Container Gardening

Container gardening In Small space

How to grow food in Container gardening In Small space #containergarden #growingfoodincontainers


Hey what’s up what’s up good night everyone how you guys doing tonight hope everyone is doing well happy gardening everyone what’s up guys what’s up how you guys doing all right I have a few I have announcement to make can in the H Garden challenge so I want to get

That out the way so yeah let me get that out the way all right any what’s up guys what’s up what’s up happy to see you guys because gardening season is wrapping up happy to to see each and every one of you man thank you guys I will all I have to

Say thank you all for all the support truly appreciate that thank you all for help promoting the H Garden challenge I truly appreciate that as well I’m very grateful because at the end of the day we all know we all know how good this thing could turn out we could learn so much

Okay all right okay so let me a second okay yes yes yes what’s up people what’s up people how you guys doing man all right all right let’s go let’s go let’s go all right so as we know this is Garden season and you all know when Garden

Season we busy oh yes when is Garden season we actually busy all right there’s a lot of people already start planting and there’s a lot of people who already start sewing seene there’s a lot of people as well who also trying to keep their plants alive IND those which

It’s a challenge but it worth it because sometimes especially if you’re in a short gr area zone sometimes the time is so short that if you wait until spring to start sewing seed and start doing these things you’re going to be way behind so a lot of us start from

Indoors yes and if you’re in the South if you in the South you could definitely be planting at this time if you’re in the South but what can you plant what can you plant at this moment in the South well you could plant cabbage you could plant broccoli you could plant

Cauliflower you could plant scallion you could plant onion all these type of plants you could plant at this time so get busy man get busy don’t wait till the spring Rush upon you to now trying to get stuff together because you’re going to fall behind you want to be

Ahead you want to be ahead for garden season you want to able to say okay I had such a beautiful productive Garden season you want to have enough time that your plants your fruits your vegetables can get enough time to match show so if you wait too late that could be a

Problem so tonight we’re basically going to talk about container garden most we want to talk about container garden because a lot of people do container garden maybe more backyard gardeners do more container gardening than inground Garden some also do rais bed garden right but at the end of the

Day container garden is getting more and more popular why because not everybody have the space some people dealing with balcony some people might have a little area in their backyard and they just want to utilize the space so they grab some containers and they start growing something which

Make a lot of sense because growing something is better than growing nothing okay so tonight I want to give the container garden some Gardener some ideas of preparing your container and also choosing the right size of container to grow your food because without the right size you back in your

Production it’s better for the plants to be able to have enough root enough their root able to grow as far as they want to grow then you put them in a container and you backing their root from growing one thing we got to remember we got to remember

That in gr garden and can a garden is different right when I say different what I mean INR Garden there’s soil there’s enough soil there’s enough room so if you prepare the plant right the plant can grow spread its root develop into the stage that it want to

Because it have the area to spread your job is to help soften the soil around the root so they able to push these new Roots they could able to push through and develop once you able to get these root able to get developed that’s where production comes in but if the roots not

Able to develop that’s where it could fail okay so if you in container if you doing a container garden and you decide I want to do container garden I’m not going to deal with the Ingram I just want to do container garden so when the weather change I can just lift up my

Container and maybe take them indors that’s cool that’s cool especially your hubs sometimes you could take up your container and put them in doors in your garage or in your um Greenhouse if you have one so now you put them in container so they easier to deal with than if you actually have

Them in Grown if you have them in gr you got to go and dig them out in the fall put them in the container and take them in those which could be challenging as well so Some people prefer let me just deal with the container which nothing is wrong with that nothing at

All when when when we dealing with container garden right when we’re dealing with container garden now we want to make sure that our container is actually the right size for the plan okay you want to make sure the content is the right size for the plant I

Looking a little blurry give me a minute guys let me go out and come back in okay all right looking better okay so now we want to make sure that the container the container supposed to be big enough okay you cannot have a plant with big roots in a

Small container I’m going to say this again you cannot have a plant with big root in a small container what going to happen your production you wouldn’t get the production you looking for so the best thing for you to do is to make sure you choose the right size container the right size

Container that the root of the plant can actually grow and develop the way it’s supposed to if like I mentioned if the container is too small the production going to get we’re going to slow down the production and you stand a chance of not seeing too much or not getting

What you expect to get the so to get the most out of the plan this is your first step choosing the right container is your first step choosing the right size I’m not telling you to go and buy expensive containers that’s not what I’m saying what I’m saying is the right size

So it got to have some depth and it also got to have some we some plants push their root pretty deep good night so bless how you doing yes some plan push their route pretty deep and some PL also spread their Ro some PL spread some plant push their route pretty deep for

Instance Ginger if you grow ginger if you grow ginger and you actually grow ginger in a container Ginger don’t go that deep they don’t push the root that deep deep deep but the spread so now if you notice when you harvest it’s almost Friday yes it sure

Is when if you notice when you harvest in Ginger if you notice what you see it spread it comes out like this the root it comes out the ginger itself spread out it don’t go down so a plant like ginger you could more look for width instead of depth the

Width instead of the depth so if you have the WID that the plants can spread for ginger that’s good the depth is not really that important because it spread so this is the thing you got to know about the plants what you got to know about the plants is

How Deep The Roots go and how wide the roots go this is how you choose your container hi patties kitchen how you doing thank you for being here yes this is how you choose your container sometimes guys at the end of the year of the end of your growing

Season this is a good way of seeing making a judgment of the size of the root at the end of the season you pull up the crop you pull up the plant and you look at the size of the root now when you look at the size of the root that size

All right good thank you for coming through yes when you look at the size of the root what’s going to happen it going to give you idea of what size container you need because before you think about the soil you got to think about the container before you think about the

Soil you got to think about the container so we’re talking about container garden but I got to deal with the container then we’re going to step into the soil for a minute but right now we’re going to talk about the container like I now mentioned the price of the

Container that’s not what we talking about we talking about the size so if you get container for $2 once the size is right that’s what we’re talking about I’m not telling you to go out and buy container for $50 what no that’s no I wouldn’t buy a container for $50 to

Plant a cabbage or a pep no that’s too expensive so I wouldn’t do that but when you talking about the size is very important because this is where you get production number when you talk about plants that grow tall like okro you might be planting okro in a container remember OK could

Get real tall so now you want a a container a deep container you want a deep container why because you want the cont you want to plant the the plant down inside the container so while it’s growing you adding soil around it you see because

You want that rout to anchor down in the container because the plant is grow the taller the plant go the stronger Ro system it need so you got to make sure you have a deep you see a 5 gon bucket a five gallon bucket hey life I’m

Scratch how you doing a five gallon bucket it’s a perfect depth you see the depth a five gallon bucket is a perfect depth to plant OK Peppers these type of plant if it was a little wider it would have be done perfect fix size but you

Still can stand a chance you your plants could do well in a 5 gallon bucket you just cannot plant it up to the the rim you got to plant it down in the bucket so while it’s growing you keep adding soil so what going to happen is going to

Anchor down inside the bucket so you wouldn’t have to worry about when the blow wind blow it push it to one side it’s important to Anchor The Roots them in the container okay or in your re bed wherever this is why I always recommend deep Because deep is

Important okay so cabbage you also could grow cabbage in a container you just want to make sure that is deep enough for me a cabbage what I judge with cabbage root with cabbage root you could actually use a container 12 in deep 12 in wide that will be a beautiful size for a

Cabbage because when you look at the Cabbage route it don’t spread too much and the dep of it it will work in a 12 so even in a five gallon bucket it will do perfect in a 5 gallon bucket cauliflower the same thing so many different plants so for for you to have

A more understanding wait until last the crop end when the crop end that’s where you pull the plants up look at the roots so for next season you have a better understanding of what size container you should have so this is how you Lear and gardening you supposed to be

Learning this is your Garden this is you planting this is you growing this is your food so the more you learn the more better it going to be for you the next season you should get better at the next season because for what you learned this year number

One what I want you to think of I want you to think of how much plant can you control can you handle this is very important guys how much Plan can you handle within your garden season this is important why this is important ask yourself this question how

Much plant can I deal with in the garden season this is important why it’s important because you want to plant enough that you could handle and take care of you want to plant the amount that you could handle and take care of because if you plant

Too much and you cannot take care of them then your production you’re not going to you see what I’m saying you’re not going to like your production because if you can’t take care of them the prod they’re going to produce less but if you able to take

Care of them they’re going to produce more so it’s important to know how much PL can you handle within the growing season that’s very important very very important now let’s move over to the soil for a minute now I’m I’m dealing with just container tonight is just about container garden

I’m not going raise bed I’m going to stick to container garden right now when we thinking about coner Garden is good to think in the fall it’s good to start prepping in the fall or in the winter so you thinking about container garden you start prepping your container

In the fall or in the winter this is so important guys why you why is it important to start prepping in the in the fall or the winter heyif Homestead how you doing thank you for being here why is it important to start prepping in the fall because when you

Prep in the fall your soil is is breaking down you might be saying oh it’s too cold it might be doing that no it is working and it is happening so you allow it to let nature walk on it just leave especially if you leave it outside in the rain the cold

Weather everything dealing with it nature actually dealing with it it’s going to actually break down it’s going to break down so by the time time all right Wonderful by the time you ready to plan even they didn’t fully break down it’s already start breaking down and that’s what’s important sometimes for the people

Because I know not everybody have access to leavea and uh the grass and these things for the people who go to the store and buy compost for your garden this is just compost you buying guys what you buying you buying compost so if something a good suggestion

Is when you buy the compost in the bag you mix it with some soil with some dot maybe the dot in your backyard you mix it in with some soil because guess the this compost is just compost this compost supposed to be adding nutrient to soil soil is what you supposed to be

Planting your food into the stuff we add only supposed to be adding nutrients minerals to our soil sometimes when you be careful when you go and buy these bags sometimes if there’s a open bag you open you feel you check it you check it to see if it actually break down because

Sometimes when you look at them sometime you still seeing wood sh inside of it and wood chip that doesn’t mean it break down wood chip take time to break down you see so feel the texture feel and see if these compost break down and ready to

Feed your plan because if it they ready to feed your plan is not going to to be adding anything to it because it have to break down for you see what I’m saying and many of these things many of them wait hold on a variety of aspect how you doing

Thank you for being here many of them not did not break down so be mindful of that when you go to the store if you going to the store and you buying compost make sure you check the compost see if it break down good enough if you’ve seen wood chip in it

Then choose something else because that wood chip take time to break down it’s not actually going to be feeding your plants okay it going to be taking time now this is why I’m saying start preparing your soil in your container in the fall in the the winter why because

If it didn’t break down at least it’s going to start breaking down the take the good thing about when these natural stuff start breaking now the good thing about it what they do they release they releasing while they breaking down they’re releasing nutrients carbon mineral in the soil and

This is what the plant love so if you able to do it in the fall in the winter is the best time don’t wait till the spring okay you want to start breaking down already releasing nut in the soil so when you put the plant into the soil

The plant actually could feed from the new it’s already receiving the new CH okay something that is very very easy to break down is grass clipping maybe you might cut your lawn and you able to get the lawn the grass clipping that break down pretty fast so that’s something if you don’t have

Access to the leaf and the tree chunk and these things if you buying from the store and you you cut in your lawn you could use that and break let it break it break down pretty fast so you could add that into your container in the fall in by the time the

Spring is already start breaking down and turning and it’s releasing it’s already releasing nutrients so actually the plants could get something from it but always remember to mix the soil mix the soil with the compost don’t just plant them in the compost mix it with the soil

The dot whether is clear do whether what kind of dot you think you have and you believe it might be poor mix it with compost don’t just plant it in compost the compost is to add to the soil all right so after we get our container first we choose our

Right container that’s the first thing we do as a container garden we choose our right size container make sure you get containers that can house your plant that the plant could produce the plant could develop the way it’s supposed to I’m going to tell you this

Guys Believe It or Not plant have a time they have a time when you when after the plant straight to harvest time this they have a time after you plant them straight to harvest time there’s a certain time frame that they’re supposed to grow develop

Harvest and if you a do it right you could make the plant go even longer than it’s supposed to you see what I’m saying so this is why it’s important to follow these steps put these step in place that the plant could grow and develop in its right time

In the space in the time frame in its own time frame if we hold the plant back this is where the plant might delay on its process because we holding it back we not giving it what it need number first thing biggest mistake we make is put it in a small

Container that’s our biggest mistake small container another mistake just planting them in just compost they need soil they need dot the compost supposed to add the new CH to it that’s another mistake the another mistake is while transplanting them damaging their root that’s another mistake transplanting them damaging their root

That’s that’s a slow down mistake I’m going to give you some mistake well hold on let me see about how much mix quarter to 34 well okay from my own experience and my own research this is my research the soil you the soil so supposed to be you’re supposed to be

70% soil and 30% compost this is from my own experience my experiment 70% soil dot whatever you using and 30% compost so whatever mix you make try this method try this method 70% soil dot whatever you call it 30% compost the compost should never overpower the soil the dirt this is why

We just if you notice what we do we just sprinkle sometimes a little compost around the plant we just sprinkle you know give it a little sprinkle we don’t just over Shadow it with compost okay I hope I answer your question question there yes so big mistake wrong size come container big

Mistake big mistake not mixing the soil with compost and just planting it in the compost not a mistake not a mistake transplanting and damage Roots that’s a big mistake you’re welcome because when you damage room no remember I told you and I will tell you your

Plans have a time frame of when it’s supposed to harvest growing and harvest you have to take care of this plan and make sure it keep up with the time frame because if you a do it right you could slow the growth and by slowing the growth could

Cause many different problem slowing the growth could cause them to prod their production to be less slowing their growth can also make you end up in depends on what time you grow plan in um the fal sees when the frost come so you canot afford to slow growth so

These what I’m saying here is very important try these things if you’re looking for production all these is things I already experiment and it works it doesn’t matter where you growing food whether you growing food in the north you growing food in the South you grow wherever you these plants still

Have a time frame that they’re supposed to produce and if you back them you making their production slow down and next thing I’m going to tell you again now when you set your ceilings I mentioned this in a live two weeks ago you guys can go back and check

My live them about gardening there’s a lot of information in these life you could all go back and check them you could also check out my channel tons of information a matter of fact I know post a video about planting and how to plan for great product

If you look over my shoulder there you’re going to see me have some cabbage and some ke do you see the beauty do you see how healthy they’re looking that’s what I’m trying to get you to get to healthy looking plant or growing organic now let’s go back to what I was

Going and say seedlings you got to what the process from setting seed is a real serious type you know I’m saying when you really study it man it’s an amaz it’s it’s amazing when you study it okay because you set the seed you got to know how

Much water to give them you got to take care of them you got to care for them especially you got to deal with them indoors you got to make sure it’s not too cold you got to make make sure the temper temperature is just right after you do all

That now you still got to put them outside when the spring come you still got to put them to get hard enough meaning put them in an area where the heat could pen not where the heat cannot penetrate them but they could feel a humility but not the heat you got to

Leave them different for time right then you got to transplant them now wherever you s your seed this is another important process this is real science here wherever you s your seed right if you make sure wherever you transplanting them the soil must be better than where it come

From all right wherever you mov in them and Transplant them the soil the condition have to be better it cannot be worse because if it worse it actually reversing the process so instead of the plant go forward and continue growing it reversing it has to be better this plan already condition

Itself okay it’s already condition itself for post soil it it’s condition itself even it want nutrin it not doing its best in the PO soil but the thing about it is you doing your best to make sure it survive you you you chaining the plants right how you chaining the

Plants water you controlling how much water I give these plants right you controlling how much water you giving these plants you also controlling how much nutrients you’re getting out of this soil because you already know this is poor soil when you transplant them this plants already know how to survive from

Little water water it’s already know how to survive from poor soil right now you can’t take it to a place where it’s going to be getting less water and poor condition you got to take it to a place now it either remain getting the same

Amount of water that it used to or maybe a little more but it can’t be less so you got to transplant it to a area where the soil is better so when you transplant it to the area where the soil is better that’s where the plants start

Growing especially if you a damage the root well you know that’s another main part if you able to transplant a plant from poor soil into rich soil without damaging the root the plant going to just take off and start growing but if you take it from

Poor soil put it in poor poor soil and giving it less water that can be a problem Believe It or Not these plants sensible and these plants already you could train them you see what I’m saying you could train them to love water or train them to could survive from whatever wether come

By ACC Texas how you doing thank you for being here thank you guys for being here guys I appreciate you guys coming through all right don’t forget guys to hit that like button or this is real information I’m giving you guys here this ain’t no joke information real

Information and I want you all to try it if you can and see the result and come back and tell me if it work all right so yes so you cannot take the plant from po condition and put it in poor condition you got to put the plant in better

Condition just just just like you growing them indoors right the condition ain’t right you already know the conditioning right they’re not getting enough sunlight they’re not getting enough nutrient they’re not getting enough mineral they’re not getting all of that then you understand but guess what you see what they’re doing they still

Holding on they’re still trying to survive under the little light you’re giving them they still try to survive so now when you take them from indos you can’t take them into a room where there’s no light and there’s no mineral you got to take them out those you see

What I’m coming from where they going to get the sunlight where they going to get the minerals where they going to get the N May they’re going to get exactly what they’re looking for so what you did you take them from a a poor condition to a better condition so you see that’s

Supposed to explain what I’m trying to say to you better poor soil rich soil so wherever you move your plant it’s supposed to go in better condition and that’s when they take off if you in damage their roads all right hey R 11 live good night good night how you

Doing thank you guys for coming to all right let me see I’m going to put in put leash in my plan sometimes they don’t want to listen oh okay all right well you have the ability to make them listen and you have the ability to train

Them from that like a seed you see the germinate you have the ability to chain them and make sure they do how you want them and some people might say what are you talking about well yes you can so guys you have to let me go over this

Again and I’m going to show I want to I hope I can show you guys this route on this to this video this camera now I’m going to go over the rules these are my rules okay and you get great production I get great production for

Because believe it or not I used to grow food in containers I did that for years as well and I’m still doing it up to today okay now make sure rule one number one make sure the size of your container is big enough to house the root of the plant

Make sure it’s deep enough make sure wide enough this is very important this is very important now sometimes your soil you might go buy the soil from the store one the best thing to do is mix it with do it doesn’t matter what kind of

Do could be clay whatever mix it in with it my recommendation this is my recommendation 30% soil 30 % compost 70% soil and mix them together okay if you could do that in the spring in the fall or the winter it’s better okay it’s better next one when you

Transplanting try not to damage the root I’m stressing on this because I know how important this is when you transplanting try not to damage not a strong of the root especially that main route that you see push down to the bottom try not to damage that at all

Because if you damage the root you put in the plant at stand still now remember and now tell you the plant have a period a time period of from the time you plant them into growing into production they have a time period And if you could allow them to maintain that

Time period you’re going to get great production so make sure you do not damage the root and you transplant them do not plant them to the top of the container plant them down in the container maybe half the week so while it’s growing you add more soil into the

Container okay give me one second let me see if I can show you guys let me see if hold on okay all right what I’m holding in my hand here is a avocado seed I’m hoping that you guys seeing this avocado seed avocado if you notice on the avocado you notice to the

Bottom this this is the main route of the avocado this this is the feeder this is the first thing in every seed that jate the first thing comes out of that seed is this root the main route this is the feeder this is the one who sorts for the

Signal this is the one who SS for the nut this is the one who SS for the mineral this is the one who sought for everything it’s need so whatever you have in this container this going to adjust itself and feed itself and try to keep itself alive all right while this is

Feeding the inner part which is the plant itself while this is feeding it you’re going to start developing more Roots which is smaller Roots which is right here you’re going to start to develop more Roots so if you able to take this avocado seed and Transplant it in a better condition which is

Sunlight which is min soil with nutrient rich soil this going to take off and I’m going to show you a avocado plant that in in a a month in a month how tall it get I’m going to show you in a minute in one month and it’s Ino is not like it’s

Outside but what I want to say wherever your see gery I hope you guys seeing let me know if you guys seeing please right okay a live live I going to read your comment in a minute all right watch I hope you seeing wherever this seed germinate the condition it’s grow

To you got to put it in better condition not worse so now you cannot take this this and put it in a room where there’s no light there’s no water no it’s not going to survive but if you put it in a better condition it’s going to develop and grow

And do what it got to do so this is what Adar was mentioning about the seed this don’t ever damage this because if you damage this it’s like you putting the plant on hold all right if you damage this you put in the plant and hold why you put in

The plant and hold because now you got to this plant got to develop back this root so the time it taken to develop about this roote the top part should have been up already and And Turning Leaf you see if you damage the main route the time it take to develop about

This main route and other route this what already gone up and tone Leaf already so you see you see what I’m talking about guys and the production and the more care you give these plants the better production you get from them so this is very important

This is a avocado seed now I’m going to transplant this avocado seed into a richer soil with better condition in a big container so now this avocado seed plant will able to stay in that container for maybe about three years so I’m going to put it in a big enough

Container I’m not going to put it in a small container and then have to transplant it again no wherever I put this this is where it’s going to stay and that’s it makes sense to me because all that it’s not when you transplant when you keep transplanting it you stopping the

Growth because sometimes by trying to transplant them what could happen you could damage the root by damaging the root it got to stand still and develop back these roots before it focus on pushing up there so I’m going to show you a plant now where in one month where

This plant has transformed itself give me a minute guys all right guys I hope you can see this oh man I hope you can see this now this is my avocado tree I this germinate in this soil in this container it germinate in this container and it just take off because the so

Is beautiful soil so all right thank you thank you so it just take off it’s like three it’s like almost 4 feet at this moment in one month in one month 4 feet now when I’m transplanting this Avocado now you see it tall but at the same time

You could see the richness in it but at the same time it still lack of sunlight it need that sunlight so with this plan I got to take this plant in a better condition where it could get the full sun this is what it lack of right now

Sunlight the soil is good the nutrients is good the mineral is good it’s balanced soil the only thing is it’s lack of sunlight now if I take this and Transplant it in a room without light without giving it water what you think going to happen it going to dry

Down but if I take it out door in the sunlight in better condition this is what I’m keep saying when you move in a plant when you transplanting a plant it must go in better condition if it’s in rich soil you got to make sure you put it in

Soil almost the same o richer it cannot be poor because you’re reversing the process of the plant so now when I transplant this I got to make sure it go it could get sunlight it go where it could get the right mineral the nutrients that it need and this plant

Will fly you see what I’m saying I’m hoping you guys getting what I’m saying you see it’s a tall tall tree within a month within a month so now with my care and when the sunlight hit in the spring maybe in a month or two when I

Take it out it’s going to take off and it going to strengthen itself and the body going to start to get thick what I might do I might pinch off the top of it that instead of it it go up it starts spreading this I’m going to put this in

A garbage container you know there big garbage container that’s where I’m going to put this into so wherever I put this that’s where it stays okay so yes hey yeah best live good night how you doing thank you for being here how you guys doing well guys I appreciate each

And every one of you for being here thank you to all the members of the channel I truly appreciate you guys for your support I truly appreciate you guys thank you all so much shout out to all my members of this channel thank you guys thanks for your

Support I appreciate you all all right also thank you for the moderators truly appreciate you guys you guys doing a wonderful job thank you guys so much thank you to all the subscribers all the viewers thanks everybody for your support thank you all for coming out on a Tuesday on a Thursday

Sorry thank you all to come out on a Thursday night just to be here with me and we have conversation I appreciate you guys all right so I have two more members up in here three members shout out to yay best live shout out to OG living live shout

Out to Fifi johnnyy shout out to all the members if even I mention your name I still appreciate all of you guys all right thank you guys all right okay thank you for sharing your now you’re welcome a living life you’re welcome I appreciate it hello dennise

Harris how you doing thank you for being here how you doing thank you all right let me go and see where a living life was say let me see I think I’m a living life I’m think I’m just going to plant a bigger pot to begin with

That’s it right there that’s the keyword right there that’s the keyword right there a bigger pot to begin with it does not make sense trying to put them in a small pot then trying to take them out the small pot to put them in a bigger pot

Just if you have the pot and if you have you able to get one is best you just put them in the right size and done and just done with it because the more they grow you will have to keep removing them so just put them in the right size and just done

With it so that’s that’s that’s good yes that way there’s less chance of me running the route while ruing the root exactly exactly exactly because that do happen many times we try to transplant and we damage root so be careful when you’re trying to transplant very important many

Times we try transplant and we damage Roots When We damage Roots we we stop the growth of the plant the plant got to develop back that root to start growing again so you back in the plant from growing so be very mindful of that yes be very mindful of that so yes

Guys like I now mentioned to you all and I now show I basically show you guys a demonstration of seed all seed germinate and the first thing comes out is the root did a bunch did a bunch of seed start today bunch of seeds start Today now I ain’t got your denes all right the seed always push down the root this root Force so once this rout go down this root is we go down and feeding searching for water searching for nutrients searching for minerals searching for whatever you have down

There and what happen is this root is feeding from what you have done here okay now if you you could train this plant from a baby okay you have the ability to start train the seed from a baby you have that you have the ability to chain the seed from a

Baby so now you if you have the seed in poor the seedling in poor condition not too much water the soil is poor when you transplant it make sure like I keep saying make sure whatever condition you put it it into is better condition than where you take it

From guys this is key information I’m giving you here this is from experience this a just go and Google and in and take information this is actually experience I’m talking about okay all right I think she meant she started a lot of different SE okay that’s wonderful all right all right I

Like the song of that I like the song of that okay I did did a bunch of seed start today okay I got you know yes all right that’s wonderful wow love the song of that love the song of that okay so let’s talk a little now

About guys don’t forget to hit the like button don’t forget to hit that like button guys all right don’t forget to hit that like button I’ll truly appreciate it all right this is what I’m doing all Gardens season this year what I’m doing is um just gardening that’s

All I’m talking about every Thursday gardening so if you want to know about gardening you want to learn some skills from me and maybe you could apply them you could tune in here on a Thursday 800 p.m. Eastern Standard Time you also able to learn from the chat as well

Because the chat always busy where we all sharing information so please tune in you would not regret it it’s all about the information all right what so what and next thing again so now we start about the size containers we start about the soil we talk about plan

Now we’re going to talk about wetting and all these video I have all these type of videos on my channel everything I’m talking about I can pull a video and basically show you okay that how I do it and it works all right now when we water in plants

Number one not every PL love you to constantly watering them constantly watering them not every plant like that some plant only love you to sprinkle them that their root could get wet and they could suck that water and they good once they go all right some plants love

Their Roots who actually be in water they love that they enjoy that better okay so now you got to study from your experience I’m putting you guys to the test in your own garden study from your experience now which plant in your garden love water and which plant don’t this is your

Job this Garden season study which plant love water witch plant don’t right now when you watering plants in container you got to be very careful how you water these plants the reason why you got to be careful is because you might show Too Much some people like to put their hose in the

Container and let the hose just run in the contain well guess what sometimes you could be washing out nutrients out the soil you could be washing out minerals out your soil all these type of thing you could be doing by just pouring so sometimes you could just sprinkle you know you sprinkle you

Sprinkle and you know while you’re sprinkling it going to go down you sprinkle it going to go down so at the same time it’s soaking the soil right so you’re not you’re not you’re not water in it too much because could you imagine could you imagine every day you get up with a

House and you watering down your plant could you imagine what happening there yeah the plant love water but you actually washing out the soil at the same time remember you in a country you not in you in container so the more water you add like you you actually washing out

The the minerals the nutrient I’m going to draw a reference for you here this is a reference I’m drawing it now if you’re making juice right you want your juice to taste sweet and nice and flavor right the more right you already put your sugar now you’re adding your your

Water you adding your water now the more water you add what happening the sugar start is like it they having no sugar inside of it you see what I’m saying the more water you add is like the sweetness is just going away it’s just it’s just a it’s just a a

Demonstration the more water you add the sweetness start going away okay is something like that the more water you add it wash this in this case it’s washing out the nutrients and the minerals dilution yes yes yes yes exactly the more water you add in the container it washing out nutrients so

What you do sprinkle it sprinkle it and let the water take it time go down and you know sprinkle it so while the water going down the roots them feeding from the water that’s what you want but just letting go your hose in your container then you’re going to end up we’re going

To happen your soil going to become very weak and that’s that’s going to be a problem for your plant because remember your plants need mineral your plants need nutrient if you wash that out the container then what’s going to happen so this is very important for container gardener

And next reason why you want your container to be big because Roots spread and In the Heat of the summer the heat coming from the side of the container the heat coming to the top and it also coming from the bottom could you imagine the roof Ro of that container push

Itself and jam to that surface of that container could you imagine with the type of heat we us get and most of the container is plastic with that Jaws heat could you imagine that could damage the tip of your road the outer part of your road that’s another form of keeping back your

Your plan so with these steps believe it these steps your plans could strive beautiful healthy honestly I give you some real c key information tonight about container garden and like I said it doesn’t matter where you gardening it doesn’t matter if your garden season is short well if it’s short it even better

Because at the end of the day you don’t want to back the growth of your plant so even in a sh up area where the Zone where the your your shot Zone you that’s when you don’t want to mess with your root of your plan that’s when you want your plant to

Grow fast that it could develop again every plan has his time frame where it’s supposed to from plant straight why you think sometime they tell you 45 days on the seed pot why you think they give you a day sometime or this supposed to take 45 days or this

Supposed to take 80 Days it have a time frame you now cannot back it because you want to make it a delay on its time and delaying it is not is not the right thing so give the more you give these PL what they want the more they give you what you

Want okay hey Psalms 146 how you doing thank you for being here what’s going on let me see real thing to think about thank you planter Garden all right all right yes yes think about it and try if you try it if you feel if you want to try it for

You will you would not regret it I’m telling you right now you won’t regret it okay try a few plans PL the you used to and try a few plans the way I tell you tonight and I guarantee you man you’re going to see a big you’re going to see you will see

Something you definitely will see something yes so yes guys gardening is seasoning is popping man and we got to get busy out here man you know what I’m saying I don’t know man I’m thinking I have a video that you know what I’m GNA maybe I should post a

Link and you guys go check it out yes I have a video about planting I was planting some broccoli yes I was planting some broccoli I posted a couple days ago I was planting some broccoli I was basically showing you how to plant them and I also was showing you the

Roots when let me tell you the way I set seedlings the way I set seedlings I set my ceiling them very thick in a line I don’t set them in a cup and put them in cups I set them in a tick line now you got to be listen to me you

Got to be very careful when you set seed like that because you cannot damage the RO you don’t want to damage the RO but if you know in that video you will see me planting them and I’m showing you the root fully intact the root is fully

Intact you see when you plant and your root is fully intact and the soil is beautiful that’s it it takes off but if you damage the root they take time to develop back their Roots before they start walking to push the plant up you understand because you got to understand under that

Soil there’s a root system that very intelligent okay the root system is very intelligent is really smart the very smart everyone know their job okay so please make sure you don’t damage your roots don’t damage those route especially that main one the first one that pulls push out don’t damage that at

All Ed hello the everyday life of anos distri how you doing thank you for being here what’s going on guys good to see you guys man Garden season glad to see you guys thank you guys for stopping by I truly appreciate each and every one of

You all right this is Garden season and we will be talking about gardening this whole garden season right down until maybe July and in July go back we go back to open discussion where we talk about different topic but right now we only talking about gardening I want to

See everybody with a beautiful successful garden this year and if anyone new in the chat tonight we have a hob Garden challenge going on the rules of the hob Garden challenge is on my Community page it start on the fourth of March 2024 and it ends on the

25th of June and on June that’s when the 30th of June that’s when we’re going to have Prize winners okay so if you’re interested if you new in the chat you press one and then you could also go and check out the Community page where we

Have the all the rules if it’s something you could walk with you are welcome to join also I also create a Facebook page group so people from Facebook could also join in so it’s stand a chance of again this year we trying to expand we trying to get more viewers into this

Thing guys like I keep saying share mention this H Garden challenge we trying to get as much people as possible even people who not growing who not don’t have a YouTube channel if we could Inspire them that’ll be good at least they might come and watch our videos

Watch you guys videos and watch your journey maybe somebody might like what you’re doing somebody might just subscribe to your channel just like that so it’s benefit so if anyone interested you don’t have to post over there you could po you post under hashtag planter

HGC 2024 that’s where you post on but if you like you could also Post in that group you got to join the group and post in that post your video in that group so all who the members are whoever able to know that there’s a hob Garden challeng going on on Facebook and

That could have draw viewers to this thing as well all right thank you fify auan that’s the hashtag on the screen that’s where you put the put your videos If for if you interested in putting your video on Facebook as well the name of the group is planter hob Garden

Challenge I’m going to be mentioning mentioning more that’s only if you interested in putting it over there but you could focus right here all right and plant a garden plant a h Garden plant a eight GC 2024 all right so that’s you don’t have to do it over

There but here is is fine so yes we trying to take it to another level we trying to enage as much people as possible we trying to get more people into the garden as well get to get more people growing some some hubs the more hubs we grow the more

We educate ourself about hope we might be able to live longer more healthier all right all right okay guys this is the Facebook group if you interested you join the group and you also could upload your video in that group all right so you’re able to get views from over

There people coming from over there to see your videos or they could watch it on Facebook whatever they choose but at the end of the day you open into more people you see what I’m saying so this thing holds a lot of benefit all right Ain no Ain no ain’t no

Loss in this thing you will benefit whether you win the price or not this is a way of gaining dying more people to the H Garden challenge more viewers able to watch y you guys hard walk from starting from seed into Harvest yes so think about it

You don’t have to you could keep it at planta HGC but that’s an option for if you choose to but people from Facebook also can join in from over there okay or you join all right all right all right thank you thank you appreciate that guys

Hey Mike how you doing what’s going on man thank you guys man thank you guys for being here I appreciate you guys yes so as we keep saying man so we’re going to talk more about container garden but I want you guys to give me a minute I’m

Going to put on the music for um a couple seconds please don’t go way guys we have real information coming so let me just play the music for a second and give me one second guys N all right okay party all right all right what’s up guys what’s up man yes guys so I I mean I line out a lot of information tonight all right then Denise Harris thank you for coming to I appreciate you all right good night yes guys this is um Garden

Season believe it or not it’s already begin so don’t believe because we in February it didn’t begin to me garden season never stopped because I was actually growing planting since last no October November I been I’ve been planting putting food in the ground but for you

Guys since you guys here I’m going to show you a little let me just show you a little video not for long let me just show you a small this video going to help no this is no I can’t show this video because this is um this is um container

Garden so I can’t show this video because we basically focusing on container garden today but this was basically I’m going to show it to you just just the beginning why because I want to show you the root let me show let me show you the root of

Planting and how important it is to make sure that okay okay um Give me one second guys where is it you know all let me just show the shot because okay I’m Here okay I’m not um I’m Not Again the video but is a video is one my last video that I post you guys could check out the video that video will give you an idea of when I say don’t damage the R of the plan you know what hold

On let me put it in the chat hold on this when I say don’t damage your Ro this is basically what I’m talking about this is very important so okay I’m going to put the video in the chat okay give me one second guys okay okay the video is in the chat this

Video will give you a idea of planting of how I plan and this is basically how I plan cabbage and stuff if you look on over my shoulder you want to see how my cabbage and them look healthy so this is the key for a healthy looking plant plus growing your

Well not using chemical also produce these kind of product okay hello t I GS y tap in enjoying how you doing thank you for being here what’s going on all right yes so okay guys we talk about container garden right I give a lot of information about cont container garden

Tonight this is basic information so for anyone who know start gardening especially for the people who now start gardening or who gardening because sometimes there’s always new skills that you could learn all right not telling you to stop grow PL how you planting but you if you there’s always something you can learn

Tonight I basically give the basic I give a lot of information on gardening tonight container garden a lot of information about container gardian so if you guys now come you could all replay you could watch the replay from the beginning of the video come right down all I’m giving his

Information about container garden this is basic information to actually get someone let me see Atlanta let me see hold on at planta I watch your videos and have learned a lot from you big thank you to you oh wow awesome this is what oh wow thank you so much for saying

That I appreciate it because at the end of the day all I’m trying to do is to help people to especially new gardeners to get better all right from my experience I’m trying to get them to to get there from actually going through the whole process I’m giving them the

Shortcut I’m you know what I’m saying so thank you able to give you that the information on these videos and wow big thanks to you wow thank you I appreciate you all right good night all right good to hear that good to hear that thank you I’m getting fuzzy okay so yes

Guys we for so we talk about container I’m going to talk a little about Ingram gardening for a minute raise bed just a little all right so let’s get into to all right all right let’s get into ingr gardening for a minute here guys let’s step into ingr Garden for a minute

Ingr ra bed wherever when when you dealing with ingr gardening guys let me make this clear I’m a organic I’m a a grow a follow nature and this is how I grow my garden I follow nature I watch how nature operate and that’s what I follow okay so I don’t

Want to you know I I can’t use the word organic anymore why I can’t use the word or because I don’t I personally the way I grow my stuff I got to I got to say natural or I got to say the way nature want me to

Because you know who create organic who say organic I don’t know what was put together consider as organic so I’m going to put my As Natural the way nature want me to or the way nature want it to be natural okay so this is how I grow my stuff

Natural right so when we’re dealing with RIS bed it doesn’t matter what type of soil you have you have poor soil and many times we we underestimate our so yeah don’t don’t make nobody fool you guys don’t make nobody fool you many times we underestimate our soil in our

Backyard right we believe that our soil in our backyard is poor how did how you know it po you know why because you believe because of of what you see and what you hear automatically it hit you my soil is full I need to get this I need to get that to

Get my soil Rich right number one sometimes whether you are C soil or not number one C oil is full of minerals Okay C oil is a rich rich soil so you might have this soil and you look at it and you feel at this soil this

Soil is poor you never even plant anything there but automatically you consider it poor because of what you hear and what you see and what they say no you now got to start doing becoming your own scientist in your backyard in your garden you now got to start doing

Your testing how do you test your soil for the first year you start planting if you you you plow whatever you doing you digging it up you plowing it then you plant from your first crop this is where you going to see what is going on with your

Soil because this is how we doing it natural right we ain’t trying to add no sort of whatever to this soil so what I’m talking here about is natural natural soil we trying to build natural soil here so stay with me here so now the first thing you need to do is

Dig your soil plant your food watch the production of your for year the crap of your for year see what happened see the production see the the the strength of the plant see the the fruits the the size the strength of the fruit see the smell the

Taste of the of the fruit are the vegetables that’s where you start according to what you see you might understand that I need to add something to my soil because soiling in that rich and it ain’t doing that well now what we going to do all the

Weeds we pull out of our garden that for Year all the the weed we pull out what we doing we either put them in a heap somewhere put them in a pile where we doing we’re going to build our compost pile now so all these weed you take out your garden you put

Them in a a area and allow them to break down so they they’re going to go through all through the the winter all through the fall all through the winter and they actually going to start breaking down in the fall if you have access to Leaf falling

On the ground you start raking them up right you start raking them up all the the the weed you stole during the Spring during the summer you could take them and damp them in your rais bed and just leave them there let it go through the the winter

Now now what you can do now you start turning them together you you mixing them in I mean I could go and find video to show you these video but it might take me too long to find a video but them is couple years ago video but you mixing it in with the

Soil right after you mix it in all them Lea and them weeds you pull up you mix it in with the soil and you leave it there and then what you do now you take some soil and you put on top of it and just cover it and leave it right there

For the spring this remember this is or this is natural garden we talking about right when the spring comes when the spring comes and you getting ready to plan while you digging you might see a few pieces of leaf don’t worry about that still dig your hole still PL still

Dig your hole continue digging your hole after you done dig and pl you understand planting they come you plant you plant up your garden all that you add all the leaf you add all the the weeds you pull out your garden you add going to transform your

Soil into the next Spring by the next spring your soil going to be different it going to be completely different because now you what you add you add nutrients all these things going to be adding nutrients and mineral to your soil this is what your soil need then it going to start to

Attract out worms and bacteria the right bacteria you need in your garden you’re going to start attract them this is where now you going to be getting the breaking down the warm all different type of bacteria it going to at this is how you change your soil

Guys and you keep doing this this what I now tell you every year you add more soil you add more Leaf you add more weeds you pull out the garden and you add a layer soil over it because every time you add anything you’re supposed to add some soil as well

And you keep mixing it the thing about it is you got to keep tning your sword you got to keep walk in your soil walk in your soil so while you walk in you walk in it and the earthworms and them walk in it as well the earthworms

Them create tunnels in our soil that create air flow and our and all these type of stuff in our soil so if you this is a natural method I’m giving you here natural I’m not even calling it I’m saying natural let me give you a I let me give you

Why I grew up we used to use chicken poop we used to use but them time the cow them there was grassfed so it wasn’t you feeding with anything they was actually grassfed the goat them grassfed you understand but this is what I grew up using but now I don’t use any of

That so the way I learn it the way I learn to make compost or what to add on your around your plant I don’t use I don’t even use that no more what I did I went through the forest the bushes and when I went to the bushes that’s where I

Observe I was in the and I was looking around I’m looking at the Big Trees I’m looking at the small trees I’m looking on the ground and I’m just observing I’m just observing everything once I start observing everything just start coming to me like a puzzle everything just start coming to

Me like like a puzzle just fitted itself together right what I’ve learned that day I’ve learned that in the forest in the bushes the plants feed theirself that’s what I’ve learn the plants feed theirself how the plant feed theirself when they drop the leaf when they drop a limb a tree might fall

Down that tree just Decay itself and turn into compost turn into food for these plants you never saw no one going in the in in going in with a bucket of water you never saw no one going with 4ti lizer train around their Road you never saw that but everything they

Survive and look how tall these trees will grow look how massive these trees will become without we using all these things things that available today when I see that it make me realize I’m on a part I’m on a part here where no one could convince

Me that I could go and buy a product from the store today to put around my plan no one and I apply the same method that I saw in the G in the bush in in between the trees I applied a same method and it walk like a charm it walks like a

Charm I can grow a garden I could grow a acre of food without spend a dime I can grow a acre more than an acre without spend a dollar so when you when you get to understand these things man when you get to understand these things and apply them you’re going to love

It why you going to love it because everything grows so beautiful I mean look over my shoulder guys look over my shoulder do you see there cabbage do you see how healthy these things looking this cabbage and kale I apply the same method that inside between the trees

They feed the self so what we got to understand what we got to understand trees Roots Run Deep trees root Run Deep and these trees able to sech and find nutrients and mineral because they spread out their Roots so they find on all the nutrients and all the minerals down there that’s the

One and the root suck it and bring it up into the plant which nature knows best surely right with that D’s D’s D’s Harris you surely right with that nature knows best yes the trees push their Roots so deep and spread them that they’re draining they’re pulling up new check they’re pulling up

Everything and when they pull up everything all that goes up into the body of the tree into the leaf of the tree it feed the whole tree so when the same Leaf fall off when the same leaf falls on the ground Decay turn into compost it feeding back the plant with

The mineral the nut if feeding it back so these plants survive of their self if you apply that in your garden it could walk now it could walk it works if you able to apply that in your garden it works you’ll be seeing some you’ll be seeing some healthy plants you

Wouldn’t even believe you understand you you want to know you know some of these when you when you look at the pl it’s like you know like it just look refreshing man it just look refreshing guys the computer I’m on tonight I can’t I cannot run them videos but oh I want

To show you guys some videos tonight okay but you can always check out my channel I have over, 1500 videos and it’s so much you can learn shout out to T Ty G I don’t know to pronounce your name but top in injoy shout out to you because I appreciate I was able

To put videos out there and you could actually learn from them and the thing about it is is you learn by applying and trying because as a gardener you got to try different thing until things start working the way you want it to work you try different things and once you

Find what you looking for you just Fe you just continue but these plants could survive pretty well from LEF the weeds out of your garden the the body of the trees that decay these plants strive pretty well from them this is how nature operate they feed theirself sometimes you see a big big

Big tree tumble down you put your hand around the tree you know massive tumble down fall down in the and just steady and it just start decaying it just start breaking down when you look up inside it you start to see warm you start to see all

Kind of bacteria up inside there just breaking it down breaking it down then when you look it just break down underground flat underground you guys ever see a tree a big tree that you could never put your arm around break down to the ground like nothing

There well I see that before and it’s a good s to see it’s a beautiful s to see and then when you scrape up that the compost you call I call it Black Gold I call that black gold it’s so dark and when you put that around your

Plants them listen me your plants them fly so don’t underestimate don’t underestimate your backyard soil and don’t underestimate what leaves and the weeds from in your garden and the tree trunk do Hest made what that can do to your garden believe it or not ugly culture was the best thing I

Did for my re all right so I know I know so basically Den haris what you did you pack wood under the bottom right which is one the great listen me packing wood under your bed is wonderful it’s wonderful because when it breaks down man when it breaks down and

You mix that in with your soil man listen me it’s it’s wonderful guys man let me see man let me see if I could give me a minute guys let me see if I could pull up on these video man in a second let me see if I can pull one this video

I don’t know why I’m not all right give me a second guys let me see I don’t know how it’s destroy see okay all right okay okay I’m going to show this video internet buffing I know the Internet is real really slow tonight so okay give me one second guys let me

See if I can put up this video this is a video I’m showing I’m planting this is this could give you a idea of planting this is a new video I know push up I’m going to show it to you guys with me guys because I want to show

You how I’m planting these and how important it is to plant the way I plant all right so this this is one of my favorite tool this is one of my favorite tool if you notice you know the these holes already prepared so what I’m going to do now I’m

Just going to soften the bottom of the holes there okay the holes already there so I’m just going to soften the bottom okay this is what I’m talking about this you don’t want to damage these root you want to make sure these roots are perfect when you plant them so you see

The soil is okay guys you see what I’m talking about what I’m talking about there which is so which is so important you see how deep I’m planting them check the depth and if you notice you got to be seeing Leaf you got to be seeing pine needle you seeing all that

Around there but it did not stop me from planting now the root you cannot damage the root guys don’t damage the root at all okay let’s go on S so I just put it and I put it down inside and I pull it together and I bring it right under the bottom

Leaf you see how perfect that looking there that’s how we do it guys so when we plant them this deep what happen is the root going to be under the ground drying all the nutrients all the minerals out of the soil from the bottom of the soil

So you got to be very careful guys you see the root is perfect perfect root you come the hole already soft you put it down inside there and you pull the soil around it and you leave it there standing up perfect okay this is the next hole you come you take

You soften up the hole you make sure the hole is soft make sure it’s soft then you take a next one root is perfect you put it down inside here and perfect same thing over here you do the same thing you soften the holes then you get the seedling

If you know you wouldn’t be taking care of your plants please do not plant them this young allow them to get bigger all right cuz when you plant them in this kind of stage you got to take care of them more they require more care okay so we come here again we do

The same thing we soften the bottom the hole already prepared the soil is beautiful so we what all we doing we just softening up the root a little okay and we put it down inside here and we bury it and we just pull it around and leave it they looking perfect

Same thing with this one we soften the root we take them and we put them down in there perfect okay guys so basically this is what I’m doing I have a lot more here to plant which I have some holes right down here if you notice I have some holes

Here that I’m going andant basically okay guys you see what I’m saying guys check my holes them man you going to look look the depth of of my hole look the depth of my holes them right and look how remember look how small these plants are don’t do this at

Home please don’t do this at home all right if you know you’re not going to be able to take care of your plant do not plant them this young do not plant them this small because if you plant them this small you got to go outside you got to

Soften up the root you got to make sure no Leaf fall on them you got to make sure all of that the reason why I plant them this young is because I get a connection from them the connection is amazing because I start them from seed I grow them from

Seed transplant them as young young baby and able to take care of them so now I I could I get that love for them that connection for them because now I got to go out every day and make sure these plants is good I got to make sure

There’s no Leaf covering them I got to make sure no soil roll down on them and covering them I got to make sure all of that so it’s a lot of work I have to do to keep them alive but guess what the good thing about

It when I plant them now which is February when I plant them now when the fall the frost come in March April these plants going to already develop Roots so their Roots going to be Strong by that time so when the frost pass even scatch their Leaf they still going to survive

So this is for people who liveing in zone that’s not freezing the soil this is not for people I would not recommend anyone who living where the soil freeze up to plant their plans in this month yes you could start a chance with Brasa which is that I’m doing I’m planting Brasa I’m

Planting basically what I’m planting now is broccoli cauliflower cabbage and spinach these type of plants could stand cold weather so this is what this is why I’m planting them right now but if you in zone where the soil freeze up I don’t think it’s you should plant now

Oh you could try a few of your plans and see how it works but now this is how I plant my plants them very small it doesn’t matter what kind of plant pepper same thing cabbage same thing OKO same thing I plant everything small why because the

Connection the love make me want to go out and care for my plans you think about them like a baby you think about them like damn I wonder if any Leaf fall on them I wonder if a ra a soil roll down on them you know it’s I mean it’s a lot of

Work guys so I don’t want to put you into doing all that type of work but that’s what I do and this is why I always get production it doesn’t matter what I plan I able to get butiful Harvest from them okay because of my soil this soil used to be red

Clay it’s hard to recognize that this soil was actually red CLE okay guys don’t forget to hit that like button guys don’t forget to hit that like button I have Shar a lot of lot of information tonight I’m showing the love because I truly want you guys to have a productive

Garden and don’t forget again guys planta po Garden challenge is coming if you haven’t if you didn’t make us know as yet if you did not if you didn’t make up your mind as yet you still have time if you thinking about it you still have time if

You make up your mind now please press one or you could always email me everyone welcome to join just the rules on the Community page please stay tuned check my Community page and get the rules and see if that’s something you really interested in and doing it’s a hub Garden challenge you

Got to goow 10 different hubs it’s a journey that’s a very interesting Journey this is our second year and we want to continue this for as long as we can so we we just wish everyone a Happy Garden season this year I just hope that more people

Could understand what is going on today and look into it all our skills you know we need our skills if we a have certain skills we need to start learning we start we need to apply some of these skills I mean skills that can feed you and your

Family why wouldn’t you try to learn about them why wouldn’t you try to see how much you could learn in time like these because at the end of the day guys your family have to eat your family need a roof not just a roof over their head they need food as well

Encourage anyone you can on this journey guys this is a h Garden challenge that you would not regret you will look back five years 10 years from now and see wow what a journey all right so let’s watch a li of this video and I’m going to plant over here this is

2024 Spring Garden I’m going to be planting out this whole area this whole area with gra this whole area also to plant this bed here with braas also going to plant this bed here with bra so basically this whole area here going to be with bras all right the good thing with

Brasa most of them like the broccoli the Cabbage as soon as they harvest you could plant something right back in the era so a short cop so now after you okay the good thing the good thing with Brasa some of them you can leave in the ground like the collards like the

Kale but you’re going to be harvesting the Cabbage the cauliflower you’re going to be harvesting them after you harvest them after you harvest them what you do you replant now you going for short crap now you going for them time you could plant pepper them time you could plant

Squash them time you could you know what I’m saying but this is the time for Brasa well for me this is the time for Brasa this is the time so as soon as the weather start changing I’ll be getting ready to harvest all these Brasa and getting ready to start my garden which

My garden is already prepared I have more work to do but the soil is ready I was walking on the soil since last fall as soon as the last frost came I start walking on my soil already so now my soil is basically ready for planting if you notice in the

Video and I was showing there even in the hole in the raised bed you still seeing Leaf you still seeing Pine stra you still seeing grass weed I’m not worried about that because that going to break down over a period of time while it breaking down it it

Adding nutrient to the soil this is what the plants them going to be getting this is how you get healthy beautiful looking plants that produce in abundant I will always recommend you have to take care of your plants then from baby stage you got to take care of them from

The time the sea germinate you got to take care of them all through until Harvest Time okay there’s a point in time there’s a point in time when you when you allow your plan to do their thing there’s a time when you got to allow your plant to do it thing this time

Is these plants produce a green color the green color will catch any ice from the time you see that green that beautiful green you already know oh my God goodness these plants Co in so what you do you give these plant a brick and let they do their thing cuz sometimes Ain

Much you can do some there’s a certain time when you got to allow these plants to do their thing CU much you could do again and you focus on on your younger PL you allow them give them the break let it do the thing and you start

Focusing on your younger plan so at the end of the day you tend into your whole garden not just one set of plan you T into your whole garden certain plan really don’t need much care certain plan will strive without much care the thing about it is you see the

Thing is you this is why you got to know these plans and you got to know the level of care they need you know this is why it’s important to give that care while they’re young so while they’re young and you give them that care and they they get to

That stage where they actually striving for the self now that give you the time to move on to different plans you see what I’m saying so while you’re doing on different plans then you want to then you want to come back to them so you got

To know to do your garden you got to know the care that they need you got to know which plant need extra care you got to know which plant you really don’t need you really ain’t got to do much which most of the plant I’m planting right now once you get them

Growing ain’t much you need to do certain plan they love their root soft certain plant love a lot of soil around them lot of soil around them these are things you got to know and this is how we get the maximum yield from our plant we ain’t got to thr

Nothing around our plan to get maximum yield we ain’t got to spray nothing and our plan for get maximum yield we know the skill the technique to get them there so all I’m doing guys I’m just sharing my experience everything I say I can back

It everything I see I could back in cuz I all these things is what I do already container garden growing food in sand you know sand like Beach all that I did already so I know a lot about gardening so I’m willing to share but at the same time I’m not

Telling you to give up the way you grow your food and take my way that’s not what I’m doing I’m showing you so maybe you could apply you could apply some of the time you see what I’m saying you could apply something and maybe maybe who knows

Maybe it might work for you maybe it won’t you know what I’m saying but the only how it won’t is if you just plant them and leave them these things the more care you give them the more love you put into them the more they give back to

You all right so it was a thank you guys for coming out tonight truly appreciate you guys man it’s a pleasure to have you guys come out and we could have this conversation I can share the information with you guys I also love to share the results as

Well the video I now show you you about planting the broccoli I will be giving update on that I have cabbage I already plant some cabbage I will be giving update on that but I guarantee you today that these same plans going to be looking like them

Right over my shoulder there that’s how they will be looking why and I could say that you see this is the thing talk with confidence because you know what you capable of doing you know your the method and how it works so now I can tell you

That this is how my cabbage them going to look this gardien season and I’m going to tell you again I grew Peppa tree this year was 8T tall and I’m going to tell you here tonight again that I will be growing peppers 8 feet tall again this year you see because when you

Know when you know and when you understand certain things you could speak like that okay two years ago I mention I’m going to be growing Pepper Tree over my head what I did I grew Pepper Tree 7 feet 4 in tall 7 feet up there 4 in

Tall this year I say the same thing last year I say the same thing I grow 8 foot Pepper Tree 8 foot tall they say I’m growing Pepper Tree 8ot tall again when when you know what you doing when you know your soil that you have when you know what

You capable of then you could predict stuff like this and this is what I’m doing because I already put in the work in the soil and this is the important part putting in the soil in the water then the techniques things you got to do how you got to plant them when

There’s certain time you got to go and walk around your plants all these things you got to know you see what I’m saying I once you know these things man your garden will be striving you can’t believe the beauty the healthiness the production the taste everything just combined

Beautiful so so this is what I’m trying to get encourage people to do like I keep saying guys I’m not here to tell you grow food stop growing food the way you grow your food that’s not what I’m doing I’m here to tell you things that actually works as well try a

Few try try and see I guarantee you today if you try and you follow the instruction I give you it doesn’t matter where you grow it doesn’t matter where and you follow the I guarantee you you’re going to see Pro you’re going to see production okay on this channel I have um

Over maybe about 16 on 100 videos by now and every one of them have information about gardening every last one anyone you turn to you can learn something from any one of them you can learn something from it have from the soil it have from have from

Sewing seed how to take care of your seedings how to take care how to plant when to Manu when to put compost around them the whole process of gardening okay so you guys could tune in I upload video very often so you guys could always tune in don’t forget guys hit that notification

Bell that you can have you can get notified when I post a video you can also get notified when I go live I go live every every Thursday 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and I also and I also Popp in from time to time but but now I’m doing the H Garden

Challenge I actually go live more often because I’m trying to promote the hob Garden challenge I’m asking you guys as well especially the people who participating you can share the you can share the the rules you can mention it if you feel like you could put it on

Your community page let more people know that we actually have a h Gard and challenge going on I will truly appreciate it I appreciate each and everyone of you thanks each and everyone for all your support and don’t forget guys the membership open you can also join the membership for this

Channel I will truly appreciate it I will be doing a few classes this year for members of this channel cuz I want to show my appreciation you guys very dedicated so I appreciate each and every one of you so let’s gardening let’s do gardening and let’s get the hob Garden challenge

Popping and let’s go all right all right thanks again planter we appreciate you you’re welcome you’re welcome you’re welcome guys thank you so I want to thank everybody who comes out tonight as always this is Garden season and we only going to be talking about gardening right through till about July

Around there every Thursday we’re going to come here we’re going to talk about gardening when gardening season begin when people start planting we’re going to be doing a lot of C any question and answers yes all right Mike thank you man thank you for coming through yes we’re

Going to be doing a lot of question and answers this year so tune in guys and don’t forget to hit that like button appreciate each and every one of you all right good night Dennis Harris thank you for coming out appreciate you good night Mike thank you for coming

Out appreciate you good night F50 Journey thank you for coming out appreciate you thank you a living life thank you for coming out I appreciate you thank you Texas garden thank you for coming out appreciate you thank you Psalms 146 thank you for come out I appreciate you thank you T Ty Ty GS I I don’t know how you pronounce that but top in enjoying it I appreciate you thank you a living life appreciate you thank you PTY kitchen and garden and mo appreciate you thank you Nikki

Appreciate you oh thanks everybody man for coming through tonight man tonight was a very informative live lots of information this is a live you can definitely go back to is so much information I have dropping in this live tonight so much information I know there’s a lot of um yes good night

Fifan thank you a homestead good night I no container gardeners I know there’s a lot of container gardeners and I really want to reach out to The Container gardeners now because I’ve teach so much about INR gardening how to make do your soil now I’m going to be focusing on container

Garden so I’m trying to reach people now give that I could help them give them information but choosing the right size container right up to the soil right up to planting right up to harvesting CU I want everybody to be successful all right thank you all so

Much this was very informative all right thank thank you thank you don’t forget to always every Thursday 8:00 P.M Eastern Standard Time tune in here it’s all about gardening all right so thank you you have a wonderful night wow thank you guys so much man I appreciate you

Guys wow all right guys so I’m going to end it here thank you for the 20 likes guys appreciate it appreciate it thank you guys so much so you guys have a blessed and wonderful night all right I’m sure I’m going to see you guys before the weekend

Because I’m promoting the planta H Garden challenge to the fullest because this is counting down time don’t forget guys the first video is on the force of March the rules is on my Community page all right if you haven’t subscribe Please Subscribe if you haven’t hit that Bell hit that notification Bell because

That’s how you going to know when I’m live that’s how you going to know when I upload a new video all right you guys have a blessed and wonderful night peace love and blessing to each and every one of you good night thank you all thank you


  1. Good night I come up on your channel and I subscribe to your channel and I learn so much from you for my garden thanks for sharing your Knowledge enjoy it God bless ❤

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