Gardening Supplies

Roof Top Gardening in Thailand

I was transplanting on the roof top of the 27th floor in Bangkok Thailand!

Somerset Rama 9 Hotel

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*Below are affiliated links of the supplies & tools I use in my garden. I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!

Espoma Garden Tone Fertilizer
Join me at the Klong Toei wet market in Bangkok Thailand for unusual fruits and spices to taste!

BioVast VermiCompost
Get 10% Off with my code: WENDILAND10
BioVast VermiCompost 100% Organic Soil Conditioner

GreenStalk Vertical Planter
code for $10 off: WENDILAND

Bokashi (Bierkashi) Composting System
Get 10% Off with my code: WENDILAND10

Get Biovast Vermicompost
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BierKashi Composting System (with BierKashi Bokashi)

Forever Garden Beds
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♥Amazon / My Tools & Supplies♥
Garden supplies:
Pocket Wall Planter
Mr. Stacky
Seaweed Extract:
Fox Farm Potting Soil:
Worm Gold Plus worm casting:
Bulb transplanter:
Boogie Brew Water Filter:
Air Pump for brewing compost tea:
Organic Solution Premium Worm Casting:
Rock Dust:
Dr Earth Fertilizer:
Dr Earth Liquid Fertilizer:
Boogie Brew Compost Tea:
Hori hori garden digging knife:
Worm Factory 360 :
Lotech Compost Crank
Uncle Jim’s Live Composting Worms:

♥My Camera Gears♥
DJI Gimbal Mobile Stabilizer
Canon M50 Mirrorless Camera with 15-45mm Lens
Canon EF-M 22mm f2 STM Compact System Lens
Wireless Headset Lavalier Microphone System
Neewer Camera Tripod Monopod

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SNAPCHAT: Wendiland

SAA you guys I am in Thailand in Bangkok on the rooftop of Somerset and I’m so excited to bring this episode to you so let me just give you a little backstory on this project a group in Thailand has brought me in to consult this rooftop garden that they’re working on going to

Have a really cool edible rooftop garden here and I just want to show you guys what has happened to this uh Garden so let me just bring you closeup to see what’s going on here the problems that we’ve been seeing because a monsoon just came through and totally tore down some

Of the plants the trellis in the back that you can you can see here just completely collapsed there’s just been damages that I want to show you and then we’re going to do some transplanting some things that would help out the plants and hopefully that would get the

Plants growing um healthier here’s a nice rustic trellis that theyve very easily put together with some branches uh I think this is really cool very easy to do some cucumbers here as you can see they are being quite stressed so when the monsoon came through this completely

Fell over and hit that plant right there that’s decale you can see it’s completely ended up just being on top of that point right there these cucumber leaves are a bit stressed we can do some pruning here to fix it up and some of that has snapped like these parts here

But the plant is just so strong that it recovering and putting out new growth and some flowers but we are going to be doing some transplanting and remove some of the dead and unhealthy leaves and stems okay right now it’s about 2:00 p.m. in the middle of November as you

Can see through this rooftop it’s all shaded actually so very nice and comfortable for me to be gardening up here uh but it does get some Morning Sun it gets a few hours of Sun in the daytime right now but it does get really hot in uh starting about springtime all

The way to like end of summer so uh the strategy to this we still have to look at it some more to figure out but today I’m just going to be doing you know uh basically getting these plants back to health and transplanting a couple of new

Plants that we got as you can see there’s cucumbers growing on the top back here but I want to show you some other plants that that they’ve been experimenting growing here to see what works and what doesn’t uh kale is looking beautiful here I was a bit

Surprised cuz I know haale does well you know in California and all that but uh they do handle the heat and uh humidity quite well here it also does depend on the variety and they do go and you know uh talk to the locals to find out the

Varieties are more specific to The Climate here this is the calamansi tree that I really love I have this in California and um this is a really great Citrus it’s easy to grow it doesn’t take too long to you know fruit uh I mean to

For the fruits to be ready to harvest I got got some Tomatoes here which we will be transplanting as well so the thing that I’ve been seeing here is that a lot of things because this is still in the experimental testing stage that um mostly they’re just in these black

Plastic uh pots looks like they’re about a gallon and a half or two gallon pots and um the thing with this is that being in such a hot environment and in lots of sun it’s the dark color really heats up so the plants tend to get a bit stressed

And I can feel how dry they can get this one just actually been watered so I feel a little bit of moisture but yeah they definitely need to be watered about twice a day but given the amount of stress they go through I would imagine

Them being a look a bit more worse the thing that they’ve been using on this is applying a low dose of rev uh with water and the water’s actually magnetic ically charged he was showing me the pipe there it was so cool something uh new that I’ve heard about but never actually seen

In person so with that and with rev which I’ve you know worked closely with before in my garden for like over a year now and um I was even able to get plants that have never greened up having issues like my curry plant was eventually like greened up and it’s growing beautifully

Now and my tomatoes that got herbicide poisoning that completely brought it back to life and fruiting again and um this is really the main product that they use for these plants I wouldn’t know for sure if it was the product that’s been helping these plants to start blooming and fruiting but ref is

Definitely one of the big main things they use here for all the plants on this roof the first thing I’m going to do is just remove all the unhealthy dry dead broken sort of material such as this one here and uh you can see I’m going in pretty close to the main

Stem just removing these the dried materials just so we don’t want the plant to spend any more energy on things that are not thriving now come back and kind of remove some more as needed right over here as you can see this is all from the wind because these plants

Didn’t get enough time to you know train them on the trellis but you can see see how this part completely snapped but this is a new growth but this one is definitely gone I’m just going to cut it back all the way to where it snapped right

There the plant might actually put out some new shoots here that would be a bonus and you can see that we’re on the 27th floor so it’s very high winds this is probably like nothing for what they’ve experienced I’m going to finish off pruning these and then we’re going to do the

Transplant these cucumbers I’m going to transplant them with this uh covered in soil just a little bit just plant them a little deeper I think would help uh with more root growth and then I’m going to I decided to save this one because even though you know that’s this part looks

Like it’s been damaged at one point but it’s completely recovered and it’s looking really healthy on the top and then check out this one isn’t that crazy plants are amazing this one completely split the center has been exposed but then the plant healed itself and it’s actually flowering

Now okay time to transplant all right we are going to be transplanting this cucumber today into this pot went out shopping at the plant Market market so many amazing plants edible and non-edibles variegated plants oh my goodness so got some plants we also picked up white pots I think

This should help with bringing the temperature down uh and so in this mix here on the bottom it’s uh uh soil from just the local farms here and a little bit of this Dakota Pete was mixed in Dakota PE is basically the concentrated the raw version of like the liquid

Solution that I’ve been using so this was in here and then now I’m just going to do a very simple way to transplant is to um you know what I’m going to put a little bit of this rough uh cocoa core in here as a kind of help

To improve drainage and so the soil also won’t be so compacted and just create a little more irration for the The Roots okay here we got some solution to to dip this plant in before transplanting so in this mixture we got 50% organic rev solution with 50% water

Plus that 1 o of microalgae which is a phytal nutrients just like you know what we use like seelp for nutrients for minerals and just lots of carbon in here everything is just going to help with the plants to better absorb better uptake nutrients and reduce transplant

Shock we are going to uh go ahead and get started so the first thing want to do isy support the plant let me just sort of roll and press onto this to loosen it up and then if you still have a hard time getting this out there is the

Backside there are some holes for drainage you just push on that and it comes right out there we go oh and I can see there are some nice new growth of roots actually get in a little closer to show see those white Roots those hair roots there a little bit they’re growing

Slowly hope it’ll hold together here we go all right 5 4 3 I’m going to roll it around a little bit get the side roots three two okay okay there we go I’m just going to plant this a little deeper but maybe about half an inch an inch no more than

That but it it the base of the plant really wants to put out some Roots so just going to assist that just going to set that last inch or so with some Mulch and we’re going to use those rough these really coarse coca cor to lay on top it’s time to hang

This it’s getting heavy already okay all right now I’m just going to apply this is the same solution from um doing the the soaking just kind of dilute it with water and now going to pour this in give it a nice soak it’s really rich I’m just going to

Do it slowly to allow the plant and the soil to absorb it okay good luck plant okay okay now I’m going to be putting together this mix it’s really simple pretty basic this is uh some I’m not sure if it’s like a a generic soil

That you get around here but this is the soil that’s been brought To Us by the uh the landscape company that manages these like you know the landscape in this hotel and it’s pretty much just compost it doesn’t seem like there’s other things I’m not sure if there’s manure

But it just feels like compost and it smells like just really nice yeah compost to me and um the only thing I’m just going to be adding to this is this Dakota Pete this is basically the raw materials of liquid solution of the organic rev that I’ve been using a lot

In my garden and it really helps to you know the plants uptake nutrients and and water better I’m just putting about 5 to 10% of this in the mix just pour a little bit out here really trying to plant the Tomato pretty deep in here okay hold on to it don’t lose it

Be nicer to have a little bigger bucket but this is what we got to work with here okay three 2 1 any part of the branches that would touch soil is going to root couple more Scoops oh look at this fat worm got a worm in here it’s a good

Sign okay once we can find some more of these chunky cocoa core can put on top of smulch there’s quite a few in this pot overall so let’s go ahead and separate these and plant them individually give us a mix on bit okay now I’m going to look at that warm

Soil as I’ve mentioned before that we are experimenting to see what type of vegetables would work well up on this Garden so the kale you’re seeing here they were grown from seed whereas the tomatoes and cucumbers were purchased as plant starts just to see how they’ll do

Here so everything in the garden has been watered the same way with the same nutrients since the kale were started from seed on site these seeds were pre- soaked with uh rev and then planted so you can say that throughout the entire lifetime of these kale they have been um

Nourished with a REV and mixture of water just like everything else but the plant starts did come in later on so the root system isn’t as vigorous as these kale anyway I’m going to dip the transplants in this 50/50 mixture of rev and water with additional 5ml of amp

Micro algae with phytonutrients and then we’re going to plant them that up heavy down here it goes good morning guys want to show you what I ended up doing just doing the very quick support for the tomato es here just that triangular cage and then as the plant

Grows going to just guide it you know with the string to support it just one steak here going across to stabiliz the two post these are the transplants that we did yesterday everything looks good so far no transplant shock but of course we are talking about you know we’re still in

The morning time it’s pretty normal for them to be a little shocked for the first few days but uh hopefully this is a place that gets more shap than Sun that they’ll be okay also I noticed that um there were strings on the bottom that was tied to the the steaking for support

Totally was strangling the plants so we clipped all of those removed all of those strings here’s the other bed that was planted yesterday everything looks really good so far this is kale and and then there was a bonus a bitter melon that I found in one of the Tomato pots separated it

And decided just to plop it here just to see what happens it can just kind of grow and maybe fill out the bottom here as like a ground cover and then let it just uh fall down here since bitter melon is a Vine I will be sure to give you guys

Some updates on this Garden soon thank you so much for making this far in the video you guys and thank you to Somerset for hosting me it’s been a really lovely day everyone’s been super nice and helpful I love that they are moving towards more green and sustainable style

Of living so if you guys are looking for a place to stay I’ll leave their information below thank you again you guys I will see you right back here in the next one bye woo


  1. I had to watch this video but for a different reason. I started watching movies in different countries because it takes my mind off my own health problems. I’ve seen a lot of movies with rooftop scenes.. I’m curious how you get to the rooftop. 27 stories is way up there! I’d have to stay away from the edges I afraid of heights! Lovely garden 🪴

  2. The heat in Bangkok can be brutal. It's a wonder anything grows in that concrete oven.
    Wendi, the giant weekend market has plants and growing supplies on Thursdays. That might make for a good video. Check with locals about the day and time.
    I remember Thursday but I could be wrong.

  3. Wendi – This is so exciting what a wonderful opportunity! I'll be traveling to Bangkok in a few weeks. I'll be on the lookout for you and the Somerset Rama 9 Hotel. Merry Christmas!

  4. Wendi Phan knows gardening and growing. I trust her and use her lessons and influence to make my garden at home. She's a gem and very honest.

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