Garden Design

Herb Garden Design: Some Thoughts On Finding A Location

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Herbs are wonderful they make food dishes come alive and help support our health so many ways to use them and so many herbs the thing about herbs is that they do have different growing requirements this can make it hard for you to decide where to put them so let’s talk about herb garden

Design start by making a list of what herbs you want to grow then separate them into full sun or ones that like partial shade full sun herbs include basil lavender Rosemary and Sage some herbs don’t like full sun and prefer partial shade to protect them from the strong summer heat in nature

These herbs often like moist areas such as along Creeks chives mint parsley and Thyme are good examples the medicinal herbs jins sing and golden seal demand Shady moist areas if you are short on Space multitask Place perennial shade loving herbs on the east or South side of taller perennials like asparagus that

Will shade them in the afternoon so I’m a rather disorganized cook invariably I forget to cut herbs for whatever I’m cooking so having an herb garden located near the kitchen door is a great asset I can just quickly run outside and pick what I need here is an example of a kitchen herb

Garden that combines annuals and perennials the two plants that need some shade parsley and Thyme are next to taller plants to help keep the intense Summer Sun off of them this bed is 4 by3 feet another fun aspect of an herb garden near the house is sharing it with

Others so one that is easily accessible for young and old to smell and taste one reminder is that bees also love your herbs so it’s important to teach young children to respect the bees space your perennial herbs are going to live for many years so you need to

Consider if they will grow well in your planting zone and what freezing temperatures they will tolerate for instance Rosemary is a tender perennial and may or may not survive the winter outside so I have Rosemary in a pot and in warm weather it lives on the patio in Winter

I bring the Rosemary and some mint inside by the way I’m Amy founder of Fox Run I’m a Master Gardener and an author and I’ve been working hard all week to finish up my latest book a complete guide to vegetable gardening in zone six coming out soon I hope very

Soon do you live in a neighborhood with fussy neighbors or have an HOA many medicinal herbs like this chamomile look quite pretty as a quote unquote flower bed eonia or cone flour is another popular medicinal herb that masquerades as a flower here is an easy design to add

Some medicinal flowers to a yard where vegetable gardens may be frowned upon these flowers are all versatile medicinal herbs that are not only good for you but also provide pollen to butterflies and other beneficial insects by the way I did these in the Grove veg app herbs appreciate well- draining soil

If you are planting prenal herbs it’s important to dig deeply and amend the soil with some compost most herbs don’t need rich or fertile soil but they do want to send out roots in many directions and when it rains they don’t want water sitting around them unless of course they are

Mint raised beds are great for herbs because you can customize the soil and meet the needs of the plants and they drain well herbs that are native to the Mediterranean areas like Rosemary oregano Thyme and lavender are quite drought tolerant terracotta pots are great for growing herbs especially those Mediterranean ones I

Just mentioned the clay allows for good drainage and air circulation that said containers dry out much faster so make sure to monitor moisture level dry is okay but parched is not in Winter I go a little bit cuckoo if I’m not surrounded by green things so I love to have herbs growing

Inside I know know this has been a lot of information and means for some thoughtful decision making please leave a comment if you have a question below start small and you will be rewarded thanks for watching and have a fabulous sunny day


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