Edible Gardening

10 Things to Do Now to Prepare for Spring Gardening

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We’re weeks away from spring, but there’s much to do before seed sowing truly commences. Here are ten things that you could be doing now to organize yourself and your supplies and to get a head start on the growing season. Enjoy, and let me know what else you’re doing in the comments section.

00:00 Introduction
00:46 Organize Seeds
01:34 Bareroot Plants
02:27 Grow Mushrooms
03:00 Move Perennials
03:31 Wood Chip Paths
04:27 Garden Projects
05:18 Clean Garden Storage
06:07 Clean Tools
07:15 Feed Garden Birds
08:09 Clean the Greenhouse
08:43 Sowing the first seeds of spring

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#garden #vegetablegarden #gardening

I’ve been wanting to move the potting bench from the shed into the poly crub here for some time now it’s warmer so it’s nicer to work it’s brighter there’s more air and space and I’ve also set up a seed sewing station over here for very early seeds it’s just so much warmer in

Here compared to the greenhouse but I have tons of other things that I need to get done before the growing season truly commences and so today I’m going to go over 10 things that we could all be doing right now to prepare for seed sewing and a productive gardening season ahead let’s dig In potentially one of the most enjoyable things that we can do right now is something we can do indoors where it’s warm and cozy and that’s going through our seed collections setting aside ones that we don’t need anymore or don’t want anymore and we can give those away at

Seed swaps or to another Gardener making lists of seeds that we need or want so if we’re low on certain ones put in your orders now and also creating a seed sewing plan and a seed sewing plan is essentially something that keeps you organized and keeps you in seedlings and

Veg right through the growing season it reminds you that that certain seeds need to be sewn at certain points in the growing year as far as plants are concerned they can be quite expensive to buy in the growing season if you go to a garden center you buy a potted Rose for example

You’ll be paying a lot of money but now in Winter you can get a lot of plants including roses sent to you in the post bare root so that means that they don’t have have any soil or potting mix around their roots and because they don’t have

That extra weight they’re a lot cheaper and so you can order be root roses and be root strawberries be root hedro plants uh be root asparagus crowns so many different plants right now bear roots and if it’s mild enough you can plant them directly out in the garden

And if it’s not you can pop them up and put them into a greenhouse or poly tunnel or at least heal the men something that you might not have considered up until now is growing your own mushrooms and winter is a great time to order both mushroom kits for growing

Mushrooms indoors and inoculated mushroom dowels for putting into branches and small logs so that you have a steady supply of mushrooms that you can harvest in a month’s time and also throughout the year in Winter perennial plants go dormant they’re essentially sleeping and so what we can do with them right now is

That if we put them in the wrong place we want to move them we can dig them up now like I have with these chives and Welsh onions and plant them somewhere else as long as the ground isn’t Frozen we can do this now in Winter and when

They wake up in Spring they won’t even know that they’ve been Moved while we should avoid doing too much with a soil when it’s frozen and wet what we can do is focus on our Pathways and I use wood chips for my Pathways and this is a great time of the year just to put down a new layer or

Actually create brand new wood chip paths you can often get wood chips for free if you contact a local tree surgeon or arborist and sometimes nowadays they’re often sold as well so you can order in a load from someone and that might be the quicker option if you need

Them right away but regardless wood chips are a great resource to use as a path because they break down 2 or 3 years and you have a really moisture retentive compost that you can just shovel from the paths directly on your beds From next month our attention is going to be taken over by seeds and seedlings and young plants but until then we can build Garden features and garden infrastructure that’s going to make our lives a lot easier once the growing season starts I’m talking about Pathways I’m talking about trellises plant

Supports garden edging and even building a dead hedge which is what this thing is here beside me I showed you how to make one of them in my last video it’s a great use for Woody Garden waste it creates a Windbreak a separating barrier and it just looks really interesting and

Rustic as well so get your garden infrastructure and projects done as quickly as you can before those seedlings take over cleaning out our garden storage and our sheds is also something we can do right now in the growing season they can get massively cluttered and dirty it

Happens to all of us so going through your shed right now clearing it out putting aside things that you don’t need taking inventory of the things that you have and maybe need a bit more of this is something that we can do right now and you also notice I’ve got some black

Plastic on one of my windows there storm blew it out so I’ve got glass to replace in it and I also have some paint inside the shed and I plan on painting the entire thing again as soon as the weather warms up it’s going to be a slightly different Color one really great job for this month is cleaning sharpening and oiling our garden tools and I’m talking not just our hand tools but also our Spades and our garden forks and our hose and shovels clearing them of the dirt and mck that might still be on them from

Last year and getting them ready is going to save you some time and also make gardening so much easier now as far as cutting blades so your Snips and seers and loppers some of the sap on there you can see there’s a bit of sap on this one

That will come off with something called a cream mate it’s like a magic eraser tool for garden tools and it also helps to get rust off as well you might want to also sharpen your blades and oil them as well chamelia oil is the number one

Oil that you want to use with garden tools and you can get that from garden supply Shops one thing that I’m really passionate about in winter is feeding Garden Birds civilization in general takes up so so much space and we hack down HED RS we hack down areas where wild birds and other animals can live but one thing that we can do to help is

To feed them especially in Winter and you can put bird seed out or you can make Fat Cakes as well which are really easy they are essentially animal fats like Tallow or lard mixed together with grains and seeds and other types of ingredients that are specific maybe to

The birds in your region letting it Harden and then setting them out for birds to eat it’s an energy rich source for them and it helps them to survive winter and into spring when Forge is a little bit better for Them before you start seed sewing and moving seedlings inside make sure that you clean out your Greenhouse use a bright and Clear Day Scrub that glass so that lots of light can get through take pots out look for slug eggs just clean the entire lot it will save you so much

Grief later on in the growing season and it will create a really nice space for your seedlings to grow up and for you to work in one thing that you’ll have noticed I have not brought up thus far is sewing seeds and I have not started any seeds

Thus far this year not a single one because I think that what’s going to end up happening from here on out is I’m not going to start any seeds until February although there are some that do benefit from an early start so spicy chili varieties the ones that are going to

Blow your head off they benefit from an early start as do onion seeds if you want to grow your onions from seed loofah if you want to grow your own sponge this year you can start it now and also eggplant Obe seeds you can start them in January but I’m actually

Going to start my eggplant in February this year because I’m pretty sure that they’ll do just fine and produce on schedule plants really do catch up and they will benefit better from being planted out as soon as they’re ready rather than lingering on indoors in an environment that really isn’t as

Suitable for them there’s a general rule that you want to sew your seed seeds about 4 to 6 weeks before you know that you can plant them in their final positions whether that be out in your garden or in a poly tunnel or Greenhouse so keep that in mind and in the next

Video in two weeks time I’m going to take you along on all the seeds that I’m sewing at that point along with my seed starting mix and all of that now until then and you might have been eyeballing this potting bench here beside me I have

A video showing how to make this out of pallets so if you are in need of an inexpensive place to stand at and sew your seeds comfortably then go ahead and make one of these and that video is ready for you to go on to next thanks so

Much for watching and I’ll see you next time here on loveely greens bye for Now


  1. Thanks for the tips.! .I'm excited to see how my Asparagus crowns that i planted bare root style from Marshalls are going to come through this year. Hope your roses do well this year

  2. I was eyeballing your potting bench, lol. I watched that video showing how to make it quite awhile ago and have kept it in the back of my mind to make one. I could do that inside the shop here but all the other projects you mentioned I can’t do yet. We still have a couple of feet of snow on the ground and more to come in the next 3 months. It looks like April where you are living, we are still in the frozen dead of winter. But I’m thinking about the upcoming planting and I’ve been buying seeds, and strawberry plants to be delivered when the time is right. I am excited about my asparagus bed because I will be able to start harvesting from that this year❤. I always enjoy looking at your beautiful gardens. TeresaSue.

  3. Helloo TLG .Wow already days a getting longer . I love Spring. and all the hopefulness it brings .I wish all gardeners happy sowing and much success.

  4. Thanks Tanya! Great prep video. Our winter garden is flourishing here in North Florida. We have kale, purple cauliflower, purple broccoli, komatsuna, rutabaga, a variety of lettuces, and carrots. My wife, who eats much healthier than me, has been enjoying fresh produce grown right in our backyard. Your videos keep us garden motivated. Thank you!

  5. New to your channel. I loved the comment move them now and when they wake up they won’t even know they have been moved. I’ve been doing a lot of cleaning but you gave me more to put on my list. I didn’t know that about wood chips just taking a rake after it’s composted and put it in the beds. Awesome tip!!!

  6. Can I just say the reason I clicked on your video was because you showed your country and zone within the first 3 seconds.
    Often, it's impossible to find where many gardening channels are filming, which is a huge factor in whether I can apply the information. Yours also happens to be my zone so thank you😊

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