Container Gardening

Potting Winter Flowers

Video Link: Suburban Compost Style:

Join Sonia from Suburban Gardening as she breathes life into the dreary winter landscape with a vibrant potting tutorial that promises to sprinkle a dash of color and excitement into your garden. In this video, Sonia takes you through the process of planting an assortment of beautiful winter flowers in three stunning pots, sharing her journey from seeds to blooms. But that’s not all – Sonia also reveals a unique gardening secret that she swears by, a tip she’s never seen anyone else use but guarantees to enhance your garden’s beauty come spring. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting, this video is packed with inspiration, practical advice, and a little magic. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make your winter garden a blooming oasis!”

VIDEO LINK: Suburban Compost Style

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#WinterGardening #FlowerPotting #GardeningSecrets #SuburbanGardening #WinterFlowers
#GardenTransformation #PlantingTips #GardeningTutorial #SeasonalGardening

I can’t wait to get some winter interest into my garden it’s late January and a lot of things have gone to sleep so it’s going to be great to get a punch of color there’s a lot of different flowers that you can put in the winter in the

Mild climate that I live in we can put rulas and snapdragons and pansies all of them full of color so we’re going to go through and I’m going to show you one particular secret that I do that I’m really surprised more people don’t do it and we’re going to make a beautiful

Bouquet in these lovely pots hi I’m Sonia with Suburban gardening I have these wonderful pots that we’re going to fill up with beautiful flowers today but there’s a couple things we’re going to need to do first there is one drain hole in these pots just one and I

Need to put something in front of it so it doesn’t get stopped up with dirt so we’re going to do that and I’m also going to put my special Suburban gardening compost in here I have a thing about changing out my dirt every year I just don’t find it’s necessary it seems

To be kind of expensive so we’re not going to do that and I’m going to show you how I amend the soil so it can keep regenerating itself for at least a couple of years now these pots are 16 by 16 so it’s a pretty good siiz pot and I can

Fit a lot of stuff in here luckily I’m dealing with an empty pot and I don’t have to dig out a bunch of stuff and that’s only because about a month ago I completely these pots they had irises and agap panths in them they were so pot

Bound I practically had to Chisel them out but now those plants have gone to a different home and we’re going to pot up these beautiful big pots right down there in the bottom is this one little drain hole for this entire pot it really isn’t enough there

Should be like three of them in this pot so what I’m going to do is I’m going to take a piece of Styrofoam and I’m going to lay it over that hole and when I put the dirt in that will make like a little open area under

There and hopefully cause this pot so we can drain much easier I’m hoping that will keep that drain hole free of debris and that way this pot will be able to drain if it gets [Applause] overwatered I filled this pot up about halfway full and now what I’m going to

Do is I’m going to put my Suburban compost in here and this is what’s going to keep the soil regenerating itself for the next couple of years and that way I won’t have to keep replacing my potting soil I did a video on Suburban composting you can check that Out and this is going to be breaking down in the soil over the next couple of years and it’s going to be adding food for the microorganisms and it’s going to be breaking down into food for the plants I have this beautiful pot all filled up

With dirt and the next thing I’m going to do is I’m going to put these beautiful flowers in but I also want to add some fertilizer so I have some silver leas fertilizer that will help these plants just get all the nutrients they need so if you think about this pot

Basically it’s got Absolutely Fresh new potting soil and I want to just remind you never put garden soil inside of your pot it’s too robust it’s just um too full of nutrients let’s say because garden soil needs to be mixed into dry not so healthy soil and it’ll be way too

Toxic and Powerful for your poor little um roots of these plants so we put in the potting soil I put in a layer of the Suburban Garden compost and now we’re going to add a layer of organic time relase fertilizer there should be a lot going

On inside this pot for the next year or two to come and I won’t have to keep changing out my soil so this beautiful thing right here are snapd dragons I grew these from seeds I had over a hundred of them so I’m just now placing them all over the

Garden and I did go over to Armstrong Nursery and I picked up some arculus and some pansies as well but I had a couple of other things that I grew from seed and that was some Nesta and some Holly Hawks so we’re gonna add all of those into the

Pot I wanted to show you before we get started planting these poor little Roots they’re absolutely pot Bound in here let me pop one out do you see how just compacted they are in there we need to rough these guys up a little bit before we put them in the ground

Because they need to be able to spread their little Roots there let me show you this rucula oh my goodness this thing is just super pop bound it’s amazing to me that they keep growing like this before we get started with the big pot I wanted to

Show you just real quickly about a smaller pot that I have here’s our beautiful soil okay now this is a hanging pot that I have and it’s kind of a catch all I grew this geranium spice seed this aysa was from seed it’s not doing too good but I

Have a wonderful petunia here it’s one of my favorite colors it’s yellow and I grew it from seed and I’m so excited that it’s making it through the winter and then I have a strawberry that I grew from one of the runners of my other plant but this looks pretty tired and I

Don’t know it’s just not a very good-look pot so what I’m going to do is I’m going to dig down in here I’m going to drop a few pansies down in here and that way it’ll really perk it up for the winter time but all of this stuff’s

Going to grow like Matt in the spring and the summer but until then I think the pansies will do really well before I put the pansies in I need to make sure I get some fertilizer down in there so I’ve got my plant tone and I’m going to

Liberally put some down in there the reason why is because I know that all these other plants are going to be wanting some too so I’m just going to really rough it up around in there and then I’m going to drop my pansies in try to get a couple of different colors

Oh they’re going to be really happy down in here I think I’ll add a little bit of soil there we go now I know it’s going to be raining here in the next week or so but I’m going to water this in really good that way all those good nutrients

Will get down in there and then I’m going to hang it back up and it’s going to be just beautiful we have our wonderful pot full of fresh soil which is so exciting I want to put some of this biotone down in there because it’ll really get the roots to

Start growing super strong so the biotone is great when you’re repotting something that’s first time [Applause] planting biotone is also a Time relase fertilizer but it also reacts with the microorganisms in the soil to improve the soil so that will be going on as well now the other

Thing I’m going to add is a little bit of plant tone and that’s just a Topper to um make sure that these roots get as much food as they need I have three pots that are identical 16 by 16 but I don’t want to pot them all exactly the same

They’re going to be similar so they have good balance but they’re all going to have a few different things in them as well and I’m also going to show you that little secret that I do too but I love these rulas and they’re going to be one

Of the base plants that are in here and the thing that you want to remember rough those up a little bit is that you want all of the plants that we’re going to put in they’re going to have different size root balls let me see if I can get this one out of

Here see how they have different size root balls but we want them to all be exactly the same height on the level of the soil so this one I need to dig down a little deeper and I want to keep it at least 2

In um below the lip so I know when I water it that I can soak it and the water won’t run out all right so here’s our Rula now these guys clearly need to be built up a little bit so I’m going to put this guy up kind

Of high and you can go through and take off these um yellow leaves if you want to I usually do because it makes the plant look a little better I’m going to go ahead I’m going to put in the snapdragons and the pansies aren’t these beautiful I absolutely love snap dragon

Some of the snapdragons that I planted this year I harvested the seeds from other snapdragons that I had this soil is nice and damp and when I water it it’s going to absorb all of that good water you never want to plant any type of plant in dry soil it makes it it

Makes this root struggle a little bit I’m going to put this these three on the other side look at this one I’m pretty sure that that’s a carrot seed that accidentally got in there it’s not hurting anything I want to put the tall one sort of in the

Middle I think it’s going to be really fun to watch how these perform this is a very leggy nestan that I grew from a seed I actually propagated it from some other plants and I’m going to put it in the ground just to see what

Happens I’m going to dig it a ho for it very de deep very deep I can tell that it’ll grow roots from these little nodes right here it’ll be fun to see if it does any good so the Holly Hawk something I Grew From a seed it’s winter so it’s not

Really doing much but this thing is going to come back like a roaring lion in the springtime so I want to get it in there so it’ll be ready to go and I won’t have to fuss with it you can see that it doesn’t have a very good root

Base yet but it will and it’ll probably endend up taking over this whole pot oops back in there little little deeper let’s take some of this off I think Perfect all right he’s just going to be hiding down in there in the winter time all right two pansies panies are just great winter

Color in my area oh boy these things are just so rootbound okay get them stuck down in here this pot is plenty big enough to handle all of these plants especially with all of the good food that I put down in there and I try not to over feed

Because it’s a it’s wasteful but that’s organic um time relase fertilizer and I think that it doesn’t ever burn the roots or anything like that okay isn’t this fun okay I got two more special things I want to show you this is the little secret I wanted to

Share with you and I don’t know why more people don’t do this maybe they do and I just don’t know about it but I did a project with some Dutch irishes just yesterday and I had a few left over and I know that they don’t get quite

Gigantic so I’m going to take these bulbs these Dutch iris bulbs and I’m going to push them down into the soil 2 Ines and that way this one’s a teeny tiny little baby if you can even see that one and that way it’ll be like a little surprise I’ll have Dutch irises growing

In my pots so I’m going to put one over here too the other thing that I like to do is I like to drw a few little seeds into my pots now eventually these snapdragons and these pansies and even this nerian is going they’re going to be tired in the

Vacula and I love it to have little plants popping up all over where I didn’t have to go out and buy anything I just put some seeds in I’ve got some California poppy seeds and these things are really prolific in my area so I’m just going to take a handful just a few

And I’m going to sprinkle them down in here and then I’m going to press them in don’t cover them just press them think about how they grow in the wild nobody comes around and and squishes dirt over them and they’re very very hearty very drought tolerant and this soil is going

To drive them crazy they’re going to grow so big so I’m going to sprinkle some of these California poppy seeds in both of the pots I bet you I put about 15 seeds if it’s too many I can always come and plug some out so it’s not a

Problem all right the other thing that we do that’s really fun and I love these pots for this reason let’s say that maybe this front part’s not doing too good and these pansies are looking pretty bad as a matter of fact usually when I pot something like these pansies

I pick most of the flowers off because I like for the roots really to get in there and then they can start pushing out some new flowers but I just can turn up just like that and now all of a sudden the rulas are in the front and then we

Have a beautiful backdrop of The Snap Dragons the last important thing we need to go over is irrigation it’s so important for these plants to get plenty of water I have run a black tube along my wall here this is where the pots sit all year long they’re too big to keep

Moving around but I have drip irrigation that goes inside of these pots so they get watered when I’m not thinking about it or I just don’t have time I know it’s going to be raining in the next couple days and that’s why it’s so exciting to

Get those seeds down in the soil because that rain just seems to perk them right up so that’s it I feel pretty confident that I’ve set these pots up that they’ll be able to feed these plants for the at least the next couple of years I’ll just

Come through and pull out the plants that have withered away they’re just out of season and I’ll replace them with new ones I might even come by and put a couple of daffodils down in here because that will look so beautiful in the spring I really hope that this gave you

Some good ideas that you can put this to practice in your own garden and give you some confidence that we don’t constantly have to be changing out soil and spinning so much in our garden we can really make it work for us and we can make the microorganisms and all the dirt

Work together to keep feeding these plants so thanks you guys for stopping by I’ll see you next time

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