
Wind & Flood Damage At Creekside

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The retail garden center is currently closed for the winter. It will reopen on Saturday, February 17, 2024.

Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034

Good morning friends welcome to Gardening with  Creekside uh today we are going to go through   the property and look at some of the uh storm  damage that we sustained yesterday yesterday   a huge massive front came through basically the  whole Eastern side of the United States and with  

It were torrential downpours high winds um some  we had some Thunder not not a a massive amount   of lighting but it it was quite the system that  came through so we had posted some pictures on   social media of the flooding that was occurring  yesterday afternoon and uh thank you for all your  

Thoughts and prayers for us uh I will say that  really what you’re looking at behind us of the   dry storage is I would say the worst of the damage  that we sustained praise the Lord everything else  

Is just something that we can easily fix and um  but there were um some deaths within our region   due because due to tornadoes coming through so  um by all means we are extremely grateful and   feel very blessed that we only received the damage  that we did and of course our thoughts and prayers  

Are with those who suffered um tragic loss and  catastrophic damage to their property with that   being said we’re going to go through and kind of  look at see what happened the uh the damage and  

The things that did great that did well Jerry  is a very much a man on a mission we we’ll get   to that part in just a second but here we are  at production this first structure is what we  

Call um dry storage it was a greenhouse that we  repurposed because it literally is just a dry   storage building is not heated it um houses a lot  of like fertilizer and right now uh pots that we  

Will have for production after the 6 and 1/2 Ines  of rain yes that’s right 6 and 1/2 inches of rain   uh looked at our rain gauge last night and that’s  what it read the winds started and obviously they  

Came through and just completely ripped the  plastic off of the dry storage this was just   a single layer of poly plastic just solid white  because you know in green houses you have clear  

So that the UV can get through it this was just  just a solid one to try to keep out um you know   the Heat and the and the Sun and you can see  that it just absolutely ripped it so the plan  

Was that we were going to go ahead and turn this  into like a heated storage space I mean a heated   growing space and that just got probably moved to  the tippy top of the list because we’re supposed  

To have more rain um I believe on Friday today is  Wednesday and um so either we move stuff or we get   this covered before Friday I’m not sure that will  too be determined um but yes so everything else  

All the other green houses handled everything like  a champ so the two production houses right beside   dry storage you can see they are intact we still  have we haven’t taken the shade cloth off from   last summer so once the plants go in obviously  that needs to come off but everything is nice  

And tight and snugged in they are very happy  so that is great no damage to the annex which   we are grateful for and then of course the brand  new production Greenhouse it handled everything  

Like a champ as well so um there was absolutely no  damage there and on a very positive note when we   were grading the land for the construction of this  new production Greenhouse we before had had water  

Issue where it comes out of the woods here and it  would come down and then make its way across the   shrub lot so Jason who is an amazing uh man he  was the he’s the owner of the company that does  

All the land grading for us and so and then Frank  is the operator so what they did was they created   I think you can see this really big Swell this  is actually where they took out soil to build  

Up the pad for the greenhouse and I think you can  clearly see that is exactly where the water went   so what happens is because we always say right  here at Creek Side nothing is flat nothing and  

We are called Creek Side for a reason the creek  literally Cuts our property in half and we get   water from both Direction well I would say three  directions right we get it from down Upstream it  

Comes down to us and and then we get it shedding  off coming towards the creek we get massive loads   of water um also this 6 and 1 12 Ines that we got  yesterday was in less than 24 hours we can handle  

That that’s not a problem but if you remember like  a couple weeks ago we had seven inches of rain um   between the seven inches and the 6 Ines we’ve had  like 4 inches we’ve had an inch here we’ve had an  

Inch there so the ground is beyond saturated so it  just has nowhere to go and it just it runs and it   goes towards the creek that is why we do what we  do here at Creek Side as far as how we grade we  

Are constantly thinking where’s the water going  to go because it’s not a matter if the when the   if the water’s going to come to us it’s when is  the water going to come to us and you never know  

Um so we constantly have to be thinking about that  you can see um that the water is still running and   it is coming and this is woods so this is not  like stripped land um but it is coming through  

Here it is still flowing quite well you can see  all of the debris that has been washed and then   it just trickles on down and it will because the  creek runs all like right through here right so  

It it comes this way and then goes down to the  nursery so it is doing exactly what we wanted it   to do um it ju you can see a little bit I think  right here on the other side of the propane tank  

Um that is water that came off from the greenhouse  that is then coming here and going out so yay for   that uh the shrub lot looks amazing no there is  no wash on it there’s no gravel uh all the plants  

Are still great everything is fine so let’s go  look at some more damage um praise the Lord like   I said Dry Storage was the absolute worst uh but  now we just have a mess we have messes everywhere  

So because we had Rivers running through our  property so let’s go take a look at that and   and uh find out the fun that Jerry’s up to right  now it’s not really fun it’s not really a happy  

Man right now all right so I am standing on the  road that goes to production so I just came from   production and I’m headed like towards the house  or the retail Greenhouse um this is um an area  

That we had massive flooding massive flooding so  let me just give you a perspective of where we   are okay so I’m going to flip the camera around um  so you can see right so my our house is right over  

Here on the other side of the hill and then retail  green houses are down here all right this is um if   you remember when we were at Mimi and we were  doing a garden tour so this is Mimi’s house is  

In the woods here this is what we call the Walnut  field because it has walnut trees in it um this is   The Edge where her her her summer um excuse me her  Sun Gardens are again nothing is flat we get water  

From every everywhere this is the power line that  um obviously runs power um so we get all the wash   from all of our road from way up high and it comes  down here and there’s a natural swell right that  

Comes here then of course we have the road well  we had to build up the road because it’s a road   when we did we put in um a pipe so there’s a black  corrugated pipe right here it’s probably a 10 in  

I would say a 10-in pipe and then it runs under  the road and then here we go and then down here   then the creek is just right here okay so where  we just did the privacy screen at the signature  

Garden it’s on the other side of the creek and  it’s like right here okay so that gives you some   perspective Jerry came through and this as you can  see where the water was coming over because of the  

Debris The debris tells you where the water was  and so basically it’s started here and it goes way   if you can see all those pine needles so this  entire Road was completely covered in Rushing  

Water um and this is what I’m talking about like  the nuisance so it washed out the back side of   the road a bit because this was elevated I think  you can probably see the difference here um so all  

Of that is washed um our lovely expensive gravel  is now all in the the road and you can see that   it just completely washed we have a huge pile  of gravel sitting right here um so it is just  

A huge mess right here this is typically a grass  and I mow it so um I’m going to be shooting rocks   for all summer long probably uh because trying to  get all the each all that gravel out is going to  

Be quite difficult um so what we’ll have to do is  I’m sure bring in more gravel Shore this up um but   typically this does not flood right this is not  normal normally the cover is completely fine the  

Pipe can handle all that water and it’s great this  is an abnormal experience for us um yes we could   probably come in here and put a bigger drain pipe  in there but that in this case it still would not  

Have mattered it you would have to put a massive  massive cul in there we’re not doing that because   that’s not normal um so yeah big huge wash right  here uh let’s head to the nursery because got some  

Updates over there all right so here we are  standing at the Crossing of the creek going   over to the nursery and you can probably hear and  see behind me uh that we have a track to trailer   unloading so this is our uh commercial like  professional rather not commercial professional  

Potting soil that we’re going to use to pot up  like all the annuals and all the perennials and   all those things so we’ve been um anticipating  this arrival for a couple of weeks now and yeah he  

Truck driver showed up last night about 9 o00 and  so he spent the night on Pine Hollow our road and   uh came down this morning so this is B soil which  uh we are switching to BR this year and it comes  

From Canada and it is in as you can see a covered  trailer so Andrew is in the truck with pallet jack   moving the pallets to the back of the truck so  that Jerry can then take the bobcat and unload  

Them so that’s what’s happening there we might  get more into that today if not we’ll do that on   another video there’s a lot happening this morning  standing here at the Culver now this is where we  

Have um we had major flooding but y’all as awful  as it looks it did exactly what it was supposed   to do in the fact of you you can see so basically  this hole where it’s in the shade was completely  

Underwater but it doesn’t come this way the Low  Land is towards the nursery um and so we have a   very large um pipe you can see here that water  was rushing down towards the creek this is all  

Debris that was Upstream that got caught and was  actually over on the road um but yeah okay let’s   go back over here um so let me just show you the  pipe here so everything you can see the vegetation  

That’s laid down so all of this was underwater  um it did not come up into the flower beds which   is great this is typically a very sleepy little  creek um and it is running still still pretty  

Good um this morning so you can see um that is  the pipe uh I’m going to guess and say that’s   a 3ft pipe um but yeah so it comes just pouring I  mean absolutely pouring down the creek so this was  

Completely all underwater yesterday comes through  and then what happens is it will go over the road   but it also comes here and goes that way because  it’s lower that way which is really like I said  

Kind of what we want it to do um so it was quite  it was quite a sight for sure now before I cross   the creek I do want to give you a bit of um a  positive thing that worked really well if you  

Remember um this time last year we had of course  normal rain and we had this new flower bed um that   was installed within the last two years and in the  winter time we had normal rain but it cut through  

The flower bed so it was Jerry’s idea and then  Andrew installed it for us designed it installed   it where we put these basically dry creek beds  right here this is that beautiful flower bed   to the entrance of the nursery so we’ve got big  huge pieces of Flagstone decorative PE growel um  

Here and then we also have it here because this  was exactly where the water cut through so we   could see exactly where the water was flowing  so Jack uh Andrew put in all of that Big Stone  

And look y’all it held beautifully there is not  one washed out rut in the flower bed um we have   not done any kind of repair so it looks great  notice the decorative PE gravel is still there  

We had very minimal minimal wash through here  so huge success story on that um where all that   water flowed and did exactly what we wanted it to  do do um just kind of to prove my point here so  

We’re walking down here to the end and you can  see if anywhere where we needed maybe put some   big huge rocks would be right here on the edge  um but you can see just minimal amount of that  

Decorative rock and it really honestly probably  came from right here so huge success on that so   that did exactly what we wanted it to do now let’s  walk across um to the nursery over here into the  

Pines because that is where we have we had rivers  rivers rivers run through the property um coming   through and you can also see as we go across  um all the wash right so there’s not supposed  

To be gravel here uh or you know old trash this  completely washed out in fact you can see um where   my day lies are starting to pop up right here um  so we got lost a ton of gravel here down here um  

It just came and ran over here there’s probably  some big um Stones down there coming across here   um you can see I think just the absolute wash  that happened right here so all of the water is  

Designed to come across flow here um you can see  our employees are here this morning and then it   comes and then all of this was underwater and then  it flows back down into the creek right here so it  

Did what it was supposed to do um but it just it  moves a ton of water so that’s what happens there   now as we go across here into the Pines another  area um and this really only happens in major  

Major water um to give you a bit of a perspective  and it’s going to be kind of hard to do it with   me and the just doing the the GoPro um today but  here we are right in the Pines where unique stone  

Is I think you should be able to see that way back  in the back there the lay of the land that’s much   higher so we get all the water that comes through  the woods and it comes one part comes down through  

Here and rushes through you can see we still have  water trickling you see all the pine needles that   are um Disturbed so it came through um I’m not  sure we had this footage that Megan took and  

I’m not sure if it’s here where the water was just  rushing through I think it is um but it just came   and just poured down right there but it does that  kind of throughout as we’re walking down this is  

Like a a road that comes through here but you  can just see just the water and everything so   it it always finds its way to the creek which  is great um you can see Jackson’s bridge that  

He had uh got washed out but um the creek is nice  and clean now anything that was in the creek got   washed out so there you go but um we just get tons  of water through here coming off of the woods and  

Um but everything is you know obviously there’s a  lot we’re going have to do a lot of um regrading   because it is it is just a disaster as far as  that goes so we’re going to walk up here um to  

Let me show you some things up here as far as us  getting into we did have just a little bit and I   say a little bit of damage but you see just water  just float all the way down through here um we get  

A huge River um through this area and the thing  is I have zero footage of of that um it would be   a sight to see um the water coming off of this  hill but we can’t get to it because the creek  

Cuts our property in half there is absolutely  once the flood waters come up there is absolutely   no way for us to get over here if we were to get  come over here we would literally have to drive  

10 minutes around and then cut through the woods  um so that is a downside and there’s nothing we   can do about it it just it is what it is and if  you’re familiar with water when it runs there is  

No stopping it and so if you can see here in the  shade growing area you’ll see some of the pots   are laying down that is water if you can see the  explo exposed black landscape fabric that’s where  

The water completely came through and washed it  because the pine needles had fallen um and had   covered it this bare spot this is one of those  rivers that came through here um and just washed  

It the quote worst damage is over here um on the  back side because again there’s a river that comes   through here comes down and then you can see uh  the hellor the hellor got washed away but good  

News is they didn’t go terribly far um all this  exposed soil all that was just Rivers just running   through and it actually goes all the way through  the woods all the way through the woods and then  

Down to the creek so um that is that if you see  Jackson’s out exploring and and checking out the   damage this is the area that Bren and I walk in  the morning so she and I came through she was a  

Quite happy dog um running through all of the  massive standing water running water still and   the mud so she was having a grand old time here  um let’s see let me go this way all right I’m  

Going pop over here um I think it was Lara’s bed  we had um The Gardens behind the retail Greenhouse   let me show you some of that damage all right  here we are going across the bridge um we had a  

Dry Creek bed and look none of the stones moved  praise the Lord but you can see that the water   was running through here because of the debris  L’s bed held really well um but when you come  

Here to the side um really behind the greenhouse  there are daily leaves in there and and you can   see massive water was coming through here and  again y’all it’s coming off the woods there’s   there’s that is natural Woods this is what this  property does and it just was probably absolutely  

A gushing River coming down through here um it  did move some of that rock and then of course   there’s mud in there but then as the water went  through the Rocks held so praise the Lord for  

That um but yeah it just this whole entire Bank  on this side was just uh a Rushing River now uh   let’s go look really quick the next thing um  I want to show you um we’ll just talk and walk  

As we go um signature Garden we had some um again  massive Flooding at the signature Garden as um it   is very close to the creek so we’ll go over there  but the damage there was minimal um the house the  

House Gardens everything looks amazing it is again  we when we built our house that was designed for   water to flow in the ways that it does it has held  that so we have zero wash there the chicken coop  

Looks great um hydrange of Hill Cottage Garden  all of that looks amazing the dalas everything   there backyard beds um everything is had held and  did exactly what it did water just flowed over it   all right now here we are I am very very happy  to report that the signature Garden did great um  

We know that we have low that water comes this  way uh again because it comes off the hill we   have Springs so it comes here and then as you can  see it did what it was supposed to we’re probably  

Going to have to add gravel here the Big Stone  but it came here stopped as far as the mud and   then the water just went down the Dry Creek bed  so that is a huge blessing the gardens themselves  

Look great um yes within the beds there’s a little  bit of movement of the um the compost and the   mulch um but they are fine and then the pansies  that we planted the afternoon before um look at  

Them bless their little hearts I mean they are uh  they’re definitely got you know some of them got   their face down on some of them but for the most  part part look at that I mean did really really  

Well very minimal water movement um everybody is  nice and perky I am extremely happy with how all   of that worked uh you can see here we have a  little bit of wash clearly the water because  

This is graded this way and we had a little bit of  overflow right here y’all for 6 and 1 12 inches of   rain I’ll take that yeah not a problem whatsoever  the new um we did have an area right here flower  

Bed um that we put in alongside the creek you can  see that everything held really well um except for   right here so this is where an area where the  creek overflowed and it came through I mean you  

Can clearly see where the mulch has been moved um  the plants though I mean we’ve got a Rosa Sharon   back here and she’s doing good she’s holding on um  it was just this Barberry right here got a little  

Washed out clearly we will come back and we will  Shore all of this up um but you can just see you   know where the creek is coming here and that’s uh  six six or seven feet down um obviously it clogged  

Up here it was flowing completely over here  underneath that Holly Tree all through here and   then this is just where it got backed up and then  it came over and as you can see was Rush machine  

Down uh Jerry was able to get a picture of this  from across the creek and it was just completely   covered in water um the quote most major damage we  had at the signature Garden was here on the edge  

Of the wall where water was absolutely swirling so  clearly we’re going to have to come back here and   fix this wall where it washed out it’s not Fallen  it’s fine um right now clearly it can’t leave it  

That way um but water was just coming down here  there is that covert pipe and just swirling all   through here um so we have um we got some work to  do on the wall here um clean up the pipe a little  

Bit you can just see where it eroded um but again  tons and tons of water you can see that it did go   ahead and go across the shrub blck you can see  where all the debris is so it was all the way  

Up um again here’s soil from the creek bank that  is over here um but all of this was underwater   the plants did not move we had a couple of them  that laid down but nobody really moved so again  

We are incredibly grateful thankful um that  this is the worst uh this is it you know we   can we can handle this and we can fix this um yeah  never boring here I tell you never boring around  

Here at Creek Side so um we’ll we’ll we’ll get all  this fixed um and again we are incredibly grateful   to the Lord for protecting us and protecting the  property and um for allowing us to have only the  

Damage that we did and our prayers of course for  everybody that sustained much worse damage and um   those people who were killed within the storm  so um again thank you for all of your love and   your support and your thoughts and your prayers  and your well wishes and all your comments we  

Greatly appreciate it it is a Creekside Community  around here for sure and we adore you and we are   so incredibly blessed to have you as part of  our community all right so we’re going to get  

On to the day as always thank you so much for  watching we’ll see you in the next video bye friends


  1. Jenny,
    Prayers for you, your family, & your Creekside family. Thanking the Lord that ya'all made it through safe & sound & that the damage to property was relatively minor. 🙏❤🙏

  2. Oh myyyy, so glad that the damage you sustained is fixable, although material possessions can usually be replaced, humans can’t be. The most important thing is that you folks are all ok & safe. Life can turn on a dime. I can’t begin to imagine the anguish the families of the loved ones who died in the storm are experiencing at the moment.
    NSW, Australia

  3. Hello, Jenny, Jerry, and Creekside Family❤. So sorry to hear of the loss and damage sustained during the storm by so many. Prayers for comfort and restoration for those families. I’m thankful that all of you came through safely and you’re walking in the strength of God to fix areas that need cleanup.
    I’m thankful that the city recently did pipe work on the creek behind our house which helped direct a lot of the strong flow of water from coming into our backyard. One year we lost 12 trees that fell one at a time because of the massive rain. This time, the winds were very strong and a lot of branches from an old oak tree broke but thankfully none of them landed on the house. So happy to see your beautiful smile and thank you for keeping us up on how things are going at Creekside ❤. One day at a time my sweet friend ❤.

  4. Good golly-I’m just getting a chance to watch this. First, thank the lord you all are safe. Hopefully the sun will return to help dry things out. BTW-thanks for mentioning that the chickens are ok.

  5. Wow! You are all so lucky not to have w had more damage. Hope it won’t slow you down too much fixing it all! 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  6. Oh my goodness so much work ahead of you but yes, you are very blessed. Prayers for the families who lost loved ones.tfs and God bless:)

  7. Thank you for the update. I love your shows and I use the info to teach children, grand-children and great-grand-children. Gardening is big in our family and I cringed learning about the weather in NC. Good luck shoring up/repairing your property. I lived in NC for 6.5 yrs and loved the state, the people, friends, family, and church there. You make lots of people want to create gardens. I Pray you keep on keeping on the challenges nature serves you!

  8. Love your channel as Ialso came to you via Laura and Garden Answer. So sorry for the damage you sustained but am so grateful as I’m sure you and Jerry are. Continued prayers for you and everyone who sustained loss and damage. It will just take time to recover but all is well for the most part. God is good!!🙏🏻♥️🙏🏻🤗🌹

  9. Wow😢 I really am sorry. Always bumps in the road. So thankful y'all made it safe, and ok for the most part. Prayers goin up for you and those who lost loved ones.

  10. Just catching up with all your videos and was shocked to see you had flooding on your beautiful property. So glad you are all safe and that the damage can be fixed. Take care and keep safe. Jeanette, New Zealand.

  11. The gravel stones in the grass can be picked up with a dust pan, hand rake and bucket. It will require someone to go down on their knees. I've had to do it. 😍

  12. So glad I subscribed. I love these videos from professional growers. Your area is similar to my area and so I will be watching everything you put out on YT. This rain was quite a bit the past few weeks. Our area is saturated as well and more rain to come after this current snow melt. Thanks for the detailed videos and plans.

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