
houseplantjournal: Plants on decor duty: in spaces far from windows, I place plants for decorative …

Plants on decor duty: in spaces far from windows, I place plants for decorative purposes when people are home (mostly in the evening).
When we humans go to work, my plants also go to work: their office is a place called “bright indirect light”.
2️⃣ Without a light meter, humans have a terrible sense of absolute brightness – eyes adjust so we can identify our surroundings. Our eyes wouldn’t tell us that being closer to the window is about 5x brighter (and just at this moment). Sure, you *know* it’s brighter, but you can’t *feel* how much different it is.
3️⃣ Taking my plants to their workplace. Seems like a lot of work? It’s far less work than picking up after your dog.
4️⃣ Only a few minutes later, the sun is slightly higher in the sky, making the readings a bit higher than in 2️⃣. As the sun changes position throughout the day and weather patterns change, the readings will vary wildly. For a really basic starting point, any of the “thrives in low light” type of plants will tolerate daily highs of 50-100 foot-candles but will “grow very nicely” if most of the day, you get 400-800 foot-candles.
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