Garden Design

Garden Layout Design | Planning a Garden Layout

In this video, we’ll walk you through step-by-step guide on how to plan the perfect layout for your garden – including tons of extra tips & tricks.

๐Ÿ” Key Topics Covered:
Define Your Goals
Consider Your Space
Create a Rough Sketch
Choose Plants Wisely
Think About Seasons
Account for Growth
Incorporate Hardscaping
Include Focal Points

๐ŸŒฑ Our Related Content:
Creating Your Ultimate Grow List:
Companion Planting Guide:
Crop Rotation with the 4-Year Strategy:

Ready to transform your growing space into the garden of your dreams? Hit that play button, and let’s dive into planning it out together. If you have any tips or experiences to share, drop them in the comments below. Happy Growing!

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Hi everyone I’m Laura with lonely Pines farm and today we’re talking all about planning your garden layout now before we start on the garden layout you’re going to want to create your grow list so if you’ve already seen our video on creating your ultimate grow list then

You’re one step ahead because a few of these initial steps are pretty similar Step One is defining your goals are you looking for a garden that’s high in food production um more about ornamental value a relaxing space to be in are you looking for neat clean rows or more of

Like a cottage style garden and don’t forget to clarify like specific elements and specific types of plants you want to grow so are there going to be veggies are there going to be flowers herbs Etc all of this is information that you need to be able to help craft that garden

Layout as an example for us our kind of goals or areas of the garden are going to be a large garlic field a large Dalia field as many veggies as it takes to support the two of us we’re also putting in a pollinator Garden an archway garden

And we want to fill the rest of the property with as many flowers as we can so now would be the time to to consider your space take a good look at the size and layout of your gardening area note down things like sunlight soil types and any existing structures that might

Influence your garden design and then once you’ve got a good idea of what you want to grow and the space that you’re working with now we can grab a pen and paper so for us each one of those areas that I mentioned before became its own

Sheet of paper to give us tons of space to be able to write in Plants depending upon how meticulous you want to be you can either just jot down a rough idea or you could actually draw it out to scale and one thing we did to make life easier

On us is once we had kind of the base layout here I scann this into the computer so that if we messed up at any point along the way or when we go to populate these beds next year we can just print these out and boom we’ve

Saved ourselves a ton of time you can also see here that we’re starting to make decisions like these are all going to be hay bales trying to think about focal points that you might want to have within your garden along with the pathways and the growing space and then

The fun part is populating it with plants focus on plants that will do well in your area ideally hear you’re just picking things off of of the grow list that you created earlier so be sure to think about your Seasons you’re going to want to start with your cool weather

Crops your spring crops and then think about how you might transition them into summer for example we have ranunculas that we grow in the spring and then I’m going to over plant those with Zenia seeds to grow in the summer same way with our Archway Garden these are going

To be three panels that go over the walkway and we’re going to be growing sweet peas on them in Spring and then we’re going to transition them into squash for the summer and fall don’t forget to bring flowers into your veggie areas to entice your pollinators and if

You’re curious about which plants are best planted next to each other check out the companion planting guide on our website when you’re dropping your plants in there be sure to account for growths plants like zucchini and squash get really big um I know folks that we’ve recommended growing potatoes and then

They’ve been surprised at how much of a raised bed a potato plant takes up so be sure to look up the mature size and they may seem far apart to start out with but you got to give them Room to Grow think about hardscaping and focal points for

Example we’ve got these spaces in between our Archway panels so what do we want to go there do you want like a bird bath or a concrete statue do you want solar lights do you want to use a plant as a focal point so think about those when you’re creating your garden layout

This viburnum here we’re accounting for the fact that it’s going to get 10 ft across but it’s going to take a few years to get there so we can plant annuals around it this year but don’t put a perennial next to another perennial without enough space some

Other tips that immediately come to mind nerum are great for pest control and they’re great for ground cover you can shove those in in any extra space that you have in your garden be sure to think about access for watering and for weeding I did a layout similar to this

Last year and I found that these areas over here were impossible to get into weed and water so you can see this year we’ put in these little dashed marks with Little Secret Squirrel Pathways that we’re putting in to make sure that we can get to every inch of our garden

Make sure that your Pathways in your garden are wide enough 3 ft is the minimum 4T is recommended those plants are going to spill out into your pathway and eat into that walking space space so make sure that you have enough space to get around also think up when you’re

Planning your garden instead of just out things like pole beans or cucumbers that you can trell us up squash that you can trell us up if you can get things going vertically you can fit more food in your garden all right well there’s our step-by-step guide with as many little

Tips as I can think of for designing your own garden layout I hope this inspires you to dive into the gardening season with some confidence if you’ve got any questions or tips or tricks or your own experience please leave those in the comments below if you want to be

Notified about all things gardening be sure to hit that little bell icon please like And subscribe and we’ll see you next time happy growing

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