Edible Gardening

Backyard Edible Garden Harvest and Soup Recipes | Cooking at Home

Backyard Edible Garden Harvest and Soup Recipes | Cooking at Home | Filipino Recipes | Garden to Table Recipes | Winter recipes with some harvest from our backyard edible garden – some leafy greens, lemons and calamansi.

❤️ Backyard Edible Garden

backyard garden harvest recipe ideas
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garden to table recipe ideas | what to do with the harvest
bok choy recipe ideas | lemon recipe ideas | Asian greens recipes
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I am making sinigang for dinner this has like Taro and then radish and now I’m adding the eggplant and then the [Applause] OA this is baby b ribs H cang let’s eat no not yet it’s not yet ready I need to um the vegetables need to be cooked first and then it’s dinner

Time I’m about to prepare dinner with the leftover H from the new year and then cabbage it’s going to be uh cabbage and ham soup I need to slice the ham and then the Cabbage Too so right now it’s 5:30 we’re having an early dinner this is early for us but we had a super early lunch too so I just need to slice this I also made a lentil and barley with ham soup the other day so we could like finish all the

Leftover ham we had it at a personi restaurant and we really like it but the version of the restaurant and didn’t have ham I just added the ham because we need to use this H so this one is a very easy recipe too a perfect way to use the

Left over and at the same time um it’s perfect around this time of the year it’s winter time it’s like great to have it’s so comforting to have like soup this is very easy too oh and then earlier today our neighbor our Filipino neighbor from our

Old house uh came by to give us a bter melon plant I’m going to add the clips here it’s or like malonga plant oh naig ah paan p oooo laki pa anoi hyung maganda Yung Kasi parang canopi Angar niy P ano angam nakami NG pay saam G ETO Kat Kat

Antio and here’s our h and uh she also brought this um beautiful Orchid she’s super nice one time she brought like orange tulips too and then uh this one the apple turnovers the apple turnovers which we can eat for breakfast tomorrow it’s just like a lazing away weekend this

Weekend the hot the Christmas season is over like from Thanksgiving to Christmas it’s been like really busy now it’s more of like slowing down just remove the outer part and then slice or like chop and then wash it’s easier to wash and they are like it’s easier to slice or like to

Chop when they are dry a great recipe before for like left over New Year like leftover H and then the the Cabbage I washed this already and then water so about I used about um 8 cups of water and then I’m not sure if I use the the seasoning that we got from the Russian Market I’m not going to use the this is for the beef this one

Probably I’m not sure what this is for it seems like noodles but it looks like soup so maybe I’ll use this some freshly Cracked Pepper corns and then cook a little bit more until this like uh cabbage is like super soft hi Mommy are you waiting for our

Food yes are you excited do you like it I like it that’s good look at the beautiful Orchid Auntie Yasmine brought it earlier beautiful no yeah and then this is what we’re having for um breakfast tomorrow if you like apple turnovers here’s the H and cabbage soup

Let’s eat for this recipe I’m using this or organic baby pearl barley and the uh green lentils I use two cups barley and then two cup H green lenil I am adding chicken like a flavoring and then this mint leaves dried mint leaves super generous sprinkling off it has to like

Be like really flavored to it like mint some leftover H from the new year like carrots dice car and then just mix and then let’s add some celery H carrots and celery I’m going to harvest the L lemons are are very good for you but they’re really sour yes and this is

Lemon from the uh backyard garden so we can add like a slice on top to squeeze this is our barley soup and then let’s add like lemon here and here’s my Harvest I’m going to harvest more Tomorrow I made soup for dinner this is like noodles with B Choy from the backyard garden and then leftover be from uh Christmas Eve dinner this is the standing reib roast and then I have like two bones here to flavor this is the noodle soup so here’s my harvest the joy Choy I

Am making a three bean chili I’m right now I’m sautéing the beef this is ground beef 8515 I’m using black Beans this is like a can bean chili black ey peas and then chckpeas DIC Tomatoes here’s my chili with avocado and cheese I don’t like sour cream on my chili let let’s eat I am making tea for our apple turnovers and we also have some updates here from the uh Mediterranean

Market I don’t need this one I’m going to join the boys in the living room Josh are you ready for tea time yes okay here you go guys thank you


  1. 今日、あなたはすべて素晴らしいことをしてくれました、あなたが私たちのためにしてくれたことをとてもうれしく思います、あなたは聴衆をますます興奮させました

  2. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ganda ng presentation mo sissy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,love it.. enjoy cooking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,at ganda ganda talaga ng garden mo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,thank you for sharing watching here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  3. ganda naman dyan host pwedi magtanim ng malunggay at maraming calamansi parang pinas
    yummy and healthy soup, favorite ko yong apple turnover

  4. Great video 👍 thank you for sharing wish you a lot of health and a big hug you from Vietnam ❤️🥰🥰

  5. Amazing garden harvest and delicious soups.
    Such a great way to use your left over ham fromNew Year.
    That barley ,ham lentil soup looks so delicious and comforting.
    Thank you for this amazing recipe! Huge like.

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