
houseplantjournal: It has been a while since I took a self portrait with my staghorn fern. – I only…

It has been a while since I took a self portrait with my staghorn fern.

I only get to see this plant when I visit my parents house around once a week. But if I say that I water this plant once a week, do NOT take it to mean that a staghorn fern should be watered at a frequency of once a week.

2️⃣ Environment & Observation: the plant lives right below a large skylight so given this lighting situation, the plant consumes water to the point where the sphagnum moss is dry enough to be re-moistened – it reaches this point approximately once a week (sometimes longer).

Simply put: plant care isn’t only about “correct watering” – you must first put the plant where it can grow (light situation, temperature, humidity) and second, provide other resources as needed (water, fertilizer, repotting) – and third, if you want to be a happier plant parent, accept what Nature has in store.

Fun fact: my profile picture shows what this plant looked like when I started this account about 5 years ago.
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