Garden Design

It’s Garden Planning Season! ๐Ÿ“† :: How I Plan My Garden for the Year :: Plus FREE Printable! ๐Ÿ“

Welcome Gardeners! I think Josephine Nuese said it best: โ€œAnyone who thinks gardening begins in the spring and ends in the fall is missing the best part of the whole year; for gardening begins in January with a dream.โ€ January is a time to hunker down and plan out your gardening season. Itโ€™s a time that I can actually get organized, and plan out what I want to do out in the garden. Itโ€™s one of my favorite times of the gardening season, and it is the beginning of my excitement for the new garden year to come. ๐ŸŒธ Enjoy!

๐ŸŒธ Download My Weekly Maintenance Printable Here! ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ:

๐ŸŒธ My Merchandise Shop!:

๐ŸŒธMy Amazon Store!: Check out more of my favorite gardening supplies:

โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”M Y L I N K Sโ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”

E M A I L:
I N S T A G R A M:
W E B S I T E:
M E R C H A N D I S E:

โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”B R A N D S I W O R K W I T Hโ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”

๐ŸŒธ Proven Winners:
๐ŸŒธ Hose Link:
๐ŸŒธ Vego Garden Beds:

โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” A D D R E S S โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”

Dig, Plant, Water, Repeat
417 Mace Blvd Ste J # 238
Davis, CA 95618

โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”F T C D I S C L A I M E R โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”

This video is not sponsored, however some plants and equipment that I use in my garden have been provided to me to try out!

Amazon Associate: Some links are commissioned. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases! Thank you all so much for supporting me!

#digplantwaterrepeat #gardenplanning #zone9b

Hi everyone Janie here welcome back to my garden welcome to 2024 and welcome to my 2024 Garden planning video I am super excited about this video because I’m one of those people that love planning I love planning I love organizing I love thinking about how I’m going to do

Things differently to optimize my productivity I know that sounds torky but it’s true um so I get really excited come January because January is the perfect time to start planning your garden it’s not so late that you have you’ve you know you haven’t forgotten about your wins and losses from last

Season and it’s still early enough that you’re not going to miss anything like seed starting or planting be roots or anything like that so January is a very fun month for for planning your garden I think it’s the perfect time to do it cuz we’re all inside it’s cold it’s rainy

All that kind of stuff but this is is really this is the beginning of the gardening season now I do want to say if this doesn’t excite you if this kind of stresses you out what I’m talking about don’t do it this is supposed to be fun

This is just one way of approaching the gardening season it is not the right way there’s no right or wrong in gardening if you’re the type of gardener that kind of likes to fly by the seat of their pants and just you know find a plant

That really speaks to them at the Garden Center and plant it in your garden then go for it that is completely appropriate and a good way to do it for me I like to plan things I get excited about it and it makes me feel better when I plan

Things so I just want to say that I’m not saying this is the right way to do it this is just the way that I do it so the first thing I do for planning my next year’s gardening season is I get out my gardening calendar so this is

Probably the most important thing that you can do I’ve done it in a couple different formats I’ve done it in you know of course just the month to month format but I also have done it in the table format where you actually number each week in the year so this week the

First week of January this is week one all the way to week 52 and the reason why I’ve done that before is because that’s actually how Growers do it that’s actually how nurseries and um uh uh facilities that grow plants do it and it’s a good way to keep yourself

Organized if your brain thinks that way so for instance if your plant that in question gets fertilized every 6 weeks if you’ve fertilized it in week six then you need to fertilize it again in week 12 and so on and so on and so on so it’s

Just a different way to do it I’ve I’ve definitely done it before I’m back to the month-to-month version just because I don’t know just just because this year I kind of changed it up um but I really did think about doing it the table way

So just decide what you want to do for your gardening calendar pick it out and have it with you starting at the beginning of the year because you are going to be adding to it it all season long so this step for me is key and my

Gardening Obsession I um I tend to add a lot of projects and a lot of plants in into the gardening season I try and cram it as full as I possibly can because I get so excited about a new plant that I’ve seen or a new project that I’ve

Heard about um and so I just keep adding it on to my gardening plate but I have been known to many many times to say plant a plant in the garden or sew seeds and promptly just completely forget about it just completely forget what I’m supposed to do how I’m supposed to

Fertilize it um you know when I’m supposed to harden it off and plant it out for seeds um it’s just something that uh you know it’s really really easy to do if you get really excited and then if you don’t keep track of what you’re supposed to do for that particular plant

It can be a complete waste of time and a complete waste of money so with a gardening calendar when you get that plant or when you start that that project you immediately put down on your gardening calendar how to care for that plant or how to care for those seeds or

How to care for those bulbs and you have it listed on the gardening calendar so you can get that information out of your brain and onto a piece of paper onto your computer onto your phone and then you don’t have to think about it anymore but you know that plant is still going

To get taken care of so for instance if I go to a garden center and I purchase a be root Rose and I plant it into the ground in my garden in January what I would do is I would go through and I would write on my gardening calendar

Everything that I need to do for that Rose for that entire year so in March when I start seeing a couple inches of growth I’m going to fertilize it with uh the van Winden special mix you’ll you’ll learn about that later this week um and then I’m you know I’m going to fertilize

Every four to six weeks and so I’ll put the fertilizing day on my calendar and then when I need to stop fertilizing because it’s gotten too hot in the season when I need to defoliate it later on you know all those things are going

To be put in the calendar just so that I don’t have to worry about it and I know that my money spent on that Rose is going to be it’s going to be worth it because that Rose is going to thrive because I’m going to take care of it so

Basically every seed every bulb every annual every shrub every tree that you purchase from today on you are immediately going to put all that information into your gardening calendar so that you know it’s going to be taken care of and then you’re going to get in

The habit of every day or once a week checking your gardening calendar and seeing what tasks you have to do so nothing gets lost and nothing gets forgotten also it’s really helpful if you know you’re you’re um doing like summer vegetables spring vegetables cool season warm season all that kind of

Stuff you can it’s just a good way to get it on paper so you can remind yourself hey I need to start sewing my tomatoes now right so that I can plant them out when it gets warmer even though it doesn’t feel warm at all right now I

Need to do it so I don’t forget so it’s a really really helpful way to keep yourself on track throughout the entire gardening season on your calendar make sure you note your last frost date and your first frost date and the the weeks leading up to those dates so basically

If my last frost is about March 1st and so then I will also write in 6 weeks before my last frost 10 weeks before my last frost 8 weeks before my last frost and I’ll do the same thing for my first Frost and the reason why that is helpful

Is because it’s helpful for seed starting so basically if you look on the back of a seed packet it will tell you um well this is a this is a personal seed packet hold on if you look on the back of a seed packet it will tell you

How many how many weeks before your last frost you need to sew that seed and so it just makes it really easy because you have all that information on the calendar and when we talk about our first Frost which is in the fall if you’re going to be doing any anything

Like fall sewing or the cool flow method that’s another way to remind you when you need to sew those seeds to get them ready to plant out before the winter so that they’re ready to bloom early early on in the season the next year so I’ve actually already filled out my 2024

Gardening calendar um I have it on the computer right now but I actually am going to print it out and hang it on the wall but I haven’t I haven’t gotten to that point yet but let me take my camera and let me show you what my grinding

Calendar looks like thus far okay here is my 2024 gardening calendar it is on a program called notion that is just what I use for to keep myself organized to keep my YouTube channel and all that other stuff organized so any type of calendar would work fine um so this is

The beginning of my gardening calendar I’m definitely going to add to it and then eventually I will print it out and I will hang it on the wall of my office because then that will allow me to each day kind of just look at exactly what I

Need to do so you can kind of see here some things like for instance on the 7th I’m planning to plant my bear root roses that doesn’t mean that I have to only plant them on the 7th I just know that sometime this week I’m going to be

Planting be root roses because that’s the time of the year to plant them I have over here this is 6 weeks before my last frost here in Northern California so I know that if I have any seeds that need to be sewn 6 weeks before my last

Frost I know that I better do it this day or sometime around this day same thing with transplanting I added these in because I sewed some loopin some straw flow some stock and I need to transplant them at that time and then again a week before that is when I

Started hardening them off um and then over here you’ll see I’ll talk about it in a second when I get to my weekly gardening schedule um Monday is my fertilizing day so I’m not going to start fertilizing until after my last frost which is over here on March 1st

Because then I know I’m going to be planting annuals and I will be able to fertilize them and they won’t get nipped by a frost you know if I start fertilizing them and there’s some new growth on them so fertilizing annuals is something I’m going to do every single

Week starting in March and then once a month I’m going to be fertilizing my roses um here is kind of my by yearly all-purpose fertilizer I kind of just put it right there for my perennials and shrubs um planting my herb garden over here and then something I wanted to show

You all is if you are going to be doing succession planting like for instance I’m going to succession plant my gladiolus this year I’m going to put them in the ground every three weeks I’m going to put a couple more bulbs in the ground so I just have this reminder on

My gardening calendar to every 3 weeks make sure that I put those uh gladiolas in in the ground so it’s just a really easy way to keep myself organized and then if I go to the Garden Center as I’m sure I will and I buy a new plant I can

Immediately put in there prune my new plant or fertilize my new plant on this day um you know and I can just remind myself I really really want to grow corn stocks for fall decorating this year so I made sure to put in plant corn for

Corn stocks on this day and just remind myself that I can’t forget to do that because literally every year I forget to do it and then I have to buy my corn stocks and I don’t want to do that so it’s just a way to keep myself nice and

Organized and um again it’s not hard and fast I don’t have to stick with this but I know that I have these on my calendar and I don’t have to worry about it because I have it on the calendar and I can get it out of my brain so next after

My gardening calendar I feel like the next most important thing for planning my gardening season is my weekly gardening schedule and I don’t think I would be able to maintain a garden if I didn’t have my gardening schedule uh and especially now that I have an even

Bigger Garden I feel like a schedule is necessary it’s something that I have to do and what a gardening schedule is is it takes all the tasks that you need to do on basically on a weekly basis and instead of them being super overwhelming and you think about them every single

Day it breaks them down and it makes it more manageable and it puts it in a in a kind of a spot where you can think about it and then you don’t have to think about it the rest of the week so basically it is assigning a task to each

Day that you know you’re going to get done so you know that you’re going to address it at least once a week I got this idea from Laura from garden answer a couple years ago she did a video about breaking her property down into zones so basically uh on Monday she would address

Everything in zone one on Tuesday she would address everything in zone two um I don’t have or I didn’t have as big B of A property as she did so for me it made more sense to actually assign a task for a certain day as opposed to a

Zone for a certain day um so for me Mondays are fertilizing day Mondays when I get all my fertilizing done I get all my weekly fertilizing done for annuals so I will spray my uh Proven Winners uh plant food and then if it’s monthly fertilizing that needs to get done based

On my gardening calendar what my gardening calendar says I will do that on Mondays as well so I will fertilize my roses fertilize my lemon trees and so on and so on but I will plan to do all of that on Monday on Tuesday is my Pest

Control day where I you know I I kind of look around for whatever pests I have um and then I treat them accordingly whether it’s sprin BT or whether it’s slugo plus whatever it is that I need to do I plan on doing that on Tuesdays on

Wednesday is weeding day where I go around and I weed and I do have to say when when it comes to certain things like weeding or pruning I don’t only do it on that day it’s just that’s the day that I’m going to dedicate some time and

Energy to to weeding but if I’m out in the garden and I see a weed on the ground I’ll I’ll pick it up you know on a different day I I don’t only weed on Wednesdays which is what I’m trying to say um Thursday I usually do house

Plants so I fertilize and I water my house plants on Thursdays sometimes I forget that one or sometimes I push that one off to the next next week um Fridays are a day that I get out my blower and I blow off all of my surfaces because you know during

The summer people come and they hang out and um we want to eat outside and so by blowing off the surfaces on a Friday that just that just made sense to me Saturday is pruning day where I’ll go and I’ll dead head or I’ll prune if I

Have to prune and then Sunday used to be lawn day where Jason would fertilize and mow the lawn and deal with the lawn um but we actually don’t have a lawn anymore so that’s not part of my schedule for this year but for those of

You who do have a lawn we we have that on a Sunday so basically it’s just breaking down these tasks that we don’t want to do none of us want to do that kind of stuff none of us really want to weed and we just put it to each certain

Day and it just keeps it really really organized so I actually messed around on my computer and I made my weekly gardening schedule into something that I think is really pretty and I made it into a printable for all of you so I will put the link in the description

Down below if you guys click on that link you can download it to your computer and then you can print it out for yourself so you can post it wherever you need to post it in your garage or in your shed um and just so that you’re

Going to see it and remind yourself oh it’s Monday I need to fertilize my plants today or it’s Wednesday I better get out there and do about 15 minutes of weeding and that’s the other thing I do want to say is this is not an all day

Thing this is like giving yourself 15 20 maybe 30 minutes of getting these jobs done and if you don’t finish push it off till next week because you know you’re going to get out there next week and you’re going to address those weeds or you’re going to fertilize something if

You miss that fertilizing you know just this is why I like to do it like this so that you don’t spend hours and hours and hours one day doing something because you haven’t done it for a couple weeks so give yourself 15 20 30 minutes whatever you decide each day of the week

And it will keep yourself on top of all these mundane chores um that we really don’t like to do in the garden so the next step and really the final step in planning my next season’s Garden is the really fun part it is the dreaming it is

The research it is the plant selection it’s taking everything that you have in your brain that you know you want your garden to look like and it’s it’s preparing for it it’s putting it on paper and it’s starting to plan it um so for instance in my property one of the

Things that I’m planning this year I don’t have a lot of stuff going on in this property because we just moved in the last the end of last year’s gardening season so I don’t have a lot of plants on this property so my plan for this year is to go very annuals

Heavy because I know annuals I’ll get the biggest bang for my buck in a very short amount of time so when I’m planning the plants that I want to get for this year I know I’m going to lean heavily on annuals because once I plant

Them in just a short couple weeks I will have lots of color and lots of flowers and it will bring me joy and I’m so excited about it um so then you can plan you know what type of vegetables you’re going to grow this year and are you

Going to grow them from seed or are you going to get them from the store um little plants from the store you can plan what uh cut flowers you’re going to grow and what seeds you need to get what bulbs you need to get if you’re going to

Do summer blooming bulbs um all this kind of stuff you can start planning now and there’s a couple reasons why it’s really good to plan it now for one thing you can do the research now and you can learn everything that you need to learn about whatever project or plant that

You’re planning to put in your garden but another thing is it’s really important to get things before they sell out that is one thing that I have definitely learned over the years of gardening is that things sell out so fast and there’s a lot of times if

You’re going to be picky and if you want a specific variety or a specific type of plant you either need to get on the weight list or the pre-order list very quickly or you you might run the risk of just completely missing it and not being

Able to get your hands on it um so that goes for seeds that goes for bulbs and that also goes for plants I know that sites like and uh Garden they do pre-orders for plants so you can actually plan what plants you want in

Your garden order them now and then they will be held for you reserved for you and then sent to you in whenever it’s time to plant those whether it’s March April or May and so that’s another way to kind of take this planning and dreaming and plant selection even further because you’re actually

Purchasing all the plants now and then you just have to wait for them to get delivered to you and then just basically put them in the ground um because I do this as a job now because I work for Proven Winners and I test out a lot of

Plants here in California I have to go one step further even and I actually have to plan out map out my garden and map out where I’m going to put these plants and and uh color selections and variety selections and Heights and all that kind kind of stuff um so I have to

I have to put it on a piece of paper and actually draw pictures of what my garden is going to look like so garden design basically that is super overwhelming for a lot of people for me I’m so excited about it like I can’t wait to do it it’s

Going to be so much fun and um and it’s just something that if you want to take it to that level absolutely take it to that level lean into your nerdiness you know cuz it is it is just so much fun and then you’ll be that much more

Excited and that much more confident about the upcoming gardening season so my gardening calendar my weekly gardening schedule and the dreaming and planning process is really the three ways that I plan my upcoming season for the year and again I love doing it in January I think it is just the perfect

Time to do it and to get your season kind of all wrapped up and ready to go again it’s going to change you know nothing is ever perfect there are times when it is just so hot and yeah right am I going to get out there and weed

Anything or you know fertilize anything or I might add new projects as time goes on or find a new plant so you know I’m basically I’m starting with this plan but I’m very flexible with it and I don’t get down on myself if I don’t stick to this plan absolutely perfectly

It’s just a way that I can kind of keep myself organized a little bit so I hope this was helpful for all of you i’ would love to hear from those of you who do plan and if I missed anything if you do it in a different way than I do maybe if

I need to add something onto my planning routine I would love to hear that I would also love to hear from those of you who don’t plan and how you kind of go about it and kind of go about all those gardening tasks um you know is is

It just in your brain and you don’t have to think about it anymore I’d love to hear that so write that down in the comments section I hope you all enjoyed this and I hope you all have a chance to get in your garden today


  1. Thank you for the info about preorder. Iโ€™m in CA and struggle to get PW too. Seascapes strawberries bare-root? I will check the PW site, but if they are not PW, could you tell me where you find them please?

  2. I love to plan and organize for my garden. Iโ€™m renovating a garden designed (sort of) by a previous owner. Janey are you using a computer program to design your garden?

  3. Thanks for this Janeyโฃ๏ธ My garden planning was always in my head. I should put it down on paper this year. Thanks for the inspiration โค

  4. Lots of good tips here. I am not one to plan and make schedules for myself. I use Google calendar to remind me of gardening tasks. I made a whole new garden last year when I went lawnless. I have some more planting to do, evergreen and low water/maintenance. I have lots of perrenials that add color. So this year is maintenance and grooming. I'm sure I will spend significant time pulling up bermuda grass. The best thing is to get out there often to keep up with it. I am also zone 9b about 3 hours down the 5 from you.

  5. Planning is overwhelming for me, primarily I order my seeds, bulbs, bare roots, any amendments, soils, ect. I know will definitely sell out early. Then, I make mental notes on the process, SEW MY LISIANTHUS SEEDS, they are perennial in my zone but I want to try new varieties.

  6. I love the PDF! I bought Linda Vater's Gardening Journal and I am using your print out on the calendar section. Im just writing it in. Thank you for all the education you offer us !โคโค

  7. Yeah, I don't plan out my garden. I wing it cause I don't generate income. I just buy plants as the come on clearance. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Thx tho, I'm sure many plan out thier garden.

  8. Loved your video! I appreciate that you enabled us to have your printable schedule! I love my flower gardens, and have enlarged them the last few years. I am going to use your daily chores to make life so much easier! Thank you so very much!

  9. I am a planner too. Not to the extent you are but I love planning. I also like flying by the seat of my pants too. It is a good thing to be a little of both. Lol

  10. Hey Janey, Happy New Year!! You are the BEST!! ๐Ÿคฉ The second you said you took the time and effort to make a printable weekly maintenance schedule, I instantly paused your video, went to the link and printed out a copy for my fridge!! So easy!! Thank you so much for all you do for your "fans", lol!

  11. Iโ€™m grateful I found your channel. It is so exciting to see you develop your new land. I am a relatively new gardener and I got some great tips from this video. Thank you!

  12. Great video. Iโ€™m struggling with planning because I have root bound clay soil. How do I deal with this soil? I would love to garden but the soil is impossible!

  13. Hi Janey, Happy New Year, Enjoyed the video. I use a notebook each year adding sections for planning and staying organized a simple process so far it works. I do like your calendar idea and adopted that today – thanks for the great tips.

  14. I have a slope I want to plant creeping phlox but canโ€™t find anywhere to pre order. Itโ€™s my second plant ever planting hahaha

  15. Great idea to plan the year out! I so bad at this and miss many important tasks. When is the best time to prune perennials/shubs? I have a breath of heaven that is in need to serious trimming. Thank you, love what you do! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  16. Definitely far too constricting for my style of gardening, and I know this wouldnโ€™t work for me – I have tried it. However, I can definitely see the value in having some kind of structure when it comes to tackling gardening jobs. I remember watching this youtube channel called โ€˜Clutterbugโ€™ which deals with home organisation, and taking a test to assess my organisation style.Turns out Iโ€™m a Ladybug whereas you seem to be definitely a Cricket. I found it very enlightening and was able to understand why a more free-flowing approach works better for me, in the home as well as the garden. Great video. Greetings from England ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ

  17. Thank you so much for this video! I love the garden calendar idea and really appreciate the print out! I have been dreaming away and need to commit and order before everything is sold. I cannot wait till spring! ๐ŸŽ‰

  18. Thank you for the organizer and for sharing your enthusiasm! You are always so positive and upliftingโ€ฆI just love your videos!

  19. My flowerbeds are small enough that I did not need to have a written plan. I must have planted over 100 plants last summer so I have lots of new plants to get to know. I have decided that I would get together a written plan for this year. Excited for it!

  20. Hi Janey, I don't mean to rub salt in a wound (if indeed it is) but what happened with your flower farm? I havenโ€™t heard you mention it since there was that difficulty – I think it was a huge storm that wrecked it. Did you just decide not to continue there?

  21. Great video, Janie! What program do you use to plan out/draw your various gardens? I would really like to do this but feel a bit overwhelmed by knowing where to start. A potential business idea for you might be to offer a class for a fee that would walk us gardening students through the processโ€ฆ You are a natural teacher ๐Ÿ˜Š. Thanks for all you share!

  22. What a coincidence that the word โ€œplanโ€ is in โ€œplantโ€ ๐Ÿ˜€. A helpful video, thank you Janey! I really enjoy the scheduling side of gardening. Itโ€™s helpful to keep track and look back at all the work that was done and reflect on the evolution of the garden. I do tend to go a little overboard putting stickers on my planner/calendar. I add hummingbird stickers on the days Iโ€™m lucky to see one. I add deer stickers every time Iโ€™m unlucky and theyโ€™ve nibbled my hydrangeas. Iโ€™m running out of deer stickers! ๐ŸฆŒ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

  23. What a great idea to put everything on the calendar! How do peonies do in your zone, just curious, you had down for beginning of February to plant peonies but I do not remember seeing them before in your garden. Thank you!

  24. Thanks Janie for such thought info on planning I live in 9 a/ 8b depending on heat in pensacola fl the heat wave here last summer was 2-3 weeks ong and just having then a knee replacement surgery I lost a few shrubs I planted in April may because they were not established and could not water as usual it was brutal and sad so now in Dec/Jan Iโ€™m trying to plant shrubs perineal as I see them plus weed and majorly mulch we have horrific winter weeds I watch Jim Putnam daily on this also I aim to get more ahead of the game and not spend all spring on weeding all 6 – 7 beds areas I have because of brutal heat and humidity itโ€™s very difficult here so wish me luck ,, you have further inspired me!!! Judy in pensacola fl ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  25. Planning season is what gets me through the winter months here in NH! The weekly /zone schedule is something Iโ€™ve been meaning to incorporate for a while now; I think itโ€™ll make all the chores seem more manageable, especially as someone whoโ€™s gardening with some limitationsโ€ฆ Thanks for the printable!โœจ๐Ÿ˜Š

  26. This is my second year seed starting and I also like to plan ahead and created a Google doc last year which was so helpful. I like your tip of numbering the weeks on the calendar, that is a great idea ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. Perfect timing! I am always behind in planting seeds, or pruning, or planting seedlings, so inspired by your video I am going to fill out an extra calendar and make it my gardening calendar! Thank you Janey! ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ’

  28. So informative! And thank you for linking us to your garden calendar.
    I so enjoyed your Zone videos; I am in Zone 10, So. California, and would really like to hear more from those gardeners. Between you (Zone 9) and Laura (Zone 6) I've been both inspired to garden (plants/bushes/cypress) and learned how to keep them alive and thriving. Not organized as you ladies are, but even with just a narrow flower bed surrounding the pool, and 50 various sized potted plants, I am aware they need more than just water! BTW, I love those purple fountain grasses you grew in the zig-zag border; they just "make" that border and the dichondra is also a keeper! Have you considered Gerber daisies. Where I live they are hardy rascals as long as they are watered (in summer) every day. I so look forward to watching your garden develop in 2024!

  29. Excellent program! This will assist me in being more organized this next year. One thing I would add is my seed starting schedule. We all know that there are certain plants that need to be started very early and others that you could actually wait and direct sow. Scheduling will help me to get optimal growth. I am in western Pennsylvania zone 6B.

  30. Great ideas! How do you adjust when it rains? Specifically, do you still fertilize when it is raining, or wait until the weather improves?

  31. I canโ€™t believe Iโ€™ve never thought to have a gardening calendar! I can be gone 15 hrs a day for 4-5 days in a row for work. Once Iโ€™m off, plants are stressed or I forgot to bring something inside on a cold night. This would help me so much. Thanks for the inspiration!

  32. A gardening idea for just the right time! Iโ€™m getting ready to plan my garden tasks for 2024 and I appreciate your insights. Thank you!

  33. It would be so cool if you had a template with your calendar on notion to shareโ€”idk how feasible that is or not

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