Gardening Supplies

First Arrival of PW Annuals for 2024 & The Greenhouse Is Finished!

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Proven Winners
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⏰ Nursery Hours:
The retail garden center is currently closed for the winter. It will reopen on Saturday, February 17, 2024.

Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034

Good morning friends welcome to Gardening with  Creekside guess what just pulled up here at   production? yes it is the Proven Winners truck  from our friends at Pleasant View Gardens uh   in Louden New Hampshire and they have our first  premum winter annuals for the 2024 season very  

Very exciting now on this order we have um two  different sets of plants essentially we have the   first round for the garden center and we have  the first round for the online so very excited  

I we’re going to get this unloaded and then I’m  going to kind of walk you through uh and give   you a little bit of highlights of the annuals  that are on this order um but we are very very  

Excited Brena is hanging out in Johnny uh so uh  she is here the whole gang’s here we have a fun   day ahead because this is uh we going have a lot  of things going on as normal here at Creekside  

Nursery right we have the Pleasant View delivery  of our PR winter annuals we have another delivery   of um a massive covert pipe that we’re going to  be installing at the creek we’ll show you that   the greenhouse is essentially completely done  Jerry just has one or two little tweaks to do  

So we’re going to show you that give you an update  on all the bells and whistles and everything that   is um what it does right because we have proven  winter annuals arriving every two weeks for the  

Next month or so um so tomorrow we will begin  potting these sweet babies up but super super   excited about this um so yeah let’s just go see  what they look like there will there’s the crew yay there’s the plants

It’s also very exciting to see these little  babies arve just like Alyssa got so excited   to see them it’s like seeing old friends  again uh cuz we know exactly what these   sweet little babies are going to turn  into and it is just super exciting very

Exciting all the line [Music] stre all right  my friends so we’re uh the pipe has arrived   so we left the Pleasant View Nursery  delivery and we are headed down to the   pipe very bright Sun uh Jerry is driving  Andrew’s in the back and I got Bren at  

My feet so if you hear a yepy yepy it’s just  she’s very excited uh so we’re going to have have him follow us hopefully all right so  we’ve got uh a big old trailer for that it  

Is a 10t section of pipe um what we’re going to  do all right so we got that 10-ft section of pipe   which is going to go down here um if you remember  that was um close to two weeks ago now um where we  

Had the the huge rain that came through and we had  extensive flooding here at the nursery we’re going   to extend this part of the Culver that’s already  there so it is basically essentially the exact  

Same pipe that you just saw on the back of the  trailer that is already in here people have asked   or were talking about when we did that video about  the damage from the flooding about you know um why  

Don’t you do this or why don’t you do this to try  to stop the water why don’t you um dig out the   creek to make it deeper and wider why don’t you  um try to you know stop the water from coming when  

You have that massive amount of water there is no  stopping the water um you don’t stop water unless   it’s some like massive huge like Dam or whatever  right we’re not going to doing that what we try to  

Do is simply direct the water where we want it to  go um 90% of the time we’re very successful with   that but then you have those rare occurrences  every four years every 10 years whatever where  

You have that kind of flooding that we had and  at that point um you just manage it like you   don’t manage water if you’ve been around massive  amounts of water that are flowing you don’t stop  

It it is you’re just trying to tell it where to  go so we’re just trying to help tell it where to   go a bit and we um need to make this drive bigger  because we get constant deliveries 18-wheelers um  

Massive sleeper cabs I mean massive trucks and as  long as the driver is good and knows how to drive   um which we have some amazing drivers that have  absolutely no problem coming in and out of here  

But then you also get inexperienced drivers and  it is very stressful and very um just very tense   when they come across the creek and when they  are leaving because they don’t know how to keep   their wheels where they’re supposed to go I’ve  always said at some point somebody’s going to  

End up in this Creek we’re going to try to avoid  that together uh today so what the plan is is we   are going to not today just that the pipes coming  today we’re going to install that 10-ft pipe which  

You know obviously we’ll have to connect in so  we’ll uh and so the pipe will go from here and   it will go right past this massive pop tree that  we have now down here you will see on the creek  

That the roots are I mean they are just on the  edge of the creek so if you see any of these wood   these pieces of wood that is all the roots from  this tree I’m not getting rid of this tree love  

This tree we’re not going to disturb those roots  whatsoever what we are going to do is we’ll take   our machinery and we’re going to dig out right in  here cuz this is just sand this is like a sand bar  

Um we’ve got plenty of room to come in here and  um make more room this way so the pipe will then   come in right and we start somewhere right here  around where that tree is and the creek will flow  

Through that we will then come just very much like  we just did um the other day yesterday uh with the   Culvert and we will fill in back fill everything  soil dirt massive rocks and then gravel so that  

The road actually is extended by X number of feet  again not taking out the poplet tree but we’re   just going to make it so that the road comes here  when the trucks come through back and forth they  

Have plenty of room now y’all this is I would have  to measure this this is at least a good this is   the width of of a normal high like Road right so  this is a 30 30 ft I I know what it is but there’s  

Already lots of room we’re just trying to avoid  problems when we get the massive flooding like   we just experienced because it’s not a matter  of will we it’s a matter of when we because it   it just what happens around here every couple of  years um that water still absolutely will probably  

Overflow again and that is fine because that’s how  it is meant to overflow and go the way that it did   and then it returns back to the stre so that  is the um the plan the goal make this bigger  

And then as far as what will happen and what will  look like on this side um so of course the road   will be you know all of this that had washed out  all of this will be covered and that road is going  

To shoot up and you can see the tea olives right  here we’re going to leave the tea olives so we’re   going to maneuver it so that it goes this way the  tea olives are going to stay cuz that will be a  

Natural uh barrier for the truck drivers like  a visual point for the truck drivers to go okay   well I can’t run over this tree um hopefully and  then so they’ll come up and then we’re actually  

Going to go ahead uh and remove probably there is  uh a native aelia this is a jalter we’re going to   go ahead and move that transplant that somewhere  else down and and then I told Jerry I want to go  

Ahead and take this part of the flower bed that  has all of our beautiful annuals and I want to   push this back by a couple of feet so that way  cuz I bless their hearts right and this is not  

Just truck drivers it could be it could be regular  cars too they just have a hard time um but they   come in and they run all up on these rocks and so  I want I don’t want my annuals to get run over so  

We’re going to push that back and then have nice  big rocks that kind of line it again trying to be   Visual and saying hey don’t come through here and  so we’re just going to push that back the gravel  

Will be all the way up here and then join the road  up there so that is the plan looks like Jackson is   the driver today of the Bobcat we’ve got like I  said Miss B is in Johnny so I have a leash that  

Is hooked onto the interior of Johnny she is then  attached to the leash so she just knows that when   she’s on that leash she just kind of hangs out  right there um cuz with drivers and new people  

We just just don’t need that so Jackson has got  the uh the pipe it’s all our same people Brena uh   the pipe that would be what Andrew has is like the  ring to connect those two pipes and then they’re  

Just going to go and deposit it all down there  by the creek so there we go now what we’re going   to do is go ahead and dump this off whereever it  is that they want it go back up to the production  

And make sure that all our sweet babies arrived  and yeah then we’ll move on to the next project   all right my friends so we got all of the plants  from Proven Winners and our friends at Pleasant  

View Gardens uh they are all laid out they are  organized and we know exactly who is what and   what is where and all the things it is quite the  organizational feat to do that what we’re going  

To do is just I’m going to kind of just go over  um I am not going to have plant pictures y’all I   will show you the tag if you are interested in  a plant you can go to gardening withth Creeks because all of these plants are available  online so you can if you want to do your pre-order   go ahead gardening withc Creeks it  will show you all the pictures give you all   the information but these are all annual annuals  mean that they last for one season there will be  

Some caveats though because depending on your grow  zone right um plants have that plant hardiness   level so for example we have in here um the pink  shab Leman and pink shab we sell this as a annual  

However because if you look this is why we adore  proven winners as a grower as a retailer this is   why I love this company every plant comes with a  great tag so you have a picture on the front of  

The tag it this says sun to shade that means it  can grow in the Sun or the shade any kind of um   Sun conditions the 8 to 12 in means how tall it  is going to be flip it over and you will see on  

The back it tells you like The Habit the blooms  the height the spacing the zones now that’s what   I’m talking about on the zones it says and annual  except in zones 4 a to 8 B so annual except in  

Zones that means if you’re in a Zone 4 a to an  8 B this will be a perennial for you um so while   this is sold as an annual it will be technically  a perennial for me in my garden um the exact same  

Thing is true for my lemon Coral Sedum we love  lemon Coral Sedum again s sell it as an annual   but for me it is a perennial so here we go with a  tag this is going to be one that’s mostly done for  

The foliage it will Bloom like the second year um  but they’re very insignificant it it really is for   the foliage here on the back right where it says  the zones annual except in zones 7A to 11b so if  

You’re in those warm zones it will be basically an  evergreen for you so much fun uh of course course   we have the annual of the year right here this is  the super tunia Vista jazzberry it is the annual  

Of the year but just to give you an idea of what  these plants look like when they come to us this   is a tray um all the trays that we got today  are trays of 82 that means there’s 82 plants  

In this tray um if you’re familiar with Vista  jazzberry let’s see if I can pull one out this   is what we call a plug because you can see it is  a little plug of a plant um this one little plug  

Will go into a grande container and that is how we  will sell it if we did a hanging basket we would   probably put three of these in one hanging basket  so just know here is your sweet little itty bitty  

Uh Vista jazzberry that will turn into a big  beautiful Beast very very soon throughout the   season so that kind of gives you an idea of like  the size of these plants now you can as a and this  

Is for wholesale right so people will ask you know  well I want to order from Pleasant View Gardens   I’m a home Gardener and I do tons of annuals every  year when you get your um there’s only two houses  

That the proven winter annuals come from it is  initially it is either Pleasant View Gardens in   loud New Hampshire or it is fourstar green houses  in Michigan right outside of Detroit those are   the home of all the proven winter annuals now  from there then retail nurseries Growers those  

Kinds of people buy them that is what we do we buy  directly from them then we grow them out they are   wholesale only so as a home Gardener you could not  order like a tray of Vista jasberry right so you  

Would have to go to your retail Garden Center and  order through it that way just kind of give you   an idea because people will inevitably people  always ask ask like how that works so that is   very interesting so the two homes of your proven  winter annuals plus a few Gardens fourstar green  

Houses all your proven perennials will come from  our friends at Walter’s Gardens and then all of   the shrubs proven Winter’s shrubs come from Spring  Meadow Nursery so there are four major and these   places are huge right four major green houses  that all proven winter plants will come from um  

So just a little FYI there what we did is you  will notice that all of the trays are laid out   and in front of them is the tag now we also went  ahead and separated them by type of plant right  

So these are all the osteos sperms right here all  the patunas are all right in here so if we have   different plants then we went ahead and separated  them them by what they are so it just makes it  

Easier like for example we have those three trays  of the pink shab lamian that way when we pot   them up we will pot all three trays right there  together therefore when they go in the greenhouse  

All the plants are um all together and you’re not  separating like a group of pink shab over here and   a and a group over here we like to be nice and  organized and neat this order this section right  

Here is all going to be for the retail Greenhouse  the initial order uh remember this is just the   first of I don’t know how many orders they come  every two weeks that’s how we that’s how we have  

Set it up um that they’re coming every two weeks  now for my sweet people online this is the initial   order for our e-commerce plants so that is why  we have them nice and separated you will notice  

That there is a huge gap between these two sets of  plants these ret plants we’ll go ahead and go into   the retail Greenhouse down at the Garden Center  because we keep separate inventory the garden   center has its own inventory and online has its  own inventory same we have a lot of overlap but  

They’re completely different inventories so you  can see here we did the exact same thing all of   these are patunas and in fact this whole section  right here these are all Vista patunas then in the  

Back this is what we just call when I say regular  patunas you know that the super patunas are not   regular but say like we have the Bordeaux we have  the brand new look y’all super super excited the   uh superia hoopla Vivid Orchid great plant super  excited I’m super excited about this superia so  

There you go um we’ve got those and saffron fch  is right beside of it these are the two new funas   for this year so those two are right there again  this is just the initial order and then we come  

Through um yeah so then we go into mini Vistas are  back here we’ve got again like the osteos we have   the trinia look at this I know you’re going to be  excited about this the brand new superbena Pink  

Cashmere so now the reason that we bring plants  in at different times like sa for like the super   be a pink cashmir we have two trays here because  remember we keep telling you that we are going to  

Ship you your plants based on your growing zone so  really these this first order of plants is going   to go to my my my fellow people in hot climates  because you’re going to be ready your climate  

Is going to be ready say in Texas long before my  friends who are in Maine or Nebraska right so we   have to bring plants in at different times based  on um where we’re going to ship them out we can’t  

We could but it doesn’t make any kind of sense  to do one order for all online because they’re   going to be sent out at different times and then  you’re trying to maintain them we could talk about  

A six week difference between when we ship our  very first order to my hottest areas maybe say   Southern California or Texas or Southern Florida  right between the very first shipment of plants   to the first shipment of plants in those cold  zones so there’s a huge period there um where  

Certain parts of the country are ready for their  annuals and certain parts of the country are not   ready so that is our job so if you’re in a zone  three you’re going to get your plants a whole lot  

Later than my folks in a Zone 11 right makes sense  um so we just have all sorts y’all it is so much   fun I would have to go back and look I know that  we have a total of 133 trays so my mathematicians  

Out there whatever one 33 * 82 cuz these are all  82 count trays that’s the number of plants we have   so there you go tomorrow is going to be the day  where we go ahead and pot up so tomorrow is Friday  

We will go ahead and try to get all of these  potted tomorrow we’ll have an all hands on deck   and we’ll just be working our little hearts out  these go really fast though because remember each  

Tray holds 10 plants um so you can really like fly  through these plants much much faster than doing   the bear Roots so I think we should be able to do  it tomorrow of course we’ll take you along for the  

Ride on that all right now let’s go check on the  new greenhouse because it is should be all up and   running and ready for plants all right my friends  so here we are in the greenhouse Jerry’s Mike duck  

Yeah ready to go here we just walked in everything  is ready to start growing all your annimals and   craniums so we just walked well we were in here  but the um the exhaust F just kicked on so that’s  

The three up here at the tippy tippy top you will  see those fans they are running and so what their   job is is um Jerry has a temperature set whatever  that may be um when it gets to be warmer than that  

They will kick on and then I’m going to turn for  you because on the front side of the greenhouse we   have the three shutters and you will see that they  are open so those exhaust fans they kick on on and  

They suck out the hot air once the greenhouse  cools off then they go ahead and they’ll turn   off and then those shutters will turn off yeah  it’s good to see it is good to see all right what  

Other bells and whistles can you show us well  um we can turn on fans and lights let’s do some   fans and lights so we also have uh going down the  center of the aisles you will see we have our LED  

Lights and then these are the circulation fans so  there we go yeah those are those are the ha fans   so the circulation fans you’ll notice that they  are so there’s one there there’s one there they’re   facing in opposite directions and that literally  is circulating the air in the greenhouse so that  

You don’t get hot spots you don’t get warm areas  that kind of thing so explain what that little   black Port is above your head all the ther yeah  yeah so that’s kind of reading temperature at  

That level and we dropped the one a little bit  down from there this is about as far as we can go   with a with the type of thermostat wire that they  gave us right so we ideally it would be great to  

Have one you know way on the other side of the  greenhouse say like behind us because it would   accurately read all the different areas but the  wire is only so long that they only give you such  

A long wire work I mean the it does in the other  green houses they were even shorter and we didn’t   have a problem with it at all so come show us all  the control panel oh and maybe we can roll up the  

Sides yeah maybe maybe I just finished blowing all  the leaves out oh and then the wind blows but we   can play around with it or just one can you roll  up one side we can maybe do this one yeah okay so  

Explain what this is so we’ve gone through this  one other time uh this is the climate boss that   controls like all of the thermostat this the doors  the fans that just kicked on a few minutes ago  

And it will control each one of these controls two  sides so it’s two four six six sides all on closed   now these probably would have opened before the  fans kicked on but I have them off right cuz you  

Just blew all the leaves out we don’t want leaves  back in here yeah it’s really windy today so yeah   I think I can open that one over there you know  if I put it on auto one of them is going to open  

Probably yeah it’s got it the temperature see  this is heat one this is the temperature we’re   trying to maintain I guess so that was why it was  like at 63° mhm so that’s why the fans kicked on gotcha anyway let’s see what happens here I  hear somebody rolling trouble outside okay so  

And it doesn’t have to go up all the way but you  can see how it’s starting to and it’s see it’s   not fast right it’s a very slow gradual opening  brena’s interested in that um so yeah it opens  

Up all the way there you go and it will go up an  a huge amount so um but we don’t want the leaves   to come in so we’re gonna stop it and then see  and then now it goes back down nice and quiet  

Very smooth very slow don’t have to worry  about Brena getting trapped in there all is well see the fans kicked this is what I was  talking about one other time the fans kicked   off but because it’s at a certain temperature you  can see that the shutters are still open right so  

It’s still letting it cool off passively without  using electricity to suck everything out gotcha   and it would have done it with these doors um but  they’re all off yep and then water so irrigation   wise cuz people have been asking about irrigation  you’ll see that we have three three um there’s one  

Two and then three back there where we can open  um hook hoses up to them so we will have hoses   that are kept right here on the edge and go down  so for right now we will hand water going to se  

Andrew um we will hand water and at some point we  may install automated irrigation sprinklers we may   yeah yeah yeah so that’s it’s more for like when  it really gets hot yeah right now we don’t water  

Very much no we don’t well we do but we don’t it  can be easily done with a hand by hand going down   through here yep all right my friends so it has  been a very productive day today but yet it has  

Also been kind of a um a nice kind of a slower  Pace day less physically straining maybe less   physically there was a lot going on well I know  but I’m yes there was a lot going on this morning  

But we’re not out literally mucking in the mud  and digging ditches not like yesterday not like   yesterday so today’s goal was to take delivery of  the plants in the pipe yep finish up here in the   greenhouse which he’s done get it all nice and  neat and tidy so we could literally put plants  

In here tomorrow if we wanted to we can and um  so it’s been a little bit mentally challenging earlier a little bit our alarm’s going off  uh it was a little bit mentally challenging   this morning just trying to keep track of  all the deliveries making sure everybody  

Was where they’re supposed to be um but  that’s all done and it’s Thursday night   Thursday so today is date night so we get to  have date night and uh yeah so it’s going to   be a great day nice to get these things  marked off the list very good all right  

We’ll see you tomorrow when we’re potting  up uh a gazillion proving winter annuals bye y’all


  1. I'm stretching my mind to recognize that Creekside will open in less than a month. Closing in December sure makes the time fly.

  2. This video is so exciting. I cant wait to see green and more green, then all the beautiful colors of all these annuqls.Thank yall for taking us along with y'all. ❤

  3. Looking good Brenna with that scarf❤ what an amazing production space!!! Cant wait to see all the flowers come up. Thank you for sharing Jenny and Jerry!

  4. Woo hoo! Pink cashmere verbena! I am in central Florida and am excitedly awaiting my order in the not too distant future! Thank you Creekside folks!!

  5. How exciting!! Just seeing the Proven Winners annual starts has me excited for the 2024 growing season! Question, I am in North Texas Zone 8, and we have been having record breaking hot summers. I want to do a mass planting of a brightly colored Supertunia (preferably a Vista), but I am curious if there are any Supertunia Vistas that are more heat tolerant than others for heat and humidity? I am thinking of Supertunia Bubblegum or Supertunia Jazzberry, but also like Supertunia Fuschia, Paradise, Bermuda Beach and Persimmon. Which would you suggest?

  6. 133*82= 10,906 baby plug plants!!! It is a great thing you have that potting machine! I'm tired just thinking about all the potting up you guys have to do! I love seeing your operations. I do wish I could purchase a tray of plugs for my own landscape as it is that huge. Oh well, a girl can dream! Thanks for sharing all that you do!

  7. PW delivering PRESENTS! 🎁 The greenhouses just fascinate me. Do you have or had, pests or diseases in any of your greenhouses? If so, how do you control it and keep it from spreading?

  8. Jenny,
    They want you to stop water? 🤔 😆😆😆
    Do point out that the Appalachian mountain chain is older than the Rockies & it's water that made them their current height. 😁

  9. Will you put all the plant trays on the ground in the greenhouse or do you have tables? Do you build tables yourself or buy them? 😊

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