
@gardendesignmag: ideas on mixing forced bulbs in one container from Dan Benarcik at @chanticleerg…

ideas on mixing forced bulbs in one container from Dan Benarcik at @chanticleergarden @deebenarc .
Tulipa ‘Cretaceous’ and Muscari armeniacum .
Double–teaming your containers extends the bloom time and eases volatile spring weather.
The Muscari blooms first with delicate foliage, followed by the tulip and it bold leaves.
Generally the Muscari finishes before the Tulips begin, however this season provided us a bit of overlap.
Other bulb combinations that could work equally well, Narcicuss and Frittilaria, or Hyacinth and Galanthus.
A cold period is necessary for bloom and good drainage is essential.
#bulbs #narcissus #tulips #containers #pots #garden #plants #plantingdesign #gardendesign #chanticleergarden


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