Container Gardening

How To Successfully Move a Plant

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Hey friends welcome to Garney with Creek Side today I am going to show you how easy it is to take a perennial out of a container and move it into a new container you were actually uh with me many many times when I have planted up containers with perennials and shrubs

And then I tell you that typically that perennial or shrub that’s in a container is going to have a shelf life of so many years before it outgrows the pot and then at that point you can take it out of that container move it to your

Landscape or you can put it into a new pot that is the situation that I am in today so I want to take kind of any fear any questions out and show you how easy it is here we have um we’re right on the pathway forest pansy bed is behind me

Patio all that is going in that direction this container is entering into its third spring um so it has been here for 2 years this is is the what we call the dopo Bordeaux I think uh container from unique stone love this because it’s it’s wide and short fat and

Squatty as I say and it is filled with only two types of plants also tell you that uh as my husband affectionately tells me I have the memory of a knat and I cannot remember uh like exactly what the names are so one of my little tricks is that

When I plant up my containers I take my tags and then I shove them down into the Container you can’t see them but in cases like this I don’t have to remember exactly what they are I have them right here I also have my faithful companion all right go play go

Play um so what we have here in the back I have three caraxes this is orange sge so I’m going to show you how I’m going to trim this cuz it needs to be trimmed orange sge is fun it is a CarX Great Grass you know type plant gives you that

Nice foliage kind of a flow to it but it has a real orangey texture hence its name and pairs beautifully with this ukra it is what we call a non-branded plant so it’s not by a specific Plant company so you hopefully should be able

To find it it’s Hardy in zone 6 to9 and it’s from for sun to part shade which is perfect for this spot right here 18 to 24 in tall so we have that we’ve got three of them in here we’re going to trim what we’re going to actually take

Out is one of the Southern Comfort ukuras this is from um the folks over at teranova nurseries they are a great um company I want to say they’re in Oregon or Washington state where they do a lot of plant breeding really unique plants Southern Comfort is um a gorgeous Uka

Big huge leaves on it has that great um peachy uh kind of the reddish bronzy color to it and it will change throughout the season ukas for me in my North Carolina Zone 8 a garden do better in containers than in the ground I have some in the ground behind me not

Southern Comfort some different ones and I find sometimes that they just gets too wet and they struggle I have my best success with ukas in containers then I take those containers and add them straight to my garden now Southern Comfort is going to be the same it is as

Far as your sun conditions sun to par shade so that’s a tip make sure your plants have the same sunlight requirements and it is going to be 14 in tall 24 in wide that is why we’re going to take one of them out and move it to a

New container and this is Hardy in zones 4 to 9 so the time has come for me to take out and to remove one of these ukas because last year I was a little bit on The Struggle Bus keeping enough water in this container and that’s is going to be

Your clue that you need to remove either the plant or a plant out of that container to somewhere else when you can’t keep enough water in it that means that the roots are really welldeveloped and they’re probably taking over the whole pot and they don’t they can’t have

Enough soil to keep the moisture and the food that they need to have the plant really Thrive we were just up at at the Woodland Garden in the chicken coup area where I did the three unique Stones those were the rope and weave uh basket containers right and we did three of

Those as a grouping this is going to go in that same Garden a little bit down from it same Garden this is in the light Walnut and this is I think the Garland jarder first things first what we have is of course I have all of my supplies

So beside of me I’ve got biotone I’ve got ly compost and then I have my Proven Winners potting soil I will need that for both of these containers as we go through first things first we are going to go ahead and just prune back the caraxes let’s just get that extra folage

Out y’all pruning perennial grasses is so stinking easy you literally grab it and you cut it as if you were like pulling up a PCH ponytail and you’re cutting the ponytail off right so any of that foliage that’s there we’re just going to go ahead and take it and whack

It back now last year I did not prune this CarX I just kind of ran my fingers through it and got out uh any kind of old um stems that were in there this year it’s all nice and pretty much Brown so we’re just going to go in there and

Give it a good cut we’ll go over um in some other videos here in the next coming weeks about exactly how to prune um some other perennial grasses it’s really basically the same the idea though on your perennial grasses is that you want to cut them before the new

Growth comes out that way you’re not cutting out your new foliage now that took all of like what 15 seconds to cut those those caraxes back so they are done two of the Southern Comforts and you really just have to come in here BR of likes being in front of the

Camera um you really have to come in here and I am just going to try to Fig figure out where these two are now am I going to probably lose some leaves yes I am am I worried about that no I am not my number one tool for today is going to

Be my Hy Hy we don’t have a h Hy on the website simply because I can’t find uh this Hy Hy as far as like in a wholesale Arena that I can get a bunch of them but you can find Hy hoies oh my gosh in multiple different locations there’s

Tons of different manufacturers that make them I personally like this style because it has a point on the end and it has that serrated edge this is I think considered like a Japanese Hy Hy so on one side it is serrated and on the other

Side it is sharp now when I first bought this it was super sharp on this side over time it has gotten dull I probably could um go ahead and sharpen it again but I love that it has the serrated because what we’re getting ready to go

Do is we’re going in here here and I’m literally going to saw out these ukas I’m actually going to take the H Hy cut down this way and then cut across between the ukas and the caraxes and I’m really going to pull both of them out

Because I’m going to take both of them out one’s going to go in this container and then one we’re going to replant in the center right here add some biotone add some compost add some potting soil in here um so this is where you can if

You’ got some aggression you got some up frustration that you need to get out this is the time that you’re going to do it y’all don’t worry you are not going to hurt these plants plants are a whole lot tougher than we give them credit for

As long as you’re not you know taken out and just trying to get just a little bit of the root you want to get as much plant as you possibly can go down we’re going to go down the center between the two ukuras I can see there’s a um the

Crown is here and the crown is here so I’m going straight down the middle and then right across and we’re just going to work it this is going to take a little bit of aggression like I said you get to work it out and um we’re just going to go for it

All right let’s see if we can get this out okay there’s one yeah what you think huh what you Think all right my friends there you go wasn’t so bad but you know the roots are really devel developed when you P pull the plant out and it looks like either a slice of pie or a slice of pizza so there you go now I got both of them out

What we’re going to do is first we’re going to replant this one I um you know me I have used the method for several years I did it with this one compost in the bottom I like the land and sea it’s just a great quality if you cannot find Land and Sea

In your area go to your local Garden Center and ask them what’s a great compost that they recommend all right because sometimes these soils these products can be Regional you can have different brands in different parts of the country so we’re going to add a bit of land and sea down in

There as such biotone biotone oh my gosh so incredibly a big game Cher I just take it I sprinkle it am I really super precise no one of my bestest sweetest friends she would look at the bag and it would say x number of Cups and she would

Get out a measuring cup and she would put it in is one way right and one way wrong no it’s just how the Lord made us we’re different personalities just get some biotone start a fertilizer in there now it really doesn’t matter which one I’m going to put back in there we’re

Just going to work it down now when I put when I took out this plant right you can see that there’s a lot of extra soil right here all right Granda go play go play yeah or come over here come right here B come right here good girl okay sit sit Brena

Sit okay stay this may not fit down into the Container because it has so much soil and then there was you know course soil in the bottom of this I’m going to take it and I’m just going to loosen up some of the soil in here and I’m also while

I’m doing that and I am loosening up the roots by no means but say that this container is or this this plant is root bound however it is certainly not going to hurt to up the roots and loosen up some of this soil um again plants are a

Lot tougher than we think when you’re planting your ukuras we want to make sure that they’re nice and I don’t want to say like crazy deep but sometimes with temperature they can do what we call a heave and heaving means where the the crown of the plant almost like

Pushes itself up out of the ground so we want make sure it’s nice and deep down in there we’re going to give a little test oh that’s perfect y’all there we go so it’s nice and secure in there and my ukra is a just slightly below the

Current soil so that works really really well B over here so it’s just right below it so I can I don’t have to worry about the heaving process what we’re going to do is we’re going to take proven win potting soil whatever high quality potting soil that you like and I’m going

To fill in around the edges right we don’t want our Roots exposed to any air now you will notice that there is dead foliage in here I can go ahead and clean up some of this but really we’re still I mean it it’s only the middle of February

Here this plant is still dormant it is not actively pushing out New Growth once your ukur is you will know when they push out New Growth at that time you can then come take your pruners your felos and take all of this foliage is going to

Start to just lay down it will all turn to look like this brown yucky stuff it’s going to lay down flat and all your new growth is going to push out get rid of the old and leave the new very very simple all right so I’m going to add

Potting soil around the edges and then I’m going to give everybody just a little bit of top dressing of the land Andy compost All right so as simple as that this one is done um yes it’s a little dirty yes it’s a little rough looking am I worried about that no does it bother me no is this the season that this is supposed to look like this it sure is uh for

Everything there is a season and this is the season of we here in North Carolina spring is like banging on the door I know that officially Spring’s not going to arrive for a couple of weeks uh the garden is telling me other things differently I’ve got crocuses I’ve got

Helbor I’ve got tulips popping up I’ve got daffodils that have little bud swells on them so spring is going to be here very quickly this is going to flush out so fast all I have to do for this container because I have perennials that are extremely low maintenance I just

Water this that’s all I do I um since I added the biotone I don’t really need to fertilize it if you feel like you need like if I hadn’t done this and and and move something out and put biotone in here um in a couple of weeks I could

Come back with some plant tone plant tone is like the Swiss army knife of your uh the the fertilizer World in my opinion because you can feed just about anything and everything with plant tone so what I would have done is just come in here and sprinkle some on the top J

It in with the plants Zing means you take your fingers and you just work it in right Z it in come back with the hose water it in and walk away I I fertilize all of my perennials once a year that’s the beautiful thing about perennials is

They are not heavy feeders once a year um is optimal if you don’t sometimes you just can’t do it it’s okay do it when you can so this one is done new container what we’ve got yes I did some of that um soil from the other one other

Plant in here but we’re going to take our land and sea we’re going to add some to the bottom I’m telling you y’all that is a game Cher for your containers whether it is your hang baskets it is a pot it is a hay rack a traditional pot I

Don’t care what you’re doing if you’ve got a pot and you’re putting a plant in it if you put compost in the bottom third of that container and then use your potting soil for the rest of it right it makes a huge difference in here so I’ve got compost I’ve got biotone I’m

Probably going to have to work the edge on um on this one simply because of the shape yeah see I don’t know we’ll see we need to get Brena out of here she’s she’s being a diva today and wants to be in front of the camera all right go play Brena

Go or you can come sit you want to come sit okay you stay right there I don’t have a pot I think she wants the pot but there is no pot today to give her so you’re going to be disappointed I’m sorry yeah you’re going to have to go

Play with your stick yeah I don’t know hopefully the camera can pick this up but right here talking about heaving see how like tall this stalk is that’s kind of the start of the heaving process so we want to make sure this thing goes nice and far down into the pot I’m just

Going to kind of see where we are we’ll D on look at that I love it when it just works out all by itself it’s the perfect height and I’ve got plenty of room in here so I don’t have to take off any of the edges and I

Didn’t have have to take any off of the bottom what I can do is just add the soil around it cuz I’ve got plenty of open space in the container and it went down further really the plant is sitting like the top of the root ball is sitting

Probably two 2 and 1/2 in below the lip of the pot I like to um I don’t fill my pots completely all the way up because when I water then the soil runs over it just makes a mess so I like to leave a little bit of a lip anyway so yes I’m

Going to semi Berry this the top of this root ball because I see some heaving happen and I want to bury it deep uh before I add my soil I am going to come with my clippers and just prune up the edges a little bit because we’ve got

Some really scraggly stuff here so I’m just going to cut those leaves off I’m going to put proven Winter’s potting soil all around it take my compost top dress just like I did right Here all right my friends so easy as that we have transferred one Uka out of this pot into its new home everybody has lots of room for their roots to grow my caraxes are going to be happier this Southern conf is going to be happier and this

Southern Comfort is going to be happier you can take this method and apply it to any shrub any tree any perennial that you have in a container the method is going to be the same either you are going to remove that plant from the container and you’re going to put it in your

Landscape or remove it and put it into a bigger container the thing about container gardening is the sustainability with the plant is that the plant has plenty of room for its roots to spread out plenty of available nutrition to it and water to it when that plant becomes so pot bound root

Bound in a container it is going to stop thriving and being as beautiful as it can be at that point you need to move it bigger container or the landscape doesn’t matter if it’s a Uka or a hydrangea if it’s a carax or if it’s a Japanese maple tree right the method is

Still the same optimally the best time to move your perennials your shrubs your trees from a container is in that dormy period right now could could I do this in June I absolutely could I am am however going to increase my risk of shocking the plants meaning because I

Did cut Roots right there is no doubt about it I cut roots for both the carxs and both of these ukas there’s plenty of time now and the weather is optimal for the roots to regrow and be very happy get reestablished before the heat of the

Summer hits that’s what I have to worry about in North Carolina I don’t have to worry about my Winters being too cold I have to worry about the Heat and the humidity of the summer that is when it’s most stressful for our plants doing it now completely essentially eliminates

Any shock that has happened to these plants because they’re not actively trying to put on new foliage they’re still got their action is down under in The Roots so they have plenty of time for those roots to start growing and be happy before the heat hits of spring

Summer and then I have my beautiful growth that will come along so just kind of keep that in mind um you can transplant in the summer but it’s going to require a lot more work for you in the fact of you’re going to have to be

Watering more often you may have to give it a lot of shape protection especially if it’s more of a sun plant you’re going to have to give it shape protection so that it doesn’t go into complete shock and possibly die so if you can do it in fall winter late winter early early

Spring that is the optimal time to do it what I’m going to do is simply take this contain now and put it up at the chicken coop in the garden where it is going to go I have a little stone that it’s going to sit on that way it will drain nice

And properly and then I’ll give everybody a little bit of a drink of water and today’s project is complete as always we hope you have found this fun informative and inspirational y’all have a great day and we’ll see you in the next video bye Friends O Can you move please you’re right in the shot of the camera I know can you go get a toy yeah go get your toy go play good girl


  1. Thank you for all you do. And I love Brenna too! I'm in Ontario, Canada so watching you and Laura is making me crazy! We have warmer than normal temps right now, so the temptation to get in the garden is great. It's far too early for us… 🙁 Your channel and others are the only thing that gets me through winter.

  2. Thanks, as always, for great, timely info! We have many shrubs and perennials growing in large pots scattered throughout our landscape. You motivated us to get outside today to get after a few plants that need dividing and root-pruning!! 🥰

  3. Both Miss Birdie and I thank you for today’s heuchera and Brenna show…. It’s exactly what we each needed… hope she gets her pot!

  4. QUESTION: I am thinking of taking my rose and tall phlox out of the ground (it floods every spring and fall) and potting them in in 2 separate large wood whiskey barrels in zone 5. Will they survive, and would I still need to repot them every 2 to 3 years. I can't seem to find anyone who knows. I'm in a rural area. Hope you can help. 😊

  5. I love my hori hori too! So handy for cutting bags open, prying weeds, digging, etc. I got mine from gardener’s supply online.

  6. Love seeing Miss Brynna, she seems to be wanting a pot and wondering what going on. 😂 As always thanks for sharing the video and loved hearing the birds singing in the background ❤

  7. Good timing! I have a heuchera in a pot that needs dividing and repotting. I’m in PA zone 6b, it was just about 60° yesterday but they’re calling for snow next week!

  8. Perfect timing for this video. Love Brenna. She is never in the way of seeing what you are doing. I need to go check my heuchera.❤❤

  9. Any tips on moving hardy hibiscus? I have one that gets about 5ft tall and wide but gets destroyed by worms of some sort every year and just makes it look 🤢 tried battling them with no luck. Wanting to move it to a different garden

  10. Brenna Breaks are a requirement for every video she reminds you and us to all slow down and enjoy the process! Those pots look ready for more years in the garden.
    I love how your a new 8A and don’t get snow but as an 8b Seattle area resident we still get snow every year for about a week or this year it was a cold freeze instead of much for snow.

  11. Can you divide huecheras? Love Brenna. "Sit, stay" Brenna decides there is something more interesting over there 😂😂😂

  12. I have Heucherellas like this under a few inches of flood water right now 😂😢 We have lovely clay soil too

  13. I love how Brynna looks at you – as if she could carry on a conversation with you; and the outtake at the end : ) I need to divide my 28 + year old hostas because they are right on the edge of the front side walk. Three of them, and they are a massive beauty in the spring but they overtake the sidewalk. I am afraid to disturb them, but it is on my to-do list asap.

  14. I was just noticing in the back ground that your once tiny pitcher plants are now huge! Also, spring is coming fast here near the beach too. My Carolina Jasmine vine is COVERED in buds.

  15. I have never had good luck with heuchera in the ground either, but I have never tried it in a pot. Maybe this is the year to try it.

  16. Thanks for the great tip on transplanting perennials! Loved watching Brenna today! Blessings!!🦋🦋🙏🙏🙂🙂

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