Gardening Supplies

February Gardening: Top Seeds to Sow for Spring

Watch my full step by step guide on how to plan your garden here

πŸ”₯My favourite seed supplier –

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Welcome back to our gardening channel! In this video, we’re diving into the exciting world of February planting, exploring a variety of seeds perfect for your raised bed gardens and urban agriculture projects. As we embrace the early days of spring, it’s crucial to kickstart our gardening endeavors with the right seeds and techniques.

Whether you’re planting tomatoes next to basil or carrots alongside onions, companion planting in your raised beds fosters a thriving community garden environment.

Crop rotation is another essential practice we’ll cover. By strategically rotating crops, you prevent soil depletion and reduce the risk of disease buildup.

Join us as we embark on this gardening journey, sowing seeds of knowledge and inspiration for a bountiful harvest ahead. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, there’s something for everyone in this February planting guide. Let’s cultivate flourishing gardens together and celebrate the joys of urban agriculture! Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share this video with fellow gardening enthusiasts. Happy planting! 🌱🏑

It’s time we were bringing out some of the big guns we’re heading into February and it’s time to get some of our main seeds on the go this month and I need your help YouTube I’m short of a very special packet of seeds coming up for

Next month but I need your help in this month’s video so watch out for that coming in a little bit I need you to pick me a very very special packet of seeds for next month but I’ll come to that anyway the weather the weather’s

Been a bit rough wish we had the big freeze we’ve managed to make our way through then we’ve had storm iser and we’ve had storm Joselyn it has been all over the place it’s okay now though things have settled down it’s not too bad we’ll see it’s all right for sewn

Seeds at the moment but just keep an eye on those frosts and when they’re about word of warning anyway let’s get into the seeds first up one I forgot to do in January I found this packet of seeds here this is my basket of fire chilies

And that is one thing to say it is not too late to start sewing chili seeds yes most of us have done them in January you can do them in February and they will catch up basket of fire are wonderful they I usually gr them in a pot so I

Will put them in the poly tunnel or in the greenhouse but they’ll grow in a pot and they grow this most wonderful dark green foliage and it has hundreds I kid you not hundreds of amazing looking Li little chilies all over it and they’re all ripe at different stages so on the

Plant you’ve got green you’ve got red you’ve got yellow you’ve got orange and it looks absolutely fabulous I would highly recommend basket of fire and next up is the first of our sweet peppers or bell peppers for this year this one here is called Tangerine Dream first time

Trying out this one this year and it’s a little bit like basket of fire that I just mentioned but for sweet peppers I mean they do grow quite a bit bigger than the basket of fire but I’m going to do them in a pot in the poly tunnel in

The greenhouse look after them Molly cuddle them and they should be absolutely wonderful but great for salads and things like that they’re not massive not big huge ones you maybe chop up and chuing you’re cooking in your spag ble or chili or whatever it is you’re cooking nice little ones perfect

For salad next up my absolute favorite pepper and this is King of the North I cannot say enough good things about this pepper the plant is productive it is easy to grow for a pepper it is relatively Hardy if you’re Scotland you might push it just a little bit but down

South in the UK and the warmer climbs you can absolutely grow these peppers outside if you want they don’t need to be grown undercover they are big thick walled fleshy fruits they are marvelous I cannot recommend King of the North pepp is enough just in case you can’t

Tell and next up oine and the first selection from our favorite seed supplier grown local link Down Below in the description please go and have a look and this is a variety called Genie F1 now arguably I should have had this SE in January probably around about the

Start of the month I’m a little bit behind am I worried not really that’s life these things happen sometimes I forget to sell certain seeds I’m trying to be more organized if those of you who saw my planning video I’m trying to stick to the plan I’m trying to stick to

The spreadsheet the spreadsheets been created this month so it’s a bit of a work in progress but yeah I should have had these done a couple of weeks ago they’ll catch up though we’ll get them done on the heated propagator we’ll get them going we’ll get them on the G light

And I’m sure they will catch up in no time whatsoever but the genie F1 good solid decent oene I’m only going to do one or two plants I don’t eat loads and loads and loads of oine but I love a musaka I like Greek food I love Greek food orine musaka absolutely marvelous

And next for this month is cor rabi and as always and like I say about a lot of these things it’s more fun than not all about finding the right variety and as you can you can see from this rather tattered seeds packet I have used these

Seeds before many many times and they are brilliant this is a variety from DT Brown and it is called KAC F1 it is a green col rabi it’s not a purple one it’s a green one it is brilliant one of the main problems with Co rabi is if you

Leave it too long it goes this horrible grainy tough Woody texture KAC F1 does not do that it just keeps on growing I mean I would still pick it young you know picking them young is the best time to have them two ways I like my co rabit

One is in a mash it’s a bit like turnup you know it’s lovely mash it boil it mash it have it like that the other thing I like to do raw slic really thinly in a salad absolutely blowing marvelous and next up for this month is

Our first first shot of the year and this is from the OB that I’m probably just a little bit late with to one that I’m going to push my luck with and this is a variety of shalot called zeun or it’s otherwise called banana schlot it’s

A big tall bulbous so of shalot it’s wonderful it goes to a great size more of a sort of like overall volume more of sort of a an onion sort of size in it than a traditional shalot sort of size grow them some seed absolutely wonderful they’re

Probably you know it’s says march on the packet February is a long month it’s even longer this year because we’re in a leap year so some of these I am going to be gr like I always say towards the end of the month just cuz I’m saying seeds

For February it’s not going to become the 1st of February and I’m magically going to sell all of these seeds in one go some of them I am going to so early the orines the bell peppers the basket of fire they’re all getting on the go straight away probably the cor Raby as

Well the rest of them are going to be spread out throughout the month and this is a prime example of one that I’ll probably do around about mid February sort of time and again they’ll be a little bit Molly coddled they’ll be looked after they’ll be kept undercover

They’re not going to go straight away and next up for this month we’ve got one of my absolute Staples and that is Bolt Hardy be fruit I’ve tried many different varieties over the past few years I must admit they’re all they’re all pretty much good but this one Bol

Hardy beetroot absolutely Solid Rock Solid top performer year after a and like the name suggest it is Bol Hardy it’s resistant to Boling which is brilliant once the sun does actually come out here in Scotland and it warms up it’s resistant at Boling and you’ll get a brilliant crop from it plus you

Get absolutely bajillions of seeds for hardly any money whatsoever next on the list again from our favorite seed supplier grown local is a variety of pea called Oregon sugar pod now me and peas have a love ha hate relationship I love growing peas peas hate growing for me I have trouble with

Peas every single year I kid you not and I am determined this is the Year this is the year we are going to have the most spectacular CR peas you have ever seen on a YouTube video so be sure to come back around about summertime just to see

Whether that’s actually worked out or not anyway I’m maybe’s pushing my Lu a little bit again with these ones are quite early for peas again probably more towards the end of the month but I’m determined determined to get a good crop of peas this year now let me take you forward in

Time right to the very end of February I mentioned it was a leapia and we’ve got the 29th of February coming up and that is when I’m going to be sewing these seeds and this is where I need your help now most of my tomorrows cuz we’re up

Here in Scotland are going to be done next month in March but but I’m brought two of them forward I want to get some of them done just get that little bit of a head start at the end of febrary but when I’ve been sorting through my seeds

I’m pretty sure I’m short of one type of tomato so I’ve got all my different varieties planned out I’ve got a couple here I’ve got another couple ready for next month but what I need your help with out there YouTube is I would like you to pick me a variety of tomato to

Grow this summer I can only grow one more variety that’s told I’ve got space for one more variety so please let me know in the comments down below the variety I should grow cuz I have looked and I have looked and there’s bluming millions of them I don’t know which one

To pick so please pick one for me and we’ll see how we get them with those but two that I have picked again from Grown local this one here is Black Moon F1 never tried them before I am really looking forward to trying them out this

Year just I I love the tomatoes I love the color of some of those dark Tomatoes when they go in the poly tunnel we go the light ones we go the red ones and we love the contrast of the dark ones against them it’s going to be some great

Instagram pictures coming on the back of that anyway another one we’re going to do here and this is San moano one of the things I like to do with the tomatoes is make um a sort of Base tomato sauce with them again whether it’s for chili

Whether it’s for a a spag ball a pastra whatever having that sort of supply of fresh tomato sauce stored in the freezer over the winter there oh it’s just pull one out you’ve got that honestly the the taste of that fresh tomato sauce compared to one that you buy at the

Supermarket absolutely marvelous in this right here San Marzano grows these big fat juicy tomatoes and apparently they are the best ones for making tomato sauce with and one last thing to mention is I haven’t forgotten about my friends the flowers yes I am going to be sewing

Flower seeds this month I am trying to get better a different flowers to grow but there is a potty mouth gardening club special coming up in just about a week or so all about flowers and it really is going to be a very very special one but more about that next

Week watch out in the community section of the channel you will see me post a link to that and it’ll take you to the show and you can go along and watch it and there’ll be a few special guests on there talking all about the different types of flowers They’re going to be

Growing this year and I’m very very pleased to say some of them know a lot more about flowers than I do but anyway that’s me done for this video thank you very much for watching folks and I’ll see you on the next one bye for now


  1. My favourite is Black Moon – I got these from grown local last year and the germination was fantastic and the fruit was stunning. I also love Alice's Dream, yellow and purple and really sweet

  2. Can't beat a good old what to sow video. I'm growing so many different varieties of tomatoes this year, might be a mistake but we'll see. My best ever crop of tomatoes was from a Gardner's delight which I'm growing again this year and would be my recommendation if you haven't tried before.

  3. Try a dwarf tomato from the Dwarf Tomato Project. Only grow to about 1 metre tall, llike a determinate tom; but continue fruiting right through the season, like an indeterminate tomato….enjoy going down that rabbit hole πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…

  4. I'm trying F1 Shirley this year. Saw them originally on John Soulsby's channel. They look spectacular. Elaine 🌱 Try planting Alderman Peas, you won't regret it.

  5. Orange accordion and Shirley and a tumbler tomato picalo.
    Last year big mama, bloody butcher, Heinz tomato seeds the one they make the sauce from and Tigerella.

  6. My understanding is that Zebrune is really an onion with shallot taste – that's why it grows so big and doesn't split like a shallot. So is it really too early given some people start onions in late December or early January?

  7. I grew Cherokee Purple last year outside (sunny sheltered back garden) and they were excellent. Nice for sandwich. Recommend that variety if you don't have a big beef type tomato on your growing list?

  8. Nooo not February already 🀣🀣. Oh lord tomatoes πŸ… I really need to cut down on how many I grow but as Steve said Tim’s Taste of Paradise for a cherry, Pink Boar for a midsize and Pink Berkeley Tie Dye or Annanis Noir for a large beefsteak tomato. I’ll be sorting mine out later in the week. Have a super week Mark, Ali β˜”οΈβ˜”οΈπŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

  9. Hi Mark, great video on what you are sowing seeds. I would recommend trying sweet million tomatoes, they are prolific & are so sweet & delicious. I grew them for the first time last season and they were gorgeous. So, im going to grow themnagain this season. Thanks for sharing and take care 😊

  10. One tomato i would never not grow is Shirley F1. Been growing them for years and without a doubt they are the best salad tomato 😁

  11. If you like basket of fire chilli, you will like Spangles as well πŸ™‚
    In regards to tomatoes: sungold LOL (joking), try red pear from Franchi seeds or Japanese Black Triffele (not to be mistaken with Truffle) – they are AMAZING!

  12. Hi Mark. For a cherry i recommend Tiny Tim – delicious and super compact little plant
    For a salad try a Green Zebra.
    For a steak tomato Gunmetal grey is delicious and beautiful

  13. Hello Mark, great update once again thank you. San Marzano tomatoes are absolutely wonderful, very nice indeed. I would suggest you try growing a variety called Ailsa Craig, this variety is very tasty and the fruits are medium sized. What I tend to do is grow several varieties including a "home banker" such as crimson crush which is blight resistant, so if the other varieties succumb to blight, then I will still have a decent crop of tomatoes. I'm like you, I need to grow more flowers. Amongst others, I'm growing Antirrhinum this year as they can be started in January undercover and will flower throughout the summer. Some other favourites are Cosmos of which their are several varieties. I grow Meteor and Ambassador peas, two very good varieties. Thank you once again for your update. Paul

  14. I'm new to your channle and have just subscribed. Thank you Mark for a really enjoyable video. Love your presentation of what to sow. So useful. I am growing my usual tomato this year, a hanging baslet variety 'garde pearl. and gardeners delight plus 2 new ( to me) varieties San Marzano and homey comb. adn't thought abput sowing kohl rabi, but I will give it a try in February. Thank you. Happy gardening πŸ˜ƒ

  15. Alice's Dream and Heinz 1350 highly recommended by other growers Mark. Havent grown them myself yet… happy growing

  16. Another great video Mark. Sweet Million cherry tomato is a fantastic. A lovely variety that crops well 😊

  17. The best flavoured tomato I had last year was Bloody Butcher. It was the earliest here (East Yorkshire) and grew happily outside until the blight struck

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