
houseplantjournal: My other Rabbit’s Foot Fern has nicely taken over this pot. 2️⃣ If…

My other Rabbit’s Foot Fern has nicely taken over this pot. 2️⃣ If you simply must plant into a pot without drainage holes, it’s not a make or break situation if you understand how soil moisture works: 3️⃣ given that the plant receives adequate light (“bright indirect light”, which means the plant must SEE as much of the open sky as possible and be shielded from direct sun if it lasts longer than say 2-3 hours), then you can check the planting medium (sphagnum moss in this case) dryness and water whenever it is partially dry.

Without drainage holes, you’ll want to slowly and evenly pour in a volume of water equivalent to about a third of the total volume of sphagnum moss (this ratio is a bit less for peat + perlite soils and even less for peat + sand soils, like for cacti). I explained how I derived these ratios on YouTube.

4️⃣ When you know that your plant is working, you can accept that a few fronds lost here and there is just part of the life cycle. Instead of worrying about every dropped frond, I can simply pull them off when they are ready and thank them for their contribution to photosynthesis.
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