Front Yard Garden


i spent the night outside in the freezing cold using only items i buy from the stores my friends choose… definitely a tough one hahaha enjoy!!

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music by Joakim Karud


Guys we have a very busy day plann today and I’m very excited because right now we’re getting ready to go to Disneyland and then after that we have to film with friend that’s not how I anticipated starting my day hello from my backyard guys it is

Such a nice day out I could stay out here all day and that’s exactly what I’m going that’s exactly what I’m going to do okay I picked the wrong day to film this video lot of instruction is going on okay um this right behind me is my

House I cannot go back into my house for 24 hours that means from this morning till tomorrow morning overnight I have to stay outside in my backyard all right I’m just going to take over and do a little voiceover the construction is not my friend but basically I have to stay outside

Overnight using only things that I buy from stores that my friends decided on so if for shelter somebody tells me that I can only go to the dollar store I can only shop at the dollar store for building a roof over my head this is

Going to be fun all right now back to the loud construction wait you guys you guys get the idea let’s just get started okay with that being said there are four categories that will help me survive throughout the night there’s shelter there’s food there’s entertainment and there’s bonus each friend has chosen a

Store for each category so I’m nervous I’m excited I think that I have been so nice to my friends and they would never want to screw me over so I think that this is going to be great okay but first we’ve got shelter that means we need

Some place to sleep tonight I want to roof over my head some way somehow cuz we are literally sleeping in the backyard let’s watch the first video it’s shelter okay the first one is Lexi Lexi is going to be nice to me I know it okay here we go all right person for

Your shelter I’m going to send you to Living Spaces I know you’re creative so I’m just putting your creativity to the test I honestly don’t think that you can make shelter out of anything in Living Spaces but I want to see you try what okay Living Spaces you know the title is

Living right okay she said I was creative you could send me anywhere and I could figure out shelter and that’s exactly what I’m going to do I’m going to make a house somehow okay Living Spaces that’s like a furniture store right I’ll just stack a bunch of

Mattresses and call it a day I think it’s definitely doable let’s go to Living Spaces see what they got make a shelter let’s go so here’s what I’m thinking I am going to build a fort that way I don’t have to break the bank I’m

Still having a roof over my head and it won’t be too expensive also I have a lot of experience building forts I was a killer Fort Builder when I was probably 7 years old so hopefully I still got it in me okay here we go o some nice chairs

Here you know I could easily just buy one chair and just sleep on it and call it oh you know what I’m not sleeping tonight okay we’re going to play a little game of hide-and-seek where am I you have 3 seconds 3 2 1 here I am okay guys I’m done with the

Video I have to get back to work enough Lolly gagging around it’s too busy over here you know I’m a businesswoman and I have to get back to work please if you’ll excuse me thank you I’ve got papers to sign people to meet meetings lined up okay sorry guys I don’t mean to

Alarm anyone but I may have hit the mother load we’ve got red wine right over here at living space who have thought wait what guys I think I found my dinner for tonight guys it has been a long 20 minutes of looking for shelter and you know what I don’t know if I’m

Going to really find a good shelter so I better catch some z’s now good night I’m going to get yelled at I found what we need we don’t have a shelter yet but you know what we do have accessories I need it it’s perfect the

Only thing that is going to make my fort feel like home is a sign that says home hey you’re coming home with me look at this work of art I don’t know what it is but it’s a work of art okay and it’s going to help me with my for I’m going

To make this the center of my fort $285 my goodness that’s more than a Disneyland ticket uh guys I think I’ve got an Idea Okay so we’ve got the middle point of our Fort but we still need the exterior to I actually hold it up so it’s not just like one thing sticking out and I’m thinking that I get a dining room set of four ch chairs and I just

Hope for the best I think I may have found the chairs that are going to be on the outside this is it every Fort Builder knows set them far apart you put the sheet over and then you crawl under and you have yourself a topnotch three-story Fort kidding time to build a Fort spooky the only thing spooky is being a 2 four-year-old adult building a fort in her backyard okay you know what it’s looking strong it’s I’m not even scared of the wind at all oh no oh no oh no oh this is what we’ve got so far and now

The fun part nobody likes actually building the houses people really have fun with the decorating all right we’re going to make this place feel like home we don’t have a ton of room it’s almost like it’s a little New York City Apartment you know check out the views though

Not bad huh this will be what I’m sleeping on tonight I’ve got my comfy blankets that I will be sleeping with and the Finishing Touch God this place is feeling like home already MTV Welcome to my crib all right roomy this is living why are you still

Standing outside come come on in there’s plenty of Room like I said like plenty of room all this building has actually built oh my God what the hell was that oh my God that’s scared I I think I just need some food to settle my stomach and be able to handle the rest of this challenge okay

So let’s see who’s chosen food for me oh it’s Brent okay so I know Lexi picked living spaces for shelter I have food and drink so you’re going to Petco good luck did he say Petco oh no literally I could have dealt with any place on planet Earth that has food human food

Petco is an animal animal store that sells dog food and cat food and turtle food and pig food you know what if a dog can eat it I can eat it right let’s go to Petco this is so messed up how’s a girl supposed to eat in a Petco all I’m

Seeing are dog toys dog treats crunchy chicken liver recipe this looks like beef jerky a little bit single ingredient treats for dog human grade okay now we’re talking it’s perfect okay high protein you know what for athletic puppies I would consider myself an athletic puppy so let’s just grab that

Guy irresistibly tasty and Incredibly powerful one treat a day is all it takes for your dog to experience the amazing effect of clean teeth you know what I was looking into the Colgate whitening strips for my teeth but I might as well just go with these Greenies Okay so

We’ve got our meals for the rest of this challenge I’m really not excited you know what I was hungry before but I think I’ve lost my appetite it’s time to go home because unfortunately it is lunchtime oh God the saddest part about all of this is that this isn’t my first

Time eating dog food oh man oh man oh man I’m going to use one of my little bags over here as a trash can in case I do in fact Yak I’m oh no no I just got a whiff of that no dude no I’m like over

This fudge let’s just zoom in on this guy oh God Brent’s watching this video just laughing oh hell no hell no no I’m going to throw up if I do this Brent screw you 3 2 1 go shating in my mouth it’s literally oh my God oh my God oh my

God no I got dog food in my teeth that was horrid nope this doesn’t smell like okay this is going in here along with this guy this might work okay I’ve got dog food breath and I’m not afraid to use it it won’t even fight the hell is this it’s like chewing breathe

I can’t do this anymore I’m not going to eat okay I think I’m just going to lay down and think about my life’s decisions and how the hell I got to this point in my life where I’m sitting here in a child’s Fort eating winter green fresh

Breath dog treats in my backyard I’m not having fun Anymore out of the four categories we’ve knocked down two we’ve got shelter we’ve got food kind of and we’ve got number three entertainment I don’t think I can trust my friends anymore so like honestly nothing is really exciting like entertainment is going to be the paper

Store we will see what my friends chose for entertainment oh it’s Liv live please hello Pearson so I know that Lexi chose living spaces for your shelter Brent chose Petco for your food I don’t really know how that’s going to play out it didn’t play out well live it

Did not play out well but Liv chose the LEGO store cuz that’s cute no whatever just play the Legos have fun okay we got the LEGO store you know what the LEGO store is not a bad idea I haven’t played with Lego since I was probably 7 years

Old maybe it’ll be good to you know spark a little childhood memory little childhood nostalgia in me let’s head to the LEGO store honestly anything to just get my mind off of that dog food from earlier so this is the first place I’ve actually been excited for for this

Challenge let’s go inside I have not been in the Lego store since I was a little kid and they have so many things here I’m so excited whoever I choose is going to be my future husband okay here we go okay you know what we’ve got a

Little Bieber haircut and some red hair you know what I’ve always had a thing for ginger so you’re going to keep me company in this Fork this one is a Lego which I can build and then it’s also a Nintendo Entertainment System I am flabbergasted if this thing actually

Works I’m going to freak out it’s going to keep us company for the remainder of this Challenge and I think it’s going to be good I don’t know how long it’s going to take me but I’ve got nothing but time we’re doing it we’re going for it I’m

Excited here we go and also Super Mario Brothers is my favorite game so this is going to be just fine entertainment at its finest oh she’s ready let’s go home this is the heaviest Lego I have ever felt you guys are slanted but you get the point check this

Bad boy out it’s practically bigger than me oh no this will 100% be keeping me occupied for the next probably 18 days okay we’ve got our Nintendo Entertainment System Lego let’s open it up you know I think Liv’s heart was in the right place by trying to keep me

Entertained throughout all this time and how long this challenge is going to be but I’m not even going to have this finished before the challenge is Over okay so I needed a little breather from the Lego I’m going to be doing that probably for the rest of the night and I hope I hope that I can have it fully done by the time this 24-hour challenge is over and completed in the morning

We’re going to find out the last and final category that will help me throughout the rest of this challenge was decided by oh no oh no it’s Jeremy oh no how’s it going Pearson so let me get this straight Lexi gave you shelter Brent gave you food and Liv gave

You entertainment I’m the bonus all right so I get to send you anywhere I want and just because of that I’m going to send you to J prehistoric store no no why Jay’s Prehistoric Pets has just a bunch of live animals and it’s not going

To be fun but you know what I think there’s a gift shop so I’ll find my way to the gift shop first and foremost and hopefully I’ll buy like a a stuffed animal I guess it’s time to get on the road oh God okay so we’re here at Jay’s

Prehistoric Pets and I’m going to look for oh there’s a lot of live animals here I’m going to look for a non-live animal something fluffy something comfy something furry so that I can take him home with me and cuddle with him all night because I don’t really know what

Else Jeremy was expecting me to do here so let’s go find something nice and cuddly um this guy is beautiful but I feel like he could potentially strangle me in the middle of the night and I don’t really want that Geo can save you 15% or more on car insurance is that a

Gecko no no no double no no no you know I’m really having some trouble finding some oh hello shh we’re having a stare off come on dang it I lost you’re Good not a chance in hell I’m trying to survive the night and this is my bonus category of things that I can bring home I’m sleeping outside you need like St animals or sleeping outside sleeping stuffed animals like maybe like um cute little turtle bear something cuddly no

Jay I don’t like the evil laughter it’s not bringing me much comfort a big rattlesnake this is the least terrified I’ve ever been holding one of Jade snakes so we’re going to get this we’re going to get this cuddlekins then you can have another one oh my God one guys

Guys this you’re going to be like living the dream I am living the dream but I still think I have the perfect guest to go home with you tonight oh my god oh see I’m not seeing many stuffed animals around here oh you don’t have to worry

Myet come on Davey come on come on Davey come on J I don’t think he looks I don’t think he’s in the mood to cuddle I’m just going to take my stuff you got to get you got to get used to him got to take w w I don’t

Actually what happened Davey say hello to my little friend he’s ready to go home oh my God oh my God no way no way no way I’m holding an alligator right now oh my gosh I’m holding I’m holding an alligator right now I’m holding an alligator right now oh guys guys okay J

J freaking he’s freaking out okay I got him W wo wo you got a little wild there we’re out of here we’re out of here all right ladies and gentlemen night is upon us we’ve made it to Nightfall honestly I didn’t think I was going to even make it

Out of Jay’s prehistorics alive but I did and with a new buddy so and I’m very glad that he’s stuffed with cotton instead of me I’m hungry cuz all I had was dog food today I’m tired and my back hurts I think I’m just going to try and

Make this process and challenge go by way faster by going to sleep I’ll finish the Lego in the morning but until then I I need to get some sleep good night you guys this is where I’m sleeping right right here and I look over and I see a freaking slug right by

My head look at him look at how slimy it is oh my God okay I’m just going to move you little guy okay just for a moment you seem sweet and all but I don’t like company okay I moved him over here cuz

Like as great as he is and as cute as he may look I don’t really want him crawling into my ear when I sleep so look at him go slithering on his way you know I am technically in his home tonight so you know have a good night neighbor oh my

Gosh I can’t sleep my hands are frozen this was the worst idea ever to do this challenge in my backyard in the winter because it is probably I would say 20° I’m ere exaggerating but it feels like it I’m alone lonely but I’m not alone why because I still have my good

Friend who’s keeping me company right here my little friend you guys forgot about him didn’t you’re my only friend left all my other ones made me go eat dog food and hold scary animals so I will see you guys when I wake up good night oh my

Gosh I just woke up and all of this just trampled on me oh God Jesus while I was sleeping we made it to the morning Against All Odds I’m just excited to actually go inside my house go to my bedroom and go to sleep but there’s one

More thing that I need to show you guys I finished my Lego we’ve got our homeboy to take care of it while I go to sleep but look at this we’ve got the remote we got the entertainment system where if you actually pop this out you have a

Little game you have the little Super Mario oh God you have the Super Mario game you have the little super mari’s game and then of course we’ve got the TV watch this ready he like actually plays is this not crazy you keep the PT down play your little entertainment

System I am going to bed forever a good night oh actually it’s technically morning so um good morning um won’t be bringing that one home uh guys I think I have an idea oh


  1. It is 3am for me and I awalys stay up waching peirsons shows and I wach this it is so fuN to wach and I dont know how but I wached all her vidoes alredy😂😂e😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😊😊

  2. Girl your beautiful just the way you are no need to feel insecure I do but the doesn’t mean you have to live your dreams

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