Edible Gardening

Monumental SEED HAUL Magic – Suburban Homestead Oasis

The day has finally arrived to go over the seeds, the best day is a seed haul one. Flower seed haul may be coming, if you are interested. I get seeds from so many places and love supporting local and small companies. I find unique seeds on Etsy and Facebook Marketplace. So far it has gone well, but we will see with the new giant squash.

I live for a meaningful day, gardening today and most days. My goal is to inspire you to create a cozy ‘Cocoon’, using the ‘Raw’ feel of nature as inspiration for a comfy life. From beautiful garden ideas for home simple and nature-inspired room decor. I love taking you along on meaningful stories in real life by providing you with a very cozy day to Live your best comfy lifestyle. Showing how not to be scared of something new and create a meaningful life project. #cocoonraw

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Baker Creek Seeds
Botanical Interests
Johnny’s Seeds
Pine Tree
Renee’s Garden
Plant World Seeds
Redemption Seeds
Strictly Medicinal Seeds
Uprising Seeds
Facebook Marketplace

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Making Ground Cherry Recipe Video:

– Easy Ground Cherry Salad

Easy Ground Cherry Salad

– VEGETABLE COLORS | Unveiling the Green and Purple Harvest from my Enchanting Garden.

VEGETABLE COLORS | Unveiling the Green and Purple Harvest from my Enchanting Garden.



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00:00 Introduction
00:28 Organizing Seeds
02:20 Seed Companies
02:51 Seed Haul Vegetables
20:15 Seed Haul Edible Flowers

Hi are you ready for seeds I am beyond ready I have a seed hole that is everything that I want to grow this year some of them are new and some of them are some that I grew last year but I want to show you my plan to Growing Seeds in my tiny

Backyard first I want to talk about how to store the seeds and I have way too many cases but it’s because I like to make it simple so I have four cases and each one stores different types of seeds so it is very easy for me to find the

Seeds I have one that has herbs radishes beads anything that is similar to that and then the next one has the greens like salad greens and tomatoes and then I go into the peas beans brasas and the last one has all my flower seeds this method works really really good I I

Really like it because I can preserve and find the seeds really well and they seem to stay nice and safe and in good shape so I don’t really worry about having four cases as long as it’s really convenient and easy for me to locate them I do use this little label maker my

Husband gave me a few years ago and I really love it I don’t think he bought it in Amazon or anything like that I think he bought it locally but if I find it I’ll link it below so that you can at least see it and see if you find

Something around where you’re at this one is convenient because it works through the phone so I can take it anywhere and label the seed cases but I don’t like to carry these cases around so every season I have a basket and this basket has little handles that I can carry it the right

Side is the flowers the left side is the food and it makes it so easy for me to look for something and know that if I have a question or someone has a question I can refer to it super super convenient and then I have a little pad

With some extra information or notes that I just want to jot down to refer to them and just keep some pens in it this is the best way I found and I can kind of look at all the seeds from the previous season and work with that I use

So many different companies uh Baker seeds is one that is excellent is a little more pricey but they do have uh great information on the back so I tend to go to them for more sort of rare seeds also and I also love M my Garner their prices are really good and the

Information they provide I like that they have photos on it I have a lot of companies that I love and I really like to support local companies so also look for the ones here in Washington Oregon but I will make a list and place it below for you I’m going to start with

The tomatoes which I am in love with tomatoes and orange accordion is the Tomato that I got a few years back I think like two years maybe yeah I think probably around two years and I got it from a SE Ling I could not find an heirloom a cordan tomato anywhere seats

Anywhere back then it was 2 or 3 years ago and I ended up buying a couple of seedlings and I paid like over $40 for these plants I understand now that you hardly get any seeds from these Tomatoes but this is a delicious tomato and it

Hardly has any seeds it hardly has any water in it it’s super meaty a lot of people say that it’s better for like cooking but we love it just B out of the vine we love it on tomato bacon sandwiches so this is my favorite tomato

That I grow but this year I wanted to grow two new ones and I’m doing the tomato green giant I just think it’s pretty incredible looking and I just thought I want to grow a green one and then costoluto joves tomato it’s just cuz it’s pretty I will admit

It I think it’s beautiful I don’t do any paste any preservation like that we eat our tomatoes and um as they come so I just wanted to go ahead and get some that I know we’re going to eat now I have some unique ones that I want to

Grow there are um as far as cherry tomatoes I am not going to grow any cherry tomatoes on my curved trellis they just take too much space I get so many of them and my family just don’t they won’t eat them I’m the only one

That eats them I end up having to Freez them so instead of doing that I’m going to use my Arch trellises for something else and I’m going to do this tomato micro on my green stock I’m going to see how that goes but I’m going to put a

Whole layer of them and see how many I get I did grow a different one that was a micro this will be a really good one sorry I heard something thought some somebody was knocking and then this is not a tomato it’s a tamarillo it’s a sweet

Fruit and it says that it’s delicious I’ve heard about it like five times already and I’m going to get it it probably will not fruit this year but I’m going to still grow it uh and just keep it in a pot and hopefully it’ll get

Fruit in a year or two and then the other one is I did grow to my tees I grew the purple on the green one and those were really good but I only want to grow one plant this year so I thought i’ get the queen of malinalco because it’s very abundant and

It has like a larger fruit it looks like it’s kind of like pear shape almost so this I’m super excited about I hope the taste is really good now if you know me you know I love ground cherries we snag on them in the garden all the time but

Harvesting the ground cherries is a long as there’s tiny little ones and you wait until they drop to the floor and then you harvest so what I decided to do this year is that I got a bigger one it’s larger fruit I think will be really good

If you go in my blog actually I think the first yeah the first video I ever made on this channel two years ago uh has a ground cherry recipe that we love eating but it’s it’s in my blog also I’ll link it below so I thought if I grow these large ones

They’ll be easier to harvest I only grow one plant and I can cotton in half each one to make the cell and have the sauce be inside of it maybe even better I’m going to grow this one and the other thing the reason that

I don’t want to grow more than one is I grew the other ones in my garden beds and they grow so large and they spill all the way out so they take a lot of the bed and I just did not want to do

That this year cuz I want to use the bed for other things as far as cucumbers we love cucumbers and we want to grow a lot of it but one of the things that we have here is that we don’t get worm until about July and you don’t see a whole lot of

Bees until end of July until August so just pollinate in the Cucumbers is really a challenge so I found it does not have to be po at it it has a very thin skin so it’s really good for snacking and I was like I am trying that because

Pollinating cucumbers here is just not fun bait Alpha is another one that is seatless I believe this one but it’s really good for pickling and I want to pickle some cucumbers this year this is a delic squash and I have I have all the seats and it’s

Because I front M she brought me a bunch of them that she got and they’re like beautiful squashes these are like from I think she gave them to me September October I can’t remember but it was around there and they’re just fine they preserve so well and they are the

Sweetest fruits so if you’re looking for super sweet squash this is when I gr grow on my one of my Arch trellises where I had the beans I’m growing this this is just super delicious and they last so long I’ve been keeping those to show you so I have not eaten them yet

And then the other one I don’t have a picture I’ll see if I can get a picture but I buy some of my seats um Facebook Marketplace but I also use Etsy when I’m looking for things that are more unique so an example is a Facebook Marketplace

I got a honey berry tree I two of them cuz you need two and I love those honeyberries they’re so delicious and they’re a tree not a bush and so I can keep them in pots in my small garden and it’d be a great one if you want to grow

Some blueberries but I know they grow so big but that one is really good I’ll put some images here and the other one is this one I found that I bought on Etsy Etsy is a great resour just have to make sure that there’s good reviews and you

Kind of read the little story that they give I think this one his grandfather or something started with this squash I can’t quite remember the story but I know that it moved me and was like oh I want to grow this and it is huge but it’s called

Giant bua balm squash these are only five seats it’s an heirloom but only five seats so um hopefully they’ll germinate okay but I’m excited about that and then squash the scallop squash I really love the one I did last year was the white one this year I’m going to grow

This one green one green scallop bending squash and I realized that the reason I want to move the ground cherries because I grew only one last year and you need three of them um to get some good harvest so again the pollination is a problem here so I have to keep an eye

This is another one it’s gourd that I want to grow Cuchi and is this I’ve heard is super delicious and tender so I thought it would be interesting to grow this one this year hi I’m Melba and I love to grow food and flowers in my tiny backyard

Peppers I only eat the sweet peppers I don’t do any hot peppers I’m from Puerto Rico we don’t eat anything spicy so so I only grow the sweet ones one I like is this um purple Beauty I’m going to try to grow I grew another purple last year

But I just didn’t get a lot from it this one I’m hoping that will do better so we’ll see those changes of growing some of these in pots or the ground on the front yard will help so the Chardon sweet pepper I want to grow

Again I like this pepper but the one I really really like was White Sale I think it was called and I got a Seedling at a local supermarket and it was probably the most delicious sweet pepper I’ve ever had thought I saved seeds but I cannot find

Them they have to be somewhere I’m going to keep looking but I think it was a hyrid probably not an airom so I don’t know if I’ll get the same thing again the other one plant world seeds has a purer lemon I think this probably will be

Really good the pepper lemon dream I like that they’re a little wider so you just get more meat out of it no so many seeds like this Jim nard delis is probably good I think this a sweet pepper but I’m hoping that it’s not hot but when it’s so skinny like this it

Tends to have a lot of seeds the next one is the shallots and onions and I have a shallot I really wanted to grow it but I’m a little late I’m going to still try to grow it one that I’m excited is the on Lilia this has a little purple bulb it

Just looks really interesting very tiny the onion itself and then an onion and Tita which is a bunching onion let’s go through the snap pieas I always get excited when it’s time to grow these cuz I know it’s finally spring here but sugar magnolia snap peas

I really love this one last year I’m going to grow it again and then this golden sweet I have not grown but I’m going to go ahead and do this one I when I grow this Vining one it’s called um dwarf gray sugar from in

Brothers and then as far as beans go I am really excited to try to grow this Chinese Fred Noodle and I think I’m going to grow this on the snap piece on my trellis the flat trellis I show on the vertical growing video I heard this is really good

They’re really delicious so I am going to hopefully get plenty of those there’s another one Wing Bean that I want to try this year and then I may not sure but I think these are really good these are um some purple beans so those three this one is a

Question I’m not sure sure we’ll see I am pretty much the snap piece the beans I’m going to grow directly sew I’m not going to grow them indoors salad greens I have to think of my bunnies so I have quite a few of them I have this kale D dazling

Blue really pretty and it looks like the leaf is not super thick which I prefer and then I got some free butter crunch some Baker seeds they give you some free seeds and then lettuce winter density I may start these earlier my favorite lettuce really delicious but the snails and the slocks

Do not eat it which is a plus cuz I have such a big problem here cuz it rains so much it’s the Mero lettuce I really love this lettuce I grow a lot of it every single year and then I’m going toow grow some lunic and because it’s the same color it

Looks like it’s smaller leaves I thought it may be a good one to grow they gave us it’s like a type of Roma lce it was a free seat package I’m going to try it and then I love this Pablo lettuce I think it’s beautiful so I’m going to grow some of

These Devil’s ear lettuce really beautiful purple with a little bit hint of green okay so the ones that I’m going to try that are totally new Jimmy misai it’s some type of green it says that it is really tasty it’s a super food a lot of vitamin A just like

Carrots and it has kind of an Umami velvety taste I gross is cold tolerant also which is great here because it stays cool for so long one that I’m really excited is they call it spinach strawberri but it gross these berries on it so it’s like a spinach leaf and it

Has like berries and you can eat the whole thing I was so excited when I heard about that one and then marshmallow I guess this is where they get the marshmallow um but it has this little flowers so pretty I thought I tried to grow this on a pot penia an African

Native original source of an Egyptian confection with which evolved into today’s marshmallows but also eaten as a vegetable so I thought that was super interesting and carrot wise I I don’t know last year I got so involved with other things that I did not grow carrots

But this year I’m going to grow some carrots I’m going to grow the atomic red CU I think I want some orange carrots and then they get gave a a free Coral seed package and then I everybody everybody see is growing this one Leela luang gorgeous carrot so I can’t wait to

Try that one and one that I think would be interesting is the Manu Muki carrot and it grows really deep so I thought on my really deep bed it would be perfect the herbs I’ll do herbs is I I’m going to do a lot of Holly so my plan is to I

Have this green vertical garden that is just the pockets I’ll try to show an image but what happens is when I water that it requires more watering like more often as it starts getting warm and the dalas don’t cuz the tubers hold a lot of

Water so I want to go ahead and move that where the gravel is with the other ones and then there I’m going to put some uh planter I may ask my husb custom to build me a custom one we’ll see uh but I want to grow a lot of herbs and

Things that are more for tea so you might make tea corner but I’m growing Holly basil I want to grow a lot of this and dry it for next year for the winter I have a bunch of deal in my grow area I have deal and cilantro seats waiting to be put away

And I still have not done it so I need to get to it but I am going to grow de I love deal because if you have issues with pollinators I let it bolt so I grow plenty of it so some of it won’t bolt and some of it will bolt and the

Pollinators love it so the cilantro and the deal are perfect for the pollinator so I I am going to grow more cilantro this year I had a hard time getting it to get going but I’m going to start early uh maybe next week to try to get it going

And then basil I have this Cardinal basil which I thought was really interesting is that pretty look at that it has this flower heads that are like this purple red color but it’s pretty big and you can use them as flower arrangements so I’m going to try

To grow this one in pots this purple ball because I’ve grow other purple but this one is like more dense looking it has this little clusters gorgeous and I have a shisha red which is a mint uh is from Johnny seeds um Shish show red mint and then

Another thing that I want is a lot more Sage but I want white sage and I have not grown the white sage I grow all sorts of different colors that I absolutely love I grow both for ornamental but I also grow it cuz it’s good for cooking but there’s so many

Beautiful ones with like variation and purples on it soft purples like a lavender but this is the white sage I don’t have any of it and I found this company it’s called um it’s in Oregon it’s a local company and it’s called strictly medical edible flowers I’m not

Going to go like I said Over Flowers oh but I’m going to go over edible because I love them so this is petunia super Bima and I grow this one last year they’re so beautiful the trick is that I didn’t do this cuz I got I didn’t pay

Attention and I you need to just cut them at the beginning just like a normal petino so they Bush up the seeds are super tiny I mean you can’t even see that I kind of tested it last year and ended up loving it the other one is people don’t like to

Grow this a lot of people don’t like it I don’t know why but Naran they’re absolutely stunning I think they’re beautiful and what I like the most is that you can eat the flour my bunny loves the flowers I do too and the leaves you can eat them you can make a

Pesto out of the leaves which is great or you can use them as wrap they have a peppy taste to them and take the whole plan and like fermented and you can use it as a pesticide but the best part is that I had this all over my garden

Because I do not like marles I try to like them but I don’t like them so I grew this all over because I have an issue with aphis cuz it rains here so much and it was incredible I got no Apes anywhere except for the Nar stations and

I’ll show you images I mean they were like so full by September uh but the flowers were find mostly in the stem and some of the leaves that it goes and I just would snap the leaf and cut it or cut the whole thing out and and get rid of it

But let let them come in because they’re just concentrated on those plants and didn’t go my bunny is eating sorry um they didn’t go to the rest of it so the one that my absolute favorite is cherry rose Jewel this is St it looks like little Ruffles roses almost they’re so

Pretty the color is so beautiful the other one I really like is Alaska red shades so I’m growing Bush Type n um naration I don’t want to grow their Vines I did grow their Vines one year it was great I did it on my secret garden over here and it grew all along

And I harvested all the seeds cuz you can also eat the seeds I make capers out of the seeds it was really good but it just tastes takes over I did the vines cuz they grow even more to me than the bush um but it did take over it was a

Lot so I’m not doing the vines this year but this Alaska has a variegated leaves it’s absolutely St stunning look at that red so pretty and the last one that I love I had this one last year and I could not get over how beautiful it’s called

Orchid cream and it looks like an orchid look at those colors so pretty it it looked exactly or even more beautiful on the picture sometimes you see the picture and things are not the same and then borage I did not grow any last year um the year

Before that I think the white one I’m going to grow the blue one if you haven’t grown this the pollinators love it but the flowers are really good they they taste like a cucumber flavor so I want more edible flowers for salads and for my bunny so I am going to grow this

And a PO don’t grow it if it’s not in a pot because it will spread like crazy I’ve grow it on a pot but where there is like no grass or no soil around uh so I do it on my patio and then fever few I grew fever

Few uh last year I do grow chamomile but the chamomile spreads it grew on my path and it did so well I harvested a bunch so I ended up growing fever few on the pots and it looks just like Camile and uh it does have some benefits to it so I

Ended up getting from flored Farm I got the fuse snowball it’s VMO snowball so instead of being open like they came me was like a little pom pom and I thought it was really beautiful for flower arranging but also you can you know have it for medicinal

Purposes okay let’s go to eggplant so I’m between two right now which is AUB jeene long purple I just got this one I heard it’s really delicious and then the Chinese string um I did not grow it last year I ended up doing the miniature egpl and it did really well so

I may do both and place them on the really big trellis in the center of my round bed where I grew my orange accordion tomato cuz I I like to test stuff and then the other one is Rosa Bianca which I’m going to grow on the patio on a

Pot it doesn’t have a picture but it’s called Rosa Bianca from Eden Brothers KET garden mix the small 2in little florets grow on a main stem and then the Russian red raggot Jack absolutely stunning kale I like these KES it’s purple to me they taste really good and

They’re thinner and then the Scarlet I’ve always grown this one really good and then I’m going to do a basket of different radishes I did not grow any radishes or carrots last year I don’t know why I was just into growing other stuff and I didn’t grow it the Swiss CH

That I like I’ve tried the rainbow one and and it just doesn’t grow that great here I don’t know why but the pink does great and my bunny loves it she loves the stocks of the chard so I caught them I cut the top give it to the quails um

And then I take the stocks and put them in water and I give it to her as a snack because she’s a bger grow this one I have these two uh korabi one is purple delicacy it looks like it grows wider takes more space so I found this one called blower I don’t

Know flower spec and it has specs of green and I think it’s more compact so I may end up growing this one and then I got a free packet of buck Choy which is great because I keep trying to grow the purple one and my for

Some reason the Slugs and snails love it they just I cannot get it to grow here but the green one they leave alone which is really weird because the lettuce if it’s purple they don’t touch it the green one they eat it all up if you’re finding value on this video please give

It a thumbs up it really does help grow the channel trying to figure out where I’m going to plant this I don’t know if I’ll be able to grow it I’m going to try but hibiscus I’m be redoing the front to grow more veggies I’m going to grow this purple brussel sprouts

It is called brussel sprouts red ball isn’t that pretty I cannot wait and I think since we have sun on the front it’ll it’ll grow strawberry monster is like a really big strawberry and this one I’m excited too I keep saying I’m excited but it’s growing season Tom Thumb

Lettuce it’s like 3 to 4 in across so it’s really tiny this it looks like Russell Sprouts but it’s a lettuce I have a few seeds that I forgot to show you and I just got some of them so one is kandula I grew this seite last

Year and the year before but they grow all over I don’t need to start new seeds but it’s really beautiful I really like them so this year I may try this strawberry lawn it’s very similar so I’m curious to see how it looks but the one

That I really want to grow because of the medicinal I can do different things with it it’s frina and I want to grow it to do balm and lotions things like that so I feed the candas also to my bunnies and quails I want to grow the butterfly pee this is

A double blue I did not grow it last year but I want to grow it to place it for my tea containers and I’m also going to add a lot of time to my garden all right that’s it for seats as far as food goes I have a lot of flowers so if

You’re interested in looking at flower seats and staying a hul let me know in the comments below and I will do that next always remember to keep living your dream in that small garden

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