Edible Gardening

Noah’s Ark Seed Haul- You Never Saw A Seed Haul This Big! #gardening #seeds #seedhaul #shtf #haul

00:00 Noah’s Ark of Seeds Intro
00:54.1 Fruition Seeds- the Vendor
02:39.8 Perennial Turkish Rocket
03:43.6 Thyme
05:12.3 Greek Oregano
06:07.8 Dill, Bouquet – for Quick Pickles!
08:11.8 Summer Savory – for Potato Salad!6
08:57.7 Yarrow & Noah’s Ark Talk
10:24.1 Temu Mesh Bags to Organize Seeds!
11:13.8 Blue Vervain
11:45.3 Feverfew
12:27.6 Boneset
13:39.4 Bee Balm Wild Bergamot
15:01.9 Sweet Marjoram, Zaatar
16:21.7 Spilanthes Toothache Plant & How I Got So Many Packets of Seeds
18:31.3 Hyssop Giant Yellow
19:01.3 Valerian
20:00.1 Sibley Squash, Winter Squash- Good Keeper!
24:01.7 Delicata Winter Squash
25:28.6 Hulless Acorn Squash Intersectionality
27:11.2 Mesh Bag Organizer
27:29.6 Anise Hyssop
28:05.3 Scarlet Emperor Pole Snap Bean
30:43.3 Chocolate Runner Beans
31:42.1 Poppy Ziar’s Breadseed
34:59.6 Calendula Zeolights, Edible Petals
36:59.4 Calendula Resina- Best for medicinal salves!
38:59.1 Chim Chiminee Rudbeckia
40:04.4 Indigo for dying fabrics
42:46.3 Summer Berries Yarrow
44:32.9 Milkweed for Monarch Butterflies
45:35.9 Sugar Snap Peas & Greens- claytonia, endive, Asian Greens
46:27.3 Poppies- Cornfield & Scarlet Peony Poppy
46:33 Echinacea
47:30 Amaranth Jamaican Callaloo
49:13.2 Poppy (Purple) Hungarian Blue Breadseed
49:58.8 Hope is a Verb Dahlias
50:45.5 Gouda Winter Squash
52:02 (Purple) Sequoia Bush Snap Beans
53:15.1 Dragon’s Egg Cucumbers
53:43.6 Pink Plume Celery
54:33.2: Hen Peck Collards
55:35 Eggplants- Black Beauty, Ping Tang Long, Listada di Gandia, Rosa di Napoli
73:37.5 Ending thoughts

Friends I did a really big seed order a while ago and I’m going to tell you what I spent at the end of the video I ordered from a seed company called fruition seeds and I’m going to have to show you the absolute amazing haul I got it’s

Something dreams are made out of I’m pretty sure this seed order is what dreams are made out of let’s take a look at what I got and it’s a lot and it’s amazing you want to see the whole Spiel the whole order it’s pretty much like an entire Garden in a box let’s

Check it out here is our box I removed the label so my address isn’t showing but you can see Fish seeds is out of New York reminds me of that salsa commercial it’s like um New York City I can’t believe it was made in New York

City I’m just kid Naples New York let’s go ahead and check this out and I know that um New York has a lot of really amazing farmlands too um not everything is in the city they included this nice SE list invoice that is okay that’s two pages three pages long

Wow what’s in here it’s a surprise they included a sticker that’s cute that could go on like the seed binder if I use a seed binder to col to organize these or if I use a little tote or something I could put this on the outside they included a sweet little m

Message thank you that’s very sweet they included this growing guide which is kind of nice it’s for the Northeast and I’m in the Northwest but a lot of things that grow in the Northeast I think it’s pretty similar climate wise because of you know the whole um latitude longitude coordinates so we

Are on the west coast but um we have a similar climate I believe I think it does get colder in New York though wow where do I start okay hold on a second let me get organized why in the world did I buy four or maybe more packages of this seed

Variety well actually it’s because it says it’s a perennial and it’s only 45 to 55 days to harvest so it’s a really quick turn around and it’s going to be high yielding for many years so I think that’s amazing amazing that’s why I got several packets it’s an heirloom which who

Doesn’t love heirlooms that’s something you can really rely on the genetics perennial vegetables huzzah okay so full depart Sun perennial um as early as 3 weeks before last frost you can sew two seeds or soil blocks indoors and thin okay that’s cool so you can start these pretty early I like that

Nice so this sounds like something that would be great to grow in a survival Garden because it’s perennial it’s perennial it’s prolific and it’s a quick turnaround crop so excellent why did I buy three packages or more of time it’s because I already have time but mine is really old it does

It is very perennial um my time is really old and getting really Woody and weedy looking so I would like to I’m going to still keep it going obviously I never get rid of plants um some people try to make things look tidy and get rid of their beautiful

Plants um to make it look prettier but I do not do that however I want to make sure I never run out of time it’s one of our favorites it smells wonderful even just for aromatherapy just smelling it when you’re walking around in your garden but the these are perennial you

Want to start them from seeds indoors and trans plant them don’t try to direct SE um you do need to tend your herbs um perennial herbs a little bit more cautiously so that you can really ensure that you get high germination rates and that those plants actually um don’t get

You know just eaten up by something or overwhelmed by other things you’re growing so um I start my perennial herbs indoors and I’m going to show you all those tricks later on in the season so go ahead and subscribe if you want to see see how to grow perennial herbs

Indoors and then transplant them out later but I got three time because of the perennial nature of it and just to refresh my garden I didn’t just get one I got four Greek oregano and I do have oregano I’m not sure what variety it is this is perennial and I have oregano

Growing like a weed all over the place but um I did kind of regrettably yank out a bunch of oregano and I to my chickens um because it totally overtook one of my garden beds that I wanted for something else and so I kind of regret

That so I want to plant some more and that way I can really anticipate where it’s going to be and I want to be better about collecting the seeds so it doesn’t go too insane I don’t mind if my yard smells like a pizza after we’ve mowed it

But um I do want to know where they are and I like to give some plants as gifts I I also might sell some plants so we’ll see about that but I’m going to go ahead and definitely plant a lot of oregano I also got an abundance of this

Bouquet Dell and I did that because my youngest son absolutely loves Dell and he’ll just stand in the garden and just pick leaves of the Del leaves and eat it it’s also very ornamental very frilly and fern-like I do want to make uh quick pickles this year so so if you want to

See quick pickles go ahead and like subscribe and all that jazz um but we’re going to be making a lot of that I also like Dill leaves in sandwiches in salads in soups and I want to start collecting it and drying it we usually use

Everything that we have so I want to see if I can get enough going that I can actually dry some for the winter months for next year so um yeah I want to make sure I have a lot of these growing and also this is not a perennial it’s an

Annual so you do have to plant it every year but if you let a few plants go to seed actually if you just let one plant go to seed you will have so many seeds I actually have handfuls of Dill seeds because my husband was actually working on a

Property and they said please get rid of that cuz it looked weedy and it was the their Dill plant had gone to seed and so he gave me all these um spent flower heads and I collected all the seeds and dried them out and um

Put them in my my seed storage so I have lots of Dell but um I want a lot and I like to know variety names and things like that so I don’t know the variety names on the other type I have so a few a few with variety names is nice but I’m

Going to plant everything you know what I mean not going to be picky found some more time where does all the time go time goes by so fast you know time is fleeting unless you’re talking about actual time then it’s perennial summer Savory so I grow winter savory and the

Reason I know is winter savory is not because I’m an expert but because it comes back every year and summer Savory is supposed to be an annual so this must be the summer Savory and I’ve heard that it’s really good in potato salad so I

Want to make sure I grow a lot of this because I grow a lot of potatoes and I love making homemade potato salad in the summertime it’s just really wonderful especially when you make it with red and purple and blue potatoes it’s amazing so this is going to be awesome it’s an

Annual so I will have to save seeds and savory does seed very well so collecting seeds from those plants afterwards will mean that you don’t have to buy seeds in the future I got several packets of this yo and it is perennial native and medicinal and I have actually not grown

Actually I might have grown some in a container once and lost track of it I it might be in my Greenhouse but I’ve never grown it and actually used it um so it’s going to be a new experience so you can grow alongside me and we can experience this plant together and it

Does say to start them 6 weeks before the last frost barely covering with soil transplant only so this is going to be taking up a little space in in the home before um the last frost but I think it’s really worth it especially with it being a medicinal and

Perennial and Native and pollinator friendly so I want to get a lot of this growing I want to make sure I never burun out so this is kind of like Noah’s Arc you know I’m going to be saving and rotating seeds so I never run out of

These wonderful varieties and um for the longevity of these species and for our species as well so I really want to make sure that nothing gets left out um I wonder if anybody else feels the same way of just like your seed stash is kind of like Noah’s Arc am I alone does

Anyone else feel that way too I had to step away for a second but um I am back and I wanted to show you these mesh bags I got from teu and I actually got five of them they’re quite large as you can see I got

Five for $5 and I think it was $548 or something like that it was under 550 for five so I thought these are pretty neat and I’ve been thinking about seed organization and I might want to try these more um I like it so I’ve started

To put some of the ones I’ve already talked to you about into one of these off the side because it’s they’re slippery and it’s hard to like keep track of them um I already talked to you guys about the yo so I’ll put that off to the side and we’ll start moving on

With the other varieties so I’ve got four packages of the blue vervan it is um a perennial and the packaging says to start them 1 to six weeks before the last frost indoors and Transplant them out after the last frost and and they’re beautiful pollinator um attractors and

Look how pretty they are the flowers kind of remind me of plantain but obviously pretty purple not just the plain brown and green really lovely I guess I need to have four of everything cuz one uh two is one and one is none and four is how

Many I did get the fever few which is a medicinal and I’m still looking up you know how how to use it and so forth do your own research it’s an annual so I want to make sure I um save seed from one year to the next so that we have

That ongoing genetics um in our seed vaults and so those are going to go along with my medicinals and it’s also supposed to be a really great pollinator friendly plant so fever F this beautiful plant plant it’s called bone set and it is a medicinal it’s also native perennial and pollinator friendly

The instructions say to start them before the last frost and um so it says one to 5 weeks before the last frost you’re going to want to harden these off before you transplant them out which you want to do that with all of your herbs and perennials medicinal plants that you’re

Starting indoors and you should do that with your things like your tomatoes that kind of stuff too always Harden them off first that means give them a couple hours a day in the normal temperature outside um and bring them back in and especially at night time and then longer

And longer time outside until eventually they’re outside so it’s like baby steps um yeah so bone bone set sounds really interesting and um I’m looking more into those to this variety because I have not grown it before if you know anything about bone set go ahead and comment

Below in the comment area how are you using bone set and what is your experience growing it it looks like I got eight packages of this B balm and it’s native medicinal perennial and I just realized I was reading the packages wrong um whenever I’ve said one to five

Weeks or 1 to six weeks it um it’s actually it’s telling you to thin your plants to one and then there’s a space and it says about 5 weeks before L Frost I have glasses but I need bifocals um so five weeks before last frost the other ones where I said one to

Six weeks it should have just been six weeks not one that wouldn’t make sense anyway and these also need to be hardened off but these are going to be perennials and it says to zone three in zone three and I’m in zone eight so these should definitely be penalizing in

My zone as well and one thing I really thought was cool about this one is it says that the flowers are medicinal and delicious see gorgeous delicious and medicinal and I love the idea of having more butterflies but also I’m really interested in edible flowers I think that would be really beautiful a

Beautiful way to use my garden in our daily lives so B balm and I’ve got plenty of it and I’ve got sweet margam which is very similar in appearance scent and flavor to oregano it’s a little bit more mild and a little bit sweeter and this is also a

Perennial and we’re starting those indoors about 6 weeks before the last frost and um I’m a little confused about the seed package here when it’s says um what was confusing here it says Mediterranean reminiscent of oregano beloved in satar the herbal blend so I’m wondering what there mean by that like

Are these all the same type of seeds or is this an actual blend I’m confused so do you know what I’m saying it says heirloom Mediterranean and reminiscent of oregano beloved in Z atar The herbal blend is the atar is this an herbal blend cuz I thought it was just sweet

Margam anyway I’m going to plant it I believe it’s just um margam sweet margam which I’ve grown before and will grow again and I apparently thought I needed four of all of these so I’m starting to see why I got four packages each and that’s because when I ordered the seed

Options it didn’t allow one pack it would say something like 200 seeds and this is 50 seeds so if I ordered 200 seeds I got four packets and so I’m not quite sure why that happened why there wasn’t just one packet with 200 seeds um and if they had been offered at one

Packet I would have just got one for some of them but I don’t regret it um I knew what I was paying for them I just wasn’t realizing that I was going to get four packets instead of just one which is kind of nice because because I can

Like have one to grow this year one to grow next year and then maybe have some for um gifts I think that’s a good idea so here I have spilanthes I might be saying that incorrectly spanis spilanthes spanis spilanthes hm it sounds like it’s a um Olympian a Olympic Athlete it’s heirloom

Cheerful and medicinal okay this is the tooth thick plant and so it has kind of like that um numbing effect right so the idea is like if you had um a a painful cavity you chew it on the area that has a cavity so that um you get the numbing effect there

And I’ve heard some people making some kind of Sav so it has like a topically numbing effect um I haven’t tried it yet so so do your own research and when I try things I’m going to definitely um share my experiences but try things on

Your own as well but also make sure you do your own research be diligent and doing your own research and make sure you know what plant you have so you’re not just like chewing on a marold I don’t know maybe that’s okay I’m not sure but this is too thick plant and

I’ve been meaning to grow up for a long time I do have some older seeds that I should use before I use these which I have to get that rotation going soon these giant Yellow hisop just look absolutely gorgeous they they have edible flowers which is awesome and it

Says that they are delicious and sweet they have the the plant itself has a licorice kind of scent to it it’s perennial and they suggest that you start seeds indoors about 4 weeks before your last frost Harden them off before you put them Outdoors so hisop is going

To be my garden this year for sure it’s so gorgeous valaran is a well-known medicinal plant that’s also very ornamental it’s beautiful in Landscapes I think it kind of reminds me of like baby’s breath or queen an’s lace I don’t know those tiny little clusters the of

Flowers are really pretty make sure that you identify them correctly as you could have weed seeds kind of floundering around your garden you want to make sure that you’re using it properly identifying it properly as well and so I found two seed packets there’s probably

Two more in here I’m guessing and um so you’re going to start these indoors before your last frost about five eight weeks so this one takes a little bit longer so about 8 weeks before your last frost Harden them off and Transplant them out after your last frost and then you have perennial

Valyrian it’s gorgeous do your own research on medicinals the descriptions for this winter sibl squash are so attractive that I bought what I thought were two large packets but it’s eight packets um of the sibl winter squash and I have to show you guys the back of the

Package because it sounds kind of incredible it says that um magnificent flavor texture sublim reliably abundant and stores through the following June so we need with seed security you need to be growing some winter squashes that are really good keepers which means they are shelf stable for a really long time in

June there’re it’s pretty thin picking in your garden you know you’re just getting some you know radishes and some snap peas and really small things so having something from the previous year that’s still good that’s what they call the Hungry Gap like the beginning um so like like

February March April May like when in the beginning like in between when you’re running out of your fall stores before your spring harvests are starting to come in is called The Hungry Gap and having shelf stable squash like this winter Sibly um that lasts like so if you’re harvesting it in

The fall it’s lasting months and months and months so and of course you have to cure it I’m sure you have to cure it to make sure that the Rind is intact and um uh proper so I’m going to have to do some more research cuz I I haven’t grown

Sibl squash yet and I’ve never had a squash that lasted that long so I’m really looking for winter squashes because in my in my Gardens I’ve grow grown uh all kinds of different pumpkins and stuff but we would use them like in October November and um I never really tried saving them

Until spring and summer so having some that are known to be long shelf life squash or good keepers um I think is really important so I got eight packages um and that’s well that’s 20 seeds so maybe I said see maybe I said I wanted 150 seeds

Or something and then to get 150 I actually got 160 so it’s 20 seeds per packet um I want to just have tons of these I want to be able to just give some as gifts and to plant them everywhere honestly I’m kind of thinking about doing some little sleth gardening

You have to be careful cuz you can get in trouble for that but like just have a pocket full of seeds and then like walk around some Trails dig a little hole with my foot put a seat in cover it up with my with my shoe and walk away um

I’ve heard of people actually trying to like pirate just like little pirate garden areas in different places and they’ve gotten like arrested so don’t do that like I’m just thinking like having a pocket full of noninvasive plants that have food quality really important stuff um we

Might be coming up on hard times and having food that you can just glean from the neighborhood or from trails that you walk constantly um might be a good thing so winter squash make sure it’s in your garden another thing to note is that with squash it’s just so easy to direct

Sew um direct sewing is a great way to prevent root root disturbance um I also got these winter squash delicata and it doesn’t tell me if they’re good keepers but it does say that they have really thin skin so I’m going to assume that they’re not um as

Good as the Sibly but it does say Harvest before Frost and cure so if you don’t cure it you can eat it right out of the garden but if you cure it in a warm place with good air flow then it will store longer so I need to learn how to do that

Um it’s not something that we’ve really practiced because we kind of like just pick our stuff and then eat it or pick it and use it right um but I want to learn how to pick it and cure it and keep it um um to have have a little bit

More longevity in the Harvest um so direct sewing is um recommended and this is supposed to be uh very easy to prepare delicious foods and it’s supposed to have a really fabulous flavor so I got delicata and I’m pretty sure I have other delicadas so I’m going

To use those before I use these These are going to be like um my Noah’s Arc my seed Vault seeds that I save for later so this squash here is really new to me it’s one of the reasons why I came across the company and was looking for

These seeds because of these seeds here and my understanding is that these are a completely holess I think it’s is that an acorn squash um but it’s it says delectably Hol of seed so like I have some naked seeded pumpkins these are like naked seed and so the seeds are really

Delicious um as well as the squash itself and these are pretty interesting it’s a CCU pepo so if you’re growing different varieties of squash if you want to grow like three different types make sure it’s a different species if they’re the same genus and species they will cross so the second

Word here needs to be a different word if you don’t want them to cross and you want to save seeds from them I don’t want to ruin the seed the holess of the seeds because that’s s such a draw to be able to scoop out seeds that don’t have a shell and

You can just add some salt toast them up and you have a delicious snack you can put those on salads you could eat them just like that um that’s great and then you can also use the squash itself so um I’m loving that I think it’s great I’m also

Going to be growing some holeless pumpkins and going to put this into my little mesh baggie with all my squash so as I’ve been filming I’ve been using different baggies for different stuff so I have one that’s just for the flowers and medicinals one that’s just for squash that’s helping stay organized I

Came across these a nie hisop and we already saw the giant Yellow hisop so these are similar um presenting a little bit different with the flowers and the size and this is also perennial edible medicinal perennial I mean doesn’t that just sound beautiful edible medicinal perennial it’s almost like a chant

Edible medicinal perennial edible medicinal perennial all right it just sounds like I don’t know like something really beautiful anyway okay so I’m going to put those in the baggie with the rest of the herbs Scarlet Emperor pole snap beans are absolutely beautiful they are not lying when they call it ornamental

Absolutely beautiful stunning they need something to climb or some kind of trellis and you do want to direct sew these don’t start them indoors it’ll just be a tangled mess and they don’t really like to be disturbed um the flowers attract hummingbirds bees and all of that good stuff on the packaging

It does say that you can eat them when they are as snap beans so you can eat them as snap beans and then you can also have the dry purple beans oh they’re so pretty in a glass jar dried um in a glass jar they store so beautifully it’s so Charming to

Have those up and in a Pantry on a shelf somewhere um visible you know it’s so pretty obviously not great for it it’s better not to have them in light but they’re just so beautiful it’s like artwork honestly so the beans these actually remind me a lot of Scar Scarlet

Runner beans um that these are the Scarlet Emperor pole so a little bit different but very similar to um those Scarlet Runners that you normally see these are scarlet Emperor and I’m excited about those the beans themselves are like Jewels just absolutely gorgeous these um they grow

Really fast so some people like to grow their their runner beans or their pole beans with corn for three sisters but I find that the corn just does not grow fast enough enough for me at least in the Pacific Northwest um um and the pole

Beans grow so fast that it’s a big crazy tingled mess and sometimes the corn doesn’t grow that tall either even if it does grow fast so I like to grow these with sun chokes so if you want to grow Sun chokes which is also called Jerusalem artichokes from tubers those

Are inedible as well you eat the tubers they grow these tall stocks like sunflowers but they have really tiny not really um showy flowers and the snap beans make up for it because they have flowers profuse flowers all over the place so I like to grow them with

Sunchokes or of course you can grow them mon a trellis so I might have bought these just for the name chocolate Runner okay you put chocolate in a name for a plant and I’m definitely going to get get myself some so chocolate Runner pole beans and these are dry beans they look very

Similar the speckled purple seeds to the other Runners the Scarlet Runners um and these are going to be for dry beans and they’re apparently very attractive to hummingbirds you are also going to want to direct sew these and have a trellis or a living trellis like the sunchokes

For these seeds lovely and I just want to make sure I never run out of them because they’re so absolutely ornamental beautiful it’s like living artwork in your garden that you can also eat and also the wildlife enjoys the nectar from the flowers ooh look at that Z’s bread seed poppies abundant edible

Heirloom that’s gorgeous I can never decide so it does say that you can direct sew about 6 weeks before before the final Frost or they recommend that you transplant them so sew them inside8 weeks or two months before your last frost and then you’re going to harden them

Off before you transplant them it doesn’t say you have to cold stratify them and that’s what I’m kind of wondering about poppies is if you find when you if you’ve grown poppies do you find that they germanate better if they’ve been cold stratified or not does it really make it difference I

Planted some different flowers that they said you had to coold stratify and I didn’t and they grew just fine so I’m I don’t want to take the extra step of cold stratifying if I don’t absolutely have to and with direct seeding we get so much rain and I’m afraid that the

Seeds would just wash out of some of the containers that I have because this time of year is just so wet even 6 weeks before my last Frost it’s still like the wet season so I would prefer to plant them indoors and Transplant them out and and not do the whole cold stratification

So have you grown poppies from seed if you have do you cold stratify or do you think it makes a difference and I’ve got these here these are the bread seed poppies which you can save the seeds for growing or you can actually use them for like poppy seed muffins things like that

And um I’m also curious if anybody else is growing poppies if how much they cross-pollinate because I have a lot of different varieties so what are your comments go ahead and comment below if you have a lot of experience with poppies I actually have like a jar of

Poppy seeds because my husband was able to procure me some dried um poppy seed heads from um a person he was working for who wanted them cleared out of their garden and he knows me so I was able to shake shake shake shake shake Shake

Rattle and Roll and get a bunch of seeds and I also saved the seed heads for dry flower arrangements cuz they’re really really pretty I’m not going to bust them open they’re just too pretty to do that too so I get the dried flour pod with

Stem and I also saved my seeds so that was a lot of fun and it’s going to be interesting to see what I get out of my seeds because I didn’t see the flowers when they were blooming so they could be any color any variety I don’t know but I also have

These packages of seeds um and I always grow um the California poppies which are not really what we’re talking about here these are mostly probably from CH the Chinese poppies um versus the California poppies the native ones which are native to California and they’re the California state flower those orange beautiful

Poppies actually is one of the reasons that inspire ired me to grow flowers in the first place I grow a lot of Cula in my garden and I save my own seeds but I’m sure it’s a common variety um not even a named variety and so I you know I

Just have it growing everywhere and I love them so I saw a few different um varieties from fruition seeds that I liked these are called zeolites and um they’re supposedly like they’re specifically talking about edible petals which may be true for all Cula please fact check but that’s my

Understanding I could be wrong so double check that um but it says edible petals and so you justjust the petals but it says here that it’s arcot colored on one side of the petals and at the back side is a different color so it says it has a

Burgundy back so that sounds really interesting to be one like I’ve never seen these before but supposedly on one side you have the apricot color and on the back of it it is burgundy so you can garnish salads soups and cakes with that that would be really

Pretty I’m not sure what colula tastes like I just have been growing it it’s just beautiful um and I haven’t seen a lot of butterflies flocking to my Cula but I do see um I do see them I do see a lot of hummingbird uh no no no hold on

Bumblebees lots of bumblebees all different kinds of um pollinators like just the honeybees as well as hoverflies I’ve seen those too um maybe this particular variety will attract more butterflies I love them in my garden for sure so colula and I also got another kind that it’s really special hold on so

I got this Rosen Kula now all colula are supposed to be medicinal but Rosen is the kind that has the most resins that are supposed to be the most therapeutic um properties so I got four of these packages because I really want to have a lot of this because I have a

Lot of friends and family who suffer from eczema psoriasis rashes dry skin all kinds of stuff and I plan on making medicinal salves using the Rosen Cula specifically so I’m going to have like a whole field or a whole raised bed just of these

Because I want to make sure I can go in pick all the flowers I need and then make the salves and I some of the key ingredients are going to be the Cula um beeswax possibly going to do some olive oil I’m thinking um as well as give me a second I’m thinking

Plantain so I’m thinking plantain leaves in there as well because they are also very good for skin so I might do some with just the clangula and some with with the plantain leaves I might even do one to include jeweled um because jeweled is supposed to help with like um

I want to say poison ivy poison ivy is it poison ivy or poison oak um they often grow close to each other too so I’m going to grow jewelweed as well but I’m definitely going to be making salves with colula this summer so if you want to see

That click like subscribe and if you have made your own savs comment below what was your recipe CU I want to try a few out and see what I like the best these flowers are just so pretty and interesting they’re called chim chimy chim chimney chim chimney chim chim

Chy H sweep is as happy as happy can be or I’m not is it lucky um Chim chimy rubia okay and um reia one of my favorite rebecas is blackeyed Susan and um how I remember the name of reia is this like the person’s being rude and her name is Becky

Yeah okay so Rebecca is Chim chimy and it’s really good in bouquet it’s perennial the instructions say to start them indoors you know about a month and a half before um your last frost transplant them out and when they after they’re they flowered you want to dead head them

So that you’ll get more flowers so that’s awesome and I love that they’re perennial I always sometime I sometimes feel that growing annuals is a waste of time so perennials feels like a more of an investment and these are so lovely what in the Heyday is

This how many of you guys play Heyday be honest you know I do anyway so whenever I played Heyday and you’re planting what looks like lavender it’s actually Indigo um indigo is used to dye fabrics and so I thought it would be a fun arts and crafts project not really going to be

Survival right here but just arts and crafts using it to dye and then um materials apparently silk is the best to use with Indigo um which obviously it’s like oh how many of us just have a bunch of silk laying around like True Silk um

But I thought maybe I’d try it on some other Fabrics too even if it doesn’t work as well um I don’t have a silk farm so yeah it be be pretty pricey but um this IND go round Leaf it’s for dying fabrics and I think it’s an annual it is

An annual and you’re going to want to start it four weeks before the final Frost indoors and Transplant it out after their last frost always Harden them off before I assuming you know what hardening off means sounds kind of fishy but what it means is that you don’t shock your

Plants by just taking them from inside and putting them outside you give them like little baby steps a couple hour hours a day you know longer several hours a day and and never put one of the big things when you’re hardening off your plants is don’t put them in direct

Light like really bright sunny spots that’s the worst even more than the cold is going from indoors not having so much direct light to being outdoors and a blazing sun so that really does kill a lot of seedlings um you also don’t want it in the windiest spot so like up

Against a building um is nice um or some kind of structure so it has a little bit of shade it has a little bit of wind protection and then after you know a bit of time of that you put them out now I also like to when I’m growing seeds

Inside um have a fan a small little little fan that’s kind of going back and forth blowing on the seeds and that’s so that the stems are nice and strong and your plants won’t be so so weird weak and leggy um so definitely want to make

Sure you have air flow and if you don’t have that at least brush the tops of your your plants with your fingers gently um kind of like you’re petting them so pet your plants so that they get nice strong stems yes I got more yo this variety is

Called Summer berries and it’s really pretty look at it it’s like white pastel uh pastel purples and pinks and beige and like uh Ivory or you know kind of like these like natural tones just really beautiful when I was younger I probably would have said that those were

Old lady colors I’m not kidding I was kind of mean in my mind um I’d see something like a hydrangea or an iselia I literally used to think that like aelas and hydrangeas were old lady flowers and those Hues those soft Blues purples and pinks they’re kind of like what you’d

Imagine um I don’t know an old lady’s eyeshadow palettes um I remember being a kid you know you have you know older PE ladies would have like blue eyeshadow um but now there’s something about life I don’t know that it gives you different perspective things that I used to think weren’t um

Maybe even thinking some certain things were a little bit homely or not quite as eye-catching I now appreciate them I appreciate the the detail the Simplicity um and they’re all beautiful and I think that’s part of the wisdom of of life as you’re aging is to see the

Beauty in things that maybe you didn’t appreciate when you were younger it’s like you know I guess it makes up for for your back and knees hurting is appreciating things that you that you didn’t notice when you were younger and here we have a perennial milkweed I want to encourage butterflies

And yes there are monarchs that get this far North Washington state in the Pacific Northwest um and so I want to support their just their gational their their life cycle for the little caterpillars because their caterpillars they’re young only eat the foliage of milkweed so I want to have a lot of this

In my yard it’s perennial and you’re going to want to start it four weeks before the last frost indoors and Transplant it out and make sure you know what it looks like because I’m pretty sure I accidentally weeded it out before cuz it does look like a weed um the

Flowers are pretty but the really common types of milke weed you might just not realize and accidentally get rid of it so make sure that you know what you are pulling when you’re pulling your weeds because milkweed is what baby monarchs eat I’m not going to talk long about

This sugar snap peas you know you need them they’re delicious they don’t ever get inside the house that’s why I get so much more um I just want to make sure that we have enough to actually bring inside for salads and stuff cuz all we

Do is snack on them in the garden it’s like a snack it’s just a little garden snack outside make sure you got your snot peas and I got a few packages of some greens they’ve got some Endive claytonia our M miners lettuce which is very good for you I believe it’s pretty

High in vitamin C it’s how the miners uh were able to save off getting scurvy so claytonia is really really good and then I also got some Asian greens and figure out where I put those because almost everything else I got was different these are beautiful and they should be

Good in uh bouquet or peie um Scarlet pey poppies Scarlet peie poppies they look like pies but they’re poppies and cornfield poppies which reminds me of those like I think this a Danish there’s a Danish variety that um that one reminds me of anyway so got those those are going to

Be really good for floral arrangements I’m sure you’ve heard of eona and it says the flower petals are edible um medicinal ornamental do your own research you’re starting these about five weeks before the last frost indoors and then transplanting them out and they are perennials beautiful too very beautiful

I’ve got some seeds for green twister which I think I got from Strictly medicinal they um I only was able to get maybe one or two packets ever they’re always sold out so I got green green twister ainia some more and then I’ve also got these so pretty so these are

Going to go in with my greens it’s amaranth but it’s a veggie type of amaranth so amaranth it they call it an ancient grain because the seeds are used there’s all kinds of cool stories about amaran it was actually illegal for a long time because the aexs would combine

Some of the plant parts with human blood during a sacrifice or something so the Spaniards thought that was super evil and they banned it and it was illegal for a long time but now that this the taboo is been lifted and there’s no more human sacrifice um amaranth is really

Coming out of the Woodworks and becoming very very popular as they they call it an ancient grain the seeds themselves are not a grain they are actually seeds not grain um that’s Botanical terminology anyway so the amaran this is Jamaican caloo a lot amaran like love flies bleeding um there’s all different

Kinds I’ve got like golden giant I’ll uh oh there’s just so many varieties this specifically is a Jamaican caloo and that caloo is actually a dish that is um I have not made it yet but it’s supposed to be like just wonderful side dish so um this is going to be

Something we try this year here I also have seed somewhere that’s tricolor caloo um I’ve grown the tricolor before and it was not very prolific and it did not get very big so I’m hoping these will be more a substantial crop and these are going to go in with my edible

Greens this stunning flower is called Hungarian blue bread seed poppy as if it wasn’t enough that they’re beautiful they also have the bread seed these are bread seed poppies so just as the name implies they’re the kind that you have the little poppy seeds on your muffins and stuff that’s where you get

Them and I have another variety that I already showed you but these are bread seed poppies and I want to make sure I keep them separate because I want them to stay true to type and I am not sure how much they cross so I’m going to be

Careful so I can keep the integrity and genetic um purity of the seeds Doos are so lovely and these are compact dollia tubers and it’s called hope is a verb and these are supposed to be started four weeks before the last frost and I agree with their description

The FL these flowers are breathtaking and these are going to be pretty small only about 1 to 3 feet tall so I want to have my planting so I have like taller flowers in the back against the fence and then a little bit shorter and then a

Little bit shorter and then a little bit shorter so it’s just be masses and masses of flow so um I really want to make it less sparse with the flowers and kind of also stagger the plantings and the bloom time so that something is always blooming so this is going to be

Really pretty this guda winter squash is supposed to be a smaller version of The Long Island cheese pumpkin which um sounds wonderful I have the Long Island cheese pumpkin seeds and we’ll be growing those somewhere and these are supposed to also be very wonderful just as wonderful just smaller more compact um sweeter

Creamier and it says that if you cure it well it should last all winter long so that’s nice and it’s a smaller portion so when you cut into it you don’t have to worry about the other half spoiling because you’re going to prepare the whole thing so that’s kind of neat so

It’s one one way of thinking about it if you have a large family then grow the Long Island cheese and if it’s just one or two people maybe grow the goua or grow them both and see which one you like better winter squash guda and again these will cross-pollinate unless you

Have a different species so this one is kabita mashada so if I grew it next to a Peppo or a Maxima that would be okay but not next to another one in the same species or the of the mashada okay so this is actually a rare seed

It’s called the Sequoia Bush snap Bean they are purple flat and in the Romano style and um they sound lovely so they look really beautiful that really dark color will make it easy to make sure that you don’t miss any a lot of times when I’m growing beans when it’s a Green

Pod you might miss some of them which is not the end of the world cuz then you can save the seeds if they dry um but it does slow down the production so um this says Harvest Young For maximum sweetness and production the more you pick them

The more they grow and then what I would do is let the last couple beans just go ahead and let those you know let those mature up and dry and then save the beans for next time make sure that you are um growing these um ese especially with them being rare I

Would want to grow them not next to any other kind of beans although beans are not supposed to cross-pollinate in too crazy fashion but I would want to keep the Integrity of these beans since they are said to be rare so these look really yummy everyone needs to get some cucumbers from

Croatia these are called Dragon’s egg and they’re supposed to be small and um the more you pick them the smaller you pick them the smaller the seeds the sweeter and tastier they’re going to be so pick them immature if you want to saf for seeds you let them become mature but

It’s going to slow down production so these are really cool they’re heirloom and they’re from Croatia they’re called cucumber Dragon’s egg pink plume celery everyone needs some pink celery you know um so you’re going to start these indoors a month and a half to two months before your last

Frost Harden them off and then transplant them outside once you get celery going it might be kind of tricky at first because most people try to direct so so you’re going to try to actually plant them indoors and then transplant them and then you’ll know where they are and they will take over

And become a weed you’ll find celery everywhere after they go to seed um if you let a few of them go to seed you will have seeds for life so pink plume celery it’s absolutely beautiful aesthetic ornamental and edible make sure you have some different kinds of

Celery I also really like the um white Chinese celery from Baker Creek so for Northern gardeners who don’t grow collards I want to really recommend that you do I actually find that collards grow better and taste better than kale now I have all sorts of Kes all sorts of collards and I grow

Them both but collards are very underrated and they’re they’re really good they grow very well here too so I’m not quite sure why they’re not more popular hen pet collards are supposed to be sweeter and more tender so I’m giving those a try and they look really

Beautiful look at those leaves um some Co some kales can be like really thick and more like You’ probably want to cook it to get it to um soften up but these look really yummy like maybe I could just make it into a salad it looks nice I mean doesn’t that

Look nice it almost looks like lettuce anyway they look delicious to me do you think hemp pet colors should have a place in your garden would you try growing them I did go ahead and get some more eggplants and I have tons of eggplant seeds Baker Creek had so many different

Types and I I think I bought them all honestly I don’t know um black beauty is the most common probably pink tongue long I also got this Lada de gandia and then I got four packages of the Rosati Napoli and I have seen a lot of people

Talking about how amazing these are the Rosa D Napoli that they actually for people who don’t even like eggplant they like this so and they’re really we’re going to see these inside first and it’s also going to be a month before the last frost so we want to have all of the

Things that we like to have growing in our own backyards and how many packages did I think I need I didn’t say did this many packages you guys I basically clicked on a button that said how many seeds I wanted and it came in multiple packages to add up to that number of

Seeds I don’t want to butcher the name of these it’s the popping sorum so this is cool you’re going to actually direct sew these after your last frost and it’s called Alo Jola like I’m not sure if what language that is in so I’m like I

Hope I’m not butchering it too bad but it’s supposed to be really good and so I thought this would be really fun you can actually pop amarant seeds too obviously those would be really tiny tiny tiny um but I’m not sure I think this will be

Fun a fun project and just an experience so popping Sor gum going to do this and I’m going to put this in with the Sesame as well as what’s next they describe this Chilean green Savory corn as just absolutely delicious so I definitely got some I’m really planning on growing my country

Gentleman’s corn though um so that’s my main priority is to grow the country gentlemen which they don’t have those really neat kernels they’re like all kind of like mismatching they don’t have like rows of kernels um but I’ve always wanted to grow the Country Gentleman and

I have enough seeds and I don’t want them to go to waste so I might have to save the chilian green for another year but they sound so yummy they describe it as having like this I’ll have to tell you okay they describe it so much better

Than I am going to so they say that it you can roast it or grill it at the milk stage and it says stock of the cob is heaven it’s flavorful and it says it’s the most um exquisitely Savory corn they’ve ever tasted so that’s sounds

Divine and I feel like I need to make it mine do you ever just buy seeds because you like the name this is called honey badger it has by colored corn kernels it’s sweet corn and it looks very scrumptious like honey so I got it don’t judge me this looks like an ornamental

Indian corn but this is sweet corn it’s called double red and it’s it truly is it I was about to say it was a feast for your eyes and taste buds but it says on the packaging so fruition seeds gets to uh claim their clever marketing um descriptions it looks

Beautiful and it sounds delicious too so delicious and beautiful what more can you really ask for and um has more antioxidants because of that deep burgundy color crimson and red and burgundy sounds really yummy of course you want to direct ex Seed corn whenever I see people buying corn from

Like Home Depot Lowe’s whatever and they have like little six packs of corn it’s like you’re how much do you pay for corn on the cob corn in the grocery store do you pay a dollar an ear because if you spent $6 for that six pack of corn the

Most you’re going to get is six cups of corn um I’m always looking for types of corn that are going to produce more than in one ear um but a lot of varieties don’t tell you how many ears they produce per stock most of them that don’t say that are going to give

You one most types that have two or three cobs um per stock are going to tell you that because it’s a big deal here’s another gorgeous sweet corn called festivity and they’re calling it a rainbow of sweet corn um it reminds me of glass gem or an Indian ornamental corn

And I’m wondering if it’s this beautiful in the milk stage where you actually eat it in the milk stage or if it only colors up like this when it’s going um to become mature like you’re going to save the seeds from this right when you save the seeds you’re saving it from a

Mature corn cob you’re basically picking the sweet corn in the milk stage which which is when it’s unripe it is still immature and it’s sweet and just delicious right um if you’re trying to eat a sweet corn when it’s really not supposed to be a sweet corn in the milk

Stage it tastes kind of starchy and it has like a little aftertaste but if it’s a real sweet corn and you’re getting it in the milk stage it should taste sweet and juicy without even cooking it so um looking forward to that and in with saving seeds maybe letting a

Few completely go to seed so I can save the seeds I like saving the seeds in a jar especially when they’re that beautiful look at that it’s gorgeous so in here I have like all my sesame seeds I have corn and my sorghum and I’m going

To zip this this guy up so I don’t get them disorganized again I’m not done unboxing but I’m going to zip up the ones I know I am done with so this is all my the the herbs and medicinals and flowers and things that are going to go

With flower arrangements so got those rebecas I’ve got the um the poppies and all those yaros and uh milkweed and all those other things are all in here as well as the Millet I’m going to zip this up pretty sure I got all the squash so

I’ve got the Sibly squash and the guda Squash and the delicata and the sibl and I’m going to zip this up too these are I’m really liking these I can’t zip it with that with just one hand and I don’t have my stand in here so I can’t show you but they’re zipping

Up really nice I think I’m going to buy some more of these especially with them only being about A110 a120 each um I love it because I can see inside of them there’s little holes so the seeds can kind of breathe it’s not going to hold in

Moisture um I’m loving this and then it helps me organized and it’s not like I’m taking one C packet out putting it back put taking it out putting back and having to organize them so meticulously um and that’s not kind of like the my gardening style anyway but I

Do want to keep an inventory so I know what I have for sure oh and I’ve got some chives and I don’t know why I bought these because I actually did a land race project where I grew chives and I collected the seeds from the largest flowers and then I grew those

And over and over again so I have land race chives with very big flowers um that are somewhere hiding from me but I plan on growing those I don’t know why I bought these I don’t know can you answer me why did I buy these so if you like onions and you want

To have a more sophisticated palette try a shallot I’m a poet and I know it okay so shallots are really yummy and they do have that kind of um oniony flavor but a little bit more sophisticated I would say and you’re going to want to start these in March and then transplant them

Out later but starting in them in March we have just a little bit of time to prepare make sure you have your space ready make sure you have your containers ready um and you have your seeds of course you need your seeds so on the scallions They say six

Weeks before your last frost and then for the leaks it says um March so you’re going to want to start these indoors and transpant them out later I got the Japanese not sure how to say that not sure I want to try to um and then I’ve got the parade scallions and I

Also got the tadorna leaks so if you’ve already grown onions it’s time to try some scallions and leaks and shallots I miss one sativa Sugarloaf Green risho that looks Yum Yum Yum that looks like a great salad right right there why did I buy more tomato seeds I

Don’t know why I don’t have space for all these tomato seeds okay so um I’m going to grow these dancing with Smurfs cuz you know I need to dance with some Smurfs obviously that is a beautiful tomato okay and then I’ve got Paul Robinson right I got this I have no idea what

It’s called but look at those clusters of tomatoes that’s crazy um piano Del vasio or pianoo Del vasio piano piano Lo Del vasio I don’t know it reminds me of a guy whose last name I used to know uh Yellow Submarine cherry tomato Gardener sweetheart isn’t that

Cute and then I have couple of these 10 fingers of Naples paste tomatoes and it says it’s okay this this is why I got them we love San Marzano and we love um Romas so I’m thinking this is going to be really good for us because we like that variety so much so

T fingers of Naples arloom cousin of San Marzano 75 days of fruits that’s awesome I also got some peppers so we’ve got sweet pepper collage um fondly known as between the lines isn’t that pretty and then I’ve got some h Pio hot peppers Crimson carollyn Crimson carollyn am I saying that right sweet

Bell peppers like I need more of those but I need them all I need them all okay I have to have them I’m going to zip up this one can I zip it up onehanded wow I’ve got skills I can zip it up onehanded with my thumb good good job that wasn’t too

Dumb stop it I mean it anybody want a pean it I don’t know if that’s the how it goes anyone watch Princess Bride this is the real reason why I came to this company and it was because now I’m remembering there are a couple reasons

Why I came I did come for that acorn squash that has no shells the holess acorn squash but this is the big reason I wanted this the northern Hardy Valencia peanuts so I’ve tried growing um what do they call it I want say like tiger tiger eye

Peanut or tiger something anyway oh no jungle peanut I grew jungle peanuts that’s what it was I grew jungle peanuts and I actually got the raw peanuts offn nuts.com one of my hacks is to buy raw seeds by r or raw nuts and um they sell

Them for you to eat them but then I buy them and I grow them so I bought a bunch of I it was a long time ago one it’s got to be a decade ago I GW I grew jungle peanuts and the plants grew pretty well

I started too late and I didn’t have enough space because peanuts actually grow in a kind of unique way um what they do is they have this really minuscule yellow flower and once it’s pollinated it’s it is like a Peg and the peg sticks down into the soil you never

Saw anything like it so you have a flower and it’s pollinated then it turns downward and it sticks itself into the soil so your soil’s got to be loose and you can’t have a bunch of mulch and you can’t have it in a skinny little pot and

Have the peg go into bake the air like it’s like trying to put down into the soil but it’s putting down into just like air so you have to have a nice space to to have your peanuts um and you want to make sure you have long

Enough and that you have a variety for your climate so peanuts are kind of hard for the north we have really wet soils so I could see them rotting if it gets cold and too damp so these are the Valencia peanuts they’re the larger size seeds and these actually have the whole

Peanut in here it’s like a whole peanut that keeps the seeds better um it keeps them safer it’s their own packaging their own little safety packaging it’s like packing peanuts literally literal packing peanuts okay but you’re going to um actually plant those and um I’m excited because I think

This is going to be like the experiment I did before it you know it it worked the they germinated the plants grew that was cool and then they all side cuz they we didn’t have long enough so this is going to be a little bit more

Serious of a project cuz I spent a good sum of money on these but I’m hoping that I’ll get a good enough Harvest that I can save seeds for the next year and not have to buy seeds again um unless we get hungry and eat them all or the squirrels get to

Them but this is exciting so we have an easy toog grow peanut well adapted to short Northeast Seasons I’m in the northwest I think my seasons are longer so I think I’m actually going to have a better a better deal here flowers above ground send stocks to form peanuts below those

Are actually called pegs um an incredible plant to witness and to eat obviously so I’m going to be growing these and I did get a lot of packages because I want to grow a lot of them and they’re going to be so so so yummy do you grow peanuts with where you

Live and how do they do for you um if you don’t do you grow anything similar like what kind of tubous or what kind of root crops do you grow so like do you grow carrots rudas turnips sunchokes onions garlic peanuts radishes what do you grow that grows

Underground I think it’s kind of like the UN like not unfashionable but less um common maybe because a lot of people are growing green leafy things and tomatoes and flowers um I see a lot of people growing root crops so I’m interested and I grow a lot of potatoes which is definitely

Worth their space and I hope that these are going to be worth their space too are you growing root crops if you are please comment below all of the the um peanuts beans and peas into one of these bags and I’ve got my peppers and tomatoes and um other

Kinds of things in here I’ve got the greens and eggplants and stuff like that and here I have all of the squash I have all the flowers Edibles um yeah flowers Edibles flow Arrangement stuff in there and then this one here I have all the grains that’s the corn

Sorghum Sesame if you call Sesame grain I’m not quite sure um and I put Millet in here too but my Millet that I just bought is more ornamental so yeah I’ve got a good haul here several different kinds of corn I’ve got an entire Farm in

These five bags the bags I got from teu for 5.48 and I’m not going to tell you how much I paid for the SE I want you to comment below what do you think I paid for the seeds I’m going to let you guess if you

If you guess right I don’t know I’m like I’m going to call your name out on a video and say how smart you are okay that’s your reward if you guess correctly if you’re even within $50 of what I ordered I’m going to name you

I’ll say in my next one of my next videos what your name is how smart you are for guessing for uh guesstimating estimating and guesstimating how much I spent here I’m not counting the backs just the seeds okay did I not tell you it was an amazing seed haul what varieties of

Seeds are you just blown away by and have you ever ordered from fruition seeds before is this a company that’s new to you is it something that you’re interesting in order and interested in ordering from them and um yeah so I’m really interested you don’t have to go as crazy

As I do okay and I am scaling back this is my last huge seed order for a long time I’ve decided to really put the um I don’t want to say like restraints um to really tether myself to no more than $15 to $20 a week

And to make that work for me okay so if I want to order from someplace and you have to buy over $20 of stuff to get free shipping that means that’s my twoe order or that’s my month order so um I will be showing some of the seeds that

I’ve been saving from my own garden which some people have been asking about as well but I really hope you enjoyed the seed haul fruition seeds seems to have a lot of selection if you haven’t checked them out before make sure that you give them a chance take a look at

Their website I’ll link it below all right everybody God bless and don’t forget to hit like And subscribe and all that jazz God bless you and I’ll see you next time


  1. I`ll check them out and bookmark. I managed to save my giant Florida Broadleaf Mustard plants from the extreme cold that hit central Louisiana. I remembered my greenhouse I bought and opened it and used its cover over them and propped it up with sticks. The uncovered ones I left exposed as a test were damaged really bad but the covered ones are healthy and almost ready to bloom and make seeds. I saw honeybees visiting the flowers of one that has been blooming before the freeze. So the bees will be happy.

    My Purple Top Globe turnips survived uncovered with no problems. I think those were bred in ancient Europe though and my mustard variety originates in a warmer climate. I covered my baby first year Brown Turkey Fig tree with pine straw, leaves, grass clippings, and a thick plastic barrel I found washed down the creek. I covered the barrel in plastic and a thermal blanket. I have cuttings rooting inside just in case.

  2. I've lived most of my life in Washington, but I have lived in New York. It's not the same. You are not alone. I have a personal seed bank of around 8000 different heirloom and OP varieties of different things.

  3. Spilanthes is pretty shocking when you expect it to numb like Amibisol. It's sour like hell and it will make you salivate none stop. Be prepared. They also call it buzz buttons because it's more of a tingle rather than a numbing feeling.

  4. I have always started my poppies, lupine, and columbine from by doing the winter sowing method with the milk jugs. They are so easy this way and pretty much hands free

  5. Za' Atar is a seasoning mix that has Marjoram in it. It's saying "Beloved in the seasoning mix, Za'Atar". You definitely just have the Marjoram seeds.
    Thanks for your video. As a seed hoarder myself, I have already bought my fair share of packets for the year and enjoy seeing what everyone else is doing in their garden.

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