Backyard Garden

The One with the Backyard Garden!!! Episode #22

Well I surprised the wife again, and decided as usual, to go big or go home! haha So I borrowed my father-in-laws ground tiller and made a huge backyard garden! 😀

I had gotten a big batch of watermelon seeds, and I had also bought to many tomato plants and seed potatoes and they wouldn’t all fit in the raised beds I had built. Soooo, I decided to add to the garden and try a normal regular garden in the backyard to supplement the front yard raised beds full of stuff!

Take a look, thanks for watching, and subscribe and save to watch how all the garden progression turns out!

Thanks again, and God Bless!

Good morning everyone it is a beautiful uh May morning here in uh North Georgia and I have borrowed you can see in the background here I have borrowed my father-in-law’s hand toer and I’ve decided after planning all the stuff in in the front raised garden beds that of course you know like I’ve

Said before Brett says slow and easy let’s take this uh take our time and get used to it but I can’t do that we have I’ve just got to go we got to go go go we got to get this thing done and give

It a shot if we’re going to do it we’re going to give it a shot so go big or go home so I borrowed my father-in-law’s tiller and I have uh decided to till up another additional Garden in the backyard here we and one thing that in

My defense that uh Brit’s Aunt I believe it is uh Leola sent us a bunch of seeds uh and they were like four different types of watermelon and they’re like heirloom seeds so um and I think some from her other uncles and different things so we’d have to plant them

But so I’m going to make the primarily there’s so many seeds and four different varieties that she sends I’m going to primarily make uh this this part and cuz watermelon like if they if we do it well they will run and spread and if they take root they’ll amass like a large

Area so uh I’m going to attribute a big piece of this backyard garden to um watermelons have our watermelon patch back here in the back uh which the deer will probably just paw and completely ruin but um I may stick I’ve got some deer netting I may just completely

Surround this garden with it but that’s what I’m thinking back here and I’ve still got uh some more potatoes onions and of course I bought way too much of everything for those raised garden beds so I hate to waste it so I’ve got potatoes and I’ve got some onions and

I’ve got uh I bought 10 too many tomato plants so I don’t want those to die and I want to use those too oh and I bought strawberries um so uh I’m going to plant the strawberries somewhere here in this backyard garden probably right here and

Then uh I’m going to plant the rest of the tomato plant somewhere in here and I just what I wanted to point out too with this Garden because I’ve had this in my head for a while is I’ve had the chickens back here for the last probably

Couple of months and so I would have I had the chickens on that side Far Side way down way down there where past where the tiller is so and I’ve moved them about every week or two their cage or their fence down to here now and I’m

Inside the cage I move the chickens uh every day or two I move their actual Coupe inside the pen so they don’t just poop all in one place um so I’ve strategically been doing this so This land that I’m tilling up right now has really already been fertilized by the

Chickens um 3 4 weeks ago and it’s dried up now I’m tilling it into the ground I’m going to till this up Let the Rain come this weekend it’s supposed to rain today and tomorrow so I’m going to let the rain come beat this down uh soak it and it’s you

See it’s got a bunch of grass in it I’m not sure I’ve got to look it up I got to talk to some people if I need to just put the tarp mat cover Garden cover over it and poke holes straight up you know down to plant my seeds and go straight

Through this um or uh if I should you know try to rake some of this grass out I don’t know I’m going to have to talk to a couple people um I’ll let you know what we end up finding out and what’s the best way to do that for when you

First till up a garden like this but uh just wanted to show you we’re starting another Garden here in the back and backyard garden um let’s hope it let’s hope it goes well yeah come on Country realtor signing off till next time

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