Garden Plans

Garden Seed Inventory | How I Start My Garden Planning

Welcome back to Hollow Acres. In today’s video, i doing a full inventory on my garden seeds. I’m looking through everything i have and writing down what i need to purchase for this year. Let’s chat about my garden plans and my 2024 goals. pull up a chair and hang out with me as we do a seed inventory.
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Crash Course Into Gardening; Book One:
Crash Course Into Gardening; Book Two: From Seed To Harvest:
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This is my seed basket it’s where I keep my seeds and other Garden things in this basket you’ll also find irrigation pipe connectors tomato tape twine seesar and this thing what are you welcome back to my bedroom floor today I am doing a full inventory on my garden seeds where I

Realize it doesn’t look like a whole lot but once I start taking things out of the bags it’s like it’s a lot this is going to take me a little while to get through now I am sitting on the floor because it makes it easier for clean up

This is going to be a little bit of a messy process since I do save a lot of my own seeds there’s going to be soil and there’s going to be even seeds that come out of packets that they’re just there they’re just out it’s going to be

Messy so on the floor I can just vacuum it up I’m doing it right on top of the towel to keep things a little cleaner and so that I don’t lose any seeds in the carpet today is a rainy miserable day so I figure it is the best day to do

This I’m starting to get the Edge to get back out there and start gardening but I’m not quite there yet now the way that I do my inventory is incredibly simple I take my a handy dandy notebook and I write everything down now I organize my seeds by plant families and plant family

Adjacents here’s what I mean by that flowers It’s Just Flowers right all of them have different plant families night shades there are different varieties of night shades in here night shades will include peppers tomatoes eggplants so on here I have fruits fruits various different plant families and here there’s melons and

There’s tree seeds and fruits herbs many of which are in different plant families herbs is not technically a plant family but if I keep all my herbs together here’s my herbs see my point now I know that there are a lot of people out there that use the like Photo organizers that

Hold the seeds and it’s plastic and it keeps everything everything nice and tidy and very goodlooking um I’m too cheap for that so ziplocks works just as fine just as well works well enough it does the job ziplocks at the end of last season I did not reorganize my seed

Basket which I normally do at the end of every season this is my seed basket it’s where I keep my seeds and other Garden things in this basket you’ll also find irrigation pipe connectors tomato tape twine seesar and this thing what are you this is a guitar

Holder it holds my guitar on the wall I don’t even know how you got in there you go hang out over there whenever I’m going to plant seeds I just take my basket and I head outside sometimes I formulate a plan A lot of times I don’t

I plant what I fancy that’s been my gardening approach for the most part and um I’m thinking that perhaps this is the year that I do a legitimate plan and then follow said plan and then um you know categorize and inventory and like write everything down it just seems like

So much work doesn’t it okay and now we let the organization and the inventory of the seeds commence all right before I get started with all of this let me run you through my process of what I’m doing this represents my last year’s seeds that is what I got on clearance

And I need to add it to my bags and I think I need to get bigger bags here I have great Mullen I can’t seem to remember if this is a flower or an herb I think it’s an herb here I have laid out all of the fruit seeds that I have

Then I began to write down what I’m missing and what I would like to grow for the 2024 season the majority of the seeds that I have are fruit tree seeds there’s some watermelon some cantaloupe honeydew kajari melon but the rest are trees and now we’re on to the

Brasas these are all of my Brasa seeds and they vary between broccoli cabbage lettuce celery I think I said broccoli already spinaches Dino kale different KES there’s some leak in here and more lettuces my bag was crazy full so I’m going to switch to a gallon siiz bag now

Your brasas are the type of crop s or plants that you would plant or grow in Spring and fall and quite a few of them will even make it through the winter well depending on your Zone I do suppose here in zone 8 I can grow broccoli and

Leak and I mean I can grow all of this in the winter and not have any issue because it doesn’t get that cold here now that I have laid everything out figured out what I have figure out what I need I’m putting it all in my bag it

Is so incredibly windy today we are on a tornado watch until 6 p.m. and it is and it is 1:30 I get super nervous by all of these high winds and now I have my brasas I will be starting a lot of these seeds in

The next couple of weeks um but first I really need to figure out like a greenhouse situation Me growing my seeds outside has not been as fruitful as I had imagined that it would be and mean you grow the plant outside the seeds should do really well

And I’ve come across an issue where it’s like all of the seeds are super stunted they need that Greenhouse the uh the clear plastic they need it so that’s what I absolutely need to do before starting seeds now I really don’t think that we are to the

Greenhouse yet it was supposed to be a winter project and it is technically winter until March something so I think that I do still have time as long as I can get the garden beds built in the next month maybe we’ll be able to get started on

The greenhouse we do have the windows already um and we’ll just have to see how things pan out I guess now I’m going to move on to the legumes and in the legumes we have uh beans and peas and cucumbers um also I have some of the

Moss which they kind of do all go together I suppose uh which are the squashes and the pumpkins and the lofas and things like that well I do think I want to keep them separate I don’t know what I want and here we have all of the

Legumes and gourds um back here we have spaghetti squash and pumpkins different pumpkins there’s lofas and then we have beans and peas and zucchini and cucumbers now perhaps you may be wondering what exactly is a plant family and why are you grouping these types of plants or seeds together so I can answer

Both of those questions with the definition of what a plant family is plant families are plants grouped together in a family with common and like characteristics basically meaning they all pretty much grow the same they all need the same type of nutrients and they all grow in the same season beans

Are legumes while they all do have different date to maturities uh like for pumpkins it’s going to be around 120 days or something it’s much longer than that of let’s say a green bean pole or bush um you’re ready to harvest your beans in like 55 to 60 days and your P

Beans will keep on giving until the heat kills them it is a little bit of a harvest at a time unless you plant a whole lot of them which I do I’m able to harvest every week from the pole beans whereas for the bush beans I need to

Succession plant these every couple of weeks in order to keep a continual Harvest coming in because for bush beans once they produce all of their fruits they’re pretty much done they will give you probably two maybe three rounds but then that’s it now in the legume Malo

And gourd families you will have have what is known as creepers and crawlers um where it’s plants that just kind of creep along the ground like pumpkins and then you have the climbers like the beans and the Cucumbers that will climb up something and need a trellis for

Structure and support now the corn is technically a picas p I think that’s how you say it picas plant family that’s what it’s in um with grains and things but because I don’t really have any grains and I have four packets of corn and I have a whole bag of seeds that

Will grow around the same time that also need around the same nutrients I’m going to stick them in the same bag and in the basket it goes we’re going to move on to the herbs there are so many herbs here it looks like there’s not a lot but

There really is here I have the paracest flower I grew this last year and I have to grow more I can never not grow this plant again got Yaro purple basil St John’s wart fine Greek mams what’s this lavender which does need a cold saurification

Period I would need to go ahead and put these in the freezer for the next 10 to 12 weeks um to get them prepared to be planted oh yeah cinnamon basil that was pretty okay that was pretty okay I’m going to be trying pretty hard this year

To get this amaranth to really grow and take off I want to use some of the grain from it I really would like to experiment with that I think that would be fun colula pretty low on cingula oh I love the smell of cilantro coriander seeds they smell so

Good now the reason I’m not organizing this like I did the last few is because I pretty much know what herbs that I have um and I’m pretty good on all of the herbs that I have I think that I have all of the herbs I really do the

Only thing that I would say that I am missing and I don’t know if it even really qualifies to be an herb but it would be a tea bush or a tea tree I want to be able to like bulk grow our own tea so that I don’t have to keep spending $5

For tea every two weeks on little packets that are prepackaged because when I did my inventory I also did a full breakdown of um how much of tea we use in a month how much of cheeses and dairies we use in a month and I started figuring out what it is

Exactly that we eat so that I can grow those things and then the herbs that I cook with and then the herbs that I use for medicinal purposes um that’s really what I’m focusing my 2024 into this year now we’re moving on to the night shades

To which I know that I do need to do a full inventory on because I do not know what I have and I know that there are some things that I do want to get like green tomatoes I am out of seeds for all green tomatoes um but I want to see what

I have I have a whole whopping six seeds left of this and I didn’t get to get any of these last year cuz the deer took them so I need to to like guard these with my life all right we have a lot going on here so these are all of the

Tomatoes these are all seeds that I have saved that’s a variety of peppers and tomatoes and then we have eggplant and then we have okra and then we have peppers did I say Peppers when it comes to my tomatoes let’s say night shades really but the tomatoes and the peppers

Um this is when I have to be a little bit more meticulous I guess a little picky with what I’m choosing when it comes to tomatoes I don’t want to grow anything that can be bought from a store so this year I’m going to be focusing on growing large slicers for sandwiches um

And to make diced tomatoes to preserve I don’t know why that was so hard so I have multiple varieties of the big slicers these Brad’s Atomic I have not been able to get a single tomato out of these um this is the year it’s going to happen I want these Tomatoes I still

Don’t know what they taste like but gosh are they beautiful Brad’s Atomic these are cherry tomatoes or grape tomatoes they’re grape tomatoes which is like a cherry but bigger and then I have these cherry tomatoes these are the super sweet 100 supposedly they’re supposed to give you

Big clusters of tomatoes I haven’t grown these before but this year I will be trying them and then I have these spoon tomatoes to which I did grow last year and I guess they did okay um but they’re like the world’s smallest tomatoes and I

Have no use for them but I might grow them anyway the kids like them so the tomatoes that I’ll be growing this year are in plans for making um pasta sauce just regular tomato sauce and then pizza sauce like a bunch of different sauces that are made

With tomatoes I even want to try barbecue sauces this year um and then I need green tomatoes because whenever Josh my husband has is has is eating has whatever whenever he eats Green Tomatoes it doesn’t upset his stomach and we figured that out this past year last

Year it’s January last year so I need to get more green tomatoes because I only had a few seeds I had it was like five five or six of the green tomato seeds so we’re getting those I also do have these great white tomato which I I still

Haven’t been able to get um any tomatoes out of them my biggest issue really it’s not my gardening or anything it’s the deer the deer and the squirrel they take what they want and then leave me what they don’t want which is some crap I think I may want to try tomatillos this

Year um I’m wanting to cook a little bit different Cuisines I’m like really tired of the food that we’re eating I don’t know I’m trying some new things this year that’s what’s happening I’m also going to need a decent amount of paste tomatoes because I need to make

Tomato paste um did I say diced tomatoes and sauces and crushed tomatoes I also want to can whole uh cherry tomatoes that’s something I want to try this year I think I need to look at paste tomatoes because I have Roma and San Marzano and

That’s really all that I have let me see if there’s anything else that we can give a shot paste tomatoes all right now as far as the peppers because I want to make the salsa I want to try more peppers I feel like I had paprika pepper seeds but I’m not

Seeing any oh it’s in my hand the Lota loot schw Shah paprika paprika Pepper for making paprika powders and then putting the paprika pepper into crock pots and uh stews and soups and and roasting them and things and then this one I have the um I don’t think I have to show

Everything the New Mex Joe Parker this one was supposed to be a roasting pepper I didn’t get any last year so I’m going to try again this year uh I want to roast some peppers on the grill guys and we have the ancho pepper ancho ancho pepper pablano pepper for uh Salsa Salsa

Why am I having such a hard time right now also um I need to figure out I I know it was the pablano and a couple others um I wanted to make enchilada sauce from scratch and um I need to find a good recipe for that also for

Preserving it also the na aeno my kids love these the na aeno they didn’t get very big and I think that’s just because my soil was so poor uh it was the first year and a lot of it was clay and sand and it really wasn’t the best soil so our plants probably

Got two and a half three two yeah two and a halfish maybe 3 fet I don’t think they were that tall but they gave a lot of they were little not AOS but that’s because I think the plant was stunted we’re going to try again this year and

Then I have some seeds that I got specifically for Landon Landon wants to make Takis at home and they don’t sell the type of powdering things that would be needed to make it but it does require Hungarian hot wax peppers so we got seeds and the Marone Roso pepper I think

This was another roasting one point is we got a lot of peppers we have a lot of tomatoes and we are going to be growing all kinds of lovely wonderful things also okra I plan on putting away so much stinking okra so much stinking okra and in the

Basket it goes with its friends hi friends now these seeds are when did I buy them I want to say that I bought them in like 2019 or 2020 um and they’re still good it’s amazing um I bought them and I went through like I think I went through like four of

These packs like it was a lot of peanuts and the squirrels just kept digging them up and I could not get them to grow because the squirrels kept taking them so I do intend on building cages or even if they’re like removable cages or something for a few of the beds I want

To try two beds or two areas um at least 10 ft long 4T wide 3 ft wide of peanuts I want to see how many peanuts I can grow and finally I am on to the flowers I get to the last one I’m like do I

Really need to do this I’m so worried that it’s going to flood in my room because we’re in the basement level and it has flooded before and it’s pretty bad out there today now back in 2020 I wanted to grow a bunch of flowers that I could make bouquets from and that didn’t

Happen that didn’t happen but I still have some seeds so I’m going to be trying again this year maybe um I should like prepare for that like what I intend on selling in the bouquets as the bouquet to know what flowers to grow these however the Holly Hawks I just I

Love them look at do you see it it’s a black flower and it’s like it growes to be like 6 or 7even feet tall as far as my flowers go I have a lot of zenas and sunflowers um a lot of perinal flowers like this is sosia the

Flamingo uh corn that doesn’t go in there Merry Golds theams Morning Glory which I planted once regretted it for 3 years and refused to grow anymore but um maybe we’ll find a place for it because Landon really loves these morning glories we’ve got Cosmos that I probably

Won’t grow because I don’t like the look of Cosmos they just look like weeds to me I just I don’t like them that’s my preference lots of sunflowers I do plan on selling sunflowers this year um also I do need to get well I’m thinking about it I need

To get the eating sunflowers which would be the uh um sorry I can’t talk them right at the same time the um the Titan or the mammoth Russian or um a large sunflower seed like that cuz we love sunflowers here also popcorn We Love Popcorn so I need

To get some popping corn also did you know that you could pop amaranth I learned that I thought that was really cool and uh oh oh which one was it um starts with a P Oro I feel like it starts with a P I don’t know maybe if you know of all of

The grains that you can pop that is not corn Put it Down Below in the comment section cuz that would be fun for other people to figure that out too I need a bigger bag all right now that all of that is done I’m going to move on and

Talking about what I plan on doing this year and throughout the process I’ve been saying like this is what I’m going to do and I’m going to do these things and blah blah blah blah blah but this seed inventory does tie into my garden planning because I need to know what am

I going to grow how many of those things am I going to grow what are my plans for the things that I’m growing do I want to sell things do I want to just save and and preserve it and eat it for the family like what’s what’s its purpose so

My intention this year is everything that is going to be put in the garden must have a purpose whether it is for us for medicinal reasons for food for us to eat or for selling um I do think that this is probably the year though that I

Will be selling dried herbs which I have been preparing for and am very excited for apparently I’m so excited I can’t speak properly there are a few things that I need to buy there’s a few things also that I need to research on things

That I want to do like adding the uh tea bushes or the tea trees or exactly what it is um also I do want to see what I can do about getting some kumquat Tre I know that they are rather expensive but I can’t seem to get a kumquat tree to

Last through the winter and I think that’s probably because they are so young I will start the kumquat seeds in the spring and then I have like 25 on my deck out there and they’re all dead now they’re they’re not coming back they’re dead uh

So maybe if I get a bigger one also probably the greenhouse would solve that issue if I could leave the little the little fruit trees in the greenhouse over the winter um that probably would do some good I also want to look at orange trees because I don’t have any

Or seeds yeah I don’t have any orange seeds we have a lot of lemon a lot of lemon now we are still working on our garden I did get about one bed finished um in this last week cuz I mean I just don’t have that much

Time to work on it um I was outside for about an hour and that’s really all that I could give it so I got one bed complete in about an hour um and I think it was like 25 30t long something the video for me building the

Beds will be coming out as soon as I finished the it’s two and I put up four fingers it’s two got the one long one and then the one beside it and then I will be posting that video um I am also considering though waiting until I have

It all built and then you see the entire process so there’s two options there I have a lot of goals this year which does also include building up our prepper pantry and ensuring that we have all of the Necessities that we need I really want to try what rainwater catchment

System off of our roof um I don’t know how that’s we still haven’t figured that part out that’s something I’ve been wanting to do for years though we need to have more water than we do we don’t store enough water and that’s a thing that I in my inventory figured like I’m

Trying to figure out what of our downfalls what are the things that we can um improve upon or do better and I think definitely water storage is should be number one for us now I don’t think that we’ll probably ever be at a point to

Where we grow and raise 100% of our food that is the ultimate goal though isn’t it to not be dependent on the system to be able to be self-sufficient to be able to do the things that you need to not only survive but thrive in this crazy

Clown world that we live in um I think it’s just absolutely time that everybody takes charge of their own lives and grows some stinking food already you know I think that it is the time where everyone should start taking control of their lives so that they are not so

Dependent on the system people need to learn how to grow food how to store water how to raise livestock um and I guess the livestock would include like chickens and goats and ducks and things that you can have in your backyard even if you live in a Suburban environment

Like I do if you’re new to gardening and you would like to learn how to garden I would absolutely love to teach you if you’re not already consider subscribing to hollow aaker’s Homestead hit that thumbs up button and turn on your notifications so that you don’t miss any

Videos that I post I realized that was like kind of out of order but it came out e the way we’re going to have a lot going on this year and I really hope that you will join us on our journey to self-sufficiency thanks for stopping by

And we’ll see you next time here on Hollow acr’s Homestead


  1. I felt this large garden basket with random stuff 😂 I barely bought a photo holder for my seeds because I got it for like $9 at Michael’s and had enough rewards

  2. Dang. Mine are all over the place, drawers, bags, rolled up packs tucked here and there. Sometimes I find seeds I haven't planted in years.

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