Container Gardening

Next Level Raised Beds Part 2|Filling The Vego Raised Garden Beds

#gardening #vegogarden #ediblelandscape #irrigation #growfamilynetwork
Family Gardening fun while also helping another garden take their gardening to the next level. Don’t forget to follow our 2024 journey 🥰
Vevor 45L Collapsible Storage Bins with Lids 3 Packs-
Vego Raised Garden Bed Product Link –

All right all right welcome back to the channel and you know where we’re going today we’re going back she’s laughing we’re going back to my sister’s house we’re going to finish up but not finish up it’s going to be part two part one we actually put the garden beds together

Um now today we’re going to go back and all of those containers that you saw around we’re going to try to take that saw and put it in those beds we’re not going to put any kind of liner underneath the bed I found that you can

Do it or you you don’t really have to so we’re not going to put like any cardboard or anything like that underneath the beds yeah I think it’s tall enough if the Grass Grows through it then you just got to weed it or weed e we got some wood from the house how

Some wood we had split some while back so we’re going to have that we’re going to line that with the bottom um I don’t have any leaves or anything to put in that so we’re going to go to probably to a Home Depot and get some cheap soil and

And use that and then we’re going to layer it on the top part always like to use the uh what’s the name of it the the Kellogg yes always like to use the Kelloggs for the top layer and then after that the next video we’ll be putting in irrigation I did bring some

Irrigation because I want to do something a little bit different I want to put the irrigation in through the raised bed as opposed to the outside so I got to put the irrigation just a just a little pipe just enough to come up to the top of the raised bed so that way

When we actually wherever we get the water from we’ll actually be able to put that in there so give us a second we got about another 10 5 minutes maybe 5 6 minutes before we get there and then that’s it and I got got the kids

Today so I’m sure I’ll be able to get a little bit of help with some of those small containers so y’all stay tuned stand by chill out relax don’t go anywhere it’s going to be a good video Let’s Go All right so back at my sister’s house actually B and my sister

Just actually um went ahead on and put the cardboard down my sister was home lucky her and uh she had some cardboard to put down so B did that and what we’re going to do is we bought some wood from the house as I told you we’re going to

Put this down on top of the cardboard and then we’re going to just start filling it in I’m going to show you something that we’re going to do with the irrigation with all of my other beds I had to kind of put in the irrigation after the bed but if you put

In and plan everything up front you can put your irrigation on the inside of the bed and that way you don’t have to worry about a weed eater a lawn more or anybody tearing it up so we got a couple over here I’mma just bring this on by the

Bed I show you you’ve been throwing some stuff in there um basically we going to take all this stuff here as well put that in the bed but what we’re going to do here before I get started is I don’t know what happened to my irrigation or

There it goes so I just cut a little a little starter piece of irrigation one L two pieces of irrigation pipe just enough to get up to the top of the bed and on all of my beds at home you kind of see us with the irrigation kind of on

The outside of the bed it’s good because I know where it is and I put it in but to be a perfectionist I would say we’re going to have to put this in on the inside of the bed so that way everything is underground everything is in the bed

No way for anybody to break it or anything so what I’m going to have to do is kind of take this up see where I want it at kind of right on this line here so that way it’s centered right where the screws are I’m going to take that out

I’m just going to dig a little divot enough for this to sit in the ground and for it to get inside the rais bed once it’s in the rais bed it’s fine I’m not worried about anything really being under the ground so I’m going to set up

Two pieces like that in this bed and this bed and then we’ll start filling in what you’ll see us doing I say I got some old pieces and this is just to try to save on space and give your worm some place to go your

Life the M you can see it already got fungi on there I didn’t bring a lot I didn’t bring enough so this bed is going to probably be more soil than wood in a perfect world I would like to have this wood kind of stacked in here on the

Whole bottom at least least four or five in of wood and then you’ll start with the soil we want to pause this video just to take uh a couple of seconds to thank our sponsor vivor for allowing us to be able to bring videos like this to

You all today’s sponsor product is from Vivo it’s a Vivo brand but it’s something you never seen on this channel before something i’ had never seen before it’s a collapsable foldable totes they come three in a pack you can see the profile of them um how they come right the cool thing

About these and I’m thinking about giving these to my sister just to have a little storage it it comes with a top as you can see and it’s real collapsible so you basically fold this in collapse this part out collapse that part out I thought that was real cool and when I

Asked my sister I was like when I was driving over I was thinking what could we use those totes for things like your hose pipes your garden tools all of this can be kept in a collapsible storage and hey if one day you just say I don’t want to use

That anymore I got something else and I want to use these storage totes for something else or you want to put them back under your bed but you don’t want them to take up that much space or you just take the top off some Clos and you collapse it back down you

Can’t do that with any storage totes out of any big box store and that’s the profile of three of them one two three in one order one more time open up all right she say open up one more time I got to get back to the video

Wow that’s so cool that was so quick especially when you’re moving yep and you just got to make sure the little sides are out and whenever you’re ready to collapse them back down take those sides in Now La La All right so used everything that we had from her old containers now we’re going to get some new soil so we’re at home deot deot blue bar I like to use this saw here just to top off the top so say we’re going to get four bags of

This maybe five so we’ll get five bags of this they’re high now they’re $10 a bag now but we’ll get five bags of this and then we’ll get the kogs I look for the regular soil for TR throw five of these on your H car and I’m going to go

Down here and get some small bag and all the trees are bear be and all the Citrus are done they had all the citus over here that dead oh wow yeah they left them out they should have just gave them away get sell it so here is where I usually like use for

Like the bulk of the bed now we only really have about this much left of those beds to fill so it’s not much so I’m going probably get these are 237 10 bags will be 20 I don’t think we’re going to need 10 bags but it’s a little windy so

Sorry Mike Mike you can you can bring it up that way TR one two 4 six we get one more for good for goodness s got nine N9 and five 14 bags see how much that cost we’re going to get back to the house we’ll be right back

Just got to take it all to the back still got a lot of work to do though still got a lot of work to do so we’re going to use these to put on top it is cold today guys yes it’s super cold windy and oh water is just raining

The whole entire night last night and it was like thundering and stuff we’re getting there though look at that it’s look beautiful I don’t know I I thought it was a little higher than that I think that rain uh down a little bit Yeah the um rain yeah the rain kind of

Push it down a little bit woo it’s cold but we got everything installed we got our irrigation ready to go in right here yeah you can see coming at the bottom so we got that done this we didn’t really put that much in here cuz we had them

Children dump all that stuff on the other side right here yeah looks good though yeah I ain’t gonna do it cuz back years ago I would try to see how much I can stack on top of my shoulder and all that it’s not worth it yeah not one bag at a

Time because guess what he goingon to be hurting if that’s why I got this one right here he gonna be hurting yeah that’s what he going super super super super today is the day that want to be outside you want some soup yeah this is a nice soupy not

Not gumbo weather but soup here’s a good soup brother one more bag and then we got eight bags eight or nine bags of the small one when you bring those other ones back TR you can just start dumping them in there the white bags we going to

Put those in first oh my gosh I got to go put my jacket the other yeah go ahead I let BS take a pause while we bringing this to the beds yeah and then we’ll come back when it’s time to load the beds up so give us a

Second go ahead okay all right guys right y going to compost those way in other people yard you put your trash in here look let’s get that this uh bucket right here TR we just stuff all these in the bucket M all over the place down this

One oh boy so with Sal is getting high so now it looks like we should have made sure we got a whole bunch of more logs but when you don’t have the logs what what can you do and we far away from her that’s why yeah we have the logs but we

Are yeah we got the logs if she was next door to us but this is going to work we’re going to see how much we need yep it’s just so windy right now it made it so the rain and the um thing made it so cold let’s p P maybe I should have got a whole bunch of these Smalls they used to be a147 now they 237 237 I think they they were blame it on inflation the inflation did that yeah I’m bet yeah stop the and the sun came out a little bit

Because the clouds was black in the Sun a while ago see that though that’s nice that was nice almost though almost f up almost so this one looked like it had a little bit we might end up putting those three over there on that’s side yeah

Yeah should be good too and we just have to now we got to buy some more for that one maybe another like two or three bags for the K logs and looks good it’s almost uh good to plant something on we’re just going to put some uh perlite the vermiculite yeah

I’m going say probably to really have this right I’m must say we need two more bags here okay uh that way just to get it up and then it’s going to sink over time anyway so yeah all right so this is where we at

I’m I’m G say I’m going to say we need about I’m going to say four more bags of that kellogs the big ones that ought to do it yeah and each one you can see how they kind of about the same yeah in about each one we’ll get two more bags

And that ought to top us off and then she should be ready to plant um we’re going to bring in some more uh tomato cages and bring that Irrigation in so I guess next video will be just about ready for for the irrigation so um this

Is a good process and we got oh we got to get something for that but we’ll get more of the small bags and just put one bag over the top of that one so probably about five bags Kelloggs in all probably about four bags of the uh small on the

Small ones and that ought to get us another $60 $60 yeah that so cost more than anything y’all y’all be talking about these beds be costing that so be costing yeah unless you can get it in B if you can get it in B you got to pickup truck

That’s be your best bed will last you you know a long time this your last you 20 years supposed to I don’t know nobody had one for 20 years yet but um I think like self-sufficient me he’s been had for a long time a lot of a lot of your

Older YouTubers have had some of these um for a long time so I’ve heard the durability of them are really good um we’re going to finish this off we’re going to kind of clean up around here and next video we we putting in the irrigation got to go get the pck from

The house we just G to pick the ground kind of how we did it we’re going to bring it down through here up to that bed right there and may leave a coup of spers for I don’t know maybe a plan in a ground a tree in the ground or something

We don’t know yet but thank You’ for watching and as always hold on to these little things grow grow grow peace


  1. This was a very good video. Thanks for sharing this information with us. Love those collapsible containers. Peace and blessings and grow grow grow 🙏🏽❤️

  2. When you were discussing the things you learn as you grow… think about when you first became a dad… and how much better you are now. Same with gardening! We learn as we go! That’s why they say by the time you finally get it to get her, your body starts falling apart!

  3. I can’t believe that nobody commented on the family cartoon at the beginning of this video. I thought that you guys looked 👀 great in cartoon. ❤

  4. Hey King, Bhev & family…been a minute but i've been checking in on you guys. Unfortunately Pops passed away in Sept and Mom has breast cancer. Pops always enjoyed y'all content since he was always a farm boy by nature. We're all managing well because we believe & know our days are numbered and eternity is forever. I see that wisdom showing by just carrying 1 bag at a time lol. We'll be needing that rubbing cream trying to be heros. Amazing the increases on soil…I feel that too.

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