Edible Gardening

Seed Haul, New for 2024

~*~ Where I Shop Seeds ~*~
Baker Creek https://www.rareseeds.com/
Johnny’s https://www.johnnyseeds.com/
Botanical Interest https://www.botanicalinterests.com/
Park Seeds https://parkseed.com/
Seed Savers Exchange https://www.seedsavers.org/
Eden Brothers https://www.edenbrothers.com/
WoodlandCreationz https://www.etsy.com/shop/WoodlandCreationz

I garden in zone 5b – 6a in southeast Nebraska.
#Gardening #backyardgarden #seedhaul

I use the Seedtime planting calendar app
*affiliate link

-~*~- Send Stuff? -~*~-
April Sarah
PO Box 81292
Lincoln, NE 68501-1292

email: thegardnersgarden@gmail.com

*Please note that I reserve the right to review any unsolicited items at my own discretion.

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*Any links given from Amazon are my Amazon Affiliate Links.

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Threads: https://www.threads.net/@thegardnersgarden
Twitter: https://twitter.com/maydawn

Hi guys it’s April and I Garden down in Southeast Nebraska Zone 6A still working on getting that new introduction correct I might actually drop the Zone since it I mean ultimately doesn’t matter for most of the annuals I do I just find it interesting to know

What zones people are I don’t know I’m babbling anyways the point of this video is last year I did a video of all the seeds that I had purchased for 2023 and this is my seed purchase for 2024 I do still have a large backstock

In my seed collection of a lot of things so this isn’t by far all of the things I have that I’m going to be growing next year but these are the things that I have been purchasing that are either new or I needed to restock for 2024 I do

Purchase from a couple of different places this year it was primarily Baker Creek Eden Brothers Johnny seeds seed saver exchange and then an Etsy shop that I found so I think that covers all of the places that all of these seeds are coming from I do have one more order

That is on the way but I wanted to do this anyways because honestly I’m kind of ready to put them where they’re supposed to be in my Seed Catalog but um I also am kind of excited to see what everybody else is planning for 2024 so I

Wanted to get my list out there so I am going to take you over to the table and show you what I’ve got so I have my seeds broken up into two different categories I have my food section of all of the edible plants that I’m going to

Be growing and then I also have my flower box of all the things that I grow because they’re pretty they make me happy and the pollinators just love them I think I’m going to start with all of the food stuff first and then I’ll get into the pretty

Things the easiest place to start with is my beans I want to do a heavy focus in my garden for beans this year because because I I haven’t really in the past and beans are one of those plants that if you want to get a good backstock of

Things to eat for your family for meals to preserve and all of that you kind of need a lot of plants I mean depending on the size of your family you may need more than others but I one or two plants isn’t going to do it for beans unless

You only want to snack on them I thought this year here I would dedicate a good chunk of my garden to beans so that I can start thinking about preserving beans cuz I’ve never done that before because I just have never had enough so I bought some more of the garbanzo beans

I got them for the first time last year I didn’t have complete success growing them I need to start them sooner and I need to start more so I’m hoping with what I still have in my stash plus this pack right here I might get a good head

Start on garbanzo beans because I just like garbanzo beans I like making tacos out of them I like throwing them into all kinds of salad dishes they’re just so versatile then I have both the black coat and the Black Knight runner beans these are pretty similar I just like the

Fact that they come out these really cool colors so I wanted more of them and I’m hoping to get a good harvest out of them this year this is one that I haven’t tried before this is the hadasha red Indian it looked like it could be a a good strong

Plant for my garden it says that it’s North Dakota Hardy which given the fact that I am Nebraska I will take I also have the Scarlet Runner Bean which is pretty close to the black coat and the black KN I just wanted to throw it in there for variety then we

Have my onion seeds I usually buy my onion seeds each year because I use all of my onion seeds up I have found that I have a pretty solid idea of what kind of onions I like to get each year and that is the candy onion the wala wala onion and the

Cabernet onion so they’re two sweet yellow white onions and then a red onion I do also have two packs of bunching onion on the way one of them is a white bunching onion I think it’s new this year it’s the nabin bunching onion from Johnny and then also I’m going back to

The Deep Purple bunching onion because I like to have a variety of color color just makes me happy so those are on the way I will definitely let you know when those arrive but then we can move on this is the last of my little food that does not

Pertain to tomatoes tomatoes are its own category so these are all jumbled together because I just have one or so packs of each of these different types so adding to to my pepper collection I have the brown jalapeno I have already an orange a yellow of course a red so I figured I

Would add a brown because I do love a good Brown pepper there is a sweetness and almost a smokiness to it that I enjoy there’s a a richness to the flavor so I wanted to try this brown hellapeno and this is the only new pepper that I’m

Adding to my stash this year and then the jelly melons I have no idea what prompted me to pick up these I am not a big melon person I’m not a big cucumber person it’s just not where my flavor palette lies but something about these

Just called to me this year so I’m going to try these out I’m going to see what they’re like and then we’ll find out if I continue to grow them after this year they they just seemed interesting so I I like to add something to my garden each

Year that is just different and new and exciting and that is what these are this year I also picked up Stevia seeds from Eden Brothers this is the sweetie Star first of all I like the name but I’ve also been contemplating growing Stevia because I have some weird relationships

With a lot of the artificial sweeteners so I’m always looking for an alternative ative that isn’t pure sugar add as a sweetener I do love maple syrup I do love honey but sometimes you you want something that isn’t necessarily those but you don’t want to put a cup of sugar

In something so I wanted to see how this went with stevia we’ll see if I can actually get it to grow I then have the Pink Beauty amaranth never grown amaranth before but I thought it would be something fun to try and then finally I have a new carrot

Variety this is the Leela luing I can’t remember which variety I ran out of this past year but I couldn’t find it on the website anymore so I started looking into some other varieties to supplement and I do love a good purple carrot so I thought this might be a good

Replacement but that means we now have all of the tomatoes I don’t need more Tomatoes but I have a hard time saying no to new Tomatoes I told myself that I was going to grow less Tomatoes this year and then I purchased a bunch of tomatoes so it

Might be that I only grow new tomato types and don’t go back to some of the old ones this year but we’ll see if I can hold myself to that so I found this cute little Etsy shop sh called Woodland creations and the reason I ended up

Stumbling upon this Etsy Shop is because there is a tomato called The Rebel Starfighter Prime tomato I don’t know if you know this about me and you most likely don’t but here it is I am Big Star Wars fan and so when I found out there was a line of tomatoes that had

Star Wars themed names I had to try it and this is the one that I found I believe there’s a couple other varieties but this is the only one I picked up but while I was on that site I also found this fuzzy blue ball tomato which just

Made me laugh hysterically and I’m interested in some of the other fuzzy tomato types I have in the past grown the or Peach from Baker Creek that has that fuzzy skin so I started looking into some more of those Tomatoes which also explains why I have this fuzzy

Fuzzy wuzzy dwarf tomato so those will be some fun new varieties to try this coming year and then from Johnny’s I have this green bee I know a lot of people have heard of all the Bumblebee line of tomato cherry tomatoes I am fascinated by those I absolutely love them so

Whenever I see a variety that stems from the Bumblebee or has the same kind of proper properties as a bumblebee I usually pick it up so that I can try it so that is where this one came from I also picked up this Harvest Moon It’s new from Johnny I believe it’s a

Gorgeous yellow tomato with some red interwoven in the middle from Seed Savers back to the fact that I have just been fascinated with with fuzzy Tomatoes The Peach blow suttin this is another one of those tomatoes that has a little bit of that peach fuzz on the

Skin and then Baker Creek Baker Creek got me with her catalog and their line of new stuff that they have coming out so here we have the California tulip which just looks so fun and so weird Prairie Fire I have actually been looking at for a better part of this

Year so I just decided I’ll pick it up and even if I don’t grow it this year I’ll have the seeds for it for maybe next year the apricot zebra which is a little bit like the prairie fire but more like the tiger Roma varieties that Baker Creek

Sells everyone keeps talking about these green olives I cannot tell you the number of videos that I have heard people people mentioning that they’re growing these or have grown these or want to grow these so I just pick some up and now I’m going to give them a try

I got to try the Brad’s Atomic for the first time this year and absolutely fell in love with them so I’m hoping these are very similar to that just more of a round style we’ll see where that goes the Isis candy Cherry okay I’ll be honest I’m not sure what kind of

Relationship I’m going to have with this Tom because it looks like it’s going to be one of those smaller very aggressive Tomatoes but the fact that it had candy in the name and it is saying that it’s going to be a very sweet tomato I had to

Give it a try I am hoping that I do like this but I have struggled with some of the smaller Tomatoes simply because they’re just so aggressive then we have Alice’s dream last year I went on a striped tomato kick I absolutely love striped Tomatoes

I like the way they look I like the way they taste and then I saw this one come up so I am adding it to my stash and then we have the woolly Kate so this is the one that I’ve been on the hunt for for about a year now because

Like I said I was looking for some of those fuzzy tomatoes and I heard that these are a small fuzzy tomato and interestingly I couldn’t find it in some of my usual places it did come up on Etsy but I didn’t want to buy just do a small order

Because shipping and all that kind of stuff but when Baker Creek ended up having it on their website I was excited and now I have a woolly Kate and then lastly I believe it was it was probably 2022 when Baker creat started talking about this brown sugar tomato and I had

It pinned on my Instagram account for all this time so when this newest catalog came out and all the new varieties came up and this showed up on the list I was like heck yes put it on my list put it in my cart take my money

I want it and so I got it this is one of those ones that once again it says it it’s got a a rich flavor and the fact that it’s talking about brown sugar I figure it’s got some sweet notes in it so we’ll see how this one does I

Normally I don’t go for red tomatoes but I made an exception for this one because just look at it right so after all of that I do have three more packs of seeds that are on the way all of them are in a Johnny Seed order I have the fairy tale eggplant I

Did grow the fairy tale eggplant this year I bought it as a start from the farmers market I liked it so much that I bought my own seeds and I am going to start it myself this year hopefully fingers crossed but it’s just such a nice sized eggplant that I just found so

Many good uses for it and wasn’t overwhelmed by it and then I got two more tomato packets that are on the way the first one is a Jin Fizz which is a red and yellow tomato that looks phenomenal and then hot streak which is another one of those stripy Tomatoes

Which also is yellow and red I just really like those yellow and red tomatoes I find that each year my taste shifts to a certain kind of tomato and then I I overwhelm myself with that kind and then I move to another kind and then sometimes I just cycle back but those

Are all of the food garden seeds that I have purchased for 2024 so let’s get into the [Applause] flowers okay let’s start with the zenyas I have a Zena patch that I like to set up in the back corner of my garden just because they are gorgeous and I love

Them I may have gone a little overboard this year I am hoping to do a garden rework these next couple of months so that I might end up with some more growing space than I have had in the past which is why I may have overbought some of the more decorative plants than

I have in the past but you know what I like them anyways oh Park seed is another company that I like to purchase flower seeds from because they have some of my dwarf varities so I did forget to mention that this is the double zah here salmon the zinderella purple zinderella

Peach zinderella lilac can you tell that I like the zinderella line cuz I do this is the Elegance Pika P Pika pinka pinka let’s go with pinka then this is the reason and I mostly purchased from Park seeds they have this Dreamland pink hybrid that is

A very short and bushy one that I absolutely Love this is the profusion double deep salmon mcelin pink Queen red lime double raspberry ripple and then a second packet of the Dreamland pant pink then from Eden Brothers I’ve got the little put Rose got two of the cupcake pink mix because I absolutely love these zenyas got the little put salmon which

Was that no that was a little put Rose okay uh Zahir double raspberry ripple you will see a few varieties that I’ve gotten from multiple different sellers I like to do that sometimes because each year the crop does better or worse in certain areas so I find it okay to

Double up especially when I end up using all these seats anyways because I just scatter them and then I’ve got the little purple the luminosa Baner giant Coral Puma salmon Queen lime red and then we move on to Botanical interest with the Senor senora and oh

Maser which I think I also got from Baker Creek so these are the same and then I have the pink senorita which I have never grown know this style of zenya before so we’ll see how this goes and then once again the queen lime red now absolutely all of these are

Sunflowers I am hoping to expand my sunflower patch this year so yes I did go a little crazy am I sorry about it not I don’t know if there’s a best way to do this cuz it’s just going to it’s just going to fall over it’s just going to be

A thing so this is the double Sun King the procut White Knight the procut red the procut white light the giant teddy bear which teddy bears are my favorite kind of sunflower so you’ll probably see a lot of them in this list this is the midnight Rouge and the procut plum

Okay and then we’ve got two Golden Bear two Sun gold which are dwarf varieties of sunflowers and then of course the two of the tall teddy bear two of the dwarf teddy bear and then a Autumn Beauty a Marty gr blend which is a DF variety again the goldie CR cut White

Knight and then I have this lemonade variety which is a branching sunflower teddy bear which once again dwarf sunflower along with the gummy bear which is also a dwarf then we have the goldie honey bear the teddy bear I have a lot of Teddy Bears this year chocolate Rouge Royal Vanilla Ice gold

Coin tall orange sun which this was an accidental double purchase but you know I’ll take it chocolate cherry which I keep trying to grow and and I keep struggling with it but I’m just going to keep on keeping on someday someday I might actually get a good stck of it double Sun

King teddy bear and then a drop dead red cuz I thought it looked cool so the varieties I have here for sunflowers are mostly the teddy bears some Reds and some whites I don’t have any of the standard looking sunflowers but that’s okay then lastly I have a more Wild

Flower style Prairie type section of my garden next to the power boxes that I like hide in this past season it was overrun with milkweed which I’m not mad about but it did choke out some of the other things that I had planted there so I’m going to try and replenish those

Which is why I have this quinoa cuz it looks gorgeous when it’s in Bloon along with this buckweat we’ve got two different types of buck week we’ve got this rose red soba and this tane Ruby and I do have a large variety of colula but I don’t think you can have

Too many Cula and I saw this snow princess and I don’t have a variety of cingula that looks like this so I decided I needed to pick it up and then I do I do save my poppy seeds each year and I do replant them so at this point

They’ve cross-pollinated and they become whatever they want to become and I’m not I’m not mad about that I actually kind of love that and I do save a good chunk of those but I wanted to add this variety into that mut mix that I have

Going on so we’ll see how my poppies end up turning out this year so those are all the seeds that I have waiting for next year waiting for the 2024 Garden I would love to hear if you have grown any of these before and what your experience was with them I

Would also love to hear what you are going to be growing for the first time next year and if there was anything in this list that you now want to pick up yourself because you saw them and they look phenomenal let me know down below

And of course if you do want to see more videos like this or you want to follow me on my journey in the 2024 Garden subscribe down below hit the Bell do all the things to get all of the notifications I do hope I will see you

Again in another video and I heart beautiful faces bye for


  1. Johnny seed is great, I have a collection of more than 70 different tomato seeds but there's one tomato that I recommend to grow it's called Big beef plus hybrid it stays alive the entire season!

  2. Hi.I 've just found your channel.I 'm also a plant lover enthusiast.Very nice video about different kinds of seed.Done subscribing,watching from Philippines.😊❤🙏

  3. I’ve purchased a few of the Star Wars tomatoes to grow in 2024. I’m excited to see how they taste ❤
    Etsy is one of my favorite new sources for seeds 🙌🌱 I also ordered rebel starfighter prime and fuzzy blue balls from Woodland Creationz 🤘

  4. The Tulip tomato from Baker Creek! Never seen those before! They do look like tulips! Let us know how you like the taste of them.

    I'm going to have ro take notes because I saw quite a few you ordered that I'd like. Did Baker Creek send you free seeds? Can't remember if you showed them in this video. If a video is too long I break up the viewing time and come back to it when I can.

  5. Hello There! 🧑‍🍼
    I'm from Southwest Nebraska, love to see a video made from someone in Nebraska. I am growing Heatmaster Tomatoes, Ruby Monster tomatoes, Midnight Queen Eggplants, Poblano and Anaheim peppers, Giant Bell Peppers, TeePee Purple Bush Beans, pickling and slicing cucumbers, container cantelope and watermelon, and Butternut squash, zucchini squash, red onions, parsley, chives, maybe some radishes also.

  6. hi april 🤗
    your video popped up in my feed while watching other garden seed hauls.
    i grow in southern california, zone 10b – mostly raised beds and containers.
    i like your selection of seeds, especially the tomatoes. im trying to get more into flowers to attract pollinators and add color to my small backyard. i definitely prefer dwarf varieties.
    baker creek is addictive. there's always something new and interesting.
    great haul. tfs

  7. The smaller tomatoes are the WORST! 😂 I will never grow them again! They also are the worst to harvest. They usually split or crack while harvesting, so they have zero shelf life!

  8. Sorry for so many comments, but also, I really recommend Johnnys seeds or geo seed, ESOECUALLY for the zinnias & the sunflowers. You get a discount for bulking larger packages, instead of having to buy multiple packs at the same price. Like for sunflowers for example, some are say $5.95 for a pack of 50, or $7.95 for a pack of 100. Bringing the price down to like $4 for 50.

  9. I’ve grown zinnias from Park Seed including the varieties you mentioned, the Magellan series is my favorite. I am now considering garbanzo beans since you mentioned them. My favorite variety of sunflower is Cherry Rose, it’s very pretty!

  10. Prarie fire is our new favorite variety from last season. My kids voted it the best tomato out of all our 18 varieties grown just last year beating Sungold, Super Sweet 100 and their ex favorite Sugar Rush. I highly recommend Prairie Fire. It's super fun to eat, gorgeous and delicious. I think I will always have at least 1 in my garden each year

  11. Have you tried the Thornburn's Terra Cotta tomato? We absolutely loved it last year…our favorite before it was the Cherokee Purple.

  12. Made it 40 seconds before commenting. Definitely don’t drop the zone. I think varieties and timing are relevant to where you’re at and several of the big content creators (e.g., Millenial and Epic) are in much higher zones (I’m in KC!). Nice to hear more people like MIGardener and Jenna from places that have more debatable winters.

    (For anyone reading, Don’t mistake this for knocking the 9-10 creators, their stuff is awesome).

  13. 💚💚💚The tomatoes look delicious. I also started growing a lot of tomatoes))) I collect beans, but tomatoes, apparently, will now also occupy part of my garden)) Thanks for the video. I love watching about the seeds. These beautiful packages lift my spirits. Subscribed. Happy gardening.💚💚💚

  14. First video of yours I'm watching didn't even make it through the whole video but the moment you said your a big star wars fan I subscribed! Can't wait to watch other videos of yours! Also I just saw those jelly melons on their website yesterday they just seem so interesting

  15. I ordered my seeds this week. I purchased a wonderful haul of seeds! Thanks for sharing! Happy growing!

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