Gardening Supplies

How To Trim Hellebores & Adding Whimsical Garden Art

Trimming hellebores allows you to see their beautiful blooms more easily, and with a little bit of knowledge, it is one of the easiest perennials to prune. Let me show you how easy it is! Then we add some fun whimsical garden art to the garden shed.

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The retail garden center is currently closed for the winter. It will reopen on Saturday, February 17, 2024.

Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
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Hey friends welcome to Gardening with Creekside  today we have uh two fun projects to do here in   the garden first I am going to show you exactly  how to trim your helbor your Linton roses we are  

In the middle of January here in North Carolina  Zone 8A and my helor have begun to bloom it is a   beautiful sight to see those Gorgeous Flowers but  I need to get in there and prune the old foliage  

Away so I’m going to show you step step by step  exactly how to do that and then after we uh trim   the hellor that are here inside the forest pansy  bed right behind me we’re going to head over to  

The garden shed and we are going to install some  garden art super excited about that I have a big   blank wall I need something fun on that wall I  have the perfect solution so I’m going to show  

You that how we do that as well of course here we  are at the forest pansy bed this whole area right   here is such a fun Garden space we’ve been here  many many times before uh we call this the forest  

Pansy bed because it has a nice big beautiful  forest pansy red bud tree in it we’ve had this   tree here um I was pregnant with Jackson when we  bought it so that was 14 years ago and we got it  

Probably as a 15 gallon and so this tree provides  lots of beautiful shade and underneath it and then   directly behind behind it and then up front we  get lots and lots of sun all the way around this  

Is the bed that I’m going to be predominantly  working in today because we’ve got four helbor   in here that need to be pruned so let me show you  the four and you can look with me and see if we  

Can spy those sweet little flowers now when you’re  out there looking at helbor there are probably   thousands of different varieties out there um and  so you will have lots of ones to choose from these  

Are ones that we sold at the nursery years and  years ago and I don’t believe I know the exact   names as we start digging and cleaning up I might  be able to find a tag to tell you exactly what  

They are but you can see we’ve got these beautiful  new buds popping up and then all the old foliage   around that we want these flowers to shine so  I’m going to show you how to do that next door  

We have one that is a little bit behind because  like all flowers all plants they will Bloom at   different times so we’ll get in there and see if  we can find something um that might be coming up  

Otherwise we might just leave this one alone for  a little bit of time the two that are at the base   of the forest pansy oh my gosh y’all These Little  Things One they are tough as nails helor are some  

Of the toughest plants you will add to your  garden they are predominantly more for shade   they are going to be natural deer and rabbit  resistant because actually if you were to uh   take some of this foliage and just you know mow  down on it it is does have some poisonous toxic  

Traits to it so you know don’t get hungry out in  your garden and start chewing on them but this   beautiful black one here is just full of gorgeous  blooms notice that it has a lighter foliage and  

Then we come next door almost a little bit of the  variegated foliage and look at all of those buds   that are in there so again we want these sweet  babies to shine so we are going to um go ahead  

And get in there and prune them up and get rid of  that old foliage what I’m going to do is set the   camera up I want to show you exactly what tools  you’re going to need for the job it’s not very  

Many it’s not very hard uh and then I’m going  to show you like I said step by step how to do   this it is one of the easiest things to do in  the garden but I can certainly understand that  

If you’ve never done it it can certainly be very  intimidating which we want to take any of that   fear out of gardening knowledge is power I want  to give you that knowledge so that um you can be  

Visiting your local garden centers if you don’t  have any hellor right now um if your local garden   centers are opened or will be soon be opening  like Creekside Nursery February 17th um you can   go visit because they will be in all of their  Glory all right so let’s get down to business  

All right so here I am seated in the garden with  the first tore in front of me let’s go through   some basic gardening supplies that you’re going  to need first and foremost you’re going to need  

A great pair of pruners right so I my personal  favorite is the felco number two now the size   the number the two the six the eight the 14 is  going to depend on the size of your hand and if  

You’re left-handed right-handed and how you like  the grip as far as the blade The Cutting all of   that is going to work just the same so really  depends on what feels the best in your hands I  

Just happen to like a number two so I have those  before we got started I went ahead and clean them   I have all the cleaning supplies and I sharpen  them so they are nice and sharp it’s the great  

Thing about felos is that you all the places  all the pieces rather are replaceable and you   can clean them you can sharpen them love them  next uh we got uh some rain again this morning  

Imagine that rain in North Carolina in the winter  and so I am sitting on top of my kneeling pad fun   exciting news is we now have these available on  the website so you can go to gardening withth  

Creeks and you can order this this is  super nice and thick and plushy and nice and big   I use this all the time whether I’m sitting on  the gravel or if I’m in the mulch or if I’m in  

A wet flower bed what have you it protects my  knees it keeps my pants dry from today um and   I love it also something to put your debris in  right so whether it’s a bucket if it’s a tub  

Or a trug whatever it is that you have an old  Nursery pot I personally like to have um these   popup containers from Gardener Supply they are  canvas they collapse so you can um hook them they  

Have handles on them I hang them up in the closet  where all my garding supplies are and so they’re   great they have hard bottoms so you can pull them  love them I go through these several probably in  

A year because we just use them constantly both  here and at the nursery Gardener you   can get those also um I am going I have gloves  because I am a glove Gardener these are the  

Felos um whatever good garden gloves that you  love I happen to be a size medium so I like to   protect my hands cuz I get so many cuts and then  infections it’s just not worth it so I have my  

Gloves and then um last but not least this little  great little hand rake I’ve had this for years uh   got it from Kinsman Garden company because there  are leaves in here there’s debris in here and it  

Just makes it easier to get in there and pull  all of that out these two are now available on   the website we have lots of the exact same tools  and supplies that I use on a regular bases in  

My garden are now available on the website so go  check those out they are in stock and we can get   them shipped out to you ASAP now now that we have  all the basics of the tools that you are going to  

Need when you are trimming your hbor what we’re  going to do basically is just like with so many   other perennials your the new growth the buds  are going to come back are going to come from   brand new growth when that new growth starts  to emerge in the center the old foliage from  

Last year starts to lay down on the outer edges  so what we’re going to do is simply come in for   each stem that we see and we’re going to go back  and we’re going to cut it back as far as we can  

Back to the base of the plant it is simple as that  throw it in your trugs so we’re going to go around   the entire plant removing all of the basically  it’s the big leaves right the big leaves they  

May be broken they could have brown edges on them  they could just they’re looking rough and sad and   tired they’ve been here for a whole year so let’s  just go ahead and get rid of them I like just to  

Go around in a circle whichever way you want to go  and just get it in there as I’m going I’m using my   rake and I’m getting in there and getting those  leaves out so I can see if there’s any hidden um  

Old foliage in there and I want to get rid of  that so that’s what we’re going to [Music] do all right so our very first tore has been  cleaned up we can really see now all those   sweet little flower buds that are going to be  opening here coming soon great thing about the  

Hbor too that I forgot to mention earlier these  plants can flower for like up to 3 months um I   have had a hore on the driveway side that one  time one season started blooming in November   and went all the way through like March it was  insane they are extremely cold tolerant they  

Are called Linton roses because they typically  start flowering during the the Christian season   of Lent uh these are a little early but that is  for us this is this is the typical time this is  

When they start to bloom they do come in a wide  range of colors you can get the beautiful creams   and the pinks and the Reds the nearly blacks  like the one I have back here um they are just   amazing wonderful hearty beautiful plants that  I absolutely adore some of the older varieties  

If you talk to gardeners that have had the old  uh type of helor they will spread by seed they   can those can be a bit of a nuisance so just  be aware when you’re um maybe you get some  

Helbor that are passed down from a friend if  you want them to naturalize in an area those   are the perfect ones to do it like down at the  creek bank I have some that my mom gave me they  

Have naturalized over the years and it is perfect  in this flower bed I do not want that I have some   of those newer hybrid varieties while the mound  gets bigger every year and it it definitely grows  

And gets very healthy it does not put out seeds  and it I do not have babies coming up all over my   flower bed so just kind of keep that in mind when  you are shopping for your uh hellor your Linton  

Roses now I have got three more to do and then  we’re going to install some beautiful garden art okay my friends so we have got all four of the  hellor in this flower bed have been pruned back  

All the foliage is gone old foliage is gone and  all the new foliage is allowing to come out and   emerge the one in the middle the second one that  I did it was a little questionable there’s it is  

Still I see buds coming up in New Growth if you  want to wait go ahead and wait until you get like   really nice new foliage coming up these are so  cold hearty for me in North Carolina um it is  

Not much of an issue for me I’m in this space I’m  going to go ahead and take care of everybody while   I’m here that’s just my personal I understand my  garden I understand my lifestyle and uh I stopped  

Lying to myself that said oh you’ll come back  and get it when it’s time probably not so I’m   in the space I’m going to get it done and it is  taken care of now you may have noticed that I did  

Go ahead and remove um Le leaves that were piled  up around those helbor again we’ve talked about   this several times here in the fall winter about  do you leave the leaves do you remove the leaves  

What do you do honestly y’all it comes down  to a personal choice in this flower bed it is   close to my house we removed the vast majority  of the leaves because this farest pansy she put  

Down some leaves this year and it was completely  covered in leaves we did a video on it when Mimi   and I were here cleaning up we talked about that  in I can link it for you up above and in the video  

Description um also in this bed this bed is a  predominantly shade bed edges are full sun um   and it stays a little bit on the damp side because  I have Irrigation in here to help my shade plants  

Along um so snails and slugs can be problematic  in this flower bed I have to put down snail and   slug bait throughout the spring summer uh so  that they don’t chew up my hostas if I leave  

The leaves piled up around the plants that’s  a place for them to Harbor over winter in over   winter and come back in the spring I don’t want  that it’s a problem here in this flower bed also  

I have had uh spider mites in this bed as well  and a hydrangea I want to I do not want to leave   a breeding ground for those harmful insects in  this flower bed that is why I choose to take the  

The leaves out of this flower bed and my natural  areas out and about the leaves stay so there you   go also so um when we’re talking about supplies I  forgot to mention that of course cuz we ask people  

This all the time about my garden tool belt we’ve  had that available for um a bit of a while now on   the website but this is I used it personally  for years and I love it basically every time  

I’m out in the garden I have this on me um it  is a belt we have it available on the website   so you can check that out the ones on the website  are super cool because they have our logo stamped  

Into the leather it is a fellow North Carolina  company husband wife Duo wheeler Monroe high   quality super great soft leather but I can keep  my I got two sets of vcos in here I’ve got a Hy  

Hy I’ve got a clip for my um gloves on here I keep  a box cutter my phone will fit in here I mean this   thing is like multi-purpose and holds everything  and then when I’m done with it I simply I have a  

Closet in the garage and and we’ve converted that  to my my garden closet I have some pegboard up and   I just simply hang it up that way when it’s time  to Garden it’s always right there all my basic  

Supplies are always there now now that we got the  work done let’s go have some fun and install some   really cute garden art you will see behind me  we have the garden shed one of our uh channel  

Members asked one time they’re like now is it  really a garden shed or is it just kind of for   looks right now it is just for looks it used to  be our our old chicken Co obviously we have the  

New chicken co uh the plan is is to turn this  into my garden shed uh the problem is it just   keeps getting pushed down the to-do list because  the other emergencies and fires take place if you  

Live on this planet you certainly understand what  I mean as far as like you have a project in your   mind but it just keeps getting pushed down further  down the list that is the garden shed but she’s  

Cute so we just call her the garden shed my quote  problem with the garden shed is that um especially   this time of year she just seems to be lacking  something um because in this flower bed where   Brena is we’ve got beautiful native amsonia here  we’ve got Phantom hydrangeas um the Dalia Garden  

Is right back there um so we had um we have lots  of color surrounding it in the growing season but   this time of year it just is lacking something  definitely and you have this beautiful big blank  

Wall so why not go ahead and fill it with some  sort of fun garden art Etsy is my new favorite   place to go for garden art Garden all things  Garden I found this great it’s a mother daughter  

Shop it’s called The Rusty sparrow and I bought a  15 piece rusted butterfly mural basically this is   one of them that I have already attached to the  wall um but of course it’s the Rusted Sparrow so  

They all have that nice rusted patina look to them  here on the ground I have the other ones down here   below they are all different shapes and sizes let  me show you all right so here we go it’s a little  

Hard to show you uh when I’m doing it by myself  but here we have like there are basically large   medium and small and they’re different shapes  of butterflies just so stinking cute then you’ve  

Got the little tiny ones right here um I love this  one with the really long antennas on them but it’s   super easy to install because everybody has a nice  sharp screw attached to the butterfly now when  

It comes to you when it’s packaged there those  screws are wrapped up so you don’t have to worry   about stabbing yourself but all you have to do is  take these and screw them directly into a wall on  

The Rusted Sparrow uh store under this particular  product they had you know they have they’ll have   like customer testimonials and pictures on them  and so they had a couple like one I thought was  

Really neat I never would have thought to do this  they had them going up a tree then the other one I   loved was in a shade garden had tons of beautiful  like hostas and all sorts of things and they had  

Like a fence behind it and they had the but  butterflies going up through that so that is   what I’m going to do on this wall the idea is to  install them so it looks like there’s a uh I don’t  

Know what you call a bunch of butterflies together  A Flock a gagle whatever a flock of butterflies   flying through so that is what I’m going to  do uh I’m going to channel my inner Artistry  

To make it look really fun and neat but I’m going  to try to take up as much room as I possibly can   so you just kind of push them in with your hand  and turn turn turn until it B onto the wood and  

Then you just keep turning it until it’s nice and  screwed in there so that’s what we’re going to do the butterflies are installed and they look so  cute uh I do absolutely adore them I love them  

However I think there could be more added so how  fun would it be to have on that back side that   back corner where that blank space is to see if  I could find that same kind of style that rust Ed  

Uh metal aged patina look of like some big giant  flowers so as if the butterflies were flying to   go land on the flowers it’s a thought right  I mean that is what gardening is it is never  

Complete it is never done it is you think you’re  going in One Direction you get that project done   you’re like H maybe I could tweet this maybe I  could do something better um that’s the fun and   the joy of gardening is is never complete and  we’re constantly changing um and adapting and  

Going forward but these little guys super super  cute um very easy to install probably yes if IID   had a drill I could have you know um done some  pilot holes and they would have gone in maybe a  

Little bit easier once the screws grabbed hold  of the wood then they went in really easy like   they were super easy to get in there like with  anything it just takes a minute to get it going  

And then there you go so I am a huge proponent  of adding fun and Whimsy to your garden because   gardening is not simply about plants right  gardening is so much more than that we uh I  

Have a bird feeder right over my shoulder right  here at the maple tree um so while I was putting   up the butterflies I could hear my little Carolina  chickes just sitting there talking to me and uh so  

We add that garden art we add things for the birds  especially this time of year um especially if you   have snow if you if you have snow and you don’t  have some bird feeders out put some bird feeders  

Out oh my gosh you’ll have the most fun watching  your birds um and they will be very very thankful   for you uh so feeders and if you can do some water  that would be great for them um but you know bird  

Houses and funky yard art whatever that yard art  may be for you you know go for it um we’ve gone   through my mama’s Garden you know several times  and I think she is like the queen of garden art  

Whether it is natural things like um law dogs and  items that she finds you know in nature or whether   it is some sort of metal or it’s uh bird houses  she gave me some of these beautiful blown glass  

Flowers for Christmas and I love them so much that  she had um some other ones as well and I bought   them from her eventually they’re supposed to end  up at the uh in the signature Garden somewhere  

Around there um but for now I am certainly loving  all of the color here in uh right in front of the   David Austin Roses because they’re so stinking  cute this is from an art gallery in Columbia  

South Carolina One Eared cow and uh yeah I have  not been to the store because that is going to   be a very very dangerous day when jry Jenny goes  to that store um because they’re so stinking cute  

But whatever it is fountains y’all the sound  of water best thing we ever did to this Garden   um I absolutely love it so have fun out there in  your garden if you’re covered in snow cuz I know  

So many of you are covered in snow if you’re  not covered in snow maybe you are absolutely   freezing and when I say freezing I’m y’all y’all  are telling me that you’re like – 22 below with  

A wind chill of like negative whatever God bless  you I I don’t know how y’all do it it’s going to   get cold here the and I say cold I know it’s  all relative y’all but you got to think about  

We’re in the South um tonight the low was like I  think 17 and then tomorrow was like 14 so I mean   it’s decent it’s not you know Nega – 22 it’s not a  competition um I’ll let y’all win that competition  

Every day of the week and twice on Sunday I’m not  going to try to compete with you on that but for   us it certainly is quite chilly and um so anyway  have fun get out there if you can’t get out there  

That was my point Sorry squirrel come back around  if you can’t get out there it’s perfect time to   be planning dreaming ordering your seeds go ahead  and order your supplies that you need if you need  

Uh kneeling pads and rs Garden of creekside’s  got a lot of fun things we also have some select   amount of unique stone on the website so if you  stay to the end then you got a little sneak peek  

And maybe you can uh order some unique stone  and get it deliver to your house like right   now um but yeah dreaming so tomato cake es uh  seeds whatever it may be if you need to order  

It perfect time to do it right now get it get all  those supplies in and be dreaming of warmer days I   promise they will come as always we appreciate you  have a great day we’ll see you the next video bye friends


  1. It's been single digits with a wind chill of negative double digits for the last week. It just warmed up to 21 degrees today, and I felt so warm i took off my coat to walk from my car into work this morning lol. cold is so relative. 30 degrees in fall feels so much colder than 30 degrees in late winter/early spring.

  2. For the felco gloves are they are unisexs? I am dude but I have to buy women Large gloves as the men sizes never really fit my hands perfectly. I have short thin fingers.

  3. The first thing I thought was you need some metal flowers (Hobby Lobby) in that upper corner for the butterflies to flock to!

  4. Hi Jenny 🌺. Very cool video . Your trim for hellebores looks amazing and these butterflies added beautty to the wall and to this area. I lovet . The art yard collection in your mothe's garden are so beautiful . Have agreat day. 🌺🌻🌺

  5. Just sitting here in Alabama watching my bird feeder and looking at your video today. Can't wait to get my plants that I ordered from you.
    I also remember the days that my family had greenhouses. Good times and good memories!

  6. A group of butterflies can be called a swarm but that seems boring. They can also be called a flutter of butterflies or if they are particularly colorful, a kaleidoscope. I think these both much more fitting descriptions.

  7. Those are so cute. I need to get me some garden art.
    Jenny that would be super cute the butterflies going to flowers.

    Temps dropped to 20 here in South Louisiana and my Dahlia plants got fried,so I'm gonna go trim that back either today or tomorrow… Some other plants that got hit im just gonna leave them alone til spring.

  8. I was the one who asked about the shed lol. ASK JENNY: Zone 8a milton, Florida. We had a 14-degree night, my hostas & amaryllis foliage have melted. the hostas will recover, but the amaryllis? (All in-ground) should I cut their melted foliage to the ground?

  9. Love it! Here’s some super cute/random info for today: a group of butterflies can be called a “flutter”❣️ But my favorite is a term used for a group of hummingbirds…they’re called a “shimmer” 🥰

  10. I have grown hellebores for years. I love the foliage as well as the flowers. I am not sure why you would cut those leaves away, especially the variegated ones! I can see the flowers just fine. Mine have re-seeded under my canopy of trees and make a beautiful ground cover. I am in 8a also.

  11. How fun is this! A group of butterflies is called a KALEIDOSCOPE! Love how you created a fun background for your future garden shed! Also, am a long time fan of Felco pruners! I love the #7–right handed with a rotating handle that helps increase my mechanical advantage with my arthritic hand! Thanks for keeping it interesting over the winter! 🙂

  12. Jenny you are such a joy to watch so happy in everything you do! Im dreaming of planting and what i want to plant ! Tomorrow is Friday another snowstorm coming in Pennsylvania and temperatures in the teens! Its winter after all!!

  13. Love the butterflies and yes rusted flowers would be awesome. I just read from a commenter that a group of butterflies is a kaleidoscope. I found out last year a group of ladybugs is called a Loveliness…awesome names eh? ( had to add the eh 😆) ❄️🇨🇦❄️

  14. Thank you, Jenny. I did not know to do this to my hellebores. Love the butterflies. I think yes to the rusty flowers. You need a bench below them on the pad. I love yard art too , especially rusty things like lanterns and milk cans.

  15. Can’t wait to get out and do some clean up but tonight Rain ,sleet and snow tomorrow 0 degrees for a low but next week……..In the high 60 after snow here in East Tennessee this week,as they say THIS TOO SHALL PAST. 🤣🤣🤣 I am in love with your butterflies 🦋

  16. I am worried about all my plants in my yard. We have not had any above freezing weather. Until today and tomorrow night and the next night it's supposed to be near zero. This is the south folks. We are definitely not used to this And neither are our plants. Good luck to everyone in harm's way.

  17. Couldn’t resist had to go order some butterflies for my garden shed. Hubby is building a trellis for it for me to grow a climbing hydrangea. These should add the perfect touch.

  18. You mentioned hellebores naturalizing/seeding elsewhere in your property – do you go in and cut back all that foliage too?

  19. Thank you for sharing this. Right after your video, I went and trimmed mine up. I love seeing these special flowers all through the coldest days of winter. I’m in zone 7B.

  20. Thanks for sharing the seller of butterflies I have an area that I’m thinking I need to purchase some ❤ Rust, the area you cleaned up looks great, the flowers prob are gonna be nice and full so fast

  21. Hi Jenny, I was curious if you would suggest any protection for rose trees during the winter for 6b and 7a zones,? Thanks for all that you teach us!

  22. Love the butterflies! I think large flowers would be great too. I wish I could grow Hellebores here in zone 9b. It is too hot and humid in the summer for them. At least that is my experience. But I can admire yours!

  23. I'm so glad I saw that video because I had no idea to cut off leaves! I just did and now my Lenten Rose's can shine their beauty!! Do you cut back snapdragons!

  24. What is the large fern in the background? Also could you show how you prune/maintain the anise shrub in the future? If you’ve already done one could you please let me know which episode. Thank you!

  25. Lol Ms. B …. what Mom no pots today😂. Thank you so much Jenny for sharing how you take care of these. I bought a bunch for my shade garden last year, just so I can have some pretty winter colors. I am going to get more now, lol. Love the garden art display, what a great idea!

  26. The door needs some color. I’m partial to yellow, but the color of your roof would be nice love the butterflies and good luck finding the flowers!

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