Garden Plans

Garden Plans for 2024 | Seed orders!

Hi my gardening mamas!! Have you planned out your garden yet? I’m sharing what I have planned so far and what seeds I’ve purchased for this gardening season.

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Welcome back mamas I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s holiday season how many of you are ready to start digging in the garden yet I am I know there’s still snow on the garden so it’s not going to happen anytime soon we’re just getting into the

Winter season here at least in North Idaho so what can I do now while I’m waiting to get into the garden and get my fingers dirty well I am in the middle of planting my garden I’ve bought a bunch of seeds and I have a basic plan in mind so

Let’s jump right into It So first let’s talk about what I kind of have planned for my garden what I’ve been struggling with in my garden in the past several years is bowls you’ve heard me talk about that in some of my previous videos they have really become quite the nuisance so this coming year I

Am going to be restricting how much I’m planting based on what I can protect you noticed in my garden tour for 2023 Garden um I had to build some hardware cloth cages for certain areas and so I’m going to use those areas as well but I’m

Going to um I’m going to expand that I’m going to add a 4ot wide bed section that I still need to do so hopefully in the spring I will have time to do this as soon as the ground thaws and get it done before I have to get my

Plants in the ground what that’s going to look like is kind of a big project but I’m hoping I can get through it I am going to be removing portion of one of my current raised beds and laying down hard work cloth and then putting moving the soil from the other

Sections of the bed onto that and I’m and um before the soil gets moved over I am going to be building a brick wall around it we’re just using um cinder blocks that’s what we could find um we managed to find some somebody needed them out of their way and posted it up

On a free page like Facebook or Craigslist or something I don’t remember um my husband went and filled up the trailer with it so I have I think I have enough to do two layers for this bed but I don’t know if I can go two layers for

The full length of the bed it’s 4 feet wide and I’m going to be going all the way down to where our our high tunnel is our our little high tunnel it’s not a very big one but you saw that in one of my other garden tour videos from last

Year so I’m going to try to go all the way down there or as far down as I have enough hardware cloth for and Bricks so that is the plan I was hoping to get that in before the snow started falling here um but I didn’t get it in in time I had

So much cleanup to do and I got a lot done this fall um with cleanup my garden looks fantastic as far as everything is pretty much prepped other than that one bed I was wasn’t able to get that project done because that’s going to take probably a good week my plan then

And you’re going to see this as we go through the seeds that I purchased is that 4 foot wide garden bed by however long I can get it I’m not really sure how long it’s going to be is going to be focused but not strictly this but it’s going to be

Focused on herbs this year so where I have focused on other things um two years in a row was the tomatoes for tomato sauce and salsa last year my f main focus was pickling cucumbers and I put up a ton of pickles and a ton of

Relish so we are set on both of those because honestly I put up more than just a Year’s worth so we will have we’ll be good on all of those and we’re still working on the pasta sauce and um and the salsa so um those I’m good on so I don’t even have

To do any cucumbers next year unless I’m put in some like fresh eating cucumbers or something um but I haven’t decided that yet what I plan on doing cu the green beans didn’t really they took off but they took off late and I think I put

Up a bunch in the freezer for um B green beans and I’m thinking I’m going to switch it up because my zucchini believe it or not never sprouted last year I started I think two or three zucchini plants they never germinated so either I have really

Old zucchini seeds or I have um I just picked three bad ones I don’t know so I’m going to try that again put them on the trellis cuz the flowers are pretty and you can easily trellis them and then hopefully I won’t miss a zucchini because they’re on the trellis and

They’ll show up before they get too big so anyway so what seeds did I buy for my medicinal Garden so I’m some of these are for my herbs that I use in my herbal Blends um in the kitchen for like Italian sausage um I have one for our

Breakfast sausage and I have one for taco seasoning um that’s what I have so far that I make my own seasoning Blends I’m planning on adding to that ranch might be the next one I don’t know it’s one of the things we go through the most is

Ranch we go through a lot of ranch um so I would like to start cutting out some of those preservatives and the anti-caking agents and all the other stuff that they put in there that they we don’t need to have in our body so that’s why I’m making my own seasoning

Blend so for herbs I have gotten um I ordered a whole bunch from Strictly medicinal but they have uh culinary herbs as well and I did buy a couple of them so I got a whole bunch of seeds here so I’ll go through these really quickly um the first one is lemon

Balm and then I have some Roman chamomile let’s see if it’s going to there we focus and some yellow dock is it there we go eonia Ella campaign and forgive my pronunciation on any of these that I’m messing up I think I’m pronouncing everything correctly so far but you know

You never know I I had that little mess up with the Cula and kalandula but I think almost everybody’s done that so there’s fever F and lobilia Meadow Suite California poppy and skull cap so if you want to know what any of those do you can um just type it up and look it up it’s really easy to find out um for this video I’m not going to go over what they all um can help with Med

Also ordered from Baker Creek so so these they’re very colorful packages I really like the color I wanted them strictly medicinal um because they have a much wider variety of medicinal herbs um but I do really like Baker Creek and um all of their very pretty colors here

So as you can see the first one is Huckleberry and I don’t know how good these do starting from seed but we will see I tried starting my husband had purchased from somewhere I don’t know I think Amazon um but we got like uh 1,500 or whatever seeds for elderberries

And none of them germinated so I need to do some more research for that hopefully the Huckleberry won’t be quite so difficult to start from seed but we will see I’ve never started trees from seed or uh bushes or anything like that so this is new for me so we will see how

It goes if you guys have any tips for starting huckleberries or elderberries from seed put those down in the comments below okay because I will need as much help as I can get so my main focus with with um Baker Creek why I picked what I did was make mainly for the sunflowers

But there was a couple others that I really wanted to try one was the Hol Hawk which does have medicinal uh properties to it and I believe the N Nims as well have medicinal properties and um I believe strictly medicinal had them um I can’t remember why I bought

Them from here I think I either forgot to or I didn’t think about it didn’t have it on that list and then when I was putting my Baker Creek order in I threw those in last minute but um the two sunflowers I decided to go with because I wanted a

Variety because right now the only sunflowers I have out in the garden are just the man meths which are pretty they’re big so I wanted something a little bit different um this one is Autumn Beauty and if I remember right this one is a bush more of a bushing

Um let me see if it Tells I just says that you know a long blooming season and they get about 7 feet tall so but those um looked really really pretty and then I’ve actually been wanting to buy these since they were introduced which I think these were new to Baker Creek just a couple years

Ago but the chocolate cherry ones just I don’t know they just struck me is just absolutely gorgeous so I finally got a package of those and then I got a free packet so free seeds and I will totally totally ruin this but katuna katsuna old Tokyo looks like it’s a

Um like maybe in the spinach family would be my guess but um yeah it’s a spinach mustard for um and has a very mild has a mild spinach flavor so we’ll try that out and see how those go so that was kind of cool to get a free sample in there um

I was able to um Harvest uh colula seeds see there out of my own garden this year some kale seeds so I’ll be I will be planting more of those this year I think I have kale from last year that I’ll probably plant those first before this year’s um I did

Harvest some pepper andini seeds then of course I have a whole bunch of of uh coriander so I don’t know if I’ll plant any of these this year or if I might try to clean this up a little bit cuz there’s a lot of debris still in there I

May clean that up and then use them as coriander versus using them to plant for more um cilantro and then I was able to seed save some of my dwarf um Merry gold seeds cuz I really like those and I actually I think think I used the last

Bit of them this year so I wanted to make sure I saved some cuz I really like them and saved a few Dill seeds I ended up with quite a few green bean seeds that I was able to harvest I got this I don’t think I’ve

Actually I think this is only two of the heads and was pretty good but still it’s not going to even fill up a quart um ziplock so I either going to am going to need to fill my garden with sunflower seeds in order to have enough to feed my

Chickens or um go a different route and one last set of seeds these were gifted to me by a friend of mine thank you you know who you are these are some blackeyed Susans that were harvested this last year so I excited I’ve never had those

In the garden before so um and they are in the same family as eonia which I did get eonia I got Ella campaign yes I did order eona from Strictly medicinal and I’m going to try it I had heard that the blackeyed Susans they’re both in the same family

They should have on the medicinal level the same um medicinal properties but um black eyed Susans tend to grow a little bit better I’ve heard in our climate and eonia tends to be a little bit more picky um so we’re just going to see I’m going to try them out um eonia

Has a purple flower which purple is one of of my favorite colors so I tend I really like the purple flowers so I’m kind of wanting to do that anyway um the blackeyed Susans of course have yellow petals and which are beautiful too I like yellow flowers I have a lot of them

I plant yellows and oranges and stuff um a lot of what I was trying to go for color-wise is to add more color Variety in um the garden so that is my garden plan and and uh the new seeds that I bought this year so hopefully that’s

Gotten you into thinking if you haven’t started planning your garden yet that you need to start working on it CU I blazes start selling out of seeds pretty quickly so if you need to order your seeds still start planning then get those seeds ordered all right we’ll see

You guys on the next one thanks for watching bye-bye also don’t forget to check out my brand new website the link is in the description below


  1. Enjoyed your video. Thank you for the new seed company names and showing your plan for 2024. My sister canned alternating pears and peaches like you mentioned with your cucumbers and tomatoes. It is a good plan.

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