Edible Gardening

Easy 3 STEPS – How to plan annual vegetable garden.

This garden planning method has helped me double the production from my garden. I have broken it down into 3 easy steps.

Garden planner: http://tinyurl.com/garden-tinker-planner

How to make compost at home with tumbling composter: https://youtu.be/79S9G6NQGxk
DIY garden Arches: https://youtu.be/-KKhsDZrxGs
How to reuse potting soil: https://youtu.be/nMl6BQ71eOU
Perfect watering system for containers, Olla: https://youtu.be/XBaQhNDm7q0

Links to Products I used (At no extra cost to you, I get small earning for qualifying purchase made through links under this section):
OLLA watering spikes: https://amzn.to/3N9nORo
SOAKER hose drip irrigation system: https://amzn.to/3mTPCP0
B.T Dipel Dust to control CABBAGE WORMS: https://amzn.to/3qpYE7H
Tumbling COMPOSTER: https://amzn.to/3ZUwVJ6
Cute garden bunny similar to the one in my garden: https://amzn.to/3AG7pw0
Row cover – https://amzn.to/42SkS0W
Grow lights – https://amzn.to/3zHHa86
Timer for grow lights – https://amzn.to/3GwFt1c
Bug Zapper – https://amzn.to/416QhLu
Organic fertilizer for Seedlings – https://amzn.to/3Mp4K14
Desk fan – https://amzn.to/3Kokqiz
Organic fertilizer for raised beds and containers https://amzn.to/40hhNFX
Soil test kit: https://amzn.to/3YMyCXz

Hi everyone today I’m going to share this very easy three-steps Garden planning method which has helped me grow more food in same space and it works very well for containers as well in fact the last step increases the total production of any Garden let’s begin step one list the

Vegetables you and your family likes to eat do not skip it because it is going to save a lot of your hard work here is why my family doesn’t like pumpkins if I still grow it I would waste a lot of time space and resources such as water and compost on

It at the end no one is going to eat it even if I get a decent Harvest so instead of pumpkin If I Grow something that we all enjoy to eat such as cucumbers my hard work will not go to waste here is my my list of favorite

Foods that my family loves to eat and these will be my number one priority to grow I will also grow plants that are not on this list but they are of lower Priority First I will decide where to plant the higher priority plants and then I will decide where to plant everything

Else for step two I’m going to use this garden layout I made it in 2021 and I keep it as a Master Copy so this right here on the garden plan sheet is a copy of the Master Copy this way every year when I do garden planning in cold January I don’t

Have to go out with a measuring tape I just look at this Master Copy if you don’t have a map of your garden this is an additional step for you take a measuring tape and measure out your garden get an idea of its shape and size then draw it on a layout like

This one and keep it as your reference guide moving on to step two let me write the year here 2024 now let us begin with this garden bed I call it the tea bed because it is shaped like a tea so step two is to put down the

Plants that are going to stay the longest in your garden for me it is tomatoes and peppers and sometimes sweet potatoes they go in the ground in May and come out in September this bed is 10 ft long and 2 ft wide so using square foot gardening reference I

Can plant 20 tomato plants here we eat a lot of tomatoes so I know we need these many plants I would love to know what your family’s favorite vegetable or fruit is that you are going to grow this year let me know in comments now back to our

Planning tomato is a summer vegetable so I write write it with red color this for the purpose of video otherwise I can make different shets for different seasons now in some cases you will have crops sewn in the middle of summer for example in this bed I will sew carrot

Seeds in June so that I can Harvest it in Fall so I would use orange color to Market as a fall crop stay with me because this will all come together in step three now if you’re looking for a garden planner I have this one that I’m using available for just

A149 I designed it and have been using this template for past 3 years I will provide the link in description and there are other ways to show support too by sharing and liking this video and subscribing to the channel a big thank you for your support we are ready for step three I

Call it as a filler and and trust me this step increases the overall production of any Garden it was actually an eye opener for me when I realized it and experimented with it let me explain by using the example of my tomato bed and after that I will

Show how to implement it for the carrot bed which is an equally important example this bed will be full with tomato plant from May till September but it will be empty during spring and fall and I need to fill it up with something which would be ready to

Be picked at just the right time to let tomato plants do their thing so in Spring I will plant lettuce here and fenu Greek here I will use green color for spring how this would work is that in May when I transplant Tomatoes here the tomato plants will be small and I can

Easily plant them between rows of lettuce this way I will be able to harvest lettuce for as long as it lasts and have my tomato seedlings grow at the same time I will use the same strategy for fall I will plant Shard and lettuce seedlings in August and September under the tomato

Plants the tomato plants will be large by then and will provide shade in summer for the tiny seedlings at the end of September I will cut the stem of the tomato plants at the ground level this way I won’t disturb the roots of the lettuce and charred seedlings planted under the tomatoes

You see with the strategy I will be able to harvest three different crops and if I set up my hoop tunnel at the correct time my fall crops will give me Harvest even in winter so I’m growing more food in the same space which increases the overall

Production of my garden now for this bed where I plan to plant carrots in June it will be empty from March to June so I will plant kabi here if I if I had enough Sun here cauliflower or cabbage would be a good option as well they will

Be ready to harvest in June so this bed would have only two crops because these crops need longer to mature I have even more detail video on this topic it is very helpful especially for beginners also this planning strategy works very well for containers as well I will link both the video on

Screen here so that you can check it next this year I’m going to have a dedicated series of container garden ideas and tips so don’t forget to subscribe if you found any value in this video please share it and like it it truly helps this channel to grow thanks for watching


  1. Very well explained and I appreciate the clear speaking. I've been gardening for many decades and a beginner would understand this method easily.

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