Garden Plans

Winter Garden Walk (Property Plans & A Woodland Hot Tub?) | The Southerner’s Northern Garden

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🔔Follow my Instagram @thesouthernersnortherngarden or Facebook for more garden inspiration.
I garden in Zone 6, Southwest, Ohio.

Below you will find some of my favorite products I’ve mentioned on this channel. I only link products I have personally tested and feel would bring value to you or your gardening experience. Many of the following links are affiliate links, which means if you click on one of them and purchase an item, I’ll receive a small commission. I truly thank you for your support. It means the world to me!
🌿Power Planter Augers:
🌿Root Quencher:
🌿Vegega Metal Garden Beds:
🌿Vego Metal Garden Beds:
🌿Farmer’s Defense Sleeves:
🌿Eley Garden Hose and Reel:
🌿Osmocote Fertilizer for a season long feed:
🌿DeWalt Drill:
🌿Orbit B-hyve Wifi Irrigation Timer:
🌿Rain Bird Drip Irrigation Supplies:
🌿Dewitt Pro Weed-Barrier:
Wish List:

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Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

Hi y’all and welcome back to the Garden uh we are going to take a little walk around because it’s approximately 50° warmer than it was uh less than a week ago so big temperature swings here in Ohio and sometimes we have that weather uh I was going to do a video showing you

How I’m going to do some development on the property this year as far as putting in some infrastructure particularly water so I can be successful uh growing all the things I want to grow this year but before I do that video I just want to take you and walk you around uh

Because we have some new people here who may not have seen some of the older videos from this fall um where I walked you around and showed you parts of the property or at the very beginning so we’re going to get started we’re going

To be in the back a little bit today but for those of you new here this garden bed right here is brand new as of this year so there was a uh Birch right here that we cut down uh and then I created this entire big swooping bed which is

Going to be filled with perennials you may have saw my perennial video that I did uh a couple weeks ago now and I did get a lot of stuff planted in here mostly shrubs this fall I did plant a few perennials like this Feather Falls carriots here and some of The Veronicas

That I told you I got this is Ever After down here at the bottom uh and then some grasses and stuff but mostly roses boxwoods trees uh Japanese maple a few hydranges use uh and a few other things will go over more when it gets a little

Warmer but let’s go take a look at the back right now so I don’t know how much I’ll get done up here this year this will be a last priority I was wanting to do like a shade bed under these bigger trees um but that is not like super high

On the list and I’ve not really ordered any plants to fill those spaces so we’re going to get through things that I want to get through first one being a cutting Garden uh the the vegetable garden and this front flower bed and then another project I’m excited to tell you about

That I just ordered the stuff for yesterday so those of you who have been around for a couple uh months or at least a few months or even longer know we had geothermal installed uh in the fall October is when it was installed and in the spring I’ll need to come

Through with the tractor and level out this ground uh when they dig it in they dig a Branch that’s at least 4T deep below the frost line this is probably 5 or 6 ft actually and they pile the dirt back on but you can see it has sunk

Significantly which is great that means it’s settled really good onto the geothermal line which will provide the most efficiency for us uh and we’ve gotten a ton of rain this week it is still very wet um outside actually there is a dry creek at the back of the

Property which I’ve not shown you before but I’ll pop a picture on the screen it flows quite a bit and gets looks very much like a Creek river this time of year uh when we’re getting a lot of rain but the tractor will need to come

Through and clean up some of this uh the tractor should be able to handle this I would think there’s still probably a lot of sinking that’s going to occur between now and then or now in spring when I get to that project but you can see here

Just a little bit of what I’m dealing with with it sinking down but level it out nicely that’ll be good eventually I need to come through at one point this house the prior owner didn’t um redo the gravel but you can probably see the ground where a driveway existed

A gravel driveway up and around the tree there um I’m going to rework how this is going to come down and it’ll probably come down on the other side of the tree and down but not this year but in coming years it will need to be regel so I can

Enter and get out and into the garages is more easier than having to drive through the grass big project for this side of the barn this coming year uh I have ordered 11 David Austin Roses from called James gallway I am not exactly sure why these

Posts are there my best expectation or idea is that at one point aan to was going to be built on the side of this Barn SL garage uh for maybe a like Winnebago or something and it never got done or this was the original Edge to

The barn and it just did not um get completed to the side I’m not sure but either way these posts are here and um they are quite an eyesore so I’m going to buy some vinyl coated wire and run like a wire trellis all the way down

Them uh every couple feet or so these are approximately 11t tall and I’m going to plant roses at the bottom of every climbing roses at the bottom of every uh column and then one in the center of every column for a total of 11 James gway gets approximately 12T tall

So it will fit these perfectly and four to 5 foot wide so it’s going to be actually I think a 40ft wall of beautiful pink roses in several years they’ll it’ll take a while to get going pretty much but but we’ll see how much growth they put on this season because

I’ve got them to arrive right at the end of April with the rest of my roses that means I’m adding uh 23 roses at least right now I’ve still got a couple that I want to order I might have to hold on a little bit but I think it’ll be really

Beautiful this is the northern side James Galloway can take a little bit of less light and I just think it’ll be really lovely here has a beautiful backdrop to take photos maybe I can sit here and shoot video um but while we’re here I’ve got to get the stuff on on the

Side of the bar and cleaned up a lot of that is leftover stuff from when we moved a lot of garden stuff we’ve got containers a chair and some pots that I got to find places for when spring starts back up but right here on the back of the barn is

A kind of original pump house to our well water and so it’s right here in the corner so on the next year I’m going to come out with a water hose spet here and this is where I’m going to be running a lot of my water that I’ll talk to you

About in the next video so here I’ll come down and it’ll run to areas of the property now because we are on whale I’m not going to be irrigating my lawn all the irrigation I’m going to be doing is strip irrigation to the flower beds and the cut flower garden so there’s not

Going to be a significant amount of water usage in the future if we have to redo this well cuz the well is original to the house and we probably will over the next 5 to 10 years um I’ll dig two Wells one for irrigation and one for the

House that way I can have sufficient water water needs in the future but right now our well is really really good here we get up to 25 gallons per minute potentially that was when it was dug 30 years ago but we sit on top of an aquafer here in Dayton Ohio and have

Really good well water it is very hard and we have to soften it for home use but it’s also just really clean water I’ve also got to order another chip drop I am running it looks like I’ll have a lot of chips left but by the time I

Cover the vegetable garden uh and The Cut Flower space I’m going to have to do another chip drop so I’ll probably do that I was waiting for it to rain uh and the weather look clear for a couple weeks because you just never know when that’ll get dropped um the first one I

Waited over a month and the second one that I made I waited less than a week so it’s very random around here winter you might not be quite as likely to get a drop just because there may not be as much Tree Service going on but uh I want

A big pile of it so I don’t have to suspend any project or go buy regular mulch to complete any projects early cuz there’s going to be a once it gets warmer out here right now it’s about about 50° so not out doing anything in January but once it gets a little warmer

I going to hit the ground running starting spaces and prepping them uh because I have a ton of plants coming I’ve showed you the perennials I have not shot the annual video that will be in February I’ve got a lot of annuals coming that will need to get in the

Ground and they’re all coming within a 3-we period so I think my perennials arrive first my roses will arrive maybe the next week or the same week uh and then I have my annuals arriving the week of Mother’s Day right before Mother’s Day and then I’ll go be go buy locally

Shrubs and things to install so there’s a over a thousand plants potentially well probably at least to get in the ground uh in a 3 to four week period at the end of April to the end of May now I came out here um this past weekend even

Though it was really cold it started warming up a little bit on Sunday and I was just looking around cuz there’s no trees or no foliage on the trees or any of the weed honeysuckle type stuff around here and there is some cleanup I need to do on the outside areas of our

Property so right behind this tree line is the Dry Creek bed but I found a um old hot tub when you have property like this uh and previous owners kind of just dump stuff everywhere but I don’t know if you can see it I’ll turn the camera

Around I don’t want to get in there too much because it is kind of gross but but there is a random hot tub over here that has been here it’s probably not the previous owner I don’t know if you can see it back in there or not um

Through all this probably honeysuckle so there’s a lot of cutback I want to come and do and this would be a great spot this is obviously really shaded by all of these big trees around here so this would be a great spot to grow like uh shade cutting

Things that I could plant over here in the Woodland area um and just plant hostas it would be really pretty if I have just extra stuff to divide to stick back here over the next few years uh that would require a little bit of upkeep but it’s also close obviously to

The mulch pile here so I could take the tractor and get mulch and just dump it in here uh in Winter and not have to worry about so many weeds potentially and the spring but there’s quite a bit of a mess around here that slowly needs

To be cleaned up it doesn’t all have to happen this year but you can see there looks like there was some old fire wood or stumps pulled up that was also thrown back here so lots of clean up to do on the edges of the property and I want to maintain

That so it’s not encroaching on any more of the property but I also want to leave a barrier to the property in general so we are on the back side of the bo barn and you’ll see all this in the next video when I go over and provide like an

Overview a top down photo of the property and you’ll get a better understanding of maybe the layout we’re basically a big rectangle and I’m on the back of the rectangle and the front of the property is past the house up there near the road so this area right here is

Going to be the vegetable garden I tarped this like in August I think it was very early on so the grass under this is probably dead and I can probably actually come through you can see there uh it’ll leave a little while but all that’s probably

Dead for now so I could come through and put some Mulch on top of this the wood chips is what I’m going to do I’ll give it another month or two there’s no exact rush and I want to make sure the grass is dead and then we can

Plant in here I’m I’m not sure if I’m going to get raised beds or not this year uh I want to do probably the metal raised beds again and they’re pretty expensive and so I don’t know that it’s in the budget you’ll hear me talk about

In the next video about how kind of expensive it is uh it’s going to be this first year just to put infrastructure in especially the water system I already had to buy a backflow device which was $500 U just for the irrigation that I’m going to be

Running on the back of the barn that I just mentioned so a lot of upfront costs that it’s going to cut into like plant and other things this year but I’m still going to have a lot that I can accomplish um I think with the things I’ve already ordered so all the things

That you won’t see PVC to run the irrigation under the ground uh wire to control the valves to the irrigation that I’m going to be using that stuff and the links that I’ll need it are not exactly cheap so it’ll be quite an investment UPF front but I also am going to spend

The money up front to put things in that you know I will make it easier on me down the road so I want to run the water system better than it was run at the last house at the last house we had to have the whole sprinkler system

Redone um but as you begin to add garden beds and stuff to a property after a sprinkler system is installed uh you encounter issues where the sprinkler heads aren’t necessarily spraying on the correct areas Maybe spraying in the flower beds and they shouldn’t be spraying in the flower beds

You just want drift Irrigation in the flower beds so when you’re designing a system like that it takes a lot of upfront consideration of all the things you want to do in the future and I don’t know all that I want to do in the future

But I do know I want to be more considerate now that I’m working on all these Garden spaces of things I might want to do in the future and kind of future proofing some stuff so I don’t have to redo it later at more of a cost

Or more of a complication than it would have been if I just put a little more money in it up front and did it right the first time so as we come around from the vegetable garden in front of the fence or in the inside of the fence here

This bed is also a priority I don’t know that I’ve talked about it too much I know I did originally there are some shrubs left in here that I’ll dig out actually I’ll probably dig these out and plant them towards the other side of the property that I’ll talk about for

Cutting there’s some nine bark in there that’s just really good for cut foliage and Ms a really big butterfly bush that the butterflies really love uh but I’ve removed all of the perennials I think in here other than some invasive things I’ll have to take care of in the spring

When they start coming up and I need to come through and obviously remove some of the rubber mulch because I’ve mentioned that in several videos and this is always my PSA to never put down rubber mulch period uh and on top of that don’t combine it with regular mulch

Cuz I need to come through and scrape that up uh you can probably see it here in the video it is a real pain to remove and you can hardly ever get all of it which is um not great but in that bed I’m going to be

Planting a hedge you know I love a good hedge especially of hydranges a good hedge of Limelight Prime hydrangeas I’ve already placed the order there’s going to be 38 of them I think around the pool area here and I’ve already planted about 10 on the other side of the fence there

That I was able to get from proven winners last summer when I went um so I’ve placed an order locally to get I think it’s about 38 to fill this entire back area with a hedge of Limelight Prime hydranges and those hydranges I’m really I’m really excited about it guys

Because they’re already five gallons so they’ll be quite you know they’re going to be bigger than the typical three gallon that you find them in and it’ll be ones I’ve already seen this past fall when I got a bunch bunch of other stuff and they’re pretty they’re pretty spectacular um they’re

Not you know the biggest things but an extra two gallons of root growth on a plant means that it’ll do much better in the spring um and that’ll be a lot of planting to do but I’ll be able to churn through that pretty quickly I think with

My augur and they’re going to be spaced I think I think the spacing is around 38 in apart I got it written down somewhere because I did the same facing on the other hydranges on the other side so in a few years they will be one glorious solid hedge and I chose Limelight

Prime because it’s an improvement over Limelight has stronger stems it turns a little pink earlier in our area um and stem strength is really important for me on any of those hydranges uh Limelight can be pretty floppy um depending on the conditions that it’s planted how much

Sun it gets how much water it gets and Limelight Prime I did have in the last Garden I think I had two of them and they were so the stems were really sturdy even from a young age which is a good indication that as those uh shrubs

Age the stems are just going to get thicker and stronger so I went with Limelight Prime it’ll be really beautiful as well and then on the outside of the fence I’m not sure what I’m going to do there I would like a structural upright Evergreen to go all

The way around the fence that may not happen next year but I may go ahead and prepare the bed space and it’s going to be not a very super deep bed it doesn’t need to be super decorative or anything because it’s the outside of fence I’m

Not going to look at too much but uh 5 to six feet of bed space and I really want to use emerald green Arbor V I have had really good luck with those but deer love them they’re like candy and I’ve not actually seen a whole lot of deer

Issues this winter yet which is a good sign um so I hopefully won’t have a huge issue with that like some other gardeners do if I do or if I notice more of winter I’m not going to go that route because deer may just destroy them um

Luckily the area we live there are a lot of fields around us for crops to grow but we’re also kind of surrounded by a lot of other houses so we don’t back up directly to the woods or anything so there’s not a great area for deer to

Hide um but at night they do venture out and we’ve seen a couple not like directly on the property so that’ll be a consideration to take into account and I’ve been watching and planting stuff already in the fall for concerns of deer so from the fence area where we just

Were is where I laid out the Cut Flower space uh which I will be doing a whole separate video on that I’m not sure how um detailed it will be because I’m kind of going to wing some of the I ve I have a very thought out plan of how I’m going

To do it but some of it is going to be kind of winged as far as what’s being planted in some space faces some of it will be done very strategically like the Roses will be planted on the back side here because this is east facing this is

West facing they’ll be the tallest thing in the cut flower garden over time and I don’t want them blocking the shade or casting shade on any of the other annuals so there’ll be roses here I will probably plant uh annuals in the middle and then I’m going to get perennial started on

This side it might seem like a weird set up to you but this space this Cut Flower space I don’t want to have to buy another tarp this winter but as soon as I remove a tarp from here I’m going to place a the tarp to the right here and

On the back side for even more growing space cuz over time if the roses that I like do well I’m going to do at least two more rows of them so I have three roses of the same variety to cut on all the way down and then this entire thing

Will eventually become perennials for cutting uh and then I’ll have a separate space either here or over here for annuals to cut on so this Cut Flower space is kind of just going to be its first iteration this year but I am strategically kind of placing out some

Things by type so shrubs perennials annuals and then I can fill with more perennials and shrubs there in the future now you’ll see this is kind of the back of our property here so I still have a good space here and we own all the way to the other side of these trees

You see right there um so this area what I’m going to do in the future is plant shrubs I want to do an entire line to kind of edge the property with uh red twig dog woods and yellow twig dog woods and so those will go down and at least

Kind of Meet the trees there in front of those I kind of want to do a landscape planting of various hydrangeas black cat willows in this area uh and just mostly this would be things that I would want to cut on but also form a uh

Barrier or a natural fence for privacy to the edge of the property I’ve mentioned there’s not a whole lot I can do in this area between that tree and really like kind of this area here this is our septic field uh for the septic tank and we have an

Alternating valve up there so it goes this way one part of the season and this way another part of the season and then our backup septic field if this one were to ever fail is on the side of these trees and it goes down that way so

Anything I could plant here in the future would need to be annuals um because I wouldn’t want to get a whole lot of perennials or shrubs established there that would need to be pulled out if our septic field was to fail and we had to utilize that space for septic so

Looking back here you can see the kind of space that is available in The Cut Flower space and I think it’ll be really lovely I can actually probably claim a little more space between the tarps and the the green Giants there um if I had thought out these plans a little more I

May not have planted the green Giants there and relied more on something closer to the fence to provide some privacy um that way I could have a little more growing space but I honestly have a lot of space to do small just home Gardener uh projects I will have

Plenty of Cut Flower space more than I’ll be able to manage I’m sure so that’s one thing I want to keep a better sense on um on this property I’m going to have some very beautiful garden beds um that hopefully will keep me a little busy but I also want to uh strategically

Do some cut stuff that I will be able to maintain because this is not something that anyone else is going to be able to help me with or be helping me with um and I don’t want to get something so out of control that it’s difficult to

Take care of so this is this is my baby this is what I do uh this is my way to relax outside of work and on the weekends and I really enjoy it but I don’t want it to become a chore so much that I regret the decisions I made so

Lots of beautiful things to come this year uh the trees I have not got out here and like checked on them too much it’s it’s the middle of January I’m not going to worry too much about it right now they’re looking okay I’m glad I mulched them really well uh the freeze

Because it wasn’t like a super like directly to negative temperatures negative Fahrenheit here we kind of eased down into it although it was really cold I think they’ll all be okay that’s something you just have to worry about with any new planted items especially later in the fall but these

Got in the ground in that September I think I got these planted um or had them planted because they’re really big some of them I did plant myself just not the really big ones we were originally going to have or supposed to have an El Nino

And it has been way colder and way wetter than I expected it to be but that’s also good for all the things I planted this fall the wetness anyway the cold not so much I would have preferred and not have gotten into single and negative temperatures uh but everything

I planted this year is Hardy to our zone or this fall that I plant not doing any crazy stuff this fall that late in Fall if you’re going to experiment with something that might be outside of your Zone like by a Zone like I’m going to be planting a rose this

Coming spring that’s a Zone 7 plant um I would recommend you plant those things in the spring if you’re going to experiment because the likelihood of you planting it in the fall and it getting rooted in enough to survive a temperature drop that’s below its own it’s less likely to survive honestly

And then we have a lot of land up here this is the rest of the 5 Acres out front it is a big space but there’s not going to be a whole lot that I’m doing out here in this area and primarily because getting water out here it’s

Really difficult until a well we have a subsequent well because it’s got to come all the way from around the barn out here which is a really big distance uh and I won’t be running irrigation out here from what we have available right now what I am going to be trying to do

Though is get irrigation from uh the house down the driveway to some planter boxes I have at the end of the driveway just so I don’t have to manually handw water those um and so I can maybe develop some smaller beds up there that are easier to take

Care of thank you all for joining me on this little garden walk today um next week I’m going to do like an overhead drawing of the property and show you kind of where I’m going to run some lines why I’m running lines the way I am

Uh and talk a little bit more about what I talked about today it’s getting a little drizzly and it’s pretty still cold out here for this Southern boy uh so I’m going to go inside and warm up thank you guys for joining me today and remember be a light take care bye


  1. I'm so excited for you! I'm down in central Kentucky and I play with a little over an acre. It is so much fun and there's always stuff to do. I start a lot of my own from seed and generally plant out at least a few thousand plants each year, including annuals. It's all so very worth it and you just have to pace yourself. 😂 I look forward to seeing what all you do!

  2. 1000 plants? That is beyond my ability to comprehend. Videos will be really interesting come spring!

  3. Our weather has been all over the place. I have not been out to check my gardens yet, bet it felt good to just walk around and dream of spring. It’s always a pleasure to hear your thoughts and plans!

  4. I have a James Galway rose. They are very disease resistant here in my hot humid Tallahassee weather. The roses are gorgeous but don't have an intense scent. Mine is huge! I don't have enough space horizontally to train lateral canes the way they need to be trained for lots of flowers. Trying to find a place to relocate it.

  5. I'm in Ohio also. I would love a recommendation or suggestion of a David Austin Rose that I can plant, or if I even can, on the south side on my home, along foundation at the back of bed? Love your content 😊

  6. Could you not cut those posts down at an angle use them to make a greenhouse space. You could probably use those corrugated clear panels for most of it. Just a thought 🤪 1000 plants better hire someone 😍

  7. Oh gosh, I hope you don’t get any drift from the farmer’s pesticides, if they use them. It would be terrible to lose the roses!!

  8. Almost felt like I was there with you, Matthew. Really enjoyed the walk. Your property is beautiful, and I know everything you do is only going to improve on that. Your gardens are among the ones I’m most excited about this spring. We have big plans too. I can’t wait to get started. I actually transplanted beginning in February last year (zone 6b/7a), and everything made it. God bless.

  9. What do you think or feel about Desdomona by David Austin? I've requested a Heirloom Roses catalog and visited their website. Excellent! Love the 20% off code as well!

  10. Maybe you build a sort of pergola where therandom posts are, by the barn! Would be realy nice for a party by the roses! Blessings!

  11. Thanks for your winter walk about. It’s so fun to hear plans for the new property. Looking forward to seeing your vision come to fruition!❤

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