Gardening Supplies

February Garden Guide: What To Start From Seed Or Plant NOW #garden #gardeningtips #vegetablegarden

It’s February and I have a ton of garden ideas for you whether you have passed your last spring frost date or not! In this month’s garden guide, I focus on the vegetable crops and plants that can be started from seed or planted during the month of February and spring garden planning. If your last spring frost date falls in January, February, March or April, then you need to start sowing seeds now. Therefore, I share my tips for indoor or outdoor seed sowing. I also cover important garden tasks like pruning fruit trees, techniques for sowing seeds, and recommendations on my favorite cultivars. Spring gardening is my favorite and most abundant season. I share all my tips and tricks as a professional seed and plant nursery so you can apply them at home.

🌐Find seeds & plants on my website:

📧Join my email group so I can send you the monthly garden guides automatically:

🌐Find the “text” version of this guide on my website so you can copy/print/save/share here:

Upcoming live class right here on my YouTube channel:
📅 Live Garden Class – February 25TH 2024 @ 3:00PM EST – Getting Started With Backyard Chickens & Coop Tour

🌐 Find your first/last spring frost dates:

***Everything Mentioned In This Video***
🌽Corn Seeds:
🌱72 cell seed trays (Amazon):
♨️Heat mats:
🌱Spinosad Organic Spray:
🌱Rattlesnake Pole Bean Seeds:
🌱Puerto Rican Black Bean Seeds:
🌱Pinkeye Purple Hull Pea Seeds:
🌱How to grow beans from seed to harvest guide:
🔨Row Cover Hoops:
🔨4Ft x 50FT 4MIL plastic roll:
🌿Cucurbita Moschata Squash/Pumpkin Seeds:
🍅My heirloom tomato playlist – how to grow from seed, transplant, trellis, prune, and comparison between cultivars:
🍅Black Sea Man determinate tomato seeds:
🍅Nepal tomato seeds:
🍅Japanese Trifele Tomato Seeds:
🍅Owen’s Purple Tomato Seeds:
🍅Black Krim tomato seeds:
🍅Moldovan Green tomato seeds:
🍅Sart Roloise tomato seeds:
🍅Ten Fingers of Naples tomato seeds:
🍅Dwarf Beauty King tomato seeds:
🍅Dwarf Suzy’s Beauty tomato seeds:
🍅Dwarf Purple Reign tomato seeds:
🌶️ Sweet Pepper seeds:
🌶️Hot Pepper seeds:
🍆How to grow eggplants:
🍆Eggplant seeds:
🥕How to grow carrots:
🥕Carrot seeds:
🥬How to grow lettuce:
🍃Organic blood meal (high in nitrogen):
🍃Florida Broadleaf Mustard greens seeds:
🌿Tatsoi seeds:
🥬How to grow kale:
🍃Dazzling Blue kale seeds:
🌿Herb Garden Seed Collection (6 varieties for the price of 5):
🍀Grow Bags (Amazon):
🦋Butterfly Garden Seed Collection (6 varieties for the price of 5):
🌻Tithonia aka Mexican Sunflower Seeds:
🌻Sunflower Garden Seed Collection (6 varieties for the price of 5):
🌱Radish seeds:
🌿GreenStalk vertical garden tower:
🌿How to germinate luffa:
Luffa seeds:
🌿How to germinate moringa:
Moringa seeds & plants:
🌸Roselle seeds:
🍇How to grow muscadine grapes tutorial:
🍍Pineapples and other live fruiting plants:
🏡MySoil Test Kit:
🛢️Horticultural oil:

🤑Get 10% off your order on my website by subscribing to my email gardening group here:

Follow me on social media for daily gardening inspiration, info on raising backyard chickens, beekeeping, and information on the same varieties of seeds and plants available in my shop.

Find the same gardening supplies I use in my own garden by following my Amazon link:

Hey there fellow Gardener welcome to my February Garden guide which gives you ideas on things to either start from seed or transplant right now February is an important spring garden planting and Seed sewing month for those of us in these Southern parts of the United States zones 8 through 11 if you want

The earliest start on your Spring Garden which also means more time for plants to produce and for you to harvest then you need to get started now this video will guide you on everything that can be started from seed or transplanted this month if you’re new here hello and

Welcome my name is Jara and I teach people how to to garden and grow food this video is one of many Garden guides that can be found on my channel where I share my knowledge about growing food and other edible plants so make sure you subscribe to my channel if you want to

Develop your gardening skills if you have been following me for some time you all know that I do a garden guide every single month to help keep everyone on track if you want to see the other months check out my monthly Garden guides playlist or join my email group

And I will send it to you automatically at the beginning of each month I’ll link all of those things in the description below this guide for February is a little bit different than what I normally do so let me explain how this is going to go these monthly Garden

Guides are catered to South USA Garden zones 8 through 11 because we are all hot climate gardeners and that is my specialty if you’re in a colder climate you will have to adjust the planting times February is like a middle point when it comes to Spring gardening for us

Hot climate gardeners half of us mostly zones 11 10 and some of 9B have already passed or will be passing your last spring Frost dates now in February while the other half mostly zones 8 and 99a have last spring Frost dates in March or April therefore as I review each crop

Category I will say if you passed your last spring Frost dat then do this or if you have not passed your last spring Frost dat then do this I just wanted it to be a little bit more accurate for you all it’s just until we all get beyond

Our spring Frost dates because then gardening is basically the same for all of us the goal is to plant whatever will survive the heat of Summer if you do not know your last spring frost date then please visit this website entering in your zip code and it will give you an

Estimated date this date is very important to know because you will backtrack from there to figure out when to so seeds indoors or figure out when you can start planting outside all right let’s talk about all the things that can be started from seed or transplanted

This month and then I’ll end this guide with important Garden tasks tips and reminders for the month of February our first category of crops is corn and beans I put them together because starting them from seed has a few similarities if you’re past your last spring froste you can begin direct

Sewing seeds for both corn and beans if you’re growing a Vining Bean cultivar you can direct sew bean seeds around your rows of corn so they attach and grow up The Corn stocks for support throw in some squash to sprawl out and grow underneath everything and you have

What is called three sisters gardening this is a gardening strategy used by Native Americans to maximize growing Space by companion planting beans corn and squash together if your last spring frost date is in March or April or you just struggle with po corn and bean seed germination because maybe your soil is

Too cold or Critters keep digging the seeds out then you can sew one seed per cell of a 72 cell seed tray and basically grow out your own plugs put this tray over a heat mat to keep the soil warm for better germination contrary to popular belief you don’t

Always have to direct SE seeds for corn and beans the only thing is you must transplant these as soon as they’re 3 weeks old or they’ll become root bounds which will stunt their growth especially for corn this technique is not so practical if you’re growing fields and

Fields of corn in that case it’s more efficient to direct sew the seeds but for small backyard home gardeners with a few smaller beds of corn this technique works out great my last tip about growing corn specifically is most likely you’re going to get the corn earworm

They’re brown and they have two little black dots on their head that kind of look like eyes they are very tough worms and in Florida there’s no such thing as a small worm infestation so if you get worms be prepared have some spin aad in stock at home I would say battling the

Corn earworm is the most common issue that other gardeners report back to me when trying to grow sweet corn just giving you a heads up other types of corn like dent and field corn are not as susceptible to the worms like sweet corn varieties in general if I had to choose

Just one bean to grow for green beans it would be the rattlesnake pole beans because they are very vigorous plants and perform well under a wide range of conditions for dried shelling beans I cannot recommend Puerto Rican black beans enough this is a kind of hard to

Find cultivar I do have seeds on my website Puerto Rican black beans are extremely vigorous Vining plants they grow up my citrus trees and they produce for months and months on end the pods are very long and have lots of seeds per pod too as a cow pee I recommend pink ey

Perple Hol peas which grow fan fantastic now that we’re shifting towards warmer weather if you need detailed step-by-step instructions on growing beans I do have a full tutorial showing you how to grow them from seed all the way to harvest which I will link below in the description I probably have a

Dedicated guide on almost all of the crops that I’m mentioning in this video so I’ll just link them all Below in the description by the way I’m also a seed and plant nursery if you want to grow the same things that I mentioned in my videos you can most likely find seeds or

Plants on my website if you’re past your last spring frosted you can direct so seeds for squash cucumbers and melons like all of these right here otherwise so seeds 6 to 8 weeks indoors before your last spring frost8 to get an early start word of caution with the Cucumber

Squash and melons because they are warm weather crops their seedlings start to struggle if temperatures fall below 65° F so if you’re unable to protect them if the temperatures drop then wait another month to directo the seats I say this because yes we are now past our last

Average spring frost8 what that means though is that we shouldn’t get any more Frost or freezing temperatures like in the 30s de Fahrenheit range or below but we can still get a few more cold fronts that will drop temperatures below 65° F so not freezing but still really cold

For ceilings I am prepared to cover my seedlings with Hoops or different things that I get from Amazon I attach a roll of plastic sheeting over it and secure it with Clips super easy and quick I will link these supplies in the description below by doing this I can

Get an early start on growing these types of crops another word of caution check the seedlings everyday for worm damage the worms really love to two up the tender new green growth of these types of crops especially the SE seedlings they can chew down an entire seedling overnight if you notice worm

Damage treat quickly with BT or spinosad and stay on top of it because once that seedling grows into a more mature plant the stems are thicker it’s a little bit harder for these worms to be attacking and chewing them up you just got to take some extra care of that seedling to make

Sure it gets to the maturity point I know the worms are a big problem especially for us Florida gardeners with crazy high pest pressure so if you struggle with the worms or even squash bugs and the Squash Vine borer I recommend you focus on squash cultivar in the kirab moscata family which

Includes these things right here this group of squash has extra thick and hard stems making it harder for these pests to eat these plants up I’m not saying you won’t get them at all I’m just saying that these plants are tougher and can handle a lot more damage before

Ultimately being taken out by the pest this will help increase your chances of harvesting something it is too late for Zone 10 and 11 gardeners to just get around to sewing seeds for tomatoes peppers and eggplants but you can plant transplants for them right now those of

You with last spring Frost dates in March and April are totally fine to se seeds for these crops indoors right now so that they are ready to be transplanted as soon as all danger of Frost has passed the goal with these crops the tomatoes peppers and eggplants

Is to harvest everything out before the heat of Summer arrives I just did a live Garden Class A couple of weeks ago where I showed how to transplant Tomatoes into the garden so if you need guidance on that check the link in the description below if you Zone 10 and 11 gardeners

Really really want to sew some seeds for tomatoes right now then you potentially could squeeze in a harvest if you focus on early maturing cultivars like Cherry dwarf micro dwarf determinate or early season cultivars and sew the seeds right now like right now here are some cultiv our recommendations that will fit those

Requirements that way you know you’ll Harvest something before summer arrives I have seeds on my website and I have a few tomato review videos if you want to see what they look like and how they taste Etc to help you choose as far as peppers and eggplants I really like

Marcone and banana peppers they just produce a lot if you like hot peppers then Rejoice because those things handle the heat much better and produce a lot more way more than my sweet peppers also I find that the pests really do not like hot peppers but they’ll go after my

Sweet peppers if you’ve noticed that too please comment below for eggplants I really like Black Beauty little fingers and Thai lavender frog because they just produce a lot without much care if you want to make the best eggplant Parmesan though then I definitely recommend Rosa Bianca if you plan on growing sweet

Potato slips from tubers now is the time to start growing and rooting those slips and that’s for everyone zones 8 through 11 it takes about 2 to 3 months for slips to have enough roots to be ready for transplant ideally you want to transplant sweet potatoes when temperatures are consistently back up

Into the 80s if you have a rainy season like me here in Florida our rainy season starts around June then wait until June to plant them so you don’t have to worry about watering them too much many directions say sweet potatoes are ready to harvest in about 90 days I mean you

Can Harvest them at 90 days but they’re going to be small tubers I like to harvest mine anywhere between 150 to 180 days so that way the tubers are really nice nice and big speaking of root crops February is your last chance to hurry up and directo seeds for carrots if you’re

In zones 10 and 11 cuz if carrots grow in high heat they get stunted and stay super small I recommend these heat tolerant cultivars of carrots or another idea is plant these smaller sized carrot varieties like Parisian or little fingers because they mature a lot faster if you’re not past your last spring

Frost aate the ground is workable and you’re not expecting any hard freezes then you can go ahead and direct those seeds for carrots too just sprinkle the seeds gently press them down into the soil surface and water them every day carrot seeds will not germinate well if

They are not kept consistently moist for the first 7 Days many directions say to harvest carrots in about 90 days just like the sweet potatoes but I highly recommend you give them a little bit more time so that you can Harvest nice big Roots I like to wait at least four

Or 5 months before I decided to harvest mine out except for the little ones those you can Harvest at around 90 days okay so moving on to the next crop greens all sorts of greens things are going to start heating up very quickly for us Zone 10 and 11 11 gardeners so

Take advantage of the last remaining weeks of cool weather to direct so seeds for all sorts of greens like these right here you can either direct SE seeds or just transplant them for me the easiest thing to do is to direct SE seeds in any

Bare spots in my garden I like to mix in some blood meal into the soil before I direct sew those seeds or sprinkle some in the planting hole if I’m using transplants blood meal is a high organic source of nitrogen and it produces the most Lush and dark leafy greens if

You’re growing something just to eat its leaves they only need some nitrogen so blood meal is perfect for that if you’re looking for a spinach type of substitute because in my opinion spinach is probably the absolute hardest green to grow for gardeners in zones 10 and 11 I

Highly recommend that you try growing tat soy it looks like spinach it chops like spinach and it can be cooked down like spinach it does not have a strong spinach like flavor but it still tastes really good and it can be substituted in all recipes that call for spinach if

You’ve not passed your last spring Frost eight then so seeds indoors for all of these greens about 4 to 6 weeks from your frost a to get an early start some other greens include mustard greens kale and APPA cabbage if you’ve passed your last spring froste use transplants only

Because that will ensure you harvest before the heat of Summer returns it’s getting way too late to start them from seed right now if you have not passed your last spring frost a you can start them from seed about four to 6 weeks before your last spring frost a I

Recommend that all hot climate gardeners plant these things in a spot that gets full Morning Sun and afternoon shade this will help them last much longer into the summer my absolute favorite type of kale is the lado types like black tusin dazzling blue and black magic because they handle the heat very

Well I have had plants survive 2 years in my garden if grown in a spot that gets afternoon shade the other types of Kes easily die once the heat starts to return which for me is about the month of April another Pro tip if you know you’re going to be harvesting lettuce

That day water them really good like 2 hours before you decide to harvest them that way the plants uptake water and it makes their leaves just a little bit more crisp next up we have herbs it is okay to to either transplant or direct SE seeds for all sorts of herbs if

You’re past your last spring frost a here are some ideas of herbs that are a must grow for me they grow much better during my fall winter and spring those of us that are Pastor last spring Frost dates can also plant lots of these types of tropical herbs they will grow great

In the extreme heat that will be returning very soon if your last spring frost date is in March or April Start sewing seeds indoors about 6 to 8 weeks before your last spring frost date for all sorts of herbs keeping herb plants alive in hot climates is tough so I have

Some tips for you all number one grow them in grow bags because grow bags have fast drainage keeping the soil more on the dry side herbs typically like a dry Mediterranean type of climate so this helps mimic that here in Florida we have a rainy season and I used to lose a lot

Of my herb plants to root rot because of all the extra soil moisture so grow bags has helped tremendously with that and number two move them into a spot that gets afternoon shade once temperatures start going over 90° F they do not like extreme heat growing them in containers

And grow bags makes it easy to move them around the garden into a shadier spot it is too late to just get started sewing seeds for bulbing onions for zones 8 through 11 but we all can sew seeds for green bunching onions or you can get scraps from the grocery store and

Replant them the only exception would be Zone 8 gardeners if you’re not expecting any more hard freezes you can hurry up and plant some more bulbing onion transplants February is Zone 10 and 11’s last chance to hurry up and plant radish beets and turnips they don’t grow very

Well once things start getting really hot again radishes are said to be ready for Harvest in about 30 days realistically though it takes me an additional about 3 weeks until they size up to where I like them I tell you that so you don’t worry if your radishes are

Still too small after 30 days give them some more time they grow very easy in small spaces grow bags or vertical Garden Towers like the green stock zones 8 and N can direct those seeds for radish beets and turnips if you’re not expecting any more hard freezes if

You’re past your last spring Frost dat you can start direct sewing seeds or transplanting all sorts of flowers if you are not past your last spring Frost dat then SE seeds endures 6 to 8 weeks before your last spring Frost dat to get an early start flowers are such an

Integral part of my garden as they not only beautify the space but they attract loads of pollinators and beneficial insects if I had to choose just three flowers to bring in the pollinators it would be sunflowers agastache and Tonia also known as Mexican sunflower sunflowers are best direct sewn into the

Ground because they have a large top rout especially the really tall types like Mammoth or Titan but every time I sew seeds in the ground Critters fine and eat them so I sew sunflower seeds and deep seed tray plugs like this one or at a minimum a 4in size pot plant

Flowers now so they’re in place in Blooming to attract beneficial insects before the bad ones start to take over in summer also if you’re past your last spring Frost day you can start planting flower bulbs my personal favorites are gladiolus and doas yes dalas can grow

Right here in Florida I often find bags of these bulbs at Sam’s Club at a very cheap price this bag of 60 gladiolus bulbs was just $15 right now is a great time for all of us in zones 8 to 11 to plant a new asparagus bed or plant new

Ones into existing beds and yes I have successfully grown tons of asparagus right here in my Florida Zone 10A Garden I highly recommend that you purchase 2-year-old crowns so they start producing sooner because otherwise it can take a couple years I often find bags of crowns for very cheap at Sam’s

Club or Tractor Supply but there are a lot of good online storage that sell them too I have grown all sorts of varieties from Mary Washington purple passion and some of the heat tolerant cultivars like u72 and ucu 157 they all grow great my number one tip when it

Comes to growing asparagus is that these plants take up a lot of room my plants gets 6 ft tall and are very bushy about 3 to 4T wide per plant I made the mistake of planting them in a very small raised bed so I had to yank them all out

Which is very difficult because their root systems are really large and deep I just replanted them in this spot right here which means I’m kind of starting over which really sucks because they were already producing huge finger thick Spears for me but I just had to move

Them all into a better spot so no joke when people say choose the planting location wisely if you’re growing asparagus you can also sew seeds for asparagus right now if you want to go that route over buying the crowns they are pretty easy to grow from seed they

Just take a while to size up and be ready to transplant up next we have loofah MinGa Roselle and edible gourds like snake beans or bitter melon these crops require many months in a row of warm temperatures to grow and be ready for Harvest February is still a little

Too cold for them except for you South Florida gardeners and like Zone 11 these are like super tropical heat loving things so I recommend you start them from seed indoors to get a jump start on your growing season starting seeds for luofan Maringa can be a little tricky

Because they have a hard shell growing them in warm soil and high humidity is key to speed up germination Roselle also called soral is very easy to start from seed but it just doesn’t like being cold I have guides on growing all of these things from seed which I will link below

In the description if you want to start a backyard fruit treat Orchard or just add more to your collection right now is a great time to do it planting now will give the trees some time to establish a root system before the extreme heat and

Rains of Summer arrive if I had to pick just five fruiting trees or plants that produce a lot without minimal effort I would recommend these right here I would wait until March or for you colder climate gardeners wait until all danger of Frost has passed to plant the more

Tropical type of fruiting Tre trees and plants like these right here this right here is a ly tree or Lei depending on how you want to pronounce it I have two of them this one is the Brewster cultivar and this one is macious they have to get pretty big in size before

They’ll start producing for you I purchased them as three gallon size containers and I planted them in this spot about 2 or 3 years ago and they still haven’t produced for me but maybe I’ll get lucky this year if you’ve never had lyes before I highly recommend you

Go check out your Asian grocery store because when it’s ly season which is usually Springtime around April May May and June you can find lots of them pretty cheap per pound one of my favorite things to do is to drive down to Miami or like the homestead area

Because there are so many people and vendors on the side of the roads selling bags and bags of lch chees for really cheap and I will literally drive down those roads buy a ton of L chees eat them as I’m driving make all my stops visit a ton of nurseries down there it’s

A really fun trip and while you’re down there you can visit the fruit and spice Park too so yeah go there during lye season it’s a lot of fun make sure you do your research and select varieties that will perform well in your area and are cold hearty down to the lowest

Temperature received in your garden that way you don’t have to worry about covering up your fruit trees every single winter now is also a great time to add trees and shrubs to your landscape I highly recommend a type of tree that flowers to help support the pollinators like these right here if you

Didn’t know I’m also a beekeeper and I have a few videos about that on my channel too I can’t tell you how much these types of flowering trees on my property have helped to provide a rich pollen source for my bees especially at the end of summer and winter time when

There’s not much flowering for them to forage on plus just one tree supplies an enormous amount of blooms over an extended period of time for the bees if you have any recommendations for more types of flowering trees that help support be populations please comment below all right everyone hopefully that

Gave you a lot of ideas for things you need to start growing right now lastly let’s discuss important Garden tasks and reminders for the month of February February is a good time to add soil amendments before you start planting up your Spring Garden if you’re not sure

What amendments to add I recommend you get a soil test kit I have used this one from Amazon which I will link below that tested for a large amount of nutrients and if it identified that I was deficient in any of them it gave me recommendations on how to fix it so very

Helpful since it’s nice and cool outside it’s a good time to mulch the garden get caught up on garden projects weeding building new garden beds Etc we just got a delivery of wood chips from Chip drop and mulched the entire Garden so everything is nice and clean and ready

To be planted February is also a great time to prune dormant fruiting plants in trees that fruit on new wood specifically this is super important if you don’t know which of your fruit trees and plants fruit on new wood do some research for example my muscadine grape

Vines fruit on new wood or growth we just heavily pruned back all of the vines to be no longer than 4ft long this will cause them to grow lots of new branches which will flower and produce fruit for me later this summer it’s a good time to spray trees and fruit trees

With horticultural oil to suppress or smother out various diseases and pest so you have less incidents of them in your garden this helps against Leaf Miners and scale among other things it’s too hot during most of the Year for me here in Florida to spray with anything oilbased including neem oil because it

Can and has burned my plants so I wait for the cooler months to apply oilbased treatments before you know it spring will be here and there will be a huge rush of buying up seeds plants supplies fertilizers soil Etc so I highly recommend you start stocking up on all

Of these things right now I can’t tell you how many times my favorite bags of compost were out of stock because everyone in my area is buying it as they they are starting their Spring Gardens at the same time or how many times seeds for something I really wanted to grow

This season are just out of stock lastly I wanted to make you aware of my upcoming live classes that I do right here on YouTube mark your calendars because on Sunday February 25th at 300 p.m. eastern time I will be teaching about raising back air chickens with a

Tour of my Coupe and setup these life classes are a lot of fun I really enjoy talking with you guys and answering your questions in real time make sure you subscribe to my channel that way you get notified of when I go live for those classes you can find a copy of this

February guide like in text form on the monthly Garden guide section of my website so that you can print copy save or share it or if you prefer you can join my email group there’s a link in the description below and I’ll send it to you automatically at the beginning of

Each month well I hoped you all like this list I put together for February and it helps you get started on your Spring Garden if I missed any seed or plant ideas feel free to drop a comment below if you enjoyed this video a big

Thumbs up would mean a lot to me and helps my channel out more than you know thank you for watching and happy gardening


  1. Tip on controlling caterpillars/worms: wasps are great natural predators of them. If you notice any wasp nests nearby, try to let them be if they aren't in a doorway or something.

  2. WOW! Every time I watch one of your comprehensive videos I feel like I am getting a Ph.D. in gardening.😊

  3. That was a ton of great timely information. I'm glad I found your channel, I love your videos. I'm in zone 8a in north Georgia so I'm just getting started with a few plants. I do have onions up from seed. They're not hardly big enough to set out yet. This is the first year I have had any success getting onions to sprout. They seem to take forever. Thanks for sharing and take care.

  4. Coucou 👋🏻 👋🏻 👋🏻
    Magnifique vidéo bravo
    Plein de bonnes informations.
    J'adore ce que vous faites 😊
    A bientôt

  5. Hi Jerra! My wife and I are relatively new to Florida (zone 8) and are struggling with our garden. We love your website and channel, so informative! I wanted to ask you your thoughts on growing mangos in Florida, specifically zone 8?

  6. So much information! I’m going to have to look at the transcript to get some of the information that I couldn’t get written down fast enough!

  7. Bees LOOOOOOVE California poppies. They self-seed, so you will never have to replant/resow them. If they get to be too many, they are very easy to pull out. The bees bathe and roll around in these poppies. Very cute!

  8. Im so glad i found you! I live on the space coast and going into my second spring of gardening. Your videos have helped a lot with knowing what and when to grow stuff here 😊

  9. Wow – first video of yours I have watched. Needless to say I will be watching more. Absolutely jam packed with good information, no padding – just full on. Brilliant.

  10. Thank you Jerra! You are fast becoming my favorite Florida gardener to follow!

    Keep it coming!
    Gwen / Flagler County
    Florida zone 9B

  11. Hey Jerra, I will be there for the raising chickens class. Thank you for all that you do. I have a question. When do you recommend to start fertilizing seedlings?

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