@Huw Richards

Huw Richards: 14 Edible Crops to Sow in February 2024

Pre-order your copy of The Self-Sufficiency Garden https://geni.us/SelfSufficiencyGarden

What to sow in February 2024.

She Grows Veg Seeds: https://shegrowsveg.com/seed-range/?gclid=CjwKCAiA_OetBhAtEiwAPTeQZxX4JTxM4NDVwcEv9ovfzx1VfTgab8f_LKVPrtxwXU1Jv0BnE3wZLRoCB-IQAvD_BwE
Wales Seed Hub https://www.seedhub.wales/

Ambassador for Gardena https://www.gardena.com/

My weekly newsletter https://huw-richards.ck.page/newsletter

Signed copies of my books: https://www.regenerative.press/book-store

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/huwsgarden/
TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@huwsgarden

Interested in coming along to our volunteer days? Sing up here: https://www.allcounted.com/s?did=wpvmddjahmauv&lang=en_US

Seeds and module trays:
Wales Seed Hub https://www.seedhub.wales/
UK Containerwise Trays https://containerwise.co.uk/huw-richards-propagation-trays/
US Containerwise Trays https://allaboutthegarden.com/collections/huw-richards-seed-trays

#gardeningideas #kitchengarden #gardening


  1. I grew blush celery last year from seed, it took a while to get them to germinate but we got there eventually and some are still standing today, even after the frosts!

  2. We're going to have about 130m2 of beds to fill in our first year – videos like these are fantastically helpful for us as beginner allotment gardeners!

  3. Any advice about moving a gooseberry place? We are moving in a couple of months so need to move the gooseberry bush to the allotment… Im a little worried

  4. Your about a month ahead of me here on the east coast of Canada. We still have a foot of snow on the ground. It’s getting close though and can’t wait to get started. Wondering what you are planting this year for experiments or things you haven’t grown yet? Cheers

  5. Regarding early potatoes: I highly recommend the varieties "Solist" and "Rosalind". They have a growing period of 60-90 days and can be planted outdoors (in Germany) from mid march onwards. Meaning you get a may/june harvest without a polytunnel or any cover and they will be out of your beds before the potato beetles start their season. 🙂

  6. Yes, now is the time to start sowing 🌱 Today I was wondering if I should harvest some sunchokes for dinner. They are so great and I would recommend them as well.

  7. I grew sunchokes as a screen. I can’t eat them I am super sensitive to their less friendly attributes but they made an excellent screen.

  8. Would you recommend multi-sowing onions from seed? I have limited space and thought, instead of single onions, I could experiment with a clump of onions. Your thoughts please. Thank you 🙏

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