
JANUARY HOME GARDEN PLANNING for the NORTHERN GARDENER – Get your garden started with confidence!

It’s time to start planning for the 2024 Garden season! This video is jam packed with information you need to know to get started for a successful home garden this season!

January is a great time to get your garden journal or planner and make a plan for what you want to grow, where you will plant things, important dates to remember, and write down your goals and things you want to learn more on. I’m sharing exciting updates about the Bloom and Wilt Gardens channel and all you need to know about the January garden.

Many thanks to my hubby @carmensandella7881 for letting me use his studio to record today’s video! Check out his studio build video here!

*Harvesting winter crops.
*How to protect your winter crops with frost fabric as we move into bitter cold temperatures.
*Sketching out your garden layout with some simple design elements. No experience needed!
*Think about what do you want to grow this year?
*Start your seed shopping from online sellers or in-stores.
*Find out what your first and last frost dates are.
*Gathering garden supplies so you’re ready to work and have what you need on hand.
*Starting new garden beds with cardboard.
*Winter sowing your garden plants with milk jugs and plastic containers. *Easy way to start seeds.
*Advice on practicing food preservation skills like water bath canning or pressure canning or pickling vegetables. Learn these skills now before the harvest season.
*Starting Onions from Seed – Read more!
*Sourcing free seeds from seed libraries
*How using local saved seeds grow stronger healthier plants in your own home garden

What are your suggestions for interesting plants to grow this year?


Get your copy of the 2024 Great Lakes Veggie Gardener 12 month guide & planner!

*Frost fabric and hoop tunnel set from amazon: / /








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TikTok: @lexinthegarden

Hey Garden friends welcome to 2024 glad to have you back here at Bloom and Wilt Gardens my name is Alexa thanks for joining me today I have a whole bunch of updates and things to share with you about what’s been going on with Bloom and Wilt Gardens and we’re going to talk

About what we need to do for January to prepare for our home gardens first I want to ask you how was your holiday season are you glad that it’s over did you get a chance to rest and relax and enjoy time with friends and family I want to know about your family

Traditions please leave a comment letting me know how your holiday season was uh for us it was a really good time it was a time that we got to relax and just take a break off of work but um I also use that time as an opportunity to get some personal projects done

Especially with um the bloom and wil Gardens Channel and some exciting things that I worked on there and uh got to spend time with family and saw some of my friends and it was was just really good and I’m glad that uh the month of December was just kind of more calm and

Relaxing and there wasn’t a whole lot of garden stuff that needed to be done uh and I also got like I have this shelf in my dining room where I keep all of my preservation things my canning jars and my big pots and different cooking supplies and that’s where I like store

All of my different um things that I need to preserve like drying peppers and I’ve had bags of garlic in there like just so much stuff so I was able to get kind of caught up on those things and get that whole shelf organized and just

Doing that alone just made me feel so much better cuz it was a mess after the whole garden season and you know just being in like this mode of trying to keep up with everything so that was really good I feel one step closer to being able to start seeds here in a

Couple weeks and it was just really good so um what’s new with Bloom and Wilt Gardens like I said I used used the Christmas break I was actually off of work for a whole week so I had some time to really dive in and I get two really

Cool things done so the first thing is that I uh made a website Bloom and Wilt is the website uh really excited to launch my first website and um get that up where I have a product section so I’m going to have um different digital products available for

Sale and and we’ll also have some freebie stuff um eventually it’s going to be kind of a work in progress as I build and develop this website kind of in my free time uh I have a Blog section where I’m going to be writing more um how-to stuff for different gardening

Things just having more of like the content that I provide in videos also in a place with some written format uh I do a lot of that on Facebook too but you know I think I just a website kind of brings it all together and I it’s it’s

Looking good like you know it’s kind of in its early stages I have a lot of design work and stuff that I need to do but just to get it out and started and launched I’m really excited about that website so check it out www. Bloom and Wilt

And the other thing that I was able to get done during the Christmas break which I really wanted to make sure I had this project finished before the new year is that I put together a 2024 home Gardener get started guide it is a 12 Monon guide every month of the

Year I’m giving you tips on what you’re are going to plan for within that month so things that you need to do kind of Maintenance stuff or get ready stuff in your garden what you’re planting things that you’re going to be sewing seeds for either indoors or Outdoors uh things

That you can transplant when and where what you need to prune so um just think of cutting things back you know the vegetation and different things that you don’t want or things that you need a prune so that can encourage more growth what you get to pick within that month

So when like generally some Harvest are ready to be picked and what you’re going to preserve so you’re going to pick all this Harvest and then you need to kind of know what to do to preserve your Harvest because if you’re growing um any large quantity of food you may not be

Able to eat it all in time and if you don’t want to you know I grow a lot of food because I want to preserve stuff so we can eat it for long periods of time uh so I’m giving you tips on what you can preserve within each month as well

So it’s really good for new gardeners that you know just maybe have a feeling of overwhelm because building a garden is a big deal I mean there’s a lot of things to do and I want to help you break it down um a little bit each month

So that way you can kind of keep track keep up with things and some of those questions of like I just don’t know where to begin I’m giving that to you in this guide I also have a calendar and um monthly reflection pages so you can use

The calendar to write down dates of when you’re starting seeds or when you’re transplanting things or when you’re harvesting things just so you can kind of keep um an easy way to track on a calendar like when things are happening so that way you can look back on it

Later like next year and kind of get that idea of all right when were you planting and sewing things and harvesting things and then I have monthly reflection Pages where it’s some simple questions asking you things like your top three accomplishments for the month like what are you most proud that

You did what maybe is still in progress if you have any like projects that you started maybe you’re building garden beds and you know you’re just kind of keeping track of things that you’ve started that you need to continue on next month what are some things that you

Want to learn more about and just different observations like that so again you’re going to be thinking about this at the end of the month writing all your thoughts down this is not like a week by week or even dayby day day thing

That you need to do I mean you can do it if you want to but um I think it’s just easier to think about it once a month think about the whole month what you did what you thought about what you observed write down on your notes and then again

You can go back and look at that in the future which is really great so getting uh that guide put together was um a great experience I have had a pretty good response so far so please go ahead and share that out with your friends if you know that guide is something that

You don’t need because you know how to do everything already great um please please share it I’m trying to let I see these questions all the time from gardeners and like different gardening groups I’m in as like when do I start seeds when do I do this when do I do

That I’m like I have it all for you in this 51 page guide that you can have for the entire year uh and it’s the uh 2024 Great Lakes veggie Gardener I did create that guide uh to be specific for Great Lakes Region state so that’s like any of

The states that are are surrounding any of the Great Lakes but if you are in like you know other northern states of the us or even like some Southern areas of Canada it’s going to work for you too um I would say it’s really good for anyone in zones between like five and

Six and seven those are probably the best zones that are going to use this guide because I have like specific planting times um plugged into there all right so that’s enough about the guide let’s get into things to do in January for your garden so first and foremost if

You had a garden that you planted in 2023 and you had anything left outside that um maybe it was for your fall Garden or you’re trying to do a winter garden so right now is a really good time to go ahead and start harvesting things because temperatures are dropping

Uh I I’ve known from experience that in January about usually like the second or third week that’s when those kind of mild winter temperatures change and we start to see temperatures snows dive uh way down uh next week where I live in Northeast Ohio I saw um some overnight lows of 4° fah

So it’s getting really cold so you want to go ahead and start picking anything that is ready to be picked so um this week I actually picked brussels sprouts from plants that were outside and I pulled up some beets that were in the ground um if you have beets in the

Ground still you can leave those the tops will definitely die back in those cold temperatures that’s fine the beets will still be in in the ground and they they’ll be they will be able to be harvested later you know if you want to eat the beets you might as well just

Pick them now and I also picked a whole bunch of greens so like Swiss chard kale lettuce uh mustard greens picked a whole bunch of things this week so this is a good time to try and pick some things that are ready to be harvested from your

Fall and Winter Garden and then with that in mind if you have the means to want to keep try and save your plants that are still growing maybe they’re small maybe you want to keep them just going a little bit longer uh you’re going to want to cover them with some

Kind of frost Fabric and plastic uh get it done before the day before the temperatures drop because it’s going to get cold um all across the north Northeast Midwest that kind of range is going to get cold next week so you need to get anything that you want to live

Through those cold temperatures you need to get them covered right now so today I worked on uh pulling out some Frost fabric that I had covering a garden bed that I had lece in that was completely exposed to the outside um and I covered that with frost Fabric and then on top I

Covered it with a layer of plastic you don’t want to put plastic directly on your plants because that will actually cause them to get like a freezer burn situation so you have to have your Fabric and then any plastic on top and then in my uh Greenhouse since the big

Whole thing is big and covered obviously in plastic um that is my Adder protection and then I took that Frost fabric on the inside and then covered the plants on the inside with that Frost fabric as well because it’s not a heated space and I know that they’re going to

Need a little bit of help so I’m hoping that keeps everything um cozy comfy warm enough uh especially like the root systems to survive through our 4° temperatures and uh it wouldn’t surprise me if we went below zero at some point um you know from now until March cuz

Usually February gets really icy cold bitter icy cold uh here in my area of Ohio and I know that like everyone’s got the gardening itch right now so there’s a lot of things that we can do to start planning for our 2024 Garden while we’re

We were stuck in the house uh trying to stay warm from all this cold and these are things that I’m going over in the guide um so I printed out a copy for myself it is a digital download by the way so if you’re looking at buying the

Guide uh it’s a digital download and if you want to have a printed copy you do have to print it out yourself if you don’t have a printer libraries are a great place to go and print these out especially cuz they have those nice big commercial printers that are like the L

Are ink or whatever so it makes the pages look really nice I mean look how nice these Pages look and then if I get a good response on these guides like if if it seems like there’s a lot of interest and I make a lot of sales next

Year I would love to do this in a printed format that I can like ship out to people but since this was like my first digital project product I was nervous to go that route thinking like what if it doesn’t sell and um I’ve sold

20 copies so far and the last two weeks so I’m really excited that you know there’s traction on it and I’ve gotten some great support from people um but I need to sell a lot more in order to make enough to invest in next year to get printed copies made for 2025 um

So buy a guide and the next year I can make printed copies so anyways um we’re going to talk about what to plan for in January so getting a garden layout is something that I would recommend um and that can be really simple of just designing on a very simple piece of

Paper can be a you know blank piece of printer paper whatever you have and just sketch out like some squares or some triangles or some Circles of like where you want your garden spaces to be what you kind of want them to look like and then think about the things that you

Want to plant what are what do you eat the most at home what are some things that you’re interested about trying um and and I want you to con conceptualize what that might look like in your growing space and just like very roughly sketch out write notes of all these

Different plants and where you want to kind of plot them and you can change this like this is not a a layout that you’re going to need to commit yourself to Forever like this can be um the first version and then you can have versions you know that you’re creating in

February or March as things change and and really lock in like that plan of what your garden to look like because in May when it comes time for like planting season it’s going to help you so much to already have a plan of where things are

Going to be planted so you don’t have that like overwhelm later on when you’re like oh I have all these plants and I have these seeds and I don’t know where things need to go like start thinking about that now write it down so you can

Pull that piece of paper out in May and like you already know where things are are going to go you don’t have to think about it and now is the good time to start looking online online or in stores for seeds um especially if you’re buying stuff from online seed sellers they tend

To sell out of like unique rare varieties kind of quickly so January is a good time to start looking and buying your seeds so again as you’re like planning your garden you can be on the websites looking at all of the different seeds that are available what catches

Your eye write it down on your paper and then put it on your garden design page and just start plugging in where you want things to be all those things you want to grow you want to figure out what is the first and last frost date for

Your growing season for 2024 so you can go on a website like the Farmers Almanac I know there’s a little tool there where you can type in your zip code and it will tell you when your last frost dat is and for us in these Northern climates um usually that sometime between like

Late April to early June somewhere in between there is usually when we’re going to see our last frost so you don’t want to plant anything that is like frost tender like um tomato plants or pepper plants or squashes or beans you need to wait till that last frost date

Passes so it’s good to for your planning figure out when that is so then you can start to think when you need to plant your seeds you’ll figure out at the same time like what your la what your first frost date is that will come later this

Fall and then you’re going to write that in your garden journal or your garden planner so again when we’re thinking about fall gardening winter gardening later on in the middle of summer that’s when you’re starting those plants like and you need to figure out okay when’s

My first frost date how far back do I how many months weeks back do I need to start whatever plant variety that you want to grow within that time frame again we’re thinking through all the things that we’re going to need later on this year but we’re going to get it all

Written down right now and as we’re in this like Garden planning mode and like oh I got to get my hands in the soil start thinking about all the supplies that you need so if you’ve been gardening a while you may have a lot of supplies already great if there’s

Anything that has been broken or you know maybe just doesn’t work as good anymore or just old or you’re just like H I need something new go ahead buy those things out and if you’re just starting um it’s really to start sourcing your materials early getting a

Little bit out of a time because I know again as a new Gardener there is an investment that you’re going to make just to buy all of your supplies um which you know could be seed starting pots trays grow lights if you’re interested in starting uh your own

Plants from seed um garden soil or you know potting mixes are usually necessary to buy again if you’re growing your plants in indoors from seed to to transplant out later plant tags the seeds themselves uh cardboard cardboard is great if you are going to start any new garden beds uh you just lay

Cardboard on the ground with like a rock or a brick on top and that is going to kill the grass so right now there’s probably not grass growing so it’s a good time to lay cardboard down where you want kind of new growing spaces and that will kill off any grass and then

Makees it’ll make sure when um you know like March and April when the grass starts to grow again it won’t grow in those spaces and they’ll be easier to dig up and you can plant in there so cardboard is really good I have went to some just different retail stores and

Asked them if they had um any broken down boxes that I could have and they usually do um so you can just ask like the cashier or someone or the manager like do you have broken down boxes can I have them go get as many as you can get

Um rip the tape off when you get home cuz they’ll probably have tape left on them and lay them out and then you can start putting them out in your garden any kind of fertilizer that you may want to use throughout the year um so I use organic fertilizers like fish Emulsion

And just different like organic fertilized mixes in the middle of the season when you’re like in the thick of it and your garden you know maybe needs a little boost you have some plants that need a little boost um organic fertilizers are great to use uh but

Again you’re like overwhelmed you have a lot to do you’re going to work you’re taking the kids to the water park and the playground and then you have to go to Uncle gyms 4th of July barbecue and like everything is happening have your supplies on hand now get them now I’m

Telling you get them now so that way later you’re not like oh I keep forgetting to buy the fertilizer oh I forgot it again at the store just get it now milk jugs is um so if you want to try winter sewing you need some milk

Jugs so if you drink milk in your house start saving your milk jugs if you don’t drink milk um put a post out on your social media sites asking your friends and your families and your neighbors if you can have their empty milk jugs if no

One you knows drink milk go to a local coffee shop or Starbucks or something like that and ask them if they have any milk jugs or other plastic containers that you can have to to um take home these things that are usually just thrown away are great materials and

Resources to have for starting seeds through this winter sewing method I did a whole video on it last year and I will link it about winter sewing and essentially you have a milk jug that you kind of cut open in half you fill the bottom half with soil you put some seeds

In it whatever variety of seed you want to put in there you cover it back up tape it and then you’re gonna take that whole jug and you’re gonna put it outside right now when it’s snowing and four degrees you’re gonna put outside and you’re gonna forget about it and

You’re not going to do anything with the milk jug it’s just going to sit outside in the elements for the next like 3 four months 5 months in some cases and it’s just going to sit there and you might have tomato seeds in there and in May

You’re beginning of May you’re going to be like is anything going to happen is anything going to happen and then one day you’re gonna peer into the hole you know where the milk comes out because you’re not going to cover the hole that little hole is gonna stay open and

You’re GNA see a little Sprouts in there and you’re going to be so excited that you started seeds in these milk jugs outside and you didn’t have to do anything you didn’t have to water them you didn’t have to fertilize them you didn’t have to have grow lights in your

House right all of it just going to be outside and they’re going to grow when they are happy when those seeds when that specific variety of plant feels comfy to come out of dormy it will come out so you could do spinach seeds and those will start to germinate and pop up

Out of their seed shells like in March whereas like I said a tomato plant would probably be like you know more towards May late May whatever so winter sewing is a great way to start seeds if you don’t have the means to start seeds like in your house under you know grow lights

And stuff like that so make sure to check out the winter sewing video for more information on how to do that in January um for pruning there’s I mean not a lot that we’re going to be cutting back but if you do have any kind of berry plants like raspberry bushes or

Blackberry bushes uh January and February is a good time to prune those because because those plants are dormant so they’re not going to be able to get like diseased or anything like that so you cut back the old wood like the seconde wood on those plants is like

Really Woody um you can usually tell the difference cuz the old wood is like dark brown very Woody where the new growth is um more Greener and pliable um lots of information out there on how to prune like raspberry and blackberry bushes but January is a good time to start thinking

About that um we talked about picking out our seeds from the um online Seed stores a lot of these seed suppliers also have cataloges that you can order and they’re usually free um or I’ve seen them like in the grocery stores you know where the magazines are uh that so

That’s a good thing to get now too is like those cataloges if you like to have a physical thing to open then turn the pages plus they’re really pretty and I’ve used my steeve catalogs like from years past where I do a little bit of scrapbooking and I’ll take those SE

Catalogs and cut out like the pretty flowers or whatever and add those to my scrapbook so you can use those cataloges later on for like some crafting things or especially if like if you have kids too and so lastly what we’re going to be thinking about in January is some

Preservation and this is the time where you’re going to want to practice start practicing your preservation skills um if you’ve never done any kind of water bath canning or pressure canning and those are things that you want to do and learn how to do start learning how to do

Them now because in August when you’re making tomato sauce and you want to can tomato sauce uh you don’t want to be learning for the first time had a water bath can tomato sauce um again it’s very overwhelming please if you have any sort of like responsibility outside the home

Or people that you have to take care of or animals that you have to take care of unless you have nothing else to do all day and you can completely Focus your attention on one thing then you might be fine to go ahead and learn how to do canning and preservation during the

Middle of the busiest part of the year with the harvest season in the summer if that’s not you learn these skills now because it’ll make your life a lot easier so it’s a good time to like learn how to water bath can like jam so

You can buy some fruit and stuff at the store and cook that down to make jam learn how to water bath can that or tomato sauce again you can just buy a bunch of tomatoes and you don’t have to make like a huge amount just like make

One Jar’s worth learn how to pickle things so you can get Peppers or cucumbers and learn how to pickle those just use whatever grocery store produce is available and learn how to preserve it cabbage is a good thing to buy this time of year too cuz we’re like kind of

In that cabbage season still it was you know in the late fall but there’s still a lot of cabbage around it’s probably at a decent price and cabbage is an easy one to preserve with fermentation and make it in a sour crab um I’ve done a couple shorts on how to

Make sourkraut and it’s a super super easy process like a child could do it honestly um it would be a fun experiment to do with kids actually and um so I’ll go ahead and Link those so you can learn how to make sour trout in a very easy

Way so those are like the big things that you want to be thinking about in January it’s also a good time I just remembered U about sewing your onion seeds so if you want to grow onions I think the biggest onions always grow for me in my experience from seed from

Onions that I grew myself from seed and January is a good time January and February are good times to start your onions um because they do take a long time to grow they take like 110 days on average for them to grow so we want to start them as Northern gardeners we want

To start them now in January and February onions are one that you can um start indoors and they don’t really need a ton of light either so if you have like a sunny window that you can keep them in that’s good I think I’m actually going to try and start some onions this

Weekend um I’m going to do some indoors but I think I’m also going to do some in some milk jugs and do like a winter sewing of onion seeds as well and compare how the to do because the winter sewn onion seeds will germinate much later like probably not till March

Whereas obviously anything I start indoors is going to germinate pretty quickly so I think um I’m curious to know which one does better if they’re any difference or not so start your onions same goes for celery if you want to grow celery that also takes a long

Time I still have celery in my garden that I started seeds for let’s see last January in 2023 and the plants are still in my garden they’re hold and strong celery is like very resilient and I think uh this weekend two I’m going to make some vegetable broth and get those

Celeries cooked because it’s going to be really cold and all those greens are going to die back I don’t have a ton of uses for celery the celery I bought last year the seed was called the giant prag celery I got it from Mi Gardener and honestly it was really good like it’s

Not a celery that you eat the stock of but you actually use the root ball and you cook that down for stock and it tastes really really good so I might need to do more of those um the pink Chinese celery I have that one out there

Too I don’t care for it I it’s really stringy it’s really hard to eat like I don’t know what to do with that celery and I probably won’t grow that one again and it wasn’t even as Pink as the packet made it look out to be like it’s kind of

More of like a redish green color I don’t know so that is all I’ve got for you today about the January plan and so let me know if you have gotten a start on any of these things yet and as we’re talking about seeds and Seed shopping um

I’d love to hear any of your ideas on like must grow things I’m keeping a list on my phone and I’ve already gotten some really interesting um suggestions from people lima beans are one that I’m trying new this year I’ve never grown lima beans before and wintermelon is one that I

Just learned about so I have to do some research on that but it’s something that I guess can grow in the North in the fall very interested um blue potatoes I’ve been pretty basic with my potatoes so I think I want to get some blue potatoes so yeah I we’re talking about

Seeds and I need to buy my seeds so if you have suggestions for any interesting seeds let me know I’m probably going to use actually a lot of seeds that I already have this year and grow a lot of things that I’ve grown in the past so I’m only

Going to do a couple new things I say that now but once I get into like the websites I’m going to see everything that I want to grow and anyways and if buying seeds is uh difficult for you check out your local libraries because they may have something called a seed library and

That’s where people donate seeds and you can go and get free seeds um and the whole idea between the seed library is take what you need but then give what you can if you’ve been gardening for a while and you have like a surplus of seeds or like varieties you don’t want

To grow donate them to your library and maybe if even if they don’t have a seed library today maybe by you going in and say hey you know I’ve heard that some libraries do the seed Library thing I want to donate my seeds so other people

Can get free seeds um you may be able to encourage your local library to do a seed Library I know the in my County um ashil County uh like almost all of the libraries participate in um the seed Library program so we have a lot of options locally to um get seeds and

Share seeds with other people I have a lot of seeds um a whole bag of them that I have to go and drop off at the library myself uh and the cool thing is is that you often can get saved seeds so when you when you save your own seeds and

Then replant those in the garden that variety of plant is going to do much better um and every single year that you keep saving seeds from it because it becomes more acclimated to your climate and to your growing conditions um it becomes more resilient to different pests and things so

Actually getting seeds that are saved from plants from local gardeners is really beneficial so any time you can get um a saved seed from someone else who Gardens that is a really great way to go you’re probably going to get healthier stronger plants and a better result

Because it’s used to your growing area so I hope you all stay warm this January and as you’re thinking about seeds and varieties uh I have a whole playlist on tomato taste testing I’ve grown over 60 different varieties of tomatoes over the last several years and every year I’ve

Done a taste test video in at the end of summer when I have all of my Tomatoes coming in and I taste them and I show you what they look like and I give a little review on each tomato to kind of help you know like what does this tomato

Taste like how does it grow what does it look like all those questions you might have um to help you decide which varieties of tomatoes you might want to try so check that out I will link it it’s a really great series um and please share that out with people because I I

Really want people to know all about the Tomato okay Garden friends thanks for watching this video share it out with a friend who you think should be gardening this year uh we got to be growing our food guys if you look around in the world there’s some crazy things

Happening and uh it’s time to learn how to grow some food and if all you can do is grow a little bit of lettuce in a container just do it do whatever you can learn how to grow some food big small and uh we’ll see you on the next video

If you want to connect with me I am uh most active on Facebook actually uh I have a really great community on Facebook and share lots of garden tips and things on there um pretty much daily so Facebook is where to find me the most second most active place is going to be

Tik Tok again where I share different videos I have a whole big collection of garden tips and stuff on there too connect with me on social media you have questions I will answer them for you leave comments I will comment you back all of those great things I’m here to

Help you grow your backyard garden this Year all right take care everyone bye


  1. I just ran across your channel. I am Zone 6 in Ohio but a couple of hours south of you along Interstate 70. My daughter just moved to Canton and so last year she did container garden but plans to do a raised bed this year and also some containers. My son and his family are in Dayton area and have 2 raised beds. I start seeds and give them tomatoes, peppers, onions and lettuces starts. I wish I had more space to do more but I did potatoes last year for the first time and will continue. I started onion seeds last week for the first time. I did onion sets in the past years and last season I did onion starts last year. In addition to the seeds I mentioned above I also grow cucumbers, zucchini and squash. I am building a fence this year since there is a ground hog that took out my plants when they were small. Once they got larger he left them alone.

  2. A garden journal/ calender was a game changer for me in 2023. I was surprised at how many times I've already looked back at it this 2024 season. Especially if you grow from seed.

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