Edible Gardening

Easy And Low Effort Garden Tips That Make A Big Difference | Great British Garden Revival | Sprout

Dive into the heart of British gardening with our latest video! Join us as we explore the challenges facing our iconic plants and the disappearing favorites in our gardens. Discover the beauty and benefits of bog gardens, a low-maintenance haven for wildlife thriving in wet conditions.

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#Sprout #gardentips #flower

There’s no doubt that Britain is a nation of very proud gardeners a love of flowers and plants goes back centuries but there’s a problem not everything is Rosy in our Gardens our iconic plants are under attack from foreign Invaders ancient Woodlands are at risk of being lost forever and our favorite flowers

Are disappearing right before our eyes so we need you to help us in our Revival campaign we’ll be inspiring you to dig deep and celebrate the best of British as we reveal the country’s most stunning Gardens and sharing our top gardening tips it’s time to ReDiscover our passion

For plants and breed new life into our Gardens We’ve been told for decades now that we all need to take responsibility for looking after the planet and yet one of the biggest tools we have to ensure a Greener future is often overlooked and it’s right on our DP the back Garden in our manic desire for ever increasingly low maintenance plots we’ve

Chopped down trees we’ve dug up borders and we’ve decked over Lawns when in fact we should be viewing our Gardens as the biggest nature reserves we have in the country on my Revival I’m finding out how simple Wildlife gardening can be the way we’re talking about it sounds like

You’ve got to have all this knowledge and do all these things you don’t by learning how to choose nature over pesticides encouraging beneficial insects in becomes easier than going for the zapper and planting beautiful flowers for our precious pollinators really my favorite Wild Flower these are corn flowers you know that really really

Beautiful bright blue flow that just looks fantastic in a Meadow this is the University of Bristol botanic garden set on four wonderful Acres on the edge of the city it’s buzzing with life with bees and butterflies searching for an actor there’s a symphony of birds and even the pond is teeing with frogs this environment is a shining example of what

I like to call a wildlife Garden a garden with trees shrubs and flowering plants that attract all manner of creatures and creepy crawlies as gardeners we have this instinct to take land to time it and to produce something that’s beautiful and bountiful but we should be doing this in harmony with

Nature over the past 30 years intensive agriculture industry and habitat laws have resulted in a sharp in much of our native Wildlife from butterflies to bees from Blue tits to nudes and it’s time we’ve turned this around starting in our own Gardens if we just make some choices about what we

Plant we can still create plots that are teaming with Wildlife but have Gardens that we’re really proud of to understand just how important our Gardens are to Britain’s Wildlife population I’m visiting the old M nature res Reserve in Yorkshire this was once a baron land owing to the nearby coal

Industry but through regeneration has become a Haven for all kinds of creatures orpb conservationist matchu kapper knows just how important our Gardens are to Great British Wildlife this is an amazing project but how does it relate to my garden back home all of our nation’s Gardens collectively is a bigger land area than

All of our na reserves put together and you reckon you and me can do something about us back home anybody can do something about it absolutely there are simple things that we can do that will make a massive difference here at all M they’ve created a wildlife Garden that demonstrates some

Important factors that we should all consider at home so what are the three main areas that we need to consider when we’re attracting Wild Love they need food they need shelter they need somewhere to live and they need water it doesn’t have to be a big pond ponds are

Nice but we’ve just put a Belfast sink here it sounds really complex doesn’t it the way we’re talking about it sounds like you’ve got to have all this knowledge and do all these things you don’t it only needs to be one thing each household because if you’ve got a nest

Box in your garden and next door’s got a Kon Aster or you know a Hawthorne in theirs and next door’s got a bird table you know all those things collectively that’s a collective habitat and it builds up this Wildlife neighborhood it absolutely absolutely perfectly put amazing one common misconception about creating

A wildlife Garden is that it has to be wild and unkempt but this simply is not the case Ken hi there Dr Ken Thompson is a plant biologist from Sheffield University whose Back Garden encourages Wildlife to thrive whes maintaining a beautiful and tidy appearance I love the garden K

Absolutely love it to many people this would be their ideal Retreat wouldn’t it yeah it’s it’s very nice very very quiet very relaxing so you’ve created a pretty much a full ecosystem here you’ve introduced cover be it in trees shrubs you have open spaces you have shade spaces there probably dry areas and

Every condition really that we like to grow in that’s one of the things that makes Gardens so good for wildlife the fact that they pack all this variety there’s no natural habitat that provides that variety on this small scale but the really crucial thing that you need for

Lots of wildlife in a garden is lots of big Woody plants Hedges shrubs trees the more of those you have the more Wildlife you have Wy plants like these Beach Hedges don’t just provide cover for creatures in a wildlife neighborhood if you look at Gardens if you can kind

Imagine a sort of aerial view of of gardens they they actually don’t exist in isolation and as as far as the wildlife in your garden is concerned as long as they can get from one to the other as long as you have nice permeable boundaries like these Hedges here they

Don’t care along with half the country my fences were blown down this past winter and coming into your garden today I’ve decided what I’m going to do is to grow a Holly and Beach hedge because that’s not going to happen again it’s cheaper it’ll last forever it’ll never blow down

Providing a regular supply of pollen and nectar is a sure far way of attracting pollinators to your garden and that’s exactly what they’re doing here at Bristol University Botanic Gardens for instance this clump of honesty is perfect for attracting nocturnal insects such as Ms and the flowering kale over

Here is packed with nectar which makes it absolutely seductive for bees wild flowers are great for our precious pollinators and I’m good to show you how to create a wonderful patch in your garden what I’m going to do is take a little patch of Garden in an open Sunny

Position and plant some wild flower seeds the first job is to clear the patch of ground of any weeds in particular lookout for perennial weeds with big Roots just dig down maybe a couple of weeks before you sew the seed perennial weeds like Dantel lines and ground Elder are common and can thrive

In your garden year after year if you don’t want them competing with your wild flowers you need to make sure that you remove their Roots completely the soil that we have here is relatively free draining but it is quite Stony now that won’t be an issue for the type of

Gardening that we’re doing wild flowers flourish easily in Stony Earth and by gently tilling the soil with a rake you can create the perfect bed for your seeds I’ve chosen three of my favorite wild flowers for this small patch I’m going to start off with these poached eggplant now they look exactly

As you’d imagine like a poach day yellow in the center and a white Veil all the way around they’re great for attracting hover flies which of course will eat the AIDS that are attacking so many other things in the garden sprinkle your seeds over the rake soil without worrying too much about

Where they land after that really my favorite Wild Flower these are corn flowers you know that really beautiful bright blue flower that just looks fantastic in a meadow in the countryside they’re a little bit in danger so isn’t it lovely to encourage them into our own Gardens and finally

I’ve poppy seeds here now those produce these long hairy stems and on top of them will be these beacons of red and to spread them evenly can be a bit tricky so just be a little bit careful and right the way around the patch let them fall into the

Ground although poppies only flour for a short period they produce a huge amount of edible pollen which is a favorite of both bumblebees and honeybees and if you fancy a bit of potluck there’s another way to achieve a fantastic wild flow patch if you want you can just get Wild

Flour mixes and you never know what you’ll find in here there could be some orchids Red Campion all sorts and the excitement of waiting to see what shows up under the ground is great you can sew Wild Flower Seeds really at any time of the year except in deepest winter in a

Matter of six or eight weeks these will be jumping out of the ground and creating a wonderful and colorful display both for us and for the Wildlife Creating habitats to attract Wildlife is essential for promoting a balanced ecosystem which in turn will make for healthy plants in your garden without the need for pesticides and chemical fertilizers this is exactly what Malcolm Mard has achieved here in one of the UK’s only chemical-free Community Wildlife allotments now what really strikes Mark

Is that all of this gardening is done organically everybody has signed up to the notion of working with nature that’s right it’s very difficult in an alotment what’s happened is as the wildlife has come in people are seeing the work being done for them so for example a girl

Tracy over there had a terrible trouble with blackfly on her broad beans but within about an hour she had an invasion of ladybirds from the insect homes close by and wiped the whole lot out I would say now if you rely on encouraging beneficial insects in they do the work

For you so it becomes easier than going for the the zapper each of the 68 allotments here in shopshire are producing all manner of fruit and vegetables organically and although Harvest is a little way off yet I can already see crops peeking through the Earth this is all made possible by

Specially designed habitats that surround the plots which has a diverse array of crop friendly creatures and Malcolm is going to show me how it works uh one side of the pathw you have the typical allotment but everywhere else you look there are little us what are this pile of old paving stones yes

That’s pile of broken paving stones from when someone had a new patio made at home and we’ve made a little dry stone wall and that attracts beetles why are beetles important they are prey insects and they’ll be after some of the bugs that will be spoiling our vegetables and

Fruit it’s great fun apart from anything else all of these man-made habitats are set among some very well-considered planting so this area is the Winter Garden yes uh and what does that mean this area has got plants in it that predominantly look good in the winter

But we make sure it looks good all year round so we have things like the helbor and the cars which will be flouring in the winter and the motus and yeah and colored stems of the dog woods and Willows right it’s very nice isn’t it see that’s got insects on it little

Flies by encouraging predatory and pollinating insects to the site all year round Malcolm and his fellow gardeners are working in harmony with Nature the other amazing thing is all the bird hands yes we bring in them by having nest boxes and natural Hedges ornamental trees around the site that will bring the birds in so there’s somewhere for them to Nest someone for there to shelter and and food right throughout

The year and behind us there we’ve got a Turf spiral with its a texture totem pole in the middle one of the main purposes of that is it brings vs in and they come out and they eat slugs this balanced ecosystem doesn’t just unite Wildlife it also created a close-knit

Community of all ages that Embrace organic gardening with a passion and they love to get together to taste their chemical-free bounty on the Fel yeah which has a great licorice scent and what’s this marom marom yeah so these are all wonderful for wildlife Gardens because I suppose they’ll all produce flowers they all

Produce flowers and which brings in the bees and the butterflies and hold blind and do you think what you’re doing here should be a beacon to the Gardeners of the rest of the country whether it’s on allotments or in their own back Gardens I think we’re trying to encourage the

Youngsters on the allotment we’ve got quite a few young families so if we can sort of encourage them show them and let them see and understand what we’re doing hopefully they will be the Gardeners of Tomorrow these guys are true champions of my Revival W that’s delicious just

Imagine if we all took a leaf out of their book and started gardening in harmony with nature we could restore Wildlife populations to our green and pleasant land and enjoy some healthy and delicious food pretty cool coming to this alotment and meeting people with a passion for gardening along with nature has been

Absolutely Inspiring To achieve a balance in your Garden’s ecology you really do need to invite the whole food genen here at the University of Bristol Botanic Gardens there are some ingenious methods of enticing all manner of Wildlife and I’m going to show you some simple ideas that will work a treat in your

Garden as Homemakers housekeepers and gardeners we’ve kind of evolved into a species that EXP expects things to be neat and tidy inside and out it’s not the way it is with nature and it’s not the way it should be having an area of the garden like this just a few pieces

Of rotting decomposing wood is very important for a healthy ecosystem if you don’t have room for a pile of logs just avoid sweeping up Dead Leaves as they will also be decomposed by your creepy cwes and they in turn will become food for another important Garden inhabitant that you can fite with

The right plants trees shrubs and hedges provide great nesting opportunities for birds take this Holly behind me it’s perfect it’s Evergreens so there’s cover all year round later in the year there’s berries for food and with those prickly leaves there’s protection from predators birds like all sorts of different plants

Sunflowers look great and their seeds are a real Aven treat or why not plant a delightfully scented honeysuckle you Hedges work really well providing shelter and nesting opportunities and a crab apple tree is sure to attract Robins with a fruit crop that can last throughout the winter if you don’t have

Room for Big Trees in your garden but you still want to encourage Birds to Nest well give them a little bit of a helping hand how about this this cute little nesting box this one has a large opening which makes it perfect for species such as robins and Rens and

Think about those birds is that you don’t have to put the house on a wall too high they like to be just above eye level I’m putting this behind an evergreen shrub an Elli Agnes but it’s not only birds that need a helping hand how about this bat roosting box this simly is perfect for them they enter up this way and if you put it high up in a tree they could be adding to the biodiversity in your garden to help these endangered winged

Mammals incorporate night cented plants into your garden such as evening primrose that will attract Ms a favorite delicacy of the bat recent years have shown that our bee population is in shocking decline bees are integral to our ecosystem and their disappearance would result in loss of a

Huge range of plant life that rely on them for pollination we can all help to turn this around by planting pollen and Nector Rich flowers to bring back the bee to Britain hi jez I’ve come to South Yorkshire to meet jez Dy who after 20

Years in it has quit the rout race to become a champion of the honeybee we hear stories all the time that they’re in Decline what’s your take on that bees need certain good sorts of flowers and nectar and pollen and I think the more we can do to help bees

That way that’s the way forward just spend a few pounds on a packet of seeds everyone can make a difference that way and do you do anything like that do you sew seeds or back in my truck we’ve got a big bag of uh four 5 kilos of B seed

And we scatter it everywhere literally without telling anyone without tell anybody jez is a true Gilla Gardener and although I’m a bit wary of be thingss I feel compelled to lend a hand in moving a hive how many times he gets stung a day uh myself 20 to 30 times I’m not happy

So what we’re going to do is close the entrance on here jez moves his bees to various locations so they can gather nectar and pollen from different species of flowers and there’s a very good reason for this one of the ideas was to create bespoke Honeys the idea of creating a honey from

A specific plant so we take the bees to the Heather Moses produces a Heather crop we take the bees to the borage plants in North linshire produces a Bor honey every single Hive will have a distinct and unique honey different flavor flavor but before I get to taste this

Bespoke honey there’s still work to be done this is a new block of fluts or a new Factory this is a new Factory okay we’re upgrading that’s what we’re doing right pair gloves oh they’re not even real gloves not even real Gloves did you go on any beekeeping courses that’s why you get

Stung this smoking device subdues the bees so I’m hanging on to it for the scary bit should we take our roof off okay if I lift this Corner up yeah you can gently smoke inside bit more than that over over the frames themselves just to push the bead down a little bit that’s

Perfect so gently we going to lift the frames out one by one W it’s amazing to see isn’t it this can you see the honey here yeah all this is honey look at that that’s fantastic nectar nectar to become honey and you’ve got you got a little the dandelion pollen here yeah it’s

Incredible the most important part part of the relocation is to find the queen bee and clip her wings before transferring to the new Hive this will discourage the queen from leaving her new home and keep jez’s honey flowing are they going to get annoyed knowing

That you have the queen no they won’t be aware of that difference at the moment in about 10 minutes time yeah they’re going to know that she’s missing okay apparently it’s my turn to get sticky hands but I’m not sure that I’m particularly keen and then you’re going

To place it into the the gaps and the hive itself well no sudden movements now I reckon out of that 10 minutes you got about 2 minutes left until these guys realize something has happened so are you going to brace yourself for this yeah okay you want to

Stand back a little bit yeah I mean what’s a little bit I think the best thing to do is tell me when it’s over after my heroic attempts at beekeeping it’s time to take some of this bespoke honey to the people of Chef field what we’re doing here is trying to

Create an awareness of the different flavors of honey that are available just in this city by doing some honey tasting and then if people like what they taste we’re trying to encourage them to grow some of the plants that will result in these distinctive flavors I’ve brought along three

Different types of Honey produced from flowers that any of us can grow in our Gardens one where the bees have fed from Heather one apple blossom and one barage definitely mild definitely M what do you think of that flavor yeah where do you think honey gets this flavor flowers The Beekeeper is growing

This plant called comfrey and that’s what’s given this its flavor Heather Heather isn’t that amazing that shows you how how ring fingered I am doesn’t it do you like it it’s that’s nice very soft feels as though it’s it’s just so good for you really

The honey is a hit and I’m hoping that the people of Sheffield would support their local bees and plant some nectar Rich flowers all take a packet of seeds and if you saw them in your garden or anywhere in no time at all you’ll have the bees come into your in the sunshine

Then will it go in nice open Sunny area unless we have Wildlife we won’t be able to produce Honeys like this this japon allotments got a couple of hives he has hives on the allotment yeah fantastic if he wants an expert B now I’m not one for

Bosing or anything like that but I’m pretty good okay thank you thank you very much bye good morning shoers please join the wildlife Garden Revival by planting wonderful pollinating plants in your garden which will give provide a great resource for all the bees and other insects in our back Gardens so that we

Can produce wonderful Honey food and shelter are critical for wildlife but nothing can exist without water this large pool is teaming with Wildlife such as Pond SCS water beetles NES and tadpoles but if you don’t have the space already inclination to dig a pool but just a thing for you I’m going

To show you how to make your very own mini water feature for your garden we start off with a container I’m using a simple plastic container so no need to seal up any holes I’m going to add a whole system of plants here that will keep the water fresh without the

Need for any pumps or Plumbing or electricity so it’s It’s Magic in a barrel by using upturn clay pots you can create different levels on which you can place your plants the first one a star wart very interesting Arrangement star-like arrangement of foliage and what this will do is it’s an oxygenator

So that’s going to add oxygen to the water and the foliage will float to the surface once in position it’s time to add the next level and our big structural planting is this wonderful equisetum look a little bit like rushes or bamboo and also host lots of different insects dragonflies leer lava

Here and those little insects eventually creep all the way to the top of these stems in front of that I’m going to it’s not exactly planting I’m going to place one of these caraxes now as you see all these plants seem to be in pots but they’re in little baskets with holds

Right the way around the base and all along the side to allow for the exchange of water and the gas that would build up next I add some rugs building up to surface level this creates a nice landing spot for my winged baders our main plant is going to be one of the

Stars of the show this is a water lily and again it’s coming in a basket those leaves which are at the moment lying roer limply have a beautiful kind of Ruby color and that once I place it into the deepest area of the pot those lily pads upon the addition of water will

Float to the surface water lies like this will not only offer a hiding place for creatures that live under the water they also provide a perfect landing pad for dragon flies the best type of water to use isn’t from your TAP collect it when it rains in buckets or from the

Water butt at the end of the drain pipes it’s important to add oxygenating plants to keep your water fresh this one is called horn worth that’s a funny way we have of planting this I’m just going to tie a little Stone to it to weigh it

Down it takes all its nutrients from the water and produces lots of oxygen to keep that water fresh when you plant up this or any garden pond initially you might find that some algae takes over the water goes a bit greenish it takes a while for the ecosystem to develop and all the

Workings of these plants to kick in the only thing to do now is to sit back and enjoy it and in no time at all it will become a habitat a home to all sorts of pond Love one common misconception is that to create a wildlife Garden you need lots of space but ke Reynolds inner city Manchester flat is proof that that’s simply not true this is my balcony as you can see I’ve used lots and lots of galvanized metal buckets because

These are the building blocks of the the wildlife Garden balcony the buckets are really cheap to get um I just drilled holes in them and then filled them with Pete free compost and plants which are are fantastic for wildlife when I look out and see around

Me in the inner city of Manchester all these blank sterile balconies I think it’s a crying shame because people could be making them really green they could be attracting lots of bees and butterflies with the right plants they’re missing out on an opportunity to actually sit out in their own balcony

And have their own little piece of nature right on their doorstep Keith has employed some very inventive techniques to attract Wildlife what we have here is my Dustbin lid Meadow so what we’ve got now is white Campion which is great for bees but also for moths at night because

It has a night scented um flower here I’ve got a bucket Pond which as you can see is essentially a bucket that’s been filled with water and I’ve planted water Bol as well as yellow flag Iris he’s even started a Blog to give advice to other Inner City wildlife

Enthusiasts I started the blog for my Wildlife Garden balcony approximately four years or so ago contain lots of details about what plants to choose what containers to use how to set up the right conditions that your plants don’t die to inspiring people to say if I can do it they can do It I’ve been able to sit back and relax and enjoy the wildlife in your own garden it’s such a real trait but our birds bees and butterflies are under real threat we can make a difference though if we provide some food water and shelter for them now no matter how big

Our outdoor space your Wildlife will be all the Richer for that across the series our Revival team are traveling the length and breadth of Britain celebrating our Gardens you couldn’t draw as a landscape artist a more perfect picture flowers perfume oh it’s Sensational and plants this plant

Is perfect that’s going to get off to a great start next AUST to make campaigns to revive the Peny ask anyone what their favorite flower is and you’ll probably get Rose daffodil or maybe even Sweet Pea but there’s one flower that doesn’t appear very high on anyone’s list it’s a really gorgeous flower that I feel has been somewhat neglected and overlooked by the British Gardener and that flower is the

P considered difficult to grow and with a short flowering period we’re simply not planting as many of them in our Gardens but if we don’t there’s a chance that we might lose some of our more beautiful varieties that’s why I want to make it the star of the Border

Again on my Revival campaign I’ll see just how versatile these stunning plants are no one can say that there’s not a peane for them I totally agree I take to the streets to ignite people’s passion for peanes what would be most romantic getting peers from Sir or roses and I’ll

Show you my top tips on how to establish pees in your own garden just be patient I promise you it’s well worth the Wait This is the enchanting K Gate Court Gardens in gler the 7 acre Garden is on the edge of the cotsworld escarment and has stunning views as far as the eye can See in early summer the borders are a blaze of color and it’s the pies that steal the show some people people think pies are oldfashioned and uncool but I’ve always thought they’re rather glamorous and romantic there’s nothing understated about the flowers and no matter what border they’re in they’ll always draw your

Attention whenever I see pies I get transported back to when I was a child I’ve got lots of very happy fond memories of helping my granddad who was a gardener in the garden and I would be drawn to the pnas because they were so colorful and full on and probably much

To his irritation I would go and collect the petals even if they were still on the flower and then distribute them round the lawn but they are beautiful and it takes me right back there every time I see them to try and understand the decline

Of the piy I’ve come to the West country the flowers spiritual home in Britain now I think one of my biggest problems with the campaign is that people don’t actually recognize pies when they see them would you know what those flowers are no no no would you know what these

Flowers are I have no idea what they are coronations chamelia they smell lovely though no eating them darling my wife will kill me if she sees this she’s a florist [Laughter] oh it seems the poor Pian is suffering a bit of an identity crisis yet it’s here in summer where the flower was

Historically grown kellway is one of the UK’s oldest plant nurseries established in 1851 and named after its piy loving owners they helped spread the popularity of Pies as far as America and turned them into a bit of an Edwardian Obsession but as the craze for labor intensive herbaceous borders diminished

In the mid 1900s the piy gradually fell out of favor across the country I’m not the only one that thinks that peers have got a bit of a raw deal and we’ve neglected them slightly in the garden Mr kellway wrote in his garden piy book it seems to me surprising as

Well as unfortunate that the piy one of the loveliest of all flowers and available to all is not as widely known to the general public in Britain but current owner Dave root is determined to to safeguard these historic peanes for the future using the nursery’s original handwritten catalog

Dave is attempting to identify all the PE varieties from The Collection so that he can replant them and preserve them for the future I’m here to help relocate one of these original piis we’ve got our what we call our piy Bible here which is our our big stop list made by James cway

Back in the well 1930s of all the panings they’ve got in the collection occasion the plant still comes up and flowers which is actually not what it’s supposed to be I’m pretty convinced this is one called bridal veil which I thought had actually been lost in our collection so I’m really pleased that

We’ve uh We’ve discovered it again Dave needs to dig up the py so it can be moved to a different area where he’s growing the new collection there it can be labeled and cataloged so when would you say the real big hay day of pise was I think the hey

Day was at the the end of the 19th century when which was the days of the great Victorian plant collectors and the big Estates and the big Gardens and uh in those in those sort of times um everyone had a the grand double herocious border and and panss were an

Integral part of that and it was said that the uh panss were like the Victorian ladies of the day with uh both thin necks and big hats oh okay yeah I can see that so why did they go into decline then yeah it all changed about

The time of the first world war because um the labor the gardeners all went off to war and a lot of the big houses had the gardens uh turned into vegetable plots course and houses themselves are turned into hospitals so gardening and and things like penis ceased to be an

Important thing postwar the lack of Manpower saw British Growers struggling and American and Dutch breeders took over we stopped exporting panies and started to import what makes kway special is the peers um they’ve been here since the 1850s and we want them to be here for

You know forever more really if we can and the great thing with pan is that you’ll get more and more flowers every single year and you see them getting bigger and bigger I mean there are plants that need a little bit of time to establish in the garden which which does

Put some people off but once they’re in they’re there forever and to hopefully preserve the rediscovered bridal veil forever it’s being relocated to the new collection in a more condensed area of the nursery we we started planting this back in the Autumn of last year and we’ve got

150 varieties in here already but my dream Charlie is to have a thousand in here a thousand fantastic how amazing would that be the only important thing when planting appear in it is that you don’t plant it too deeply you can see those little growth buds which are the

Buds for next year mhm they want to be no more than about 5 cm below the saw surface um any deeper than that and you get loads of lovely leaves but you’ll never get flowers and it also gives rise to the myth that if you move a p and it

Won’t flow if that were true then we wouldn’t be able to propagate these these plants at all or sell them and it’s just because someone’s planted it too deep all it is it’s just all down to that planting depth and get that right and you’ll never have a problem with

Moving your pianis or making them flow and you’ll be labeling this one so that well indeed it would be proudly labeled bridal veil and uh and it’s not lost it’s not lost it’s back in the collection we’ll log it on the database and next year I’ll come back and inspect

The flowers again why do you think it’s so important to have a collection like this it’s just all part of of the world’s richness of Flor and fora isn’t it some of these plants exist nowhere else in the world but in this little field in the corner of Somerset and I

Think that’s really really special so what do you think of my campaign to get people to put a peer in their Garden I would love you to get more people to go PS I think they’re one of the best and most rewarding of all garden plants

Everyone’s got to have a paner as far as I’m concerned in the garden I’m off for that or even a thousand varieties like me with enthusiasts like Dave flying the flag for peanes it can only help my campaign to get everyone growing them in their Gardens panies fall into three different

Categories all with different characteristics but perfect in any Garden habous Pi are the ones that most people recognize they die right back down in the winter time and in the spring there’s the flowers you can get simple single ones right the way through to full on double in a vast array of colors and that’s why they often feature

As a cup flower in bouquet tree pies flower much earlier than the the habous pies late spring early summer in actual fact it’s a large shrub getting up to about 3 m by 3 m and although they have flowers They’re not quite as fullon as the herbaceous ones but they do have

These fantastic seed pods afterwards that look like CT Jester hats the third group of panies came about when a plant breeder in Japan crossed a tree piy with a herbaceous piie to give us what are called the intersectional peonies they’ve got the structure of the tree peie and the lovely foliage but they’ve

Also got the full-on Glamorous flowers of the habous Panies here at Kip Gate Court in the cotswalds pies have been a feature plant since the first one was introduced into the garden in the 1930s a legacy that has been passed down through three generations of women gardeners I’m meeting Anne Chambers who is carrying on her grandmother and mother’s passion for

Peers and how did the gardens develop here well my grandmother my grandparents bought the house in the 19 1918 after the first world war and there wasn’t really a garden at all here Anne’s grandmother Heather mure had no Horticultural training but nonetheless set to creating the garden she decided

That she was going to lay out this top garden to begin with and then set to on the very steep banks in the 1930s and and from there your mother took over yes my mom moved in in the 1950s and you’ve kept it going well we moved here yes 30

Years ago and luckily for us my mother was still going strong so she taught us a lot it looks amazing and have you always been pey enthusiasts well yes we love peonies they’re very special and Anne has three special peonies to show me planted by the three

Generations the first was put in by her grandmother and had a long journey to get here W this is a climb I have to say this is a tree piy that uh my grandmother um brought back from China back in the 1930s so did she go out

There no no in those days it came back by boat so it took six months oh I always think it looks rather insitu here it could be in on a hillside in the Himalayas or China with this sort of wooded area definitely well it’s obviously finished flowering

Now yes absolutely it flowered in May it has wonderful big those enormous sorcer shaped pink flowers um which are spectacular even when the flowers over they’re still pretty so how old is that then nearly 90 years old definitely worth the investment quite absolutely well here we’ve got um the

Lovely uh piy Bowl of beauty one of the most popular ones really isn’t it absolutely yes I think most people do know it beautiful pink guard petals and then the Fantastic Center the they’re known as Japanese pies aren’t they or imperial absolutely you’ve got a real month or six weeks probably of flowering

Which is is very good for a piie yeah and I mean so spectacular is this you that put this in or no this was my mother so this one’s been here yes probably since the 1960s so an you grew up here as a child do you remember the

Peise as a child you just take everything for granted but I do remember that um at this time of year the roses and the Pioneers were very much a feature um and um as a result yes we’ve planted lots of other new varieties as well and one of those varieties and

Planted 6 years ago but this year is its first flower it’s called Yan van Len I don’t know if my pronunciation is right and I’d sort of forgotten about it and then suddenly this year um this beautiful white flower gorgeous it’s another Japanese single penny yes and a good

Leaf as well don’t you think really nice it’s a real strong green which contrasts fantastically with the with the white of the flower I’m thrilled worth waiting for so an do you think I’m doing the right thing encouraging people to put peonies in their Garden I do because and

Really they’re very little bother um they don’t get diseases they disappear in the winter they’re totally Cy I think they’re a tremendous family really and there are so many different varieties peers will reward you with a lifetime of flowers so it’s worth investing in a plant to try and get the

Public excited I’m setting up popup PES here in Bristol with my stool set I call upon resident florist Lucy Manning to gain some insight into people’s buying habits and to create create some beautiful piy bouquet particularly love these ones they are gorgeous aren’t they together they look beautiful are they

Popular they’re kind of popular I mean actually when I buy them they look like this people just tend to kind of confuse them with other things puppies and Roses clamas maybe double clamat and sometimes even da is actually someone we thought on was before yeah so ly what do you

Like about pies um I think I think what I really like kids just watching them grow really when you put them in a bars and they’re in Bud like this and then you wake up in the morning and they’ve just opened and yeah and they just smell

So good I have to say in the garden panies have gone slightly out of fashion yeah are they like that in the floral arrangement floral wise I think with weddings they’re they’re kind of they are quite a fashionable flower now I’m doing a lot of weddings that are kind of

Coraly peach tones that’s that would be perfect yeah exactly so I’m always recommending these only this time of year though and pricewise in comparison to roses now they’re in season they’re a good price come August if a bride wants them she might spend probably triple

What she spend in around May and go on I bet these all come in from abroad don’t they they do that’s the sad thing most of the flowers I do get are um locally sourced but with penies it’s virtually impossible that’s why I want to get everybody growing panies in the garden yeah I’m going to use Lucy’s beautiful bouquet to grab people’s attention then hopefully convince them to buy a plant of their Own hello there hi it will cost about the same as a bouquet but you will reap the rewards and it will flower year after year what would be most romantic getting peanes from Sir or roses I want the red one you want the red one yeah would you buy bouquet of

Flowers I would they’re absolutely Beautiful I really want people to grow them so I prefer you to buy a plant okay do you grow panies at home yes I do and I got two and it was my grandfather so he’s been going for 50 years they’re not as good as those but they’re not looking

Too bad white one is really beautiful yeah I spr that in my garden for you uhhuh thank you very much it’s thank You well it’s getting to the end of the day the Market’s closing down I managed to get rid of half the peise I’m really pleased with the Positive reaction my plants got I think I’ve definitely helped raise the profile of this incredible flower PES are not only beautiful plants

But they’re one of the most robust as well as the general generations of plants here at kissgate court have proven I’m going to show you how simple it is to manage penies at home tree pienes require very little in the way of Maintenance but what you may

Want to do is contain its size this one here’s got way too tall and it’s hanging over the path I’m going to take this one out to reduce the height and also the width always prune to a nice strong Chute or bud that’s outward facing nice clean cut there the other

Thing to remove is crossing stems that way you keep the shrub nice and open and it lets air circulate through so you can see this stem here is crossing right the way through the other upward stems again always prune to a nice strong shoot I’m doing this just after it’s

Finished flowering which is fine but if you’re doing major retraining then you’re best to wait until the Autumn when the plant’s gone dormant and most of the leaves have dropped off now this growth that’s been taken back here will cause the side buds that are dormant at the moment to shoot next

Spring and of course it’s going to be covered in fabulous flowers in April May unlike tree penies which happily grow without any additional support some habous varieties may need a helping hand by staking now personally I would choose ones that don’t something like pillow talk that has lovely strong stems but if

You want to go for something like Sarah burnhard for cutting then you will need to stake it you could quite happily just use canes and Twine but I like to use these herbaceous supports so all it consists of is a Circle that’s been divided up with supports and then you

Got three or four legs that hang off it which you must make sure you get in position above the plant before it starts growing push it down into the ground and as the foliage grows up you can raise up the ring with it as you can

See from this piy here you really don’t notice the support at all and all you’re seeing is the lovely flowers someone who shares my love for panes is Claire Austin she’s been growing them in her nursery garden on the Welsh borders since the 1980s and now has around 200

Varieties now I know you’ve got a passion for pies but where did that come from then it was really due to my father who was uh he was breeding roses but he didn’t think they were going to hit the big time so in the early 80s he bought a

Large collection of piis and irises and other perennials and then the Roses went wow and he wasn’t going to grow pianis anymore so I took them over and you can’t resist a peie when it’s in flour and they are just so beautiful they add the wow to the border and they’re very

Easy to Grow through 30 years of growing panies CLA has built a collection of reliable and easy to maintain varieties and it’s the modern intersectional peers that stand out so the intersectionals then crosses between tree penies and herbaceous pianis and they make lovely round sturdy plants now this plant is

Actually only um a couple of years old and the flowers will get bigger like all penis as as they age this one’s called bartzella gets no disease and in the Autumn it just falls off very neatly so you don’t have to cut it back so there’s no faffing around cutting it back self

Supporting so would you recommend intersectionals for the average person oh absolutely yes and they may be a bit expensive at the moment but they are going to get cheaper and they come in such a lovely range of colors and why do you think they’re so expensive is it just because demand outstrip Supply

They’re very new in pey terms a lot of peonies that might be cheaper May well have been roduced in the 1900s this was only from the 1980s 1990s okay so that’s taking a lot of time Pro them on are they not doing tissue culture with them they’re starting to there are certain

Ones that and they’re going to be cheaper much cheaper and it’s lovely and compact isn’t it and not only that they’re really easy to grow just plant them and leave them that’s what we like exactly like one common complaint is the short flowering season usually less than 3

Weeks but CLA thinks the intersectional peanes are key to overcoming this so I suppose by having two or three of these different intersectional pees in the garden you’re going to get quite a lot longer flowering periods that’s right they they’ll come in different heights as well this one is particularly

Compact by growing intersectionals alongside herbaceous and tree pies CLA ensures she further extends the flowering period and has Blooms from April through to June so what would you recommend then in a herbaceous line well I think something like this Japanese piie which is called cream puff it’s self-supporting so no steaking once it’s

In that’s it that’s right it flowers for a good 10 days two weeks even two and a half weeks each flower who’s this this is crackles hello crackles do you like the PES do they smell nice I think they’ve been eating yeah cla’s collection is a fantastic array of

Color shape and height with a long flowering period to boot I can see why you’ve ended up with a field absolutely there are so many and they all flour at different times no one can say that there’s not a peane for them I totally Agree What I love about this border at KF Gate Court Gardens is the lovely palette of color from the dark blue of the Pea flowered baptisia the soft pink of the ballerina Rose and the dark purple of the arantia but what still steals the show the

Pee and for a show no stopping piy of your own here’s how to plant a tree piy in your Garden tree pies are extremely Hardy and not very demanding ideally they’d like to be in partial shade but they will put up with full shade as well and do okay what you must remember is they’re going to get large so you make sure you give them the

Space because they’re going to be there for a very long time as with all plants make sure you dig the hole big enough to get the hole of the root ball easily into the hole so I’m just going to pop some bone meal at the bottom of the hole which is

Really good for getting the roots established and the plant established and giving it a good boost now now I’ve had this standing in water so that the root bow is nicely soaked and it’s a case of gently tapping it out of the pot and there you can see

We’ve got some really lovely young fibrous Roots just want to make sure that you plant it slightly deeper than soil level that way it’ll give it more stability and then just pop the soil back in with all varieties of piy if you buy them container eyes like this one

They’re happy to be planted at any time of the year now tree peries are hungry plants and they really will benefit from a top dressing of fertilizer in the Autumn which will help initiate lots more lovely flowers in the spring so firm it in and of course give

It a good water soak it well that way the roots will start to grow down downwards rather than come up to the surface and you must keep on top of the watering for the next year or so and don’t worry if you don’t get flowers in the first year you just got

To be patient but I promise you it’s well worth the Wait it’s not just in gardens and vases where piis Stand Out floral artist Rebecca Louise law regularly uses them in her art installations of floral 3D sculptures and wall hangings I start all of my installations with flowers being fresh and I allow them to dry her most recent work is a private installation

For a kitchen wall within my artwork I love penies because they dry incredibly and they hold their colors the technique I use is is hanging the flowers within a space where it has enough air to be able to stop the decaying process I get really excited when it’s

This season and I can use peonies and dry them panies should definitely be revived and people should really start to see the qualities in them especially in the garden panies are the best I couldn’t agree more For me no other plant gives such a showstopping performance as the py you can have flowers from Spring right into summer and they’re glorious and once they’re in you’re going to have flowers year after year after year go on Splash out and put one in your garden or maybe even two That


  1. Yeah I'd like watching your show and I love panties that's one of my favorite I'd have 30 gardens memorial Park in New Kensington PA and I put in a lot of peonies in there most of the day a lot of the Ito peonies I just love those they are so pretty and stronger than the regular ones and they just they're just huge flowers on them so they're so beautiful but I have all kinds of plants out there all the people like to walk around and see all the plants and have been doing 1820 years now so thank you for your show I love learning more from everybody okay

  2. Tree peonies can take 10-15 years to reach full size whereas herbaceous ones only take 1-2 and live over 100 years.
    That 6 yr. one didn't sound good either.
    Peonies sell out all the time here and I bet I could sell them in your country very easily because they sell themselves. 😊

  3. Where I live we are not allowed to put out bird seed or suet. Can only put out hummingbird feeder. What else can I do for birds. I live in Victoria, bc Canada.

  4. Charlie love your enthusiasm!! I have at least ten peonies in my Illinois USA garden with the intent to add more.

  5. My grandmother's favorite flower, by far, was the peony.

    She was born in 1910. Gone now, of course; forever w me.

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