas Design Dallas design specifically there’s a big trend for

Game tables and so a lot of designers and a lot of homeowners are requesting that game tables be incorporated into their living spaces and I’m one of them and it is great it brings our family together we have our game table here this game table I found at a consignment

Shop in Newport Beach California and I love the little scalloped corners on it and because of the traditional lines I chose a more modern chair I found this light fixture at Roundtop from an antique dealer out of Florida and I just think that the etching is really uh

Beautiful and the shape is very unique I have learned I just learned how to play maang a couple months ago and it is addicting so I have now required that all of my boys have learned to play uh we had lessons over the summer so yes I

Get to play often and I have built in kids to play with me for my own home I love wallpaper I would wallpaper every surface if I could so I always start with something on the wall and then I like to layer in a lot of textiles um I

Think kind of one of my signature designs would be adding contrast pipe to an upholstered piece a lot of details in the pillows um just to kind of give it a little bit of a detailed but casual appearance for now let’s head outside but I just wanted to

Point out um one of my other favorite things to do and that is a Dutch door um we are able to enjoy the outside quite often in Texas and so it’s nice to just have this open when it’s beautiful um and this St was a little bit tricky

Because we wanted to have steel frame doors and it matches the front door but in order to make it a Dutch door was a little bit of a challenge but we got it done and um in all of my previous houses I always have a Dutch door uh it’s also

A very New England thing to have so I’m glad that I have it welcome to the backyard uh this backyard renovation all centered around the pool this is the original pool and so we decided to leave it and we just turfed all the way around it

Turf is important to us with the boys and the dog it just eliminates a lot of dirt and mud and grass tracking in the house so the turf has been a great clean alternative for us we also put in a putting green and we have a basketball

Hoop on the other side just so we can attract all the boys out here and all their friends and and it’s a great place uh just to be all together I think one of the themes of my backyard is this scallop edging everywhere uh I found these beautiful celery Kimble um lounge

Chairs and uh outdoor furniture and I love the scallop detail so when I was looking for umbrellas I also did the scallop detail there um and we’ll get to this area maybe later but my custom Lantern on the back of the house also have a scalloped Edge on it and then I

Also have lights over here um in the patio that have a scalloped Edge so I I kind of went all out with the scallops in our backyard and the metal roof uh is a scalloped Edge roof so and then over here uh this is actually a new structure

Which is our garage with an apartment above and then our outdoor um entertaining space we couldn’t get a patio off the back of the house because of the expansion it got way too close to the pool so uh we decided just to to move it all over here to this structure

And it’s great we have our built-in barbecue a nice little bar area a cabana bath for when we have people out here swimming and all wet they don’t have to trample through the house and then um this is our patio seating and we uh come out here often watch football we can

Make a fire this is my Pennsylvania blue stone the Ode to new England um so we just really enjoy it out here welcome to my kitchen this beautiful stone is actually a courtz site we used to have marble in our own old home which I absolutely love but uh

From a durability standpoint my husband was pretty adamant that there was no more marble to be had in my kitchen but I think this is a beautiful alternative and it’s held up perfectly in a hardworking kitchen um the house like I the house ended right here so we had to

Put a support beam for the expansion and sadly it was not centered on the room so I had a great architect his name is William Briggs come in and design this beautiful ceiling of kind of board on board and beams and just made it super interesting and to me feels very New

England as well um my lanterns here I found at the Lamp Shop and fell in love with them I was told that they were found as an antique and they were generous enough to share the paint color that they used to paint these old lanterns and I went ahead and ordered some Wayfair

Lanterns uh for a fraction of the price and um I had them painted the exact same color and then the Lamp Shop provided the custom shades on um all of the fixtures so I think that’s a really fun and creative way to save some money and

Also mix some high and low and um so that was a fun project for me um this being a west facing window I do have full fun full length functioning drapery just to keep the heat out in the afternoon um and a perfect spot to grow

Some herbs right there in the window so um this is kind of the the sink area and then over here is where I have our everyday plate wear I replicated the leaded glass that we have in the dining room here is as well um and instead of putting a traditional cabinet here I

Thought it would be fun to just have a sliding cabinet um and I keep all of our blue and white are China in here um these also were my grandmother’s um so it’s just a pretty way to keep things displayed and also accessible to be able

To use all the time so I do use my grandmother’s China which is a blue onion as my everyday um so this is is it this is um the smaller plate the dinner plates over there the rest of them are in the dishwasher um but they’re used

Every day and I just say why not use them it Life’s too short and I don’t want to just keep them hidden and in a special spot I know that she would be very happy that we’re using them every single day um I grew up in in El Paso

Texas which which is on the border of Mexico and so one of my trips home we went over the border and I I found these Mexican glasses with some pretty etching inside of them so these is this is our glass wear that we use every day I think

That every house doesn’t just need a junk drawer they need a junk room so what you’re not seeing is the mudroom SL Pantry SL junk room so everything has been moved into there for today’s shoot before we walk upstairs I just wanted to show you our powder bath um I designed

It as a jib door so that it’s completely camouflaged with the rest of the paneling it’s a little hard hard to see but when you open it it’s like a little a little Jewel box inside it is a tiny bathroom it’s under the stairs so I had

To be really creative with the sink that I chose um and I I skirted the sink uh to hide all the plumbing behind and a little unexpected Decor in here is a collection of oyster plates but I thought the colors complimented the wallpaper so well all right let’s head upstairs

So here we are in the hallway upstairs um what I love about this hallway is the tone onone pinstripe wallpaper and to compliment that I found these prints at Roundtop um Blake Le light Blakely Lively is the artist and um had them framed traditionally but I

Think they’re kind of I call them my modern Botanicals I think welcome to my bedroom if you haven’t already noticed my favorite color is is blue and white so I love my quadrel paper um it’s also in a stripe pattern I put stripes in every single

One of my designs including the blue and white pinstripe on my drapery um my bed it was actually a wedding gift so it it means a lot to us um added some dorto print prints on the bed um one of my new favorite things also uh to

Incorporate in my design is to always have a reading light accessible easily accessible I have a switch right here um and then the decorative lamp to the side I think it’s a little difficult to be turning on a decorative lamp after you you know when you’re ready to go to

Sleep so having a easy onof reading light is important in my designs so also as my bedside tables instead of using a you know typical bedside table um used some antique pieces that I had passed down to me um this Chester drawer I think is really really beautiful

Beautiful and this was actually my great-grandmother’s desk I remember playing on it when I was younger and it’s got water stain marks on it and all the things but I think that’s what adds character and again I don’t think that any furniture should be so special that

You can’t use it you can’t enjoy it um so I use it as a bedside table uh my closet here is not huge so when we were renovating the house we built this w wardrobe for my husband so um this is all this is all his and I get the whole

Master closet so this is an addition um home I think means to me again a feeling of warmth and comfort when I think back about how I got into interior design as well when I was a kid I kind of feel like it was a six sense it’s not I was

Very influenced by how I felt in my surroundings and so for me home is truly feeling at home and that’s comfort and having you know a mix of new furniture but also pieces that mean something to you whether you bought them on a travel or you know you got it from your

Grandmother’s house it it it it needs to all be incorporated into the Design hey homeworthy I’m Robert and welcome to my home here in Dallas Texas come on In you’re watching homeworthy where we believe every home has a story My name is Robert Bellamy and I’m here in Dallas Texas about 5 minutes from downtown and I’ve lived on this property for almost 40 years and the new house I built here is something that I built from the ground up I’ve always wanted a more open loft-like

Space and it it started with me and myself that does CAD design for me for landscape design uh putting the shape on paper and we designed it around these Warehouse windows that are here and it was kind of like taking a deck of cards and putting

The windows in the space they needed to go and making the house just a long skinny 20x 60t um town home but making the windows be a special part of it because I could open my view to the yard that I’ve had here for over 40 years so

It’s worked out well and slowly I filled it up with more art so it didn’t look like a big open Cube I’ve always had three properties here and what I had was almost an acre when they started building the town homes in this area I realized wow I

Better I better cash in and I was renting an office down the block so I created this new house that could be part office and just kind of a big grown-up house for me to live in and the house that I started out living in was

Just a garage with a garage apartment at the tail end of the property but I made out of a lot of scraps and also a big stained glass window so I’ve shrunken it to a little bit more than a half an acre and luckily kept the good parts of my

Garden and even reintroduced some of the old plants and stuff I had on the lot that I sold here to make the garden more full and um it’s been the best of both worlds I’m walking in my front door and one of the things I love most about this

Area is this fountain that I made which was a piece I bought in India when I was importing some stuff it wasn’t meant to be a fountain I plugged it up it kind of like a Madonna holding something and I placed it right in this window and it’s

Incredible to me cuz number one when I walk in I see water first very good function way and when I’m upstairs looking down at night and come down this window frame that is lit from the upstairs and it’s just incredible something I never considered would happen that it just shines and it just

Is so peaceful so I’m loving the fact that there’s water happening that way so then luckily when I walked through the living room I’ve got everything kind of just here and it’s so many things that I’ve made like I had a broken tile mosaic business and I ended up making

This table with barometer somebody had given me never thought I could have it anywhere or outside but it became my coffee table here and I have a lot of art stuff I like to have around too I mean I do love this little alligator because it was

Made by someone that’s an artist that takes twigs and then makes the finished pieces out of clay she is amazing so he’s fun to play with when I’ve got different Arrangements going and here’s a window I was referring to that leans out towards the yard that kind of

Embraces the yard and folds you into it and I twisted the angle of it and ran it down so the yard kind of unfolded in front of me and the glass makes a big difference here which is really nice since this window kind of cans out this

Way I kind of put some collected pieces in here because it’s kind of an outdoor showcase this is a a tiled ball or made out of ceramics that I’d had in the yard for years that I put in here here here’s a piece that I bought from an artist in

Spain he called it his bone Eiffel Tower I didn’t where to put it I put it down here luckily the dogs don’t try to eat it and the column is something cuz I collect architectural pieces but I got this wonderful grle painting which I adore cuz they’re really big menacing

Birds in Dallas and he looked perfect I put him on there he hadn’t moved for a minute so different artists that I’ve collected this is a drawing that someone did of a Georgio deiro painting that’s a famous one but he did a copy of it in

The when it was in the gallery back in the 30s and this is an artist called Von Tyler that’s a Dallas artist who does these strange kind of amorphic kind of mechanical looking drawings and paintings excuse me I have three of his paintings I really enjoy

Him he’s a little nuts which is fun when we built this this we wondered what we want to do with the floors I just wanted concrete floors like I lived in an warehouse and we just scored them lightly and there was a question about staining them I went you know through

The sands of time they’re going to get stained and and be themselves anyway and I’m thrilled to have them because it’s just it’s kind of a small pallet the color in here and the color of the concrete floors it works really well for me and it’s really about the carpets you

Know that stay in here and help you know know the little rugs really pull it together over here I have never had a good indoor fireplace and I’m loving this I got I’m a big scrap finder from a old Boneyard I got these big pieces of granite that were

Rounded and I was able to make the fireplace Manel out of those framing it and it just works it draws like nobody’s business it’s the best and because of that we really needed a powerful painting in here and this fellow is Barnaby Fitzgerald who was actually an

Art I mean a painter and and also a a teacher at SMU he just recently retired and he does very unusual pieces there’s lots of activity going on in here but I like activity in my house and I really enjoy the color it um I think it makes

People really engaged you know I started out going to school just as a Bachelor of Fine Arts kind of in print making I just knew I wanted to get out of school but I didn’t want to be an artist artist but I’d always always loved architecture and

In my age of being 17 and 18 I started working at nurseries a lot and realizing that the more I worked in nurseries the more I liked outdoor spaces and plant material which I was getting very familiar with and then because of that I took some drafting classes considering

My style of doing like um architectural design fell into place with my etchings and such that I did so luckily at 25 I sort of was a glorified yard boy for people that I’d known when I grown up here in Dallas and I’ve had lots of

Brothers and people would defer me to do work and by the time I’d done it for about five or six years I started a small company and um kept doing it for from then on pretty much and it’s residential landscape design and I install parts of it and I contract

A lot out and I like I like building architectural features so that to me is the most fun is building things and uh making them look like the houses that they’re supposed to live with not look like they came out of left field so I’m

A lucky guy I knew what I wanted to do and stuck with it I like a sense of surprise in a landscape I I like it when something happens around the corner that somebody maybe would not have thought of and and I also kind of like a sense of

Humor when that can happen so it’s why people call me I think because of my my Landscapes are kind of a little a little off base off tilt wander a bit if you will and um kind of are surprising Gardens and that makes me happy walking from the windows the

Dining room is kind of the center of the house in here just because of the way the door happens and walking in from outside I particularly like the fact that this painting is here somebody that I knew and we even went to high school with that it’s like a landscape that

Like a window to the outside I find that works really well because conversely I’ve got a really large door here made out of glass and metal that I had made for another building and I wanted this cuz I didn’t want more view outside I just wanted the texture of the glass and

The heaviness for this room so you you open that up and you get this whole landscape that comes through to that painting so it’s a lot of how the paintings work in this house which make me very happy too I was just at this little shop called Curiosities and I

Noticed this Mosaic above the door that I bought and I went I think that’ll fit right above that door where there was a void and it fit perfectly and mosaics it’s very organic I love it mosaics is something I’ve done for so long it was fun to find a piece that worked really

Really well it sort of grounds the door so it makes me happy yeah the you know the way I like to host it depends on how people enter my yard there’s a garden door that’s right to the left of this that people can come into the yard I

Usually do that so when they come in they can kind of walk in the yard and then this door could be usually wide open depending on weather and walk in here and I’ll just have food on the counter I’m a very casual person and if I’m cooking or someone’s helping me

There’s food laid out on the counter plenty of wine everything set up here and cooking can happen in this small space counters are up high cuz I’m a tall guy and nobody else can help me do the dishes because it’s all about getting up high and um and kind of

Kitchen stuff is everywhere I like vases a lot and I can use different things and layer things out with color when I’m here cooking and you know doing what I enjoy doing a lot and finally in a new house the lighting works well in here better than my old home where I lived

Before so that’s kind of the way it goes it’s like um everything’s here pots and pans are even scattered that way and a lot of my entertaining ends up in outdoors and outdoor structures too because it works well that way but this has turned out to be really efficient

For me I enjoy it a lot and you still have a view of the outside and it’s you know it really works well I have a propensity to finding things that are unusual and this I saw in Chicago and somebody had made one or two different milk carton things like this different colors

With a composite concrete it’s heavy I told them don’t sell it I’m going to come back tomorrow I think I have to buy it and I just have this here sometimes you can put a flower in it I just it just makes me happy and almost anybody especially when I’m entertaining comes

And picks this up and goes what is this and oh my gosh who would have thought of that I like a sense of humor in um in in art it makes me really happy makes it a little bit more um user friendly I guess in the kitchen that I had redone in my

Little garden house as I call it I’d had a lot of chopping block material so I made chopping block right a part of the the kitchen counters and I immediately missed that here so I realized I needed a chopping block I needed something I could move when I needed to scrape

Things off I needed something that I could pull around put cheese and wine on and serve things from here and one conversely on the other side that I use when I’m making things so I’m kind of a busy body when I do things and and having this stuff here that’s

Maneuverable works really well for me I missed the built-in countertops but I think this is actually more fun and they’re easy to wash off when you just need to put them in the sink to so it works pretty well um I had found this painting which was incredible at just a

Antique store and it was only $150 I couldn’t get over it cuz it’s all pots and pans and it worked out perfectly with the nature of what I like to do it’s kind of like that would be my kitchen if I live somewhere in Paris it

Looks like um another table that I did with the little barometers on it which I built up taller and turned into a bar so things kind of get formed for what I need because I enjoy Reinventing things and I have the metal people that help do

It on the counter right over here by the door is one of my favorite things cuz this is always a vignette I’m always using the fruit and such but nothing makes me happier than little funny pieces of art like this I’ll move this out it’s it’s a wooden salmon with that

I found it in Marfa Texas where I have a little house and I found this there too and then once again an alligator so I’m always always redoing I’m not redoing but kind of restyling things in the kitchen cuz I want it to look good this

Is a great vase somebody gave me that holds water and you can put little flowers in there so it’s all about history and kind of knickknacks I have to slow down with the knickknacks I’m going to get too much I’m afraid I always knew you know the kitchen’s blue

Because i’ been traveling for a while before I built the house and in London and and somewhere in France and and I I like the idea of the blue I like Blues a lot and I knew I was going to use um use the uh stainless so I started with just

Doing this with the blue and some blue underneath the the the entry I mean the overhang here then I realized why wouldn’t I paint the door that blue then a few months later I’m walking around in the yard and I look and I go why wouldn’t I paint this wall that blue so

It it ended up morphing all its way to under the steps which turned out great I mean that’s that’s what architecture is sort of about too the angles what was coming in what can be framed I little by little picked up the walls how they notched

Back and framed it in until it taught me it taught me when I looked from outside where it needed to stop and where it needed to start it just took about four months to decide the architectural style of the house was something that I had seen probably 20 25 years ago in Mexico

City and it was fredao and Diego Rivera’s kind of their Studio or their townhouse in Mexico City and it was long and skinny with metal windows small pieces of glass and you could even walk outside and had walkways on the inside but it was sort of really uh kind of created a compound

In in its area and I had all these windows which was the building blocks as I said of the house and so it made me realize a town home needed to be like 20 ft wide and 60 something feet long and I thought wow that’s a good idea and

Stucco on the outside also which matches my old home so I knew I wanted open space law FL kitchen everything living downstairs upstairs I’ve got a small area where two people that work for me come in and out do drafting work and book work and I’m there too and then

Then kind of a gallery feeling upstairs then bathroom kitchen I mean excuse me bathroom bedroom and um and um kind of a open space on the outside for me too there so it’s a lot better than my original house which I lived in for about 38 years which only had a bathtub

And no doors and it was a was like a loft that I created at the back of the property but sunken in the ground you know what’s been fun here in decorating the this house has been it was a little intimidating me for me to have these

Tall walls in open space and I’m sort of a tall guy and I made the downstairs a little bit higher than most places and um it seemed a little cold I I have a lot of furniture that I’ve had forever and pulled in here but what I

Realized is I had different artwork that was in my old office artwork in my smaller house and then especially I bought I bought some large pieces of art for down in this area that had to warm up the the space a lot and um that was

Really fun to do and a big Endeavor and um it it sure was fun because I get to I got to do what I liked and I didn’t care what anybody else thought now I think we should probably go upstairs CU you can see what I’m doing all day long going up

To my office area and coming back down I’m about 25 times a day this is going to keep me alive a long time I think this is a really neat piece which you can maybe get from here it was an interesting Grill from a 60s building the Republic Bank building and it was

Part of it was for sale and I bought it and made the steps wider so I could float this here because it travels upstairs and it’s really cool it makes great Shadows at night plus it’s fun to dry things on when you need to so I come

Upstairs and here’s the office kind of as scattered as it would be drafting table for the cad fellow here’s the office that the guy does all the paperwork and pushes all the buttons that I do not know how to do at all cuz I’m not electronic and here’s

Why I set looking at the window but also get to kind of roll around and work with will over here and Colin there pull back organize my table too for what I need the what’s going on clientwise and drafting things so it’s it’s really comfortable up here

And I’d mentioned how there was a ducting situation pulling it in the house and we ended up doing it under this window and I thought wow this is a great place I can put in a little bank at I can sit here hang out talk to people in work and

Then we extended it out to became kind of an art wall that really helped fill up the big void underneath um uh on this wall here so I like the build outs of this place it made it kind of a little bit more softer little bit kind of more

Loft likee I think in certain ways and um put in a bookshelf cuz I always have books that I refer to constantly when I’m doing landscape designs I want to pull out textures and ideas and things that feel right and also of course filling in things with funky Art here’s

A painting that I have a brother that was an artist that he did when I was 16 and it was in my bed room when I had it for a long time then he took it back to his house and then I ended up inheriting it for here it’s after p u a

Poster of an old Cleopatra movie that was in black and white and silent movie Thea theeta bear it’s a really neat painting my brother’s a neat artist he does unusual things so just collected materials up here there’s so much that happened in the building of the house

That was unusual I used a a a builder that I was friends with and work with before but the windows were all mine the glass is a glass fellow I know the metal work was someone that I know so I really relied on people that um that I work

With for years and they helped put together the bones of it and one of the big major things was we didn’t know that the air conditioning wasn’t really considered in how the ducting was going to happen and right up behind me I don’t know if you can see it now but maybe you

Will later there’s a whole ledge that has art on it because they had to put a big ducting for air conditioning come around and I said well I don’t want that exposed at all so I went okay let’s make a ledge let’s bring it into the office B

Make it a bench and I’ll put art on it so we built around it and the windows too the way they hang out no one really knew how we were going to make it happen and so I realized when they were flat they just look flat into the yard so I

Pushed them they were always going to be hanging out but I pushed them to the right so they’d angle into the yard and throw the energy that way I’m real big on that and um I made everybody come over bring the windows set them up lean them

Out prop them up into place and look at it and realize they knew how to build around it because I didn’t architecturally know how to draft that up and they said okay we’ll take them down now I said uhuh keep them up I want them up for least two weeks I want

Everybody to get it the roofer has to get it the glass guy has to get it my metal guy has to get it I’ve got to get it you know and um it really the windows make this house which is um continually um it shapes my view a lot I’m really

Tickled with the way this has worked here we are with my bedroom I wanted a bright color and it’s edgy but I really still like it I don’t know how long I’ll keep it may not be too calm but it is what it is and I enjoy it a

Lot and I have a bedroom that’s larger all by itself now and not Loft like my other one was and was able to use once again here’s a stained glass window that a friend of mine did years ago and she’s the one that did the stain glass window

In my other house she was an incredible artist here’s a painting my brother did of me when I was nine and he did this cuz it was a stylistic thing he was doing he was 11 years older than me and um in in my house when I was growing up

So that’s weird to wake up to here it was always in my mother’s bedroom and then there’s kind of it’s sort of like it was fun to to buy like this I have an interesting rug I have 50 pieces that people had given me I’ve got this

Amazing round window that I had to build in I wanted it to C in like you’re in Paris like you’re in some old loft building and everybody said to build it out I said no so we built it in it sits there the water the rain doesn’t get it

And it’s an incredible window and I get to see outside and see the park and leaves which is incredible for me and then the bathroom lo and behold which is in here which has a really different a different color a different tonality which kind of makes the two rooms blend

Together and this big shower once again first time to have an indoor shower in 38 years I found these pieces of travertine and cut them and put them in the inside of the shower and was able to use some old tile that I’d found in

Costic tile in a warehouse in El Paso 15 years ago and um it’s just amazing to have this big room I like the art in here it’s all funky I like the blue that looks off into the it’s kind of like a legero color change you know intense

Color into another intense color and this is a piece I found at a shop that was closing and they had wonderful uh kitchen things so that that was great and ideally I have a door right here which is amazing because you have to have an

An exit door in case there’s a fire or something so I put it in a little balcony which makes me sick so happy because once again door was at another building I had so I designed it around it but I can stand out here in the mornings or whatever and just be drying

My hair and the dog runs out here and I can see the whole yard which is very cool and really no one’s being is looking at me because I’ve got Evergreen walls all around me so this bathroom is fun and it has funky art in it which I

Like too edgy pieces it it works well it makes me so happy to see those floating in teeth in that and that reminds me of a scene in U Clockwork Orange when he’s sitting in the bed and he’s going to take a sip of water and I think he’s at

His uncle’s house and he takes a drink and he looks down and their teeth in there and you just go oh my God I mean I remember that being 15 and seeing that and when I saw this it made me so happy I just bought it immediately I think

It’s a great painting so incredible and you know art should be fun and it works well in here it’s lit up well which is good too so and this too amazing thing this is an acostic tile piece I bought from a good friend Jason willford in Martha where I met where

They had a gallery and he’s a painter and it was the first in costic meaning kind of heavier applied wax painting but look how it looks on this wall and that color did not even mean for it to happen that’s what’s fun about having different

Pieces you put it somewhere I go oh my gosh that’s never looks so good right until I paint that room or something but anyhow so I I love this place I love I love having a big bathroom and a big bedroom it’s a huge change for me

Lifestyle wise a lot so there we go when I built this home I didn’t even think I would put in a front door where the door is uh because I thought I’d come through the garden gate like I was describing and walk in and then I realized

That’s crazy all I do is come and go during the day and I have the drive right outside of in front of where this uh gate is and my door and I took what was going to be a window and turned it into a door so I can open my outdoor

Gate feel like I’m in a garden throw the door open immediately start you know putting packages down or whatever kick my shoes off go upstairs and work with the guys when they’re in the office and um and always see see the outside I I just wasn’t prepared for how much these

Windows would open me up to the garden and I’m really lucky that way gives me lots of fresh ideas so here we go opening up to the outside one of my other favorite things and they seem to always be fountains is this of these transistors that would be on an

Electrical station I’ve always wanted to do that I finally found somebody that had these old colored I mean the old brown ones and did this faucet on it it makes me very happy and it makes the birds really happy too cuz they like just a little bit of water on their back

Which is Heavenly Through the Windows I stare at this a lot like a zombie stair sort of um once again lots of architectural stuff can’t stop it and you can move it all around which I love you know he he sits here here sometimes sometimes he’s like that

Sometimes there there’s a another flower up there it’s really fun it’s like rearranging outdoor furniture when it’s not too heavy so you walk out and then you kind of walk into the yard which is interesting makes the house kind of more benign and sit down and the yard has

Sort of rolling areas in it which makes it um it makes it engaging so really still the main entrance to my yard is here because everybody’s used to coming in Garden first that’s the way it always was parking is right out here and this is the main Garden Gate so people come

In through here open this up and you’re outside where the parking is but you really enter into the whole reality of the garden and the compound as such and you don’t focus on house cuz house is kind of hidden on the corner but you walk in and what everybody saw

For 30 plus years in my outside area and it really flows well so it’s more fun to kind of start a party this way than them coming in to my front door knocking on that small tiny space to me and it it functions well it functions really well

This is a large LED light box that I got from a building down toown that they were doing for their uh kind of their model unit and at night it goes through about five different colors and it’s on a small rotation and it’s incredible I

Can’t believe I own it it was n meant to last this long so I’m always redoing it I feel like and the yard kind of I had an old sort of gazebo here but it was falling by the wayside so this got modernized by lifting up this art piece

Here and the art just kind of rolls you know once again it’s an old yard uh I’ve got an incredible Fountain here that I like a lot too water everywhere is good energy I Feel So Right In Here is probably the first fountain I put in my

Yard all also to help distinguish noise cuz it’s right on the street to kind of and you can see it all through the yard it’s lit up at night and it’s it’s its own environment and it’s an architectural pot that I found somewhere and hadn’t worn Away by the water on it

Forever and now with these trees it’s really stuck away but very much so um I kind of go around here and recently I had been to someplace in Newport Rhode Island where they had built outdoor rooms which was one of the most incredible Gardens I’ve ever been to and

This becomes an outdoor room we might approach it later as I come this way and um gets a little brighter in there but this is going to be a wall of green I just put this in about two years ago and it was a good stuck away area of the

Yard I could make I could make the room happen I feel like and as we go in I kind of did an entrance way once again like I’m always doing something out of funky pieces and and here’s this kind of off-kilter stuff that I like to do

That’s a little crazier The Outdoor Room that I’ve got here is fun because there’s a piece that a client had in their backyard that I get got to get because they were moving and I always loved it and she’s a beautiful Shrine here I’ve got a little funky outdoor

Mirror which I like a lot and this interesting bench I found but it is like a contemplative little room and I really love the fact that I could put a room in and test to these people and it’s kind of fun to sit in here by yourself

Especially in the in the Early Mornings in the summer a whole lot no I love it here we’re right on the corner of my lot too which is amazing so it’ll grow in so here we go so now when I come out of my new little Garden Room I can walk out

Into the yard which is really expansive my house is all the way on the other side but then we have a lot of garden that’s been here a long long time and uh places where I can do architectural pieces the round boxwoods I dig a whole

Lot it seems like there are a lot of round things in my yard lately but I love that and little spots of trees and lights and Architectural pieces here and there which I enjoy so when you when you’re looking around you see the fact that planted these trees in the middle

They’re kind of a little null of trees which really works well and then we come over here and here you get to the place which is what I call the garden house now which was my original house for like 37 years all the way at the end of the

Property and when I first lived here I had to come in through a gate this way and park on the street so that was quite a different story but I built this facade wall with once again the glass window from like scraps and my friend that did

The window was incredible and there were two Warehouse windows we did one on top of each other and now it’s kind of turned into a garden around it because because it’s gotten so much shadier and so much cooler and I’m not in and out of this house as much so I’ve kind of

Gardened the outside of it a little bit more and it rolls into the place where was a patio off of this Garden where I would often entertain and just sit outside when I just first had my lot here and um I’ve been planting extra trees cuz we’ve really had hot summers

To give us some shade and relief during the summertime so um same thing you know architectural pieces you know petrified wood something that I bought from different people this thing too petrified wood it’s all fun when I built the house I was really into early the

Broken tile stuff so I M molded this around the door as sort of a frame and put in the broken tile and even did the funny thing with the little sailboats and did a motif young and a little hokey at that point but still fun and it works well for outdoor living

Here what really happened my original house that I lived in for so long was so small that I started building structures on the outside with just res res residue landscape material and stones and other kind of found objects and I built an outdoor dining space then a covered

Space where I did kind of the tile work and then sort of a studio and now that studio is evolved into being an outdoor kitchen because it I’m not doing the tower work anymore so my living is really outside and it’s outside with these structures and the house folds to

The outside very well visually and people come in and out but when I got a lot of people over we’re we’re sort of outside oriented where you can sit outside be in undercover and wander in these rooms that I’ve built out of all frankly just broken Stone materials and other architectural pieces I’ve

Collected so here we are in the funky little garden house cool thing about this place it’s in three levels one is a level now that I’m letting a friend of mine use as her Art Studio cuz she just moved to Dallas so I cleaned all my furniture out and she has her artwork

Going in here and this way there’s something going on in the house I don’t like no energy in spaces so that bothers me but what’s the same is a small kitchen area which was Tiny obviously and look how tall the ceiling is for the upstairs so it really was a cozy space

And about six years ago I opened it all up and had this work as a kitchen which works out a lot better cuz everyone always wanted to hang in here and a lot of industrial stuff was behind it so really when I lived here I was sitting

Here looking outside all the time which I loved but it wasn’t enough outside compared to what I have now which is amazing and this house has gotten darker and the other amazing thing that I’ve talked about a few times before is this window which my friend Judy desanders

Did and it’s it’s just killer because I knew that the whole room would focus a about this this whole wall was made out of scrap material Stone on the outside and inside and these were two Warehouse windows that I had purchased and I had some glass and she just did the rest and

When you think about it almost 40 years ago people weren’t using wine goblet stems prisms and stuff in Windows and in the winter when the lights out there you can see prisms dancing on the floor and I built the staircase it came in three parts it had to come through the window

Landing step here and railing so it’s kind of seen its test of time but what’s cool is the whole house was an open air Loft so bedroom upstairs a little bathroom upstairs and then you know sunken living room and so it was it was

Tiny but it was fun we we had a good time entertaining here and these are easier steps to come up and down and um you still get a v view from outside which is nice and the K the bedrooms it’s cozy it’s cozy up here and um once again

All open not a closed door in the joint except for of course the the closet doors so it’s a it’s pretty open air way of living with the bathroom all exposed here and there’s the tub that’s all I had for a long time European style with

A wand but it’s it’s fun it’s it’s fun to sleep in here now I feel like I’m sleeping in a treehouse before it was just reality house but it’s I miss I love the stonework it’s one thing I don’t have in the new house any visual stonework inside but I’ve done some other

Structures outside that are made of stone so it works and once again Judy that did that window this is one of the earlier stained glass window she did she did the one inside of my bedroom too that I hang there it’s called mechanical Madonna and child you can kind of see

The little transistors it’s sort of like the Jetson’s right some of it’s broken and cracked from um the sands of time but it’s it’s pretty amazing window for somebody that was doing something like this in the early 70s I was lucky lucky to have a good friend like that so it’s

Still a wonderful space the sole of my house is when you open the gate and you’re in the middle of a downtown area which is now surrounded by Town Homes is it’s you know the word Oasis always comes up you’re surrounded by Green everywhere I’ve made the the land kind

Of more rolling with soft BMS I’ve got architectural pieces in the land so you kind of want to walk through the gate and walk to the left or walk to the right or just keep going and you know 30 to 40 years can really help make a

Garden too and because of that you’re lost to the outside even with the town homes now uh you don’t really get the fact that you’re in the middle of town and you’re looking at you’re looking at Sky and texture rather than looking at um your surroundings and old old

Trees from the history of times having my small house wanting to be outside this was the outside patio here’s the outside Fountain this is where you always hung out and talked then after 10 years I bought the piece of property that I’m walking up to and built an outdoor

Structure because I’d been to Guatemala and I’ve been to the south of France and realized how people have open air seating my house inside was too small for a for a a uh big dining area so I built this open air dining area which I’ve used forever and it’s really a

Great Gathering Place when you talked about about hosting and thinking about that this is where people walk in and come to it’s a great place to gather cozy sit down we’ll walk into another little room where I have a bar I’ve got the outdoor tile fireplace that I’m very

Proud of having one of the first outdoor fireplaces I’d seen around Dallas and um it’s sunken in too I like building things that are s sort of sunken in it wraps around us so from that room came this small room that stopped right right here and it was really kind of my little

Tile workshop for a while because behind here I had stuff I used for my business but this turned out to be a great place and eventually it’s worked out to where it’s really it’s the bar if somebody comes in they can come in here liquor

Set up this full of ice wine an old chopping block I got from an old uh what do you call it a grocery store in Dallas doors I got when I went to India all Lots of things migrated into this room because of the nature of the Beast and

Once again it’s all built out of you know just fragmented Stone material and um even funny things like this on the wall was something that I made when it was cold and my guys were here and we didn’t have anything to do I had them

Put the Rock in and do tile stuff cuz I couldn’t get enough of it plus it freaks people’s out because of the doll’s heads hands which is what I love so so now we walk into another room which is an outdoor kitchen now when I got this

Other piece of property I cut this out and put in a door here and then I built this into what was a studio space to use for outdoor dining and for tile work just recently in the past year I cut a wall out here I got these

Windows from a house that was a from architect a really good friend of my brothers they were tearing part of it down and reoriented the the Skylight because this old room kind of leaked a little bit because it only had a metal ceiling so now it’s airtight and I’ve

Turned it into really an outdoor dining area which I lo use a lot starting now is when it all kind of comes together and a lot of this has been pieced together by old casement windows things pulled together over over here is where my washer dryer used to be from the old

House so I realized huh I’ve got I’ve got a little heater on demand I’ve got cold water so this works out as a kitchen obviously there was an old armoir I had that was made out of this neat green material we cut it up and built a kitchen counter all that

Kind of morphed out then I was lucky enough to to put in an outdoor wood burning oven which I’m just learning on how to use and friends come over and help me with that cuz it’s a it’s a tight one but you can see the little Mosaic pieces that were all over this

Room that were here this room’s been here 25 years it’s um I opened up this window so it can crank up and you can service from a patio outside this has turned out to be a really good entertaining space a niece of mine just got married here like two and a half

Weeks ago and um she’s and her husband are 25 and it was perfect it worked out great perfect for entertaining they didn’t cook in here it was too hot but they did use um they did use this as a bar instead and the H this room kind of flows

Into how it all functions where it used to be sort of a dead end now I put a door here that goes to where I work from where my crew comes in and out of but sitting here I can put an extension on this table there can be 12 people eating in here

Which is really pretty great and um the new the new windows and the light and knocking this door out has made it a totally different space which I love and um it also kind of funny it showed up the little things I had in Corners that were tile pieces so it’s

All it kind of flanks it it gets a little Grotto like I think as you go and this door I go in and out of all the time because it’s fun I can store plants and stuff in here and this is a big giant plant room that I put in also

About 20 years ago and added on cutting out some windows here and coming in and finally putting in a heater and even a water uh weathering thing to cool off the room or give moisture and turn it it actually into kind of like a small um a small little Greenhouse which is working

Pretty well cuz before it got really hot in here and I’ve got Birds everywhere there’s some canaries here but this room’s neat it’s neat at night and it has a good feeling and the energy of this being open and that whole Space being open it’s much more airtight

Because I put on a better roof and um I put it I made it into really an outdoor room so now I can have my stone back I can entertain out here in the in the stone kind of kitchen here and not have to worry about it being necessarily

Inside my house which is fine too it’s all about wandering the wandering the space here and there um another neat piece that somebody gave me from Marfa and it was just this round wooden piece of just kind of thing with holes and I built it sideways so I can St store wine

In here I haven’t brought it back so everything that hangs around kind of ends up with a purpose which is really kind of wonderful and uh the light is really nice in here too so it’s pretty special it’s it’s great for me it’s really great this has become a really

Cool Outdoor Living working space and um I just need to get the wood burning stove down better I have friends come over I haven’t quite gotten it down to my own satisfaction I cook some stuff in it but it’s getting better all the time it’s only been a year and a half that

I’ve gotten that in there so it’s a new deal this will be the telling time otherwise summer it’s just too hot obviously so it’s it’s it’s a cool place it’s a very cool place really lucky to have this you know frankly home is here that it’s really warm with all the

Things I like I immediately go go to the kitchen I like to cook get something out to eat lunch here hang out sit down can have coffee sit in one of the chairs look out the window it’s just having all my stuff around me and a lot of this

Stuff I’ve had for a long time and it worked out well to reinvent it into this structure here and then entertaining I love to entertain so I’m lucky to have this big space now now that I’ve gotten really used to it thanks for watching go to homeworthy for exclusive content and shopping



  1. I love to see people who’ve been able to collect items and make a museum of the things they love for themselves to enjoy.

  2. All of these homes are beautiful and unique in their own right but the last house is just off the charts one of a kind. What a blessing to have such a lovely place to call home.

  3. Love this one, without those furnitures, pictures, books, arts, it will be so boring, minimalism is not my cup of tea too.

  4. More stitched together repeats here I see. I’m gonna pass. If I want to watch it twice I’d just go to the original video to get the full tour again.

  5. I really enjoy these videos and learn a lot from the hosts. I have one wish. When a host points to something or looks at an object to describe it, please, please follow their gaze with the camera. I find myself leaning toward the object trying to get a better look at what is important to them.

  6. Absolutely loved these beautiful tours … what glorious homes they all are!!!
    Thanks for sharing, what a treat! x

  7. Anyone else find Sarah's voice incredibly cloying?? Um, um, um, um, um…… Her taste is lovely but I had to mute her. Ugh.

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