Garden Plans

Building my TINY House UK small City Garden Project

the key to cozy living in our latest video: ‘Building my TINY House UK small City Garden Project – Insulating Walls.’ Join us as we explore the essential step of insulating the walls of your tiny house to ensure year-round comfort and energy efficiency. In this informative guide tailored to urban living, we’ll discuss various insulation materials and techniques suitable for small city garden projects in the UK. From traditional options like fiberglass to eco-friendly alternatives like recycled denim insulation, we’ll cover the pros and cons of each, providing expert insights to help you make an informed decision. Whether you’re facing chilly winters or bustling city noise, proper wall insulation is crucial for creating a peaceful and comfortable living space. Tune in to learn how to insulate your tiny house walls effectively and transform your urban garden into a cozy retreat
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#homeextension #UKHomeoffice #tinyhome

Planning your own extension see free resources in my supporting blog article:
In my article, I answer questions like What am I building in my small UK City Garden Define your Idea and sketch a plan – Small Home Office From Idea to Plan – Finding an Architect From Plan to Building – Finding a Builder – Small Home Office Questions to ask your builder – Small Home Office Do I need to make a contract with my builder? Watch my entire Small Home Extension build video playlist UK Home extension Frequently Asked Questions –


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Thank you for joining me in this episode of the tiny home studio extension build it’s going to be interesting in this episode we are going to be showing you more of the wall being built now this is past the stage that the inspector’s being and improved it is 9 10 and 11 so

It’s a couple of days worth of basically building the walls up so they are quite long large walls and we ended up using all three pallets of the orange bricks that we had as well as needing more bricks in this episode I’m going to explain overall the process that we went

Through how long this can take why it takes so long as well as the little details that would be interesting if you building your own small extension so if you recall back to some of my early episodes I explained the delivery came and these bricks more or less cost

Something in the region of £ 98 910 now these bricks are getting more expensive so it normally depends what you’re using you’ll see one Pet’s more or less finished and there’s two pallets left and these tend to to be something that a lot of people decide are they

Going to have blocks or are they going to have bricks when you go through the planning application and your architect draws up the plans they normally say uh much existing building so that means you have external brick wall and internal block wall you can if you want to go for

Blocks on both in and external and then have it rendered that’s an option but this as supp looks nicer as an extension and it depends on your budget and how much money you end up spending the bricks are basically double the cost of blocks kind of more or less uh and they

Need a little bit more work and skill to be able to get them put down correctly so you’ll see the process here is the mix of mortar and cement is being mixed in the mixer in the middle and that is being laid down in straight lines and

Then the brick is being placed upon those and there’s like a little bit of a string there just to make sure they level what tends to happen is um he will build up Each corner uh like a pyramid shape and then have the wall and do like

Three or five layers of bricks at a time and then move around to the other side and in the back because the garden in the neighbors uh is a bit higher there’s more soil there so they’re using engineering bricks in the back and you’ll see here this will be lowered the

The walkway which will be alongside here where the the Brick is doing the stuff now overall we’re kind of at a stage now where this took a lot longer than I thought Al thought that we’ll have like the extension um more or less done after the inspection of the damp proof so if

You remember the last episode we looked at building up the the wall on top of the dam proof layer and the episode before that we looked at the uh foundations like laying the cement so those were like time consuming processes because you’re basically digging out a

Big hole and then filling that hole up again and that takes more or less about 2 weeks we spent on it which was the trenches for the the dam proof walls around and then the center foam and the insulation and cementing that so the wall now you’ll see there’s about six

Layers at a time he’s getting through my time lapses on the video I normally do a full day’s time lapse I have a battery Bank plugged into my uh action camera which takes like a still it takes the image every second and then it combines all those of those so you’re looking at

Like 30 images which make up one one second yeah so it’s 30 images per second and those are that’s what you’re seeing here so it basically takes a good seven it takes like 3 hours in the morning and he does a couple of layers two or three layers remember he’s

Mixing the mot putting the mot down bringing the bricks he’s got a helper with them so he’s doing all that and the walls are kind of coming up to a point now where they’re solid they’re firm and then the next day it does a bit more so

I’m wondering if the speed of a bricky determines how much they do or the quality or I don’t know you can probably let me know in the comments and also thank you to everybody else who has commented over the process of this application this series I’m going to

Call it now so you remember remember we on probably episode 10 now this is like 8 to 10 videos I’ve made I’m trying to keep each of these separate so at least someone else going through this process can use this as a bit of a diary

Understand how long it takes and have a bit of expectations cuz having this as a real life situation you’re seeing videos as they come out a couple of days after I’ve recorded them so for example this uh video would have been from the 28th of January and I’m currently editing it

And uploading it on the 31st of January so like at least four or five days between each one going on but is basically the same week you’re getting two or three videos of what’s going on at the moment and so you’re always getting a real life scenario of this and

How many days it’s taking so you’ll notice this is three days worth of work by the end of this video you’ll see roughly how far they were able to go up with the wall and remember this is the outer layer cuz we’ve got two layers to

Go the outer layer is a brick layer we have insulation in the middle which will probably another little bit of time which putting insulation between the walls as they build up the inlet layer and the inner layer you’ll see the guy in the light gray uh jumper he’s doing

The inner layer now so the out layer is being done by the bricket inner layers being laid which are thermal light blocks those are like wider twoot wide blocks they’re lighter than the ones we use for the dam cor and they’re meant to be better for insulation and we’re going

To have a cellex type insulation coreboard between the walls so you have a air gap as well and that’s normally stipulated in The Architects plans of what they want you to do again thank you to everybody else who’s been commenting um if your comment helps uh bring attention to something I should be

Considering your comment will be shown if it’s uh just YouTube uh T Builders watching other videos about building and regurgitating that on other videos and yet if it doesn’t make sense then I’m not going to include the comment I’ve had a few comments of you’re doing this

Wrong you’re doing that wrong H the builders are going based on the plans so having looked at the plans they are stipulated based on what area you live in so not always does something apply that you have done to another building that’s being taken place for example in

Our dam proof course we had a membrane plastic membrane well no let’s start from the bottom so is a solid ground the dug down to solid grind this is the flow insulation um oh here we go we got inspector the most inspector the most important inspector coming I’ll come

Back to the story I was telling you in a minute by the comments so yeah this is another day now so in the morning normally walking Max he’ll have a little look around and inspect everything this is after day one his s father were able

To get up to the wall and you’ll see there’s like what seven or eight layers worth of bricks there all the nearly all the way around the back bit hasn’t made none yet um and then the in a one layer of U thermalite blocks and then they’ve

Got the little tags there which they tie the inner wall to the outer wall and insulation goes in the middle anyway back to the story so yeah if you’re insulating the ground of the extension what happens is you have you dig to a certain ground level which is Hardcore

Then you put a couple of Mill of sand about 5 to 10 m sand just like a base layer you put a plastic sheet down then you put a form big core there’s probably better words that you use but it’s basically insulation core form cutex and

Then they cement on top of that that’s what our architect said based on the area we live in however if you go up the road darish or other areas in the world they will say actually you need an additional layer of form on there and you need a double layer of uh uh

Membrane so this all sorts of different rules depending on what area you live in and if there’s mining taking place in the past or something so there’s no right or wrong answer it’s just down to what your inspector asks for or what the architect has put in the plans based on

Your area so there may be different ways of doing this for example some people put double layers of we players on the the inner and outer walls and all sorts of different things so there’s no yeah there’s no real thing about that it just depends what people have been told or

What someone seen on YouTube and then gone and seen another video that’s totally different but that just down to what area they live in or what their rules were at the time so this is going to go through the normal process as an architect will check it the inspectors

Will check it so it’s been you know it’s been approved the damn proof anyway so it’s all perfectly fine uh so yeah thanks for your comments keep them coming in CU it’s always nice to get that and just gives me something to check to make sure that the builders are

Doing the right thing basically cuz sometimes there may be things that they cutting corners and you never know we need to find that out so when you’re watching the video If you see something that’s not quite right it’s supp it’s good that you’re using your time to

Highlight that and then we can see if that’s the correct thing to do or not and there are little upgrades that will be taking place along side this video because there’s things like for example in the insulation they put cutex on the side where the windows and the doors

Would be however they were mentioning the back wall can be like the insulation material so in the next episode I’ll talk more about that where I said actually you know what I don’t want that I want this based on some research that I did so sometimes you need to find out what

Is better for you in terms of the end use of the building or structure and I have put some extra information in the resources which is basically the description of this video I’ll link it to an article where I’m breaking down all these little questions and things like the different types of guidelines

The Architects the builders if you want to build your own extension do you have to have a builder do you have to have an architect how much does it cost all these little things I’m breaking down in the article so you can actually use that as a resource if you’re thinking about

Making an extension and it also give you how much it ends up costing me I might make a video right at the end just summarizing the final costs of everything but if you’ve been following along so far you’ll notice I’ve been mentioning how much things cost like the

Bricks for example £900 they spent on the blocks will be coming there’s insulation there’s cement the Grabber picker came to pick up all that mess that was taken out of the ground so all of those little things are things to keep in mind but again depending on

Where you live it might be more or less expensive or cheaper when you do that so keep that in mind when you are working through this process and building your own EX tension so every now and again I have a look outside to see how much uh

Stuff is left and we had five big ton bags of sand we kind of getting low on those so I’m guessing they may be getting another bag of those soon as well as cement they use quite a lot of cement with the mix so each uh those you

Know the returning mixture cem thing they put two barrels of sand to like one cement bag so that’s quite a rich mix but yeah I’m I’m assuming there’s some thought behind that how to do that but they’ve been using that and filling that up and making it use regularly so

Overall the extension is coming along nicely um in terms of time scales they said about 8 weeks and it seems like they are on track for that cuz come on think about it they started in January didn’t they start of Jan about 10th of Jan they started around about then and

Be on 31st of January now and they’ve got more or less all the wheel walls built this is what you’re seeing is about 3 days behind the real life Works going on they work every day apart from Friday and they’ve had about three days where they’ve had not worked because

They’ve done what they needed to do the inspector needed to come and inspect it so that day they didn’t do anymore for example when they did the trenches for the side foundations and then the center foundations so we had two inspectors and the third one’s going to be when the

Walls are built and we have the roof one and then drainage so it’s just loads of visiting things those add extra days to it and I mentioned already in previous episodes about the digging and how that could have been improved uh if we had two brickies that would have probably

Made things a lot quicker like one and each side so there’s things that can happen but obviously there’s salaries and things to be paid we’ll recap on how much things cost us in the end to see how much is actually worth and we guess how much the material was and how much

The uh wages were for the builders but stay tuned if you’re not already watching the series I’m going to next time go through the insulation in the walls and that will show you a good um like how that basically works and how they get past the metal things they put

In there so make sure you subscribe for the next episode and you will see on screen so you can jump onto that if you haven’t already gone back make sure to check out the other episodes because you seen this from the start like from when we took that shed down if you remember

Back in the day we took the shed down and then from then and now how we progressed on the planning application and everything involved in between that so I’ll see you on the next episode which will be on screen right now


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